Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #include <framework/gearbox/Const.h>
11 // google test framework
12 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
14 // class to be tested
15 #include <tracking/spacePointCreation/SpacePointTrackCand.h>
17 // stuff needed for setting up the tests
19 using namespace std;
21 namespace Belle2 {
30  class SpacePointTrackCandTest : public ::testing::Test {
31  public:
33  VXD::SensorInfoBase createSensorInfo(VxdID aVxdID, double width = 1., double length = 1., double width2 = -1.)
34  {
35  // (SensorType type, VxdID id, double width, double length, double thickness, int uCells, int vCells, double width2=-1, double splitLength=-1, int vCells2=0)
36  VXD::SensorInfoBase sensorInfoBase(VXD::SensorInfoBase::PXD, aVxdID, width, length, 0.3, 2, 4, width2);
38  TGeoRotation r1;
39  r1.SetAngles(45, 20, 30); // rotation defined by Euler angles
40  TGeoTranslation t1(-10, 10, 1);
41  TGeoCombiTrans c1(t1, r1);
42  TGeoHMatrix transform = c1;
43  sensorInfoBase.setTransformation(transform);
45  return sensorInfoBase;
46  }
47  protected:
48  };
53  TEST_F(SpacePointTrackCandTest, testConstructorFromVector)
54  {
55  // set up some SpacePoints and group them to a vector
56  VxdID aVxdID = VxdID(1, 1, 1);
57  VXD::SensorInfoBase aSensorInfoBase = createSensorInfo(aVxdID, 2.3, 4.2);
58  PXDCluster aCluster = PXDCluster(aVxdID, 0., 0., 0.1, 0.1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
59  const SpacePoint aPXDSpacePoint = SpacePoint(&aCluster, &aSensorInfoBase);
61  VxdID anotherVxdID = VxdID(3, 3, 3);
62  VXD::SensorInfoBase anotherSensorInfoBase = createSensorInfo(anotherVxdID, 2.3, 4.2);
63  SVDCluster aUCluster = SVDCluster(anotherVxdID, true, -0.23, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 1, 1, 1, 1.0);
64  SVDCluster aVCluster = SVDCluster(anotherVxdID, false, 0.42, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 1, 1, 1, 1.0);
65  std::vector<const SVDCluster*> a2HitCluster = { &aUCluster, &aVCluster };
66  const SpacePoint aSVDSpacePoint = SpacePoint(a2HitCluster, &anotherSensorInfoBase);
68  SVDCluster anotherUCluster = SVDCluster(anotherVxdID, true, 0.23, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 1, 1, 1, 1.0);
69  std::vector<const SVDCluster*> a1HitCluster = { &anotherUCluster };
70  const SpacePoint anotherSVDSpacePoint = SpacePoint(a1HitCluster, &anotherSensorInfoBase);
72  const std::vector<const Belle2::SpacePoint*> aSpacePointVec = { &aPXDSpacePoint, &aSVDSpacePoint, &anotherSVDSpacePoint };
75  // construct SpacePointTrackCand with (more or less arbitrary) values for pdg code, charge and MC-TrackID
76  SpacePointTrackCand aSpacePointTC = SpacePointTrackCand(aSpacePointVec, 11, -1, 23);
78  // do some checks
79  // check if all SpacePoints are actually in the TrackCand
80  EXPECT_EQ(aSpacePointTC.getNHits(), aSpacePointVec.size());
81  // check pdg, charge, etc...
