Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
BKLMSimulationPar Class Reference

Provides BKLM simulation parameters. More...

#include <BKLMSimulationPar.h>

Inheritance diagram for BKLMSimulationPar:
Collaboration diagram for BKLMSimulationPar:

Public Member Functions

 BKLMSimulationPar ()
 Default constructor.
 BKLMSimulationPar (const GearDir &)
 ~BKLMSimulationPar ()
 Default destructor.
void read (const GearDir &)
 Get simulation parameters from Gearbox.
double getHitTimeMax (void) const
 Get the maximum global time for a recorded sim hit.
int getNPhiDivision (void) const
 Get number of divisions for phi strips.
int getNZDivision (void) const
 Get number of divisions for z strips.
int getMaxMultiplicity (void) const
 Get the maximum multiplicity in the RPC strip cumulative prob density functions.
int getNPhiMultiplicity (int division) const
 Get number of kind of mutiplicity for phistrips.
int getNZMultiplicity (int division) const
 Get number of kind of mutiplicity for zstrips.
double getPhiWeight (int division, int nmutiplicity) const
 Get weight table for phi.
double getZWeight (int division, int nmutiplicity) const
 Get weight table for z.
double getPhiMultiplicityCDF (double stripDiv, int mult) const
 Get the RPC phi-strip cumulative prob density function.
double getZMultiplicityCDF (double stripDiv, int mult) const
 Get the RPC z-strip cumulative prob density function.

Private Member Functions

 ClassDef (BKLMSimulationPar, 3)
 Class version.

Private Attributes

double m_HitTimeMax
 Maximum global time for a recorded sim hit.
double m_PhiMultiplicityCDF [c_NDIV+1][c_MAX_NHIT]
 RPC phiStrip multiplicity cumulative probability distribution table.
double m_ZMultiplicityCDF [c_NDIV+1][c_MAX_NHIT]
 RPC zStrip multiplicity cumulative probability distribution table.
int m_NPhiDiv
 Number of division for phistrips.
int m_NZDiv
 Number of division for zstrips.
int m_NPhiMultiplicity [c_NDIV+1]
 Number of kind of mutiplicity of phistrips in each divison.
int m_NZMultiplicity [c_NDIV+1]
 Number of weigths of zstrips in each divison.
double m_PhiWeight [c_NDIV+1][c_MAX_NHIT]
 RPC phiStrip weight table.
double m_ZWeight [c_NDIV+1][c_MAX_NHIT]
 RPC zStrip weight table.

Static Private Attributes

static const int c_NDIV = 5
 Number of divisions.
static const int c_MAX_NHIT = 10
 Maximum number of hits.

Detailed Description

Provides BKLM simulation parameters.

Definition at line 24 of file BKLMSimulationPar.h.

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