Belle II Software
Classes | |
class | arichBtestModule |
The UserTutorial module. More... | |
class | ARICHChannelMaskModule |
Testing module for collection of calibration data. More... | |
class | ARICHDigitizerModule |
ARICH digitizer module. More... | |
class | ARICHDQMModule |
Make summary of data quality from reconstruction. More... | |
class | ARICHFillHitsModule |
Fill ARICHHit collection from ARICHDigits. More... | |
class | ARICHMCParticlesModule |
Module to match ARICH hits to MCParticles. More... | |
class | ARICHNtupleModule |
ARICH reconstruction efficiency test module. More... | |
class | ARICHPackerModule |
Raw data packer for ARICH. More... | |
class | ARICHRateCalModule |
Fill ARICHHit collection from ARICHDigits. More... | |
class | ARICHRawUnpackerModule |
Fill ARICHHit collection from ARICHDigits. More... | |
class | ARICHReconstruction |
Internal ARICH track reconstruction. More... | |
class | ARICHReconstructorModule |
ARICH subdetector main module. More... | |
class | ARICHRelateModule |
Creates relations between ARICHAeroHits and ExtHits. More... | |
class | arichToNtupleModule |
This module extends existing variablesToNtuple to append detailed arich information to candidates in the analysis output ntuple. More... | |
struct | ARICHRawHeader |
class | ARICHUnpackerModule |
Raw data unpacker for ARICH. More... | |
Macros | |
#define | ARICH_BUFFER_NWORDS 252 |
Functions | |
REG_MODULE (arichBtest) | |
Register the Module. | |
REG_MODULE (ARICHDigitizer) | |
Register the Module. | |
TH2 * | moduleHitMap (TH1 *hitMap, int moduleID) |
Make hit map in HAPD view (12*12 channels) More... | |
TH2 * | moduleDeadMap (TH1 *hitMap, int moduleID) |
Make chip dead/alive map in HAPD view (2*2 chips) More... | |
TH1 * | mergerClusterHitMap1D (TH1 *hitMap, int mergerID) |
Make 1D hit map of specified Merger Board. More... | |
TCanvas * | mergerClusterHitMap2D (TH1 *hitMap, int mergerID) |
Make display of 6 HAPDs' 2D hit map of the Merger Board. More... | |
TCanvas * | sectorHitMap (TH1 *hitMap, int sector) |
Make display of 70 HAPDs' 2D hit map of the sector. More... | |
TCanvas * | sectorDeadMap (TH1 *hitMap, int sector) |
Make display of 70 HAPDs' 2D dead/alive map of the sector. More... | |
void | deadPalette () |
Register module. | |
Register module. | |
Register module. | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (ARICHRawUnpacker) | |
REG_MODULE (ARICHReconstructor) | |
Register the Module. | |
Register module. | |
REG_MODULE (ARICHUnpacker) | |
Register module. | |
arichBtestModule () | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual void | initialize () override |
Initialize the Module. More... | |
virtual void | beginRun () override |
Called when entering a new run. More... | |
int | skipdata (gzFile fp) |
Skip the data part of the record. | |
void | readmwpc (unsigned int *dbuf, unsigned int len, int print=0) |
Read the MWPC information from the data buffer. | |
int | readhapd (unsigned int len, unsigned int *data) |
Read the HAPD hits from the data buffer. | |
int | getTrack (int mask, TVector3 &r, TVector3 &dir) |
Beamtest Track reconstruction. | |
int | readdata (gzFile fp, int rec_id, int print) |
Read the data from the file (can be compressed) | |
virtual void | event () override |
Running over all events. More... | |
virtual void | endRun () override |
Is called after processing the last event of a run. More... | |
virtual void | terminate () override |
Is called at the end of your Module. More... | |
ARICHDigitizerModule () | |
Constructor. | |
virtual | ~ARICHDigitizerModule () |
Destructor. | |
virtual void | initialize () override |
Initialize the Module. More... | |
virtual void | beginRun () override |
Called when entering a new run. More... | |
virtual void | event () override |
Event processor. More... | |
void | magFieldDistorsion (TVector2 &hit, int copyno) |
Apply correction to hit position due to non-perpendicular component of magnetic field. More... | |
ARICHDQMModule () | |
Constructor. | |
virtual | ~ARICHDQMModule () |
Destructor. | |
virtual void | defineHisto () override |
Function to define histograms. More... | |
virtual void | initialize () override |
Initialize the Module. More... | |
virtual void | beginRun () override |
Called when entering a new run. More... | |
virtual void | event () override |
Event processor. | |
virtual void | endRun () override |
End-of-run action. More... | |
ARICHFillHitsModule () | |
Constructor. | |
virtual | ~ARICHFillHitsModule () |
Destructor. | |
virtual void | initialize () override |
Initialize the Module. More... | |
virtual void | event () override |
Event processor. | |
void | magFieldCorrection (TVector3 &hitpos) |
Corrects hit position for distorsion due to non-perpendicular magnetic field component. | |
ARICHMCParticlesModule () | |
Constructor. | |
virtual | ~ARICHMCParticlesModule () |
Destructor. | |
virtual void | initialize () override |
Initialize the Module. More... | |
virtual void | event () override |
Event processor. | |
ARICHNtupleModule () | |
Constructor. | |
virtual | ~ARICHNtupleModule () |
Destructor. | |
virtual void | initialize () override |
Initialize the Module. More... | |
virtual void | event () override |
Event processor. | |
virtual void | terminate () override |
Termination action. More... | |
ARICHPackerModule () | |
Constructor. | |
virtual | ~ARICHPackerModule () |
Destructor. | |
virtual void | initialize () override |
Initialize the Module. More... | |
virtual void | event () override |
Event processor. | |
void | writeHeader (int *buffer, unsigned &ibyte, const ARICHRawHeader &head) |
TODO! | |
unsigned int | calbyte (const int *buf) |
unsigned int | calword (const int *buf) |
ARICHRateCalModule () | |
Constructor. | |
virtual | ~ARICHRateCalModule () |
Destructor. | |
virtual void | defineHisto () override |
Function to define histograms. More... | |
virtual void | initialize () override |
Initialize the Module. More... | |
virtual void | beginRun () override |
Called when entering a new run. More... | |
virtual void | event () override |
Event processor. | |
unsigned int | calbyte (const int *buf) |
unsigned int | calword (const int *buf) |
ARICHRawUnpackerModule () | |
Constructor. | |
virtual | ~ARICHRawUnpackerModule () |
Destructor. | |
virtual void | defineHisto () override |
Function to define histograms. More... | |
virtual void | initialize () override |
Initialize the Module. More... | |
virtual void | event () override |
Event processor. | |
ARICHReconstruction (int storePhotons=0) | |
Constructor. | |
void | initialize () |
read geomerty parameters from xml and initialize class memebers | |
int | InsideDetector (TVector3 a, int copyno) |
Returns 1 if vector "a" lies on "copyno"-th detector active surface of detector and 0 else. | |
int | smearTrack (ARICHTrack &arichTrack) |
Smeares track parameters ("simulate" the uncertainties of tracking). | |
TVector3 | FastTracking (TVector3 dirf, TVector3 r, double *refind, double *z, int n, int opt) |
Calculates the intersection of the Cherenkov photon emitted from point "r" in "dirf" direction with the detector plane. More... | |
TVector3 | HitVirtualPosition (const TVector3 &hitpos, int mirrorID) |
Returns the hit virtual position, assuming that it was reflected from mirror. More... | |
bool | HitsMirror (const TVector3 &pos, const TVector3 &dir, int mirrorID) |
returns true if photon at position pos with direction dir hits mirror plate with ID mirrorID | |
int | CherenkovPhoton (TVector3 r, TVector3 rh, TVector3 &rf, TVector3 &dirf, double *refind, double *z, int n, int mirrorID=0) |
Calculates the direction of photon emission. More... | |
int | likelihood2 (ARICHTrack &arichTrack, const StoreArray< ARICHHit > &arichHits, ARICHLikelihood &arichLikelihood) |
Computes the value of identity likelihood function for different particle hypotheses. | |
void | setTrackPositionResolution (double pRes) |
Sets track position resolution (from tracking) | |
void | setTrackAngleResolution (double aRes) |
Sets track direction resolution (from tracking) | |
TVector3 | getTrackMeanEmissionPosition (const ARICHTrack &track, int iAero) |
Returns mean emission position of Cherenkov photons from i-th aerogel layer. | |
TVector3 | getTrackPositionAtZ (const ARICHTrack &track, double zout) |
Returns track direction at point with z coordinate "zout" (assumes straight track). | |
void | transformTrackToLocal (ARICHTrack &arichTrack, bool align) |
Transforms track parameters from global Belle2 to ARICH local frame. | |
TVector3 | getMirrorPoint (int mirrorID) |
Returns point on the mirror plate with id mirrorID. | |
TVector3 | getMirrorNorm (int mirrorID) |
Returns normal vector of the mirror plate with id mirrorID. | |
void | correctEmissionPoint (int tileID, double r) |
correct mean emission point z position | |
ARICHReconstructorModule () | |
Constructor. | |
virtual | ~ARICHReconstructorModule () |
Destructor. | |
virtual void | initialize () override |
Initialize the Module. | |
virtual void | beginRun () override |
Called when entering a new run. | |
virtual void | event () override |
Event processor. | |
void | printModuleParams () |
Print module parameters. | |
ARICHRelateModule () | |
Constructor. | |
virtual void | initialize () override |
Initialize the Module. More... | |
