Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
Event Struct Reference

structure containing variables relevant for the hadronic B decays More...

#include <InvariantMassBhadStandAlone.h>

Collaboration diagram for Event:

Public Attributes

int exp = -1
 experiment number
int run = -1
 run number
int evtNo = -1
 event number
double t = realNaN
 time of the event
std::vector< Candidatecand = {}
 vector of B meson candidates
int nBootStrap = 1
 bootstap weight, 1 -> data without bootstrapping

Detailed Description

structure containing variables relevant for the hadronic B decays

Definition at line 46 of file InvariantMassBhadStandAlone.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: