Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
ecl modules
Collaboration diagram for ecl modules:


class  eclAutocovarianceCalibrationC1CollectorModule
 Calibration collector module to estimate noise level of delayed Bhabha waveforms. More...
class  eclAutocovarianceCalibrationC3CollectorModule
 Calibration collector module that uses delayed Bhabha to compute coveriance matrix. More...
class  eclAutocovarianceCalibrationC4CollectorModule
 Calibration collector module that uses delayed Bhabha to compute coveriance matrix. More...
class  ECLBackgroundModule
 A module to study background campaigns and produce histograms. More...
class  ECLCrystalData
 Class for obtaining crystal details for a given crystal cell An evolved look-up table. More...
class  ECLBhabhaTCollectorModule
 This module generates time vs crystal 2D histograms to later (in eclBhabhaTAlgorithm) find time crystal/crate offsets from bhabha events. More...
class  eclBhabhaTimeCalibrationValidationCollectorModule
 This module generates 'TimevsCrys' histogram to later (in eclBhabhaTAlgorithm) find time offset from bhabha events. More...
class  ECLChargedPIDModule
 The module implements charged particle identification using ECL-related observables. More...
class  ECLChargedPIDDataAnalysisModule
 The ECL Charged PID Data Analysis Module. More...
class  ECLChargedPIDDataAnalysisValidationModule
 This module dumps a tree and a set of histograms of ECL PID-related info used for validation, starting from an input file w/ particle-gun-generated charged stable particles (and antiparticles). More...
class  ECLChargedPIDMVAModule
 This module implements charged particle identification using ECL-related observables via a multiclass MVA. More...
class  ECLClusterPropertiesModule
 This module calculates some properties of ECL clusters. More...
class  ECLClusterPSDModule
 This module computes shower variables using pulse shape information from offline two component fits. More...
class  ECLClusterPSDPureCsIModule
 Class derived from ECL, only difference are the names. More...
class  ECLCompressBGOverlayModule
 The ECLCompressBGOverlay module compresses recorded waveforms triggered by the random trigger and to use them in simulation to follow background conditions. More...
class  eclCosmicECollectorModule
 class eclCosmicECollectorModule. More...
class  ECLCovarianceMatrixModule
 Class to perform the shower correction. More...
class  ECLCovarianceMatrixPureCsIModule
 The very same module but for PureCsI. More...
class  ECLCRFinderModule
 Class to find connected regions. More...
class  ECLCRFinderPureCsIModule
 Class to find connected regions, pureCsI version. More...
class  EclCovMatrixNtupleModule
 a module to write ECL waveform and fitted time and amplitude information in a root ntuple More...
class  ECLDataAnalysisModule
 The ECL Data Analysis Module. More...
class  ECLDigiStudyModule
 A module to analyse digit level information. More...
class  ECLDigitCalibratorModule
 Class to find calibrate digits and convert waveform fit information to physics quantities. More...
class  ECLDigitCalibratorPureCsIModule
 Class derived from ECLDigitCalibratorModule, only difference are the names. More...
class  ECLDigitizerModule
 The ECLDigitizer module. More...
class  ECLDigitizerPureCsIModule
 The ECLDigitizerPureCsI module. More...
class  EclData
 This class contains data for ECLSimHit's and provides several relevant conversion functions for better event display. More...
class  EclDisplayAsyncModule
 Displays energy distribution in ECL. More...
class  EclDisplayModule
 Displays energy distribution in ECL. More...
class  EclFrame
 Root TGMainFrame that contains multiple widgets that display the ECLSimHit's w.r.t. More...
class  EclPainter
 Painter for EclData, parent class, created with EclPainterFactory. More...
class  EclPainter1D
 Painter for EclData, 1D histograms. More...
class  EclPainter2D
 Painter for EclData, 2D histograms. More...
class  EclPainterCommon
 Painter for EclData that shows common event characteristics on 1D histograms. More...
class  EclPainterFactory
 Class that implements Factory pattern to create objects inherited from EclPainter. More...
class  EclPainterPolar
 Painter for EclData, polar energy/event_count distribution. More...
class  MultilineWidget
 Widget which contains the dynamic amount of TGLabel objects. More...
class  ECLDQMModule
 This module is created to monitor ECL Data Quality. More...
class  ECLDQMConnectedRegionsModule
 This module is created to monitor ECL Data Quality. More...
 This module is created to monitor ECL electronics logic in frame of DQM system. More...
class  ECLDQMOutOfTimeDigitsModule
 This module produces DQM histograms to monitor the distribution of out-of-time ECLCalDigits. More...
class  ECLDumpGeometryModule
 Dump location and direction of all ECL crystals. More...
class  eclEdgeCollectorModule
 Collector to store ECL crystal locations. More...
class  eclee5x5CollectorModule
 Calibration collector module that uses e+e- --> e+e- to do ECL single crystal energy calibration. More...
class  ECLEventT0Module
 EventT0 from ECL. More...
class  ECLFillCellIdMappingModule
 Fills a dataobject that provides maping between cell id and ECLCalDigit store array. More...
class  ECLFinalizerModule
 Class to perform the shower correction. More...
class  ECLFinalizerPureCsIModule
 The very same module but for PureCsI. More...
class  eclGammaGammaECollectorModule
 Calibration collector module that uses e+e- --> gamma gamma to do ECL single crystal energy calibration. More...
class  eclHadronTimeCalibrationValidationCollectorModule
 This module generates 'TimevsCrys' histogram to later (in eclBhabhaTAlgorithm) find time offset from bhabha events. More...
class  ECLHitDebugModule
 Class to represent the hit of one cell. More...
class  eclLeakageCollectorModule
 Store information needed to calculate ECL energy leakage corrections. More...
class  ECLLocalMaximumFinderModule
 Class to find connected regions. More...
class  ECLLocalMaximumFinderPureCsIModule
 Class to find connected regions, pureCsI version. More...
class  ECLLocalRunCalibAcc
 ECLLocalRunCalibAcc is the class designed to accumulate mean values, standard deviation and number of accepted events. More...
class  ECLLocalRunCalibratorModule
 ECLLocalRunCalibratorModule is the module developed to perform ECL local run calibration. More...
class  ECLLocalRunCalibUnit
 ECLLocalRunCalibUnit is the class designed for the control of mean value and the standard deviation accumulators. More...
class  StoreArray< T >
 Accessor to arrays stored in the data store. More...
class  ECLMatchingPerformanceExpertModule
 This module takes the Track collection as input and checks if one of the related ExtHits matches with an ECLCalDigit of at least 2 MeV. More...
class  eclMuMuECollectorModule
 Calibration collector module that uses muon pairs to do ECL single crystal energy calibration. More...
class  eclNOptimalCollectorModule
 Collector that runs on single photon MC samples to find the number of crystals to be summed to get the best energy resolution for each test energy and for each group of crystals (8 groups per thetaID in the barrel). More...
class  ECLPackerModule
 Module that pack's MC info into a dataformat that comes from the detector. More...
class  ECLShowerCalibratorModule
 Class to perform the shower correction. More...
class  ECLShowerCalibratorPureCsIModule
 The very same module but for PureCsI. More...
class  ECLShowerCorrectorModule
 Class to perform the shower correction. More...
class  ECLShowerCorrectorPureCsIModule
 The very same module but for PureCsI. More...
class  ECLShowerShapeModule
 Class to perform the shower correction. More...
class  ECLShowerShapePureCsIModule
 The very same module but for PureCsI. More...
class  ECLSplitterN1Module
 Class to perform the shower correction. More...
class  ECLSplitterN1PureCsIModule
 The very same module but for PureCsI. More...
class  ECLSplitterN2Module
 Class to perform the shower correction. More...
class  ECLSplitterN2PureCsIModule
 The very same module but for PureCsI. More...
class  eclTimeShiftsPlottingCollectorModule
 This modules looks up crystal and crate time offset constants from the database and saves them to a tree for the algorithm to plot as a function of run number. More...
class  BestMatchContainer< TItem, TEstimator >
 Multiple entries can be added, but only the one will be kept, which has the best quality estimator. More...
class  BremFindingMatchCompute
 Module to compute if an extrapolation to the ECL matches the position of an secondary