virtual void | event () override |
Event processor. | |
unsigned int | calbyte (const int *buf) |
calculate number of bytes in raw Unpacker | |
unsigned int | cal2byte (const int *buf) |
calculate number of lines (2 bytes) in raw Unpacker | |
unsigned int | calword (const int *buf) |
calculate number of words in raw Unpacker | |
ARICHUnpackerModule () | |
Constructor. | |
virtual | ~ARICHUnpackerModule () |
Destructor. | |
virtual void | initialize () override |
Initialize the Module. More... | |
virtual void | event () override |
Event processor. More... | |
void | readHeader (const int *buffer, unsigned &ibyte, ARICHRawHeader &head) |
void | readFEHeader (const int *buffer, unsigned &ibyte, ARICHRawHeader &head) |
read Merger header | |
void | printBits (const int *buffer, int bufferSize) |
Unpack raw data given in production format. More... | |
Variables | |
TNtuple * | m_tuple |
ntuple containing hapd hits | |
TH1F * | hapd [6] |
histogram of hits for each hapd | |
TH1F * | mwpc_tdc [4][5] |
tdc information from mwpcs | |
TH1F * | mwpc_diff [4][2] |
tdc difference from mwpcs | |
TH1F * | mwpc_sum [4][2] |
tdc sum from mwpcs | |
TH1F * | mwpc_sum_cut [4][2] |
tdc sum from mwpcs, with sum cut applied | |
TH1F * | mwpc_residuals [4][2] |
residuals from mwpcs | |
TH2F * | mwpc_xy [4] |
calculated x-y track positions | |
TH2F * | mwpc_residualsz [4][2] |
z-residuals from mwpcs | |
arichBtestModule | ( | ) |
Sets the module parameters.
Definition at line 62 of file
overridevirtual |
Called when entering a new run.
At the beginning of each run, the function gives you the chance to change run dependent constants like alignment parameters, etc.
Reimplemented from Module.
Definition at line 148 of file
overridevirtual |
Called when entering a new run.
Set run dependent things like run header parameters, alignment, etc.
Reimplemented from Module.
Definition at line 89 of file
overridevirtual |
Called when entering a new run.
Set run dependent things like run header parameters, alignment, etc.
Reimplemented from HistoModule.
Definition at line 176 of file
overridevirtual |
Called when entering a new run.
Set run dependent things like run header parameters, alignment, etc.
Reimplemented from HistoModule.
Definition at line 104 of file
private |
Calculates the direction of photon emission.
Giving the Cherenkov photon emission point "r" and its position on detector plane "rh" (hit position) this methods calculates the direction "dirf" in which photon was emitted, under the assumption that it was reflected from "nmir"-th mirror plate (nmir=-1 for no reflection).
r | vector of photon emission point |
rh | photon hit position |
dirf | vector of photon emission direction (this is output of method) |
rf | vector of photon position on aerogel exit |
refind | array of layers refractive indices |
n | number of aerogel layers through which photon passes |
z | array of z coordinates of borders between layers |
nmir | id of mirror from which the foton was reflected (assuming). |
Definition at line 250 of file
overridevirtual |
Function to define histograms.
This function is hooked to HistoManager by calling RbTupleManager::Instance().register_module ( this ) or using a macro REG_HISTOGRAM. It is supposed to be done in initialize() function.
Reimplemented from HistoModule.
Definition at line 62 of file
overridevirtual |
Function to define histograms.
This function is hooked to HistoManager by calling RbTupleManager::Instance().register_module ( this ) or using a macro REG_HISTOGRAM. It is supposed to be done in initialize() function.
Reimplemented from HistoModule.
Definition at line 65 of file
overridevirtual |
Function to define histograms.
This function is hooked to HistoManager by calling RbTupleManager::Instance().register_module ( this ) or using a macro REG_HISTOGRAM. It is supposed to be done in initialize() function.
Reimplemented from HistoModule.
Definition at line 46 of file
overridevirtual |
Is called after processing the last event of a run.
Good e.g. for storing stuff, that you want to aggregate over one run.
Reimplemented from Module.
Definition at line 554 of file
overridevirtual |
End-of-run action.
Save run-related stuff, such as statistics.
Reimplemented from HistoModule.
Definition at line 398 of file
overridevirtual |
Running over all events.
Function is called for each evRunning over all events This means, this function is called very often, and good performance of the code is of strong interest.
Reimplemented from Module.
Definition at line 465 of file
overridevirtual |
Event processor.
Convert ARICHSimHits of the event to arichDigits.
Reimplemented from Module.
Definition at line 94 of file
overridevirtual |
Event processor.
temporary! FEB Slots on merger should be 1-6 (now 0-5). Remove when firmware is updated!
Reimplemented from Module.
Definition at line 90 of file
private |
Calculates the intersection of the Cherenkov photon emitted from point "r" in "dirf" direction with the detector plane.
r | vector of photon emission point |
dirf | direction of photon emission |
n | number of aerogel layers through which photon passes |
refind | array of layers refractive indices |
z | array of z coordinates of borders between layers |
Definition at line 149 of file
private |
Returns the hit virtual position, assuming that it was reflected from mirror.
hitpos | vector of hit position |
mirrorID | id of mirror from which the photon was reflected |
Definition at line 223 of file
overridevirtual |
Initialize the Module.
Function is called only once at the beginning of your job at the beginning of the corresponding module. Things that can be done here, should be done here, as it is relatively cheap in terms of CPU time.
Reimplemented from Module.
Definition at line 92 of file
overridevirtual |
Initialize the Module.
This method is called at the beginning of data processing.
Reimplemented from Module.
Definition at line 73 of file
overridevirtual |
Initialize the Module.
This method is called at the beginning of data processing.
better use isRequired(), but RawFTSW is not in sim
Reimplemented from HistoModule.
Definition at line 161 of file
overridevirtual |
Initialize the Module.
This method is called at the beginning of data processing.
Reimplemented from Module.
Definition at line 57 of file
overridevirtual |
Initialize the Module.
This method is called at the beginning of data processing.
Reimplemented from Module.
Definition at line 52 of file
overridevirtual |
Initialize the Module.
This method is called at the beginning of data processing.
Reimplemented from Module.
Definition at line 69 of file
overridevirtual |
Initialize the Module.
This method is called at the beginning of data processing.
Reimplemented from Module.
Definition at line 62 of file
overridevirtual |
Initialize the Module.
This method is called at the beginning of data processing.
Reimplemented from HistoModule.
Definition at line 94 of file
overridevirtual |
Initialize the Module.
This method is called at the beginning of data processing.
Reimplemented from HistoModule.
Definition at line 54 of file
overridevirtual |
Initialize the Module.
This method is called at the beginning of data processing.
Reimplemented from Module.
Definition at line 49 of file
overridevirtual |
Initialize the Module.
This method is called at the beginning of data processing.
Reimplemented from Module.
Definition at line 73 of file
void magFieldDistorsion | ( | TVector2 & | hit, |
int | copyno | ||
) |
Apply correction to hit position due to non-perpendicular component of magnetic field.
hit | local position of simhit |
copyno | copy number of hapd |
Definition at line 190 of file
TH1 * mergerClusterHitMap1D | ( | TH1 * | hitMap, |
int | mergerID | ||
) |
Make 1D hit map of specified Merger Board.
1D | hit map of all channels |
Merfer | board identifier [1:72] |
Definition at line 95 of file
TCanvas * mergerClusterHitMap2D | ( | TH1 * | hitMap, |
int | mergerID | ||
) |
Make display of 6 HAPDs' 2D hit map of the Merger Board.
1D | hit map of all channels |
Merfer | board identifier [1:72] |
Definition at line 120 of file
TH2 * moduleDeadMap | ( | TH1 * | hitMap, |
int | moduleID | ||
) |
Make chip dead/alive map in HAPD view (2*2 chips)
1D | hit map of all channels |
Module | identifier [1:420] |
Definition at line 62 of file
TH2 * moduleHitMap | ( | TH1 * | hitMap, |
int | moduleID | ||
) |
Make hit map in HAPD view (12*12 channels)
1D | hit map of all channels |
Module | identifier [1:420] |
Definition at line 38 of file
private |
Unpack raw data given in production format.
buffer | raw data buffer |
bufferSize | buffer size |
Definition at line 529 of file
TCanvas * sectorDeadMap | ( | TH1 * | hitMap, |
int | sector | ||
) |
Make display of 70 HAPDs' 2D dead/alive map of the sector.
1D | hit map of all channels |
Sector | identifier [1:6] |
Definition at line 176 of file
TCanvas * sectorHitMap | ( | TH1 * | hitMap, |
int | sector | ||
) |
Make display of 70 HAPDs' 2D hit map of the sector.
1D | hit map of all channels |
Sector | identifier [1:6] |
Definition at line 144 of file
overridevirtual |
Is called at the end of your Module.
Function is called only once at the end of your job at the end of the corresponding module. This function is for cleaning up, closing files, etc.
Reimplemented from Module.
Definition at line 567 of file
overridevirtual |
Termination action.
Clean-up, close files, summarize statistics, etc.
Reimplemented from Module.
Definition at line 336 of file