82  EXPECT_EQ(aSpacePointTC.getPdgCode(), Const::electron.getPDGCode());
83  EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(aSpacePointTC.getChargeSeed(), -1);
84  EXPECT_EQ(aSpacePointTC.getMcTrackID(), 23);
86  // get SpacePoints and compare them with the original vector
87  const std::vector<const SpacePoint*> returnSPVector = aSpacePointTC.getHits();
88  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < aSpacePointTC.getNHits(); i++) {
89  EXPECT_TRUE(returnSPVector[i] == aSpacePointVec[i]);
90  }
91  }
96  TEST_F(SpacePointTrackCandTest, testEqualityOperator)
97  {
98  // set up some set up some space points and add them to SpacePointTrackCands
99  // many parts copied from (tracking/tests/)
101  VxdID aVxdID = VxdID(1, 1, 1);
102  VXD::SensorInfoBase sensorInfoBase = createSensorInfo(aVxdID, 2.3, 4.2);
103  PXDCluster aCluster = PXDCluster(aVxdID, 0., 0., 0.1, 0.1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
104  const SpacePoint aPXDSpacePoint = SpacePoint(&aCluster, &sensorInfoBase);
106  VxdID anotherVxdID = VxdID(3, 3, 3);
107  VXD::SensorInfoBase anotherSensorInfoBase = createSensorInfo(anotherVxdID, 2.3, 4.2);
108  SVDCluster aUCluster = SVDCluster(anotherVxdID, true, -0.23, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 1, 1, 1, 1.0);
109  SVDCluster aVCluster = SVDCluster(anotherVxdID, false, 0.42, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 1, 1, 1, 1.0);
110  std::vector<const SVDCluster*> a2HitCluster = { &aUCluster, &aVCluster };
111  const SpacePoint aSVDSpacePoint = SpacePoint(a2HitCluster, &anotherSensorInfoBase);
113  SVDCluster anotherUCluster = SVDCluster(anotherVxdID, true, 0.23, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 1, 1, 1, 1.0);
114  std::vector<const SVDCluster*> a1HitCluster = { &anotherUCluster };
115  const SpacePoint anotherSVDSpacePoint = SpacePoint(a1HitCluster, &anotherSensorInfoBase);
117  const std::vector<const Belle2::SpacePoint*> aSpacePointVec = { &aPXDSpacePoint, &aSVDSpacePoint };
118  const std::vector<const Belle2::SpacePoint*> sameSpacePointVec = { &aPXDSpacePoint, &aSVDSpacePoint };
119  const std::vector<const Belle2::SpacePoint*> anotherSpacePointVec = { &aPXDSpacePoint, &anotherSVDSpacePoint };
121  // set up two SpacePointTrackCands from the SpacePoint* vectors above
122  Belle2::SpacePointTrackCand aSpacePointTC = SpacePointTrackCand(aSpacePointVec, 1);
123  Belle2::SpacePointTrackCand anotherSpacePointTC = SpacePointTrackCand(sameSpacePointVec);
125  // getting undefined reference here!
126  EXPECT_TRUE(aSpacePointTC == anotherSpacePointTC);
128  // change pdg code and compare again (should not have any influence)
129  anotherSpacePointTC.setPdgCode(-Const::electron.getPDGCode());
130  EXPECT_TRUE(aSpacePointTC == anotherSpacePointTC);
132  // add a space point with arbitrary sorting parameter and compare again, should now give false
133  anotherSpacePointTC.addSpacePoint(&anotherSVDSpacePoint, 1.0);
135  EXPECT_FALSE(aSpacePointTC == anotherSpacePointTC);
137  // create another TC with different SVD SpacePoint and compare again with the previously created TCs.
138  Belle2::SpacePointTrackCand changedSVDSpacePointTC = SpacePointTrackCand(anotherSpacePointVec, 2, 3, 4);
140  EXPECT_FALSE(aSpacePointTC == changedSVDSpacePointTC);
141  EXPECT_FALSE(changedSVDSpacePointTC == anotherSpacePointTC);
143  // create an empty TC and add SpacePoints by hand and compare again with the other TCs
144  Belle2::SpacePointTrackCand newSpacePointTC;
145  newSpacePointTC.addSpacePoint(&aPXDSpacePoint, 1.0);
146  newSpacePointTC.addSpacePoint(&aSVDSpacePoint, 1.1);
148  EXPECT_TRUE(newSpacePointTC == aSpacePointTC);
150  newSpacePointTC.addSpacePoint(&anotherSVDSpacePoint, 1.2);
152  EXPECT_TRUE(newSpacePointTC == anotherSpacePointTC);
154  }
160  {
161  SpacePointTrackCand aSpacePointTC;
163  // electron
164  aSpacePointTC.setPdgCode(Const::electron.getPDGCode());
165  EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(aSpacePointTC.getChargeSeed(), -1);
166  // positron
167  aSpacePointTC.setPdgCode(-Const::electron.getPDGCode());
168  EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(aSpacePointTC.getChargeSeed(), 1);
170  // B+ Meson
171  aSpacePointTC.setPdgCode(521);
172  EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(aSpacePointTC.getChargeSeed(), 1);
173  }
178  TEST_F(SpacePointTrackCandTest, testGetHitsInRange)
179  {
180  SpacePointTrackCand fullTrackCand;
182  // set up some SpacePoints and add them to a SpacePointTrackCand
183  VxdID aVxdID1 = VxdID(1, 1, 1);
184  VXD::SensorInfoBase sensorInfoBase1 = createSensorInfo(aVxdID1, 2.3, 4.2);
185  PXDCluster aCluster = PXDCluster(aVxdID1, 0., 0., 0.1, 0.1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
186  const SpacePoint aPXDSpacePoint = SpacePoint(&aCluster, &sensorInfoBase1);
187  fullTrackCand.addSpacePoint(&aPXDSpacePoint, 1.23); // add a SpacePoint with an arbitrary sorting parameter
189  VxdID aVxdID2 = VxdID(2, 2, 2);
190  VXD::SensorInfoBase sensorInfoBase2 = createSensorInfo(aVxdID2, 2.3, 4.2);
191  SVDCluster aUCluster = SVDCluster(aVxdID2, true, -0.23, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 1, 1, 1, 1.0);
192  SVDCluster aVCluster = SVDCluster(aVxdID2, false, 0.42, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 1, 1, 1, 1.0);
193  std::vector<const SVDCluster*> UVClusterVec1 = { &aUCluster, &aVCluster };
194  std::vector<const SVDCluster*> VClusterVec = { &aVCluster };
195  std::vector<const SVDCluster*> UClusterVec = { &aUCluster };
196  const SpacePoint SVDSpacePoint1 = SpacePoint(UVClusterVec1, &sensorInfoBase2);
197  const SpacePoint SVDSpacePoint2 = SpacePoint(VClusterVec, &sensorInfoBase2);
198  const SpacePoint SVDSpacePoint3 = SpacePoint(UClusterVec, &sensorInfoBase2);
199  fullTrackCand.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint1, 2.34);
200  fullTrackCand.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint2, 3.45);
201  fullTrackCand.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint3, 4.56);
203  VxdID aVxdId3 = VxdID(3, 3, 3);
204  VXD::SensorInfoBase sensorInfoBase3 = createSensorInfo(aVxdId3, 2.3, 4.2);
205  SVDCluster aUCluster2 = SVDCluster(aVxdId3, true, -0.23, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 1, 1, 1, 1.0);
206  SVDCluster aVCluster2 = SVDCluster(aVxdId3, false, 0.42, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 1, 1, 1, 1.0);
207  std::vector<const SVDCluster*> UVClusterVec2 = { &aUCluster2, &aVCluster2 };
208  std::vector<const SVDCluster*> VClusterVec2 = { &aVCluster2 };
209  std::vector<const SVDCluster*> UClusterVec2 = { &aUCluster2 };
210  const SpacePoint SVDSpacePoint4 = SpacePoint(UVClusterVec2, &sensorInfoBase3);
211  const SpacePoint SVDSpacePoint5 = SpacePoint(VClusterVec2, &sensorInfoBase3);
212  const SpacePoint SVDSpacePoint6 = SpacePoint(UClusterVec2, &sensorInfoBase3);
213  fullTrackCand.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint4, 5.67);
214  fullTrackCand.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint5, 6.78);
215  fullTrackCand.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint6, 7.89);
217  // set up some 'shorter' SpacePointTrackCands
218  SpacePointTrackCand shortTC1;
219  shortTC1.addSpacePoint(&aPXDSpacePoint, 1.23);
220  shortTC1.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint1, 2.34);
221  shortTC1.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint2, 3.45);
223  SpacePointTrackCand shortTC2;
224  shortTC2.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint2, 3.45);
225  shortTC2.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint3, 4.56);
226  shortTC2.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint4, 5.67);
227  shortTC2.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint5, 6.78);
229  SpacePointTrackCand subTrackCand1 = SpacePointTrackCand(fullTrackCand.getHitsInRange(0, 3));
230  EXPECT_TRUE(subTrackCand1 == shortTC1);
231  std::vector<double> sortParams1 = { 1.23, 2.34, 3.45 };
232  std::vector<double> sortParamsTC1 = fullTrackCand.getSortingParametersInRange(0, 3);
233  EXPECT_EQ(sortParams1.size(), sortParamsTC1.size());
234  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sortParamsTC1.size(); ++i) { EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(,; }
236  SpacePointTrackCand subTrackCand2 = SpacePointTrackCand(fullTrackCand.getHitsInRange(2, 6));
237  EXPECT_TRUE(subTrackCand2 == shortTC2);
238  std::vector<double> sortParams2 = { 3.45, 4.56, 5.67, 6.78 };
239  std::vector<double> sortParamsTC2 = fullTrackCand.getSortingParametersInRange(2, 6);
240  EXPECT_EQ(sortParams2.size(), sortParamsTC2.size());
241  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sortParamsTC2.size(); ++i) { EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(,; }
243  // test throwing of exceptions
244  unsigned int nHits = fullTrackCand.getNHits();
245  ASSERT_THROW(fullTrackCand.getHitsInRange(0, nHits + 1),
246  SpacePointTrackCand::SPTCIndexOutOfBounds); // throw due to too high final index
247  ASSERT_NO_THROW(fullTrackCand.getHitsInRange(nHits - 2, nHits));
248  ASSERT_THROW(fullTrackCand.getHitsInRange(-1, 3),
249  SpacePointTrackCand::SPTCIndexOutOfBounds); // throw due to negative starting index
250  ASSERT_THROW(fullTrackCand.getHitsInRange(0, 10), SpacePointTrackCand::SPTCIndexOutOfBounds); // throw due to too high final index
251  ASSERT_THROW(fullTrackCand.getHitsInRange(10, 0),
252  SpacePointTrackCand::SPTCIndexOutOfBounds); // throw due to too high starting index
253  ASSERT_THROW(fullTrackCand.getHitsInRange(2, -1), SpacePointTrackCand::SPTCIndexOutOfBounds); // throw due to too low final index
254  ASSERT_THROW(fullTrackCand.getSortingParametersInRange(-1, 2),
255  SpacePointTrackCand::SPTCIndexOutOfBounds); // throw due to negative starting index
256  ASSERT_THROW(fullTrackCand.getSortingParametersInRange(0, nHits + 1),
257  SpacePointTrackCand::SPTCIndexOutOfBounds); // throw due to too high final index
258  ASSERT_THROW(fullTrackCand.getSortingParametersInRange(12, 3),
259  SpacePointTrackCand::SPTCIndexOutOfBounds); // throw due to too high starting index
260  ASSERT_THROW(fullTrackCand.getSortingParametersInRange(2, -2),
261  SpacePointTrackCand::SPTCIndexOutOfBounds); // throw due to too low final index
262  ASSERT_NO_THROW(fullTrackCand.getSortingParametersInRange(0, nHits));
263  }
268  TEST_F(SpacePointTrackCandTest, testRefereeStatus)
269  {
270  SpacePointTrackCand trackCand; // default constructor -> should initialize the referee status to c_initialState
272  // currently c_isActive is the initialState:
273  EXPECT_EQ(trackCand.getRefereeStatus(), SpacePointTrackCand::c_isActive);
274  EXPECT_EQ(SpacePointTrackCand::c_initialState, SpacePointTrackCand::c_isActive);
276  unsigned short int initialStatus = trackCand.getRefereeStatus();
277  EXPECT_EQ(initialStatus, SpacePointTrackCand::c_initialState);
279  // design an arbitrary status and set it, then test if the returned status is the set status
280  unsigned short int newStatus = 0;
281  newStatus += SpacePointTrackCand::c_checkedByReferee;
282  newStatus += SpacePointTrackCand::c_checkedTrueHits;
283  trackCand.setRefereeStatus(newStatus);
284  EXPECT_EQ(trackCand.getRefereeStatus(), newStatus);
286  // clear the status and test if its 0
287  trackCand.clearRefereeStatus();
288  EXPECT_EQ(trackCand.getRefereeStatus(), 0);
290  // reset the status and test if it's the initial state
291  trackCand.resetRefereeStatus();
292  EXPECT_EQ(trackCand.getRefereeStatus(), SpacePointTrackCand::c_initialState);
295  trackCand.clearRefereeStatus(); // enforce empty refereeStatus
296  // add several statusses one by one and test if the overall status is as expected (once with 'overall status' and once with status one by one)
297  trackCand.addRefereeStatus(SpacePointTrackCand::c_checkedClean);
298  EXPECT_TRUE(trackCand.hasRefereeStatus(SpacePointTrackCand::c_checkedClean));
299  trackCand.addRefereeStatus(SpacePointTrackCand::c_hitsOnSameSensor);
300  EXPECT_TRUE(trackCand.hasRefereeStatus(SpacePointTrackCand::c_hitsOnSameSensor));
301  EXPECT_FALSE(trackCand.hasRefereeStatus(SpacePointTrackCand::c_hitsLowDistance));
303  trackCand.addRefereeStatus(SpacePointTrackCand::c_checkedByReferee);
304  unsigned short int expectedStatus = SpacePointTrackCand::c_checkedClean + SpacePointTrackCand::c_hitsOnSameSensor +
305  SpacePointTrackCand::c_checkedByReferee;
306  EXPECT_EQ(trackCand.getRefereeStatus(), expectedStatus);
309  // remove one status and test if it actuall gets removed
310  trackCand.removeRefereeStatus(SpacePointTrackCand::c_checkedClean);
311  expectedStatus -= SpacePointTrackCand::c_checkedClean;
312  EXPECT_EQ(trackCand.getRefereeStatus(), expectedStatus);
313  EXPECT_FALSE(trackCand.hasRefereeStatus(SpacePointTrackCand::c_checkedClean));
314  trackCand.removeRefereeStatus(SpacePointTrackCand::c_checkedClean); // remove again and check if nothing changes
315  EXPECT_EQ(trackCand.getRefereeStatus(), expectedStatus);
317  EXPECT_TRUE(trackCand.hasRefereeStatus(expectedStatus));
319  // test if the status that remains is still set
320  EXPECT_TRUE(trackCand.hasRefereeStatus(SpacePointTrackCand::c_hitsOnSameSensor));
321  EXPECT_TRUE(trackCand.hasHitsOnSameSensor()); // echeck the wrapper function
324  // check if adding of the same status twice works
325  trackCand.clearRefereeStatus();
326  trackCand.addRefereeStatus(SpacePointTrackCand::c_checkedSameSensors);
327  trackCand.addRefereeStatus(SpacePointTrackCand::c_checkedSameSensors);
328  EXPECT_TRUE(trackCand.hasRefereeStatus(SpacePointTrackCand::c_checkedSameSensors));
329  EXPECT_TRUE(trackCand.checkedSameSensors());
331  trackCand.addRefereeStatus(SpacePointTrackCand::c_curlingTrack);
332  EXPECT_TRUE(trackCand.isCurling());
335  trackCand.clearRefereeStatus();
336  // test that at least n bits are present for storing stuff in the m_refereeStatus (update this test if you add a new flag to the RefereeStatusBit)
337  // WARNING: hardcoded -> make sure to keep this thing up to date!
338  int n = 13;
339  int maxUsedStatus = pow(2, n);
340  trackCand.addRefereeStatus(maxUsedStatus);
341  EXPECT_TRUE(trackCand.hasRefereeStatus(maxUsedStatus));
343  int maxN = 15; // unsigned short int has 2 bytes (-> 16 bits) to store information
344  int maxPossibleStatus = pow(2, maxN); // maximum possible status to store
345  trackCand.addRefereeStatus(maxPossibleStatus);
346  EXPECT_TRUE(trackCand.hasRefereeStatus(maxPossibleStatus));
348  int impossibleStatus = maxPossibleStatus * 2; // create an integer that is too big to be stored in a unsigned short integer
349  trackCand.clearRefereeStatus();
350  trackCand.setRefereeStatus(impossibleStatus); // this should lead to an overflow in SpacePointTrackCand::m_refereeStatus
351  EXPECT_NE(trackCand.getRefereeStatus(), impossibleStatus); // -> overflow leads this test to fail
353  trackCand.clearRefereeStatus();
354  int wrongStatus = 7; // set a wrong status, that causes some of the checks to be true although they shouldn't
355  trackCand.addRefereeStatus(wrongStatus);
356  EXPECT_TRUE(trackCand.hasRefereeStatus(1));
357  EXPECT_TRUE(trackCand.hasRefereeStatus(2));
358  EXPECT_TRUE(trackCand.hasRefereeStatus(4));
359  wrongStatus = 15;
360  trackCand.addRefereeStatus(wrongStatus);
361  EXPECT_TRUE(trackCand.hasRefereeStatus(8));
362  }
367  TEST_F(SpacePointTrackCandTest, testRemoveSpacePoints)
368  {
369  // set up SpacePointTrackCand
370  SpacePointTrackCand fullTrackCand;
372  // set up some SpacePoints and add them to a SpacePointTrackCand
373  VxdID aVxdID1 = VxdID(1, 1, 1);
374  VXD::SensorInfoBase sensorInfoBase1 = createSensorInfo(aVxdID1, 2.3, 4.2);
375  PXDCluster aCluster = PXDCluster(aVxdID1, 0., 0., 0.1, 0.1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
376  const SpacePoint aPXDSpacePoint = SpacePoint(&aCluster, &sensorInfoBase1);
377  fullTrackCand.addSpacePoint(&aPXDSpacePoint, 1.23); // add a SpacePoint with an arbitrary sorting parameter
379  VxdID aVxdID2 = VxdID(2, 2, 2);
380  VXD::SensorInfoBase sensorInfoBase2 = createSensorInfo(aVxdID2, 2.3, 4.2);
381  SVDCluster aUCluster = SVDCluster(aVxdID2, true, -0.23, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 1, 1, 1, 1.0);
382  SVDCluster aVCluster = SVDCluster(aVxdID2, false, 0.42, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 1, 1, 1, 1.0);
383  std::vector<const SVDCluster*> UVClusterVec1 = { &aUCluster, &aVCluster };
384  std::vector<const SVDCluster*> VClusterVec = { &aVCluster };
385  std::vector<const SVDCluster*> UClusterVec = { &aUCluster };
386  const SpacePoint SVDSpacePoint1 = SpacePoint(UVClusterVec1, &sensorInfoBase2);
387  const SpacePoint SVDSpacePoint2 = SpacePoint(VClusterVec, &sensorInfoBase2);
388  const SpacePoint SVDSpacePoint3 = SpacePoint(UClusterVec, &sensorInfoBase2);
389  fullTrackCand.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint1, 2.34);
390  fullTrackCand.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint2, 3.45);
391  fullTrackCand.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint3, 4.56);
393  // set up a second TC, but ommit one SpacePoint
394  SpacePointTrackCand expectedTC;
395  expectedTC.addSpacePoint(&aPXDSpacePoint, 1.23);
396  expectedTC.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint2, 3.45);
397  expectedTC.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint3, 4.56);
399  // remove SpcePoint from first TrackCand amd compare it with the expected TrackCand
400  fullTrackCand.removeSpacePoint(1);
401  EXPECT_TRUE(expectedTC == fullTrackCand);
403  std::vector<double> expectedSortParams = { 1.23, 3.45, 4.56 };
404  std::vector<double> sortParams = fullTrackCand.getSortingParameters();
405  EXPECT_EQ(expectedSortParams.size(), sortParams.size());
406  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sortParams.size(); ++i) { EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(,; }
408  // try to remove a SpacePoint that is out of bounds
409  ASSERT_THROW(fullTrackCand.removeSpacePoint(fullTrackCand.getNHits()), SpacePointTrackCand::SPTCIndexOutOfBounds);
410  }
415  TEST_F(SpacePointTrackCandTest, testGetSortedHits)
416  {
417  // set up some SpacePoints and add them to a SpacePointTrackCand
418  VxdID aVxdID1 = VxdID(1, 1, 1);
419  VXD::SensorInfoBase sensorInfoBase1 = createSensorInfo(aVxdID1, 2.3, 4.2);
420  PXDCluster aCluster = PXDCluster(aVxdID1, 0., 0., 0.1, 0.1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
421  const SpacePoint aPXDSpacePoint = SpacePoint(&aCluster, &sensorInfoBase1);
423  VxdID aVxdID2 = VxdID(2, 2, 2);
424  VXD::SensorInfoBase sensorInfoBase2 = createSensorInfo(aVxdID2, 2.3, 4.2);
425  SVDCluster aUCluster = SVDCluster(aVxdID2, true, -0.23, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 1, 1, 1, 1.0);
426  SVDCluster aVCluster = SVDCluster(aVxdID2, false, 0.42, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 1, 1, 1, 1.0);
427  std::vector<const SVDCluster*> UVClusterVec1 = { &aUCluster, &aVCluster };
428  std::vector<const SVDCluster*> VClusterVec = { &aVCluster };
429  std::vector<const SVDCluster*> UClusterVec = { &aUCluster };
430  const SpacePoint SVDSpacePoint1 = SpacePoint(UVClusterVec1, &sensorInfoBase2);
431  const SpacePoint SVDSpacePoint2 = SpacePoint(VClusterVec, &sensorInfoBase2);
432  const SpacePoint SVDSpacePoint3 = SpacePoint(UClusterVec, &sensorInfoBase2);
434  VxdID aVxdId3 = VxdID(3, 3, 3);
435  VXD::SensorInfoBase sensorInfoBase3 = createSensorInfo(aVxdId3, 2.3, 4.2);
436  SVDCluster aUCluster2 = SVDCluster(aVxdId3, true, -0.23, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 1, 1, 1, 1.0);
437  SVDCluster aVCluster2 = SVDCluster(aVxdId3, false, 0.42, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 1, 1, 1, 1.0);
438  std::vector<const SVDCluster*> UVClusterVec2 = { &aUCluster2, &aVCluster2 };
439  std::vector<const SVDCluster*> VClusterVec2 = { &aVCluster2 };
440  std::vector<const SVDCluster*> UClusterVec2 = { &aUCluster2 };
441  const SpacePoint SVDSpacePoint4 = SpacePoint(UVClusterVec2, &sensorInfoBase3);
442  const SpacePoint SVDSpacePoint5 = SpacePoint(VClusterVec2, &sensorInfoBase3);
443  const SpacePoint SVDSpacePoint6 = SpacePoint(UClusterVec2, &sensorInfoBase3);
446  SpacePointTrackCand unsortedConstructed;
447  // add a SpacePoint with sorting parameter
448  unsortedConstructed.addSpacePoint(&aPXDSpacePoint, 1.0);
449  // add some SVD SpacePoints in logical order
450  unsortedConstructed.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint1, 2.34);
451  unsortedConstructed.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint2, 3.45);
452  unsortedConstructed.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint3, 4.56);
453  // add some SpacePoints in 'wrong' order
454  unsortedConstructed.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint4, 5.67);
455  unsortedConstructed.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint6, 7.89);
456  unsortedConstructed.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint5, 6.78);
458  // set up a SpacePointTrackCands already properly sorted
459  SpacePointTrackCand sortedConstructed;
460  sortedConstructed.addSpacePoint(&aPXDSpacePoint, 1.23);
461  sortedConstructed.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint1, 2.34);
462  sortedConstructed.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint2, 3.45);
463  sortedConstructed.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint3, 4.56);
464  sortedConstructed.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint4, 5.67);
465  sortedConstructed.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint5, 6.78);
466  sortedConstructed.addSpacePoint(&SVDSpacePoint6, 7.89);
468  // test sorting
469  SpacePointTrackCand sorted = SpacePointTrackCand(unsortedConstructed.getSortedHits());
470  // == compares the spacepoints
471  EXPECT_TRUE(sorted == sortedConstructed);
473  SpacePointTrackCand nothingChanged = SpacePointTrackCand(sortedConstructed.getSortedHits());
474  EXPECT_TRUE(nothingChanged == sortedConstructed);
477  std::vector<double> sortParams1 = { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 , 4.0, 5.0, 7.0, 6.0};
478  sortedConstructed.setSortingParameters(sortParams1);
480  // verify that sorting changed according to new sortParams
481  SpacePointTrackCand unsorted = SpacePointTrackCand(sortedConstructed.getSortedHits());
482  EXPECT_TRUE(unsorted == unsortedConstructed);
483  }
485 }
The PXD Cluster class This class stores all information about reconstructed PXD clusters The position...
Definition: PXDCluster.h:30
The SVD Cluster class This class stores all information about reconstructed SVD clusters.
Definition: SVDCluster.h:29
Test class for the SpacePointTrackCand class.
VXD::SensorInfoBase createSensorInfo(VxdID aVxdID, double width=1., double length=1., double width2=-1.)
this is a small helper function to create a sensorInfo to be used
Storage for (VXD) SpacePoint-based track candidates.
void setSortingParameters(const std::vector< double > &sortParams)
set the sorting parameters
unsigned int getNHits() const
get the number of hits (space points) in the track candidate
int getPdgCode() const
get pdg code
void removeSpacePoint(int indexInTrackCand)
remove a SpacePoint (and its sorting parameter) from the SpacePointTrackCand
unsigned short int getRefereeStatus(unsigned short int bitmask=USHRT_MAX) const
Return the refere status code of the SpacePointTrackCand.
bool checkedSameSensors() const
Check if the SpacePointTrackCand has been checked for consecutive hits on same sensor.
int getMcTrackID() const
get the MC Track ID
void clearRefereeStatus()
clear the referee status.
void removeRefereeStatus(unsigned short int bitmask)
remove a referee status
const std::vector< const Belle2::SpacePoint * > & getHits() const
get hits (space points) of track candidate
bool isCurling() const
get if the TrackCand is curling.
bool hasHitsOnSameSensor() const
Check if the SpacePointTrackCand contains consecutive SpacePoints that are on the same sensor WARNING...
void addSpacePoint(const SpacePoint *newSP, double sortParam)
add a new SpacePoint and its according sorting parameter to the track candidate
void setRefereeStatus(unsigned short int bitmask)
set referee status (resets the complete to the passed status!)
void resetRefereeStatus()
resets the referee status to the initial value
const std::vector< const Belle2::SpacePoint * > getHitsInRange(int firstInd, int lastInd) const
get hits (SpacePoints) in range (indices of SpacePoint inside SpacePointTrackCand) including first in...
bool hasRefereeStatus(unsigned int short bitmask) const
Check if the SpacePointTrackCand has the status characterized by the bitmask.
const std::vector< double > getSortingParametersInRange(int firstIndex, int lastIndex) const
get the sorting parameters in range (indices of SpacePoints inside SpacePointTrackCand) including fir...
const std::vector< double > & getSortingParameters() const
get the sorting parameters
double getChargeSeed() const
get charge
void addRefereeStatus(unsigned short int bitmask)
add a referee status
void setPdgCode(int pdgCode)
set a hypothesis for the particle by setting a pdgcode (will also set the appropriate charge)
const std::vector< const Belle2::SpacePoint * > getSortedHits() const
get hits (space points) sorted by their respective sorting parameter
SpacePoint typically is build from 1 PXDCluster or 1-2 SVDClusters.
Definition: SpacePoint.h:42
Base class to provide Sensor Information for PXD and SVD.
void setTransformation(const TGeoHMatrix &transform, bool reco=false)
Set the transformation matrix of the Sensor.
Class to uniquely identify a any structure of the PXD and SVD.
Definition: VxdID.h:33
TEST_F(SpacePointTrackCandTest, testGetSortedHits)
Test setPdgCode method, by comparing its results with the expected values for the according particles...
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.