Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
framework data objects
Collaboration diagram for framework data objects:


class  BackgroundInfo
 This class stores the information about what background was mixed or overlayed. More...
class  BackgroundMetaData
 Metadata information about the beam background file. More...
class  BinnedEventT0
 Database object for storing a binned EventT0 coming from the trigger. More...
class  DigitBase
 A common base for subdetector Digits. More...
class  DisplayData
 Add custom information to the display. More...
class  EventExtraInfo
 Class to stores ExtraInfo of the whole event. More...
class  EventMetaData
 Store event, run, and experiment numbers. More...
class  EventT0
 Storage element for the eventwise T0 estimation. More...
class  FileMetaData
 Metadata information about a file. More...
class  Helix
 This class represents an ideal helix in perigee parameterization. More...
class  MCInitialParticles
 This class contains the initial state for the given event. More...
class  MergedEventConsistency
 Mark if we want to merge the DataStore of a combination of events or not. More...
class  ProfileInfo
 Store execution time and memory usage. More...
class  RelationContainer
 Class to store relations between StoreArrays in the DataStore. More...
class  RelationElement
 Class to store a single element of a relation. More...
class  TestChunkData
 Storable object which can be filled with random chunk data of a certain size. More...
class  UncertainHelix
 This class represents an ideal helix in perigee parameterization including the covariance matrix of the 5 perigee parameters. More...


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &output, const Helix &helix)
 Output operator for debugging and the generation of unittest error messages.
void calculateBoost () const
 Calculate the boost if necessary.
void resetBoost ()
 Reset cached transformations after changing parameters.

Detailed Description