Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
UnknownPars Struct Reference

structure including all variables of interest with uncertainties from boot-strap More...

Collaboration diagram for UnknownPars:

Public Member Functions

void add (SpotParam sPar, double SizeX, double SizeY, double SizeXY, double SizeZ)
 add next boot-strap replica of the BS parameters
void printStat ()
 Print interesting statistics from boot-strap.
void getOutput (std::vector< VectorXd > &vtxPos, std::vector< MatrixXd > &vtxErr, MatrixXd &sizeMat)
 get output in Belle2-like format
void setBranchVal (TTree *T, std::vector< double > *vec, TString n)
 save bootstrap variable to TTree
void setBranchSpline (TTree *T, Spline *spl, TString n)
 save bootstrap spline to TTree
void save2tree (TString fName)
 save everything to TTree

Public Attributes

UnknowSpline x
 BS position (x coordinate)
UnknowSpline y
 BS position (y coordinate)
UnknowSpline kX
 BS angle in xz plane.
UnknowSpline kY
 BS angle in yz plane.
UnknowSpline z
 BS position (z coordinate)
UnknowVar sizeX
 BS size in x direction.
UnknowVar sizeY
 BS size in y direction.
UnknowVar sizeXY
 off-diagonal component of BS size cov matrix in frame where z' is aligned with z
UnknowVar sizeMin
 smallest eigenvalue of the BS size cov matrix (similar to sizeY)
UnknowVar sizeMax
 middle eigenvalue of the BS size cov matrix (similar to sizeX)
UnknowVar xyAngle
 angle of the BS in xy plane when z' is aligned with z
UnknowVar sizeZ
 BS size in z direction.
UnknowVar crossAngle
 derived value of the crossing angle of the HER & LER beams
UnknowVar matXX
 XX element of BS size cov matrix.
UnknowVar matYY
 YY element of BS size cov matrix.
UnknowVar matZZ
 ZZ element of BS size cov matrix.
UnknowVar matXY
 XY element of BS size cov matrix.
UnknowVar matXZ
 XZ element of BS size cov matrix.
UnknowVar matYZ
 YZ element of BS size cov matrix.

Detailed Description

structure including all variables of interest with uncertainties from boot-strap

Definition at line 333 of file

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: