Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 /* KLM headers. */
10 #include <klm/dataobjects/bklm/BKLMElementNumbers.h>
11 #include <klm/dataobjects/eklm/EKLMElementNumbers.h>
12 #include <klm/dataobjects/KLMMuidLikelihood.h>
13 #include <klm/muid/MuidBuilder.h>
14 #include <klm/muid/MuidElementNumbers.h>
16 /* Basf2 headers. */
17 #include <framework/database/Database.h>
18 #include <framework/database/DBStore.h>
19 #include <framework/dataobjects/EventMetaData.h>
20 #include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
21 #include <framework/datastore/StoreObjPtr.h>
22 #include <framework/gearbox/Const.h>
24 /* C++ headers. */
25 #include <bitset>
26 #include <string>
28 /* Google Test headers. */
29 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
31 namespace Belle2 {
38  class MuidBuilderTest : public ::testing::Test {
40  protected:
43  void SetUp() override
44  {
45  /* DataStore. */
48  muids.registerInDataStore();
49  StoreObjPtr<EventMetaData> eventMetaData;
50  eventMetaData.registerInDataStore();
52  /* Database. */
53  eventMetaData.construct(1, 0, 0);
54  DBStore& dbStore = DBStore::Instance();
55  dbStore.update();
56  dbStore.updateEvent();
57  }
60  void TearDown() override
61  {
64  }
77  };
80  TEST_F(MuidBuilderTest, MuidBuilder01)
81  {
83  int pdg = Const::muon.getPDGCode();
84  std::bitset<30> bitExtPattern(std::string("11111111111111"));
85  unsigned int extPattern = static_cast<unsigned int>(bitExtPattern.to_ulong());
86  unsigned int hitPattern = static_cast<unsigned int>(bitExtPattern.to_ulong());
87  bool isForward = true;
88  bool escaped = false;
89  int lastBarrelLayer = 13;
90  int lastEndcapLayer = -1;
91  unsigned int outcome = MuidElementNumbers::calculateExtrapolationOutcome(isForward, escaped, lastBarrelLayer, lastEndcapLayer);
92  double chiSquared = 29.5;
93  int degreesOfFreedom = 28;
94  m_muid = muids.appendNew();
95  m_muid->setPDGCode(pdg);
96  m_muid->setExtLayerPattern(extPattern);
97  m_muid->setHitLayerPattern(hitPattern);
98  m_muid->setIsForward(isForward);
99  m_muid->setBarrelExtLayer(lastBarrelLayer);
100  m_muid->setEndcapExtLayer(lastBarrelLayer);
101  m_muid->setOutcome(outcome);
102  m_muid->setChiSquared(chiSquared);
103  m_muid->setDegreesOfFreedom(degreesOfFreedom);
104  std::vector<float> logLVector = { -169.215, -0.288937, -46.5124, -49.7292, -72.7715, -96.2517};
105  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pdgVectorMinus.size(); ++i) {
106  m_muidBuilder = new MuidBuilder(;
107  float logL = std::log(m_muidBuilder->getPDF(m_muid));
108  EXPECT_LT(std::abs(logL -, 10E-4);
109  delete m_muidBuilder;
110  }
111  logLVector.clear();
112  /* Test for the positive-charged hypotheses. */
113  m_pdgVectorPlus = MuidElementNumbers::getPDGVector(1);
114  logLVector = { -169.215, -0.284881, -45.7914, -42.7717, -95.9839, -118.769};
115  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pdgVectorPlus.size(); ++i) {
116  m_muidBuilder = new MuidBuilder(;
117  float logL = std::log(m_muidBuilder->getPDF(m_muid));
118  EXPECT_LT(std::abs(logL -, 10E-4);
119  delete m_muidBuilder;
120  }
121  }
124  TEST_F(MuidBuilderTest, MuidBuilder02)
125  {
127  int pdg = Const::muon.getPDGCode();
128  std::bitset<30> bitExtPattern(std::string("11111111111111"));
129  unsigned int extPattern = static_cast<unsigned int>(bitExtPattern.to_ulong());
130  std::bitset<30> bitHitPattern(std::string("11011111111101"));
131  unsigned int hitPattern = static_cast<unsigned int>(bitHitPattern.to_ulong());
132  bool isForward = true;
133  bool escaped = false;
134  int lastBarrelLayer = 13;
135  int lastEndcapLayer = -1;
136  unsigned int outcome = MuidElementNumbers::calculateExtrapolationOutcome(isForward, escaped, lastBarrelLayer, lastEndcapLayer);
137  double chiSquared = 23.5;
138  int degreesOfFreedom = 24;
139  m_muid = muids.appendNew();
140  m_muid->setPDGCode(pdg);
141  m_muid->setExtLayerPattern(extPattern);
142  m_muid->setHitLayerPattern(hitPattern);
143  m_muid->setIsForward(isForward);
144  m_muid->setBarrelExtLayer(lastBarrelLayer);
145  m_muid->setEndcapExtLayer(lastBarrelLayer);
146  m_muid->setOutcome(outcome);
147  m_muid->setChiSquared(chiSquared);
148  m_muid->setDegreesOfFreedom(degreesOfFreedom);
149  std::vector<float> logLVector = { -147.07, -6.37567, -40.9424, -43.8204, -63.8973, -84.6684};
150  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pdgVectorMinus.size(); ++i) {
151  m_muidBuilder = new MuidBuilder(;
152  float logL = std::log(m_muidBuilder->getPDF(m_muid));
153  EXPECT_LT(std::abs(logL -, 10E-4);
154  delete m_muidBuilder;
155  }
156  }
159  TEST_F(MuidBuilderTest, MuidBuilder03)
160  {
162  int pdg = Const::muon.getPDGCode();
163  std::bitset<30> bitExtPattern(std::string("11111111111111"));
164  unsigned int extPattern = static_cast<unsigned int>(bitExtPattern.to_ulong());
165  std::bitset<30> bitHitPattern(std::string("11"));
166  unsigned int hitPattern = static_cast<unsigned int>(bitHitPattern.to_ulong());
167  bool isForward = true;
168  bool escaped = false;
169  int lastBarrelLayer = 1;
170  int lastEndcapLayer = -1;
171  unsigned int outcome = MuidElementNumbers::calculateExtrapolationOutcome(isForward, escaped, lastBarrelLayer, lastEndcapLayer);
172  double chiSquared = 7.5;
173  int degreesOfFreedom = 4;
174  m_muid = muids.appendNew();
175  m_muid->setPDGCode(pdg);
176  m_muid->setExtLayerPattern(extPattern);
177  m_muid->setHitLayerPattern(hitPattern);
178  m_muid->setIsForward(isForward);
179  m_muid->setBarrelExtLayer(lastBarrelLayer);
180  m_muid->setEndcapExtLayer(lastBarrelLayer);
181  m_muid->setOutcome(outcome);
182  m_muid->setChiSquared(chiSquared);
183  m_muid->setDegreesOfFreedom(degreesOfFreedom);
184  std::vector<float> logLVector = { -13.0068, -1.82853, -4.78739, -6.44048, -6.67272, -6.8342};
185  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pdgVectorMinus.size(); ++i) {
186  m_muidBuilder = new MuidBuilder(;
187  float logL = std::log(m_muidBuilder->getPDF(m_muid));
188  EXPECT_LT(std::abs(logL -, 10E-4);
189  delete m_muidBuilder;
190  }
191  }
194  TEST_F(MuidBuilderTest, MuidBuilder04)
195  {
197  int pdg = Const::muon.getPDGCode();
198  std::bitset<30> bitExtPattern(std::string("1111111000000000000111"));
199  unsigned int extPattern = static_cast<unsigned int>(bitExtPattern.to_ulong());
200  unsigned int hitPattern = static_cast<unsigned int>(bitExtPattern.to_ulong());
201  /* Test the forward endcap. */
202  bool isForward = true;
203  bool escaped = false;
204  int lastBarrelLayer = 2;
205  int lastEndcapLayer = 6;
206  unsigned int outcome = MuidElementNumbers::calculateExtrapolationOutcome(isForward, escaped, lastBarrelLayer, lastEndcapLayer);
207  double chiSquared = 19.5;
208  int degreesOfFreedom = 20;
209  m_muid = muids.appendNew();
210  m_muid->setPDGCode(pdg);
211  m_muid->setExtLayerPattern(extPattern);
212  m_muid->setHitLayerPattern(hitPattern);
213  m_muid->setIsForward(isForward);
214  m_muid->setBarrelExtLayer(lastBarrelLayer);
215  m_muid->setEndcapExtLayer(lastBarrelLayer);
216  m_muid->setOutcome(outcome);
217  m_muid->setChiSquared(chiSquared);
218  m_muid->setDegreesOfFreedom(degreesOfFreedom);
219  std::vector<float> logLVector = { -44.4325, -0.746618, -17.3903, -18.7434, -25.4178, -34.7886};
220  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pdgVectorMinus.size(); ++i) {
221  m_muidBuilder = new MuidBuilder(;
222  float logL = std::log(m_muidBuilder->getPDF(m_muid));
223  EXPECT_LT(std::abs(logL -, 10E-4);
224  delete m_muidBuilder;
225  }
226  logLVector.clear();
227  /* Test the backward endcap. */
228  isForward = false;
229  outcome = MuidElementNumbers::calculateExtrapolationOutcome(isForward, escaped, lastBarrelLayer, lastEndcapLayer);
230  m_muid->setIsForward(isForward);
231  m_muid->setOutcome(outcome);
232  logLVector = { -50.7005, -1.11268, -18.3302, -20.7392, -26.5815, -33.6206};
233  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pdgVectorMinus.size(); ++i) {
234  m_muidBuilder = new MuidBuilder(;
235  float logL = std::log(m_muidBuilder->getPDF(m_muid));
236  EXPECT_LT(std::abs(logL -, 10E-4);
237  delete m_muidBuilder;
238  }
239  }
242  TEST_F(MuidBuilderTest, MuidBuilder05)
243  {
245  int pdg = Const::muon.getPDGCode();
246  std::bitset<30> bitExtPattern(std::string("1111111000000000000111"));
247  unsigned int extPattern = static_cast<unsigned int>(bitExtPattern.to_ulong());
248  std::bitset<30> bitHitPattern(std::string("1100111000000000000101"));
249  unsigned int hitPattern = static_cast<unsigned int>(bitHitPattern.to_ulong());
250  /* Test the forward endcap. */
251  bool isForward = true;
252  bool escaped = false;
253  int lastBarrelLayer = 2;
254  int lastEndcapLayer = 6;
255  unsigned int outcome = MuidElementNumbers::calculateExtrapolationOutcome(isForward, escaped, lastBarrelLayer, lastEndcapLayer);
256  double chiSquared = 15.5;
257  int degreesOfFreedom = 14;
258  float efficiency = 0.8437;
259  m_muid = muids.appendNew();
260  m_muid->setPDGCode(pdg);
261  m_muid->setExtLayerPattern(extPattern);
262  m_muid->setHitLayerPattern(hitPattern);
263  m_muid->setIsForward(isForward);
264  m_muid->setBarrelExtLayer(lastBarrelLayer);
265  m_muid->setEndcapExtLayer(lastBarrelLayer);
266  m_muid->setOutcome(outcome);
267  m_muid->setChiSquared(chiSquared);
268  m_muid->setDegreesOfFreedom(degreesOfFreedom);
269  for (int layer = 0; layer < BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber(); ++layer)
270  m_muid->setExtBKLMEfficiencyValue(layer, efficiency);
271  for (int layer = 0; layer < EKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber(); ++layer)
272  m_muid->setExtEKLMEfficiencyValue(layer, efficiency);
273  std::vector<float> logLVector = { -38.1205, -2.43391, -16.0512, -17.094, -23.4617, -31.9516};
274  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pdgVectorMinus.size(); ++i) {
275  m_muidBuilder = new MuidBuilder(;
276  float logL = std::log(m_muidBuilder->getPDF(m_muid));
277  EXPECT_LT(std::abs(logL -, 10E-4);
278  delete m_muidBuilder;
279  }
280  logLVector.clear();
281  /* Test the backward endcap. */
282  isForward = false;
283  outcome = MuidElementNumbers::calculateExtrapolationOutcome(isForward, escaped, lastBarrelLayer, lastEndcapLayer);
284  m_muid->setIsForward(isForward);
285  m_muid->setOutcome(outcome);
286  logLVector = { -43.7474, -2.51744, -16.6359, -18.5523, -23.8643, -29.9728};
287  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pdgVectorMinus.size(); ++i) {
288  m_muidBuilder = new MuidBuilder(;
289  float logL = std::log(m_muidBuilder->getPDF(m_muid));
290  EXPECT_LT(std::abs(logL -, 10E-4);
291  delete m_muidBuilder;
292  }
293  }
296 }
internal precision of FFTW codelets
static constexpr int getMaximalLayerNumber()
Get maximal layer number (1-based).
int getPDGCode() const
PDG code.
Definition: Const.h:464
static const ChargedStable muon
muon particle
Definition: Const.h:651
Singleton class to cache database objects.
Definition: DBStore.h:31
static DataStore & Instance()
Instance of singleton Store.
void setInitializeActive(bool active)
Setter for m_initializeActive.
void reset(EDurability durability)
Frees memory occupied by data store items and removes all objects from the map.
static constexpr int getMaximalLayerNumber()
Get maximal layer number.
Class to store the likelihoods from KLM with additional informations related to the extrapolation.
Test for the MuidBuilder class, using the payloads in the default Global Tag.
KLMMuidLikelihood * m_muid
Pointer to a Muid object.
void SetUp() override
Register the necessary objects in the DataStore and setup the Database.
MuidBuilder * m_muidBuilder
Pointer to a MuidBuilder class.
std::vector< int > m_pdgVectorPlus
Vector of positive charged hypotheses.
void TearDown() override
Clear the DataStore and reset the Database.
std::vector< int > m_pdgVectorMinus
Vector of negative charged hypotheses.
Build the Muid likelihoods starting from the hit pattern and the transverse scattering in the KLM.
Definition: MuidBuilder.h:29
static unsigned int calculateExtrapolationOutcome(bool isForward, bool escaped, int lastBarrelLayer, int lastEndcapLayer)
Calculate the track extrapolation outcome.
static std::vector< int > getPDGVector()
Get a vector with all the hypothesis PDG codes used for Muid.
bool registerInDataStore(DataStore::EStoreFlags storeFlags=DataStore::c_WriteOut)
Register the object/array in the DataStore.
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
Definition: StoreArray.h:113
T * appendNew()
Construct a new T object at the end of the array.
Definition: StoreArray.h:246
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
Definition: StoreObjPtr.h:96
bool construct(Args &&... params)
Construct an object of type T in this StoreObjPtr, using the provided constructor arguments.
Definition: StoreObjPtr.h:119
TEST_F(GlobalLabelTest, LargeNumberOfTimeDependentParameters)
Test large number of time-dep params for registration and retrieval.
static DBStore & Instance()
Instance of a singleton DBStore.
void updateEvent()
Updates all intra-run dependent objects.
void update()
Updates all objects that are outside their interval of validity.
static void reset(bool keepConfig=false)
Reset the database instance.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.