Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
Collaboration diagram for klm:


 klm data objects
 klm modules


class  BKLMDatabaseImporter
 This module writes BKLM data to database. More...
class  KLMCalibrationChecker
 KLM calibration checker. More...
class  KLMChannelStatusAlgorithm
 KLM channel status calibration algorithm. More...
class  KLMDatabaseImporter
 KLM database importer. More...
class  KLMDisplacementGenerator
 Module for generation of KLM displacement or alignment data. More...
class  KLMElectronicsMapImporter
 KLM database importer. More...
class  KLMLikelihoodParametersImporter
 This class imports KLMLikelihoodParameters into the database. More...
class  KLMStripEfficiencyAlgorithm
 KLM channel status calibration algorithm. More...
class  KLMTimeAlgorithm
 KLM time calibration algorithm. More...
class  BKLMAlignment
 Class to store BKLM alignment data in the database. More...
class  BKLMGeometryPar
 The Class for BKLM geometry. More...
class  BKLMSimulationPar
 Provides BKLM simulation parameters. More...
class  EKLMAlignment
 Class to store EKLM alignment data in the database. More...
class  EKLMGeometry
 Class to store EKLM geometry data in the database. More...
class  EKLMSegmentAlignment
 Class to store EKLM alignment data in the database. More...
class  KLMAlignmentData
 KLM Alignment data. More...
class  KLMChannelStatus
 KLM channel status. More...
class  KLMElectronicsChannel
 BKLM electronics channel. More...
class  KLMElectronicsMap
 BKLM electronics map. More...
class  KLMLikelihoodParameters
 Database object used to store the parameters for KLM likelihood computation. More...
class  KLMReconstructionParameters
 Class to store KLM reconstruction parameters in the database. More...
class  KLMScintillatorDigitizationParameters
 Class to store KLM scintillator simulation parameters in the database. More...
class  KLMScintillatorFEEData
 EKLM channel data. More...
class  KLMScintillatorFEEParameters
 Class to store EKLM alignment data in the database. More...
class  KLMScintillatorFirmware
 KLM scintillator firmware. More...
class  KLMStripEfficiency
 DBObject used to store the efficiencies of KLM strips. More...
class  KLMTimeCableDelay
 Class to store BKLM delay time coused by cable in the database. More...
class  KLMTimeConstants
 Class to store KLM constants related to time. More...
class  KLMTimeConversion
 KLM time conversion. More...
class  KLMTimeResolution
 Class to store KLM time resolution in the database. More...
class  KLMTimeWindow
 DBObject containing KLM time window parameters used in KLMReconstructor module. More...
class  EKLMAlignmentAlongStripsAlgorithm
 EKLM time calibration algorithm. More...
class  G4TriangularPrism
 Triangular prism. More...
class  MuidBuilder
 Build the Muid likelihoods starting from the hit pattern and the transverse scattering in the KLM. More...
class  MuidElementNumbers
 Muid element numbers. More...
class  KLMMuidLikelihoodTest
 Test class for the KLMMuidLikelihood object. More...
class  MuidBuilderTest
 Test for the MuidBuilder class, using the payloads in the default Global Tag. More...
class  KLMTime
 KLM time conversion. More...


 TEST_F (KLMMuidLikelihoodTest, KLMMuidLikelihood)
 Test some setters and getters.
 TEST_F (MuidBuilderTest, MuidBuilder01)
 Test for a muon with 14 hits in the barrel.
 TEST_F (MuidBuilderTest, MuidBuilder02)
 Test for a muon with some discrepancies between hit and ext. More...
 TEST_F (MuidBuilderTest, MuidBuilder03)
 Test for a muon with large discrepancies between hit and ext. More...
 TEST_F (MuidBuilderTest, MuidBuilder04)
 Test for a muon with hits in both barrel and endcaps.
 TEST_F (MuidBuilderTest, MuidBuilder05)
 Test for a muon with hits in both barrel and endcaps.

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ TEST_F() [1/2]

Belle2::TEST_F ( MuidBuilderTest  ,

Test for a muon with some discrepancies between hit and ext.


Definition at line 124 of file

125  {
126  StoreArray<KLMMuidLikelihood> muids;
127  int pdg = Const::muon.getPDGCode();
128  std::bitset<30> bitExtPattern(std::string("11111111111111"));
129  unsigned int extPattern = static_cast<unsigned int>(bitExtPattern.to_ulong());
130  std::bitset<30> bitHitPattern(std::string("11011111111101"));
131  unsigned int hitPattern = static_cast<unsigned int>(bitHitPattern.to_ulong());
132  bool isForward = true;
133  bool escaped = false;
134  int lastBarrelLayer = 13;
135  int lastEndcapLayer = -1;
136  unsigned int outcome = MuidElementNumbers::calculateExtrapolationOutcome(isForward, escaped, lastBarrelLayer, lastEndcapLayer);
137  double chiSquared = 23.5;
138  int degreesOfFreedom = 24;
139  m_muid = muids.appendNew();
140  m_muid->setPDGCode(pdg);
141  m_muid->setExtLayerPattern(extPattern);
142  m_muid->setHitLayerPattern(hitPattern);
143  m_muid->setIsForward(isForward);
144  m_muid->setBarrelExtLayer(lastBarrelLayer);
145  m_muid->setEndcapExtLayer(lastBarrelLayer);
146  m_muid->setOutcome(outcome);
147  m_muid->setChiSquared(chiSquared);
148  m_muid->setDegreesOfFreedom(degreesOfFreedom);
149  std::vector<float> logLVector = { -147.07, -6.37567, -40.9424, -43.8204, -63.8973, -84.6684};
150  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pdgVectorMinus.size(); ++i) {
151  m_muidBuilder = new MuidBuilder(;
152  float logL = std::log(m_muidBuilder->getPDF(m_muid));
153  EXPECT_LT(std::abs(logL -, 10E-4);
154  delete m_muidBuilder;
155  }
156  }
internal precision of FFTW codelets
bool isForward(int cellId)
Check whether the crystal is in forward ECL.

◆ TEST_F() [2/2]

Belle2::TEST_F ( MuidBuilderTest  ,

Test for a muon with large discrepancies between hit and ext.


Definition at line 159 of file