Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
UncertainHelix Class Reference

This class represents an ideal helix in perigee parameterization including the covariance matrix of the 5 perigee parameters. More...

#include <UncertainHelix.h>

Inheritance diagram for UncertainHelix:
Collaboration diagram for UncertainHelix:

Public Member Functions

 UncertainHelix ()
 Default constuctor initialising all members to zero.
 UncertainHelix (const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &position, const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &momentum, const short int charge, const double bZ, const TMatrixDSym &cartesianCovariance, const double pValue)
 Constructor initializing class with fit result. More...
 UncertainHelix (const double &d0, const double &phi0, const double &omega, const double &z0, const double &tanLambda, const TMatrixDSym &covariance, const double pValue)
 Constructor initializing class with perigee parameters. More...
TMatrixDSym getCartesianCovariance (const double bZ_tesla=1.5) const
 Getter for the position and momentum covariance matrix. More...
double getPValue () const
 Getter for Chi2 Probability of the track fit.
const TMatrixDSym & getCovariance () const
 Getter for covariance matrix of perigee parameters in matrix form.
void reverse ()
 Reverses the direction of travel of the helix in place. More...
double passiveMoveBy (const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &by)
 Moves origin of the coordinate system (passive transformation) by the given vector. More...
double passiveMoveBy (const double &byX, const double &byY, const double &byZ)
 Moves origin of the coordinate system (passive transformation) by the given vector. More...
const HepPoint3Dcenter (void) const
 returns position of helix center(z = 0.);
const HepPoint3Dpivot (void) const
 returns pivot position.
const HepPoint3Dpivot (const HepPoint3D &newPivot)
 Sets pivot position.
double radius (void) const
 returns radious of helix.
HepPoint3D x (double dPhi=0.) const
 returns position after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction. More...
double * x (double dPhi, double p[3]) const
 returns position after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction. More...
HepPoint3D x (double dPhi, HepSymMatrix &Ex) const
 returns position and convariance matrix(Ex) after rotation.
Hep3Vector direction (double dPhi=0.) const
 returns direction vector after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction.
Hep3Vector momentum (double dPhi=0.) const
 returns momentum vector after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction.
Hep3Vector momentum (double dPhi, HepSymMatrix &Em) const
 returns momentum vector after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction.
HepLorentzVector momentum (double dPhi, double mass) const
 returns 4momentum vector after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction.
HepLorentzVector momentum (double dPhi, double mass, HepSymMatrix &Em) const
 returns 4momentum vector after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction.
HepLorentzVector momentum (double dPhi, double mass, HepPoint3D &x, HepSymMatrix &Emx) const
 returns 4momentum vector after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction.
double dr (void) const
 Return helix parameter dr.
double phi0 (void) const
 Return helix parameter phi0.
double kappa (void) const
 Return helix parameter kappa.
double dz (void) const
 Return helix parameter dz.
double tanl (void) const
 Return helix parameter tangent lambda.
double curv (void) const
 Return curvature of helix.
double sinPhi0 (void) const
 Return sin phi0.
double cosPhi0 (void) const
 Return cos phi0.
const HepVector & a (void) const
 Returns helix parameters.
const HepVector & a (const HepVector &newA)
 Sets helix parameters.
const HepSymMatrix & Ea (void) const
 Returns error matrix.
const HepSymMatrix & Ea (const HepSymMatrix &newdA)
 Sets helix paramters and error matrix.
void set (const HepPoint3D &pivot, const HepVector &a, const HepSymMatrix &Ea)
 Sets helix pivot position, parameters, and error matrix.
void ignoreErrorMatrix (void)
 Unsets error matrix. More...
double bFieldZ (double bz)
 Sets/returns z componet of the magnetic field. More...
double bFieldZ (void) const
 Returns z componet of the magnetic field.
HepMatrix delApDelA (const HepVector &ap) const
HepMatrix delXDelA (double phi) const
HepMatrix delMDelA (double phi) const
HepMatrix del4MDelA (double phi, double mass) const
HepMatrix del4MXDelA (double phi, double mass) const

Static Public Member Functions

static void set_limits (const HepVector &a_min, const HepVector &a_max)
 set limit for parameter "a"
static bool set_exception (bool)
 set exception
static bool set_print (bool)
 Set print option for debugging.

Static Public Attributes

static const double ConstantAlpha = 222.376063
 Constant alpha for uniform field.

Private Member Functions

 ClassDef (UncertainHelix, 2)
 represents an ideal helix in perigee parameterization including covariance matrix
void updateCache (void)
void checkValid (void)
 Check whether helix parameters is valid or not. More...
void debugPrint (void) const
 Print the helix parameters to stdout.
void debugHelix (void) const
 Debug Helix.

Private Attributes

TMatrixDSym m_covariance
 5x5 covariance of the perigee parameters.
Double32_t m_pValue
 Chi2 Probability of the fit.
bool m_matrixValid
 True: matrix valid, False: matrix not valid.
bool m_helixValid
 True: helix valid, False: helix not valid.
double m_bField
 Magnetic field, assuming uniform Bz in the unit of kG.
double m_alpha
 10000.0/(speed of light)/B.
HepPoint3D m_pivot
HepVector m_a
 Helix parameter.
HepSymMatrix m_Ea
 Error of the helix parameter.
HepPoint3D m_center
 Cache of the center position of Helix.
double m_cp
 Cache of the cos phi0.
double m_sp
 Cache of the sin phi0.
double m_pt
 Cache of the pt.
double m_r
 Cache of the r.
double m_ac [5]
 Cache of the helix parameter.

Static Private Attributes

static HepVector ms_amin
 minimum limit of Helix parameter a
static HepVector ms_amax
 maxiimum limit of Helix parameter a
static bool ms_check_range
 Check the helix parameter's range.
static bool ms_print_debug
 Debug option flag.
static bool ms_throw_exception
 Throw exception flag.
static const std::string invalidhelix
 String "Invalid Helix".

Detailed Description

This class represents an ideal helix in perigee parameterization including the covariance matrix of the 5 perigee parameters.

The used perigee parameters are:

  1. $ d_0 $ - the signed distance from the origin to the perigee. The sign is positive (negative), if the angle from the xy perigee position vector to the transverse momentum vector is +pi/2 (-pi/2). $d_0$ has the same sign as getPerigee().Cross(getMomentum()).Z().
  2. $ \phi_0 $ - the angle in the xy projection between the transverse momentum and the x axis, which is in [-pi, pi]
  3. $ \omega $ - the signed curvature of the track where the sign is given by the charge of the particle
  4. $ z_0 $ - z coordinate of the perigee
  5. $ \tan \lambda $ - the slope of the track in the sz plane (dz/ds)

in that exact order.

It may also store a p-value obtained from the fit of the helix.

Definition at line 36 of file UncertainHelix.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ UncertainHelix() [1/2]

UncertainHelix ( const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &  position,
const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &  momentum,
const short int  charge,
const double  bZ,
const TMatrixDSym &  cartesianCovariance,
const double  pValue 

Constructor initializing class with fit result.

The given position, momentum and their covariance matrix are extrapolated to the perigee assuming a homogeneous magnetic field in the z direction.

positionPosition of the track at the perigee.
momentumMomentum of the track at the perigee.
chargeCharge of the particle.
bZMagnetic field to be used for the calculation of the curvature;
cartesianCovariance6x6 Covariance matrix for position and momentum of the track at the perigee.
pValuep-value of the fit. It is assumed, that the B-field is parallel to the z-Axis.

Definition at line 24 of file

29  :
30  Helix(ROOT::Math::XYZVector(0.0, 0.0, position.Z()), momentum, charge, bZ),
31  m_covariance(cartesianCovariance), // Initialize the covariance matrix to the 6x6 covariance and reduce it afterwards
32  m_pValue(pValue)
33 {
34  // Maybe push these out of this function:
35  // Indices of the cartesian coordinates
36  const int iX = 0;
37  const int iY = 1;
38  const int iZ = 2;
39  const int iPx = 3;
40  const int iPy = 4;
41  const int iPz = 5;
43  // We initialised the m_covariance to the cartesian covariance and
44  // reduce it now to the real 5x5 matrix that should be there.
46  // 1. Rotate to a system where phi0 = 0
47  TMatrixD jacobianRot(6, 6);
48  jacobianRot.Zero();
50  const double px = momentum.X();
51  const double py = momentum.Y();
52  const double pt = hypot(px, py);
53  const double cosPhi0 = px / pt;
54  const double sinPhi0 = py / pt;
56  // Passive rotation matrix by phi0:
57  jacobianRot(iX, iX) = cosPhi0;
58  jacobianRot(iX, iY) = sinPhi0;
59  jacobianRot(iY, iX) = -sinPhi0;
60  jacobianRot(iY, iY) = cosPhi0;
61  jacobianRot(iZ, iZ) = 1.0;
63  jacobianRot(iPx, iPx) = cosPhi0;
64  jacobianRot(iPx, iPy) = sinPhi0;
65  jacobianRot(iPy, iPx) = -sinPhi0;
66  jacobianRot(iPy, iPy) = cosPhi0;
67  jacobianRot(iPz, iPz) = 1.0;
69  m_covariance.Similarity(jacobianRot);
71  // 2. Translate to perigee parameters on the position
72  const double pz = momentum.Z();
73  const double invPt = 1 / pt;
74  const double invPtSquared = invPt * invPt;
75  const double alpha = getAlpha(bZ);
77  TMatrixD jacobianToHelixParameters(5, 6);
78  jacobianToHelixParameters.Zero();
80  jacobianToHelixParameters(iD0, iY) = -1;
81  jacobianToHelixParameters(iPhi0, iX) = charge * invPt / alpha;
82  jacobianToHelixParameters(iPhi0, iPy) = invPt;
83  jacobianToHelixParameters(iOmega, iPx) = -charge * invPtSquared / alpha;
84  jacobianToHelixParameters(iTanLambda, iPx) = - pz * invPtSquared;
85  jacobianToHelixParameters(iTanLambda, iPz) = invPt;
86  jacobianToHelixParameters(iZ0, iX) = - pz * invPt;
87  jacobianToHelixParameters(iZ0, iZ) = 1;
88  m_covariance.Similarity(jacobianToHelixParameters);
90  // The covariance m_covariance is now the correct 5x5 covariance matrix.
91  assert(m_covariance.GetNrows() == 5);
93  // 3. Extrapolate to the origin.
94  /* const double arcLength2D = */ passiveMoveBy(-position.X(), -position.Y(), 0.0);
95 }
Helix(const HepPoint3D &pivot, const HepVector &a, const HepSymMatrix &Ea)
Constructor with pivot, helix parameter a, and its error matrix.
Hep3Vector momentum(double dPhi=0.) const
returns momentum vector after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction.
double cosPhi0(void) const
Return cos phi0.
Definition: Helix.h:500
double sinPhi0(void) const
Return sin phi0.
Definition: Helix.h:492
Double32_t m_pValue
Chi2 Probability of the fit.
double passiveMoveBy(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &by)
Moves origin of the coordinate system (passive transformation) by the given vector.
TMatrixDSym m_covariance
5x5 covariance of the perigee parameters.
double charge(int pdgCode)
Returns electric charge of a particle with given pdg code.

◆ UncertainHelix() [2/2]

UncertainHelix ( const double &  d0,
const double &  phi0,
const double &  omega,
const double &  z0,
const double &  tanLambda,
const TMatrixDSym &  covariance,
const double  pValue 

Constructor initializing class with perigee parameters.

d0The signed distance from the origin to the perigee. The sign is positive (negative), if the angle from the xy perigee position vector to the transverse momentum vector is +pi/2 (-pi/2). d0 has the same sign as getPosition().Cross(getMomentum()).Z().
phi0The angle between the transverse momentum and the x axis and in [-pi, pi]
omegaThe signed curvature of the track where the sign is given by the charge of the particle
z0The z coordinate of the perigee.
tanLambdaThe slope of the track in the sz plane (dz/ds)
covariance5x5 Covariance matrix for the five helix parameters. Indices correspond to the order d0, phi0, omega, z0, tanLambda.
pValuep-value of the Helix fit

Definition at line 98 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ bFieldZ()

double bFieldZ ( double  bz)

Sets/returns z componet of the magnetic field.

[in]bzz-component of the magnetic field.
Helix param. alpha is also stored.

Definition at line 473 of file Helix.h.

474  {
476  m_bField = a;
477  m_alpha = 10000. / 2.99792458 / m_bField;
478  updateCache();
479  return m_bField;
480  }
void updateCache(void)
const HepVector & a(void) const
Returns helix parameters.
Definition: Helix.h:428
double m_alpha
10000.0/(speed of light)/B.
Definition: Helix.h:294
double m_bField
Magnetic field, assuming uniform Bz in the unit of kG.
Definition: Helix.h:292

◆ checkValid()

void checkValid ( void  )

Check whether helix parameters is valid or not.

Sets m_helixValid.

Definition at line 895 of file

896 {
898  if (!ms_check_range) return;
899  const double adr = fabs(m_a[0]);
900  const double acpa = fabs(m_a[2]);
901  if (!(adr >= ms_amin[0] && adr <= ms_amax[0])) {
902  m_helixValid = false;
903  } else if (!(acpa >= ms_amin[2] && acpa <= ms_amax[2])) {
904  m_helixValid = false;
905  } else {
906  m_helixValid = true;
907  }
908  if (!m_helixValid) {
909  if (m_a[0] != 0.0 || m_a[1] != 0.0 || m_a[2] != 0.0 ||
910  m_a[3] != 0.0 || m_a[4] != 0.0) {
912  }
913  }
915 }
bool m_helixValid
True: helix valid, False: helix not valid.
Definition: Helix.h:290
static bool ms_check_range
Check the helix parameter's range.
Definition: Helix.h:235
static HepVector ms_amin
minimum limit of Helix parameter a
Definition: Helix.h:231
HepVector m_a
Helix parameter.
Definition: Helix.h:298
static HepVector ms_amax
maxiimum limit of Helix parameter a
Definition: Helix.h:233

◆ getCartesianCovariance()

TMatrixDSym getCartesianCovariance ( const double  bZ_tesla = 1.5) const

Getter for the position and momentum covariance matrix.

Because the position and momentum covariance matrix is regenerated from a 5x5 perigee parameter covariance matrix there is necessarily a missing rank in the resulting matrix. The rank has to be filled by a convention essentially expressing, which points around the perigee are considered to be at s = 0. For backwards compatability with the original Belle experiment we apply the convention used there. See the Belle II note for more details.
bZ_teslaMagnetic field to be used for the calculation from the curvature;
  1. Rotate to the right phi0

Definition at line 113 of file

◆ ignoreErrorMatrix()

void ignoreErrorMatrix ( void  )

Unsets error matrix.

Error calculations will be ignored after this function call until an error matrix be set again. 0 matrix will be return as a return value for error matrix when you call functions which returns an error matrix.

Definition at line 872 of file

◆ passiveMoveBy() [1/2]

double passiveMoveBy ( const double &  byX,
const double &  byY,
const double &  byZ 

Moves origin of the coordinate system (passive transformation) by the given vector.

Updates the helix inplace.

byXX displacement by which the origin of the coordinate system should be moved.
byYY displacement by which the origin of the coordinate system should be moved.
byZZ displacement by which the origin of the coordinate system should be moved.
The double value is the two dimensional arc length, which has the be traversed from the old perigee to the new.

Definition at line 198 of file

◆ passiveMoveBy() [2/2]

double passiveMoveBy ( const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &  by)

Moves origin of the coordinate system (passive transformation) by the given vector.

Updates the helix inplace.

byVector by which the origin of the coordinate system should be moved.
The double value is the two dimensional arc length, which has the be traversed from the old perigee to the new.

Definition at line 117 of file UncertainHelix.h.

118  { return passiveMoveBy(by.X(), by.Y(), by.Z()); }

◆ reverse()

void reverse ( )

Reverses the direction of travel of the helix in place.

The same points that are located on the helix stay are the same after the transformation, but have the opposite two dimensional arc length associated to them. The momentum at each point is reversed. The charge sign is changed to its opposite by this transformation.

Definition at line 182 of file

◆ x() [1/2]

double * x ( double  dPhi,
double  p[3] 
) const

returns position after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction.

x = x0 + dr * cos(phi0) + (alpha / kappa) * (cos(phi0) - cos(phi0+phi)) y = y0 + dr * sin(phi0) + (alpha / kappa) * (sin(phi0) - sin(phi0+phi)) z = z0 + dz - (alpha / kappa) * tan(lambda) * phi


Definition at line 216 of file

◆ x() [2/2]

HepPoint3D x ( double  dPhi = 0.) const

returns position after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction.

x = x0 + dr * cos(phi0) + (alpha / kappa) * (cos(phi0) - cos(phi0+phi)) y = y0 + dr * sin(phi0) + (alpha / kappa) * (sin(phi0) - sin(phi0+phi)) z = z0 + dz - (alpha / kappa) * tan(lambda) * phi


Definition at line 197 of file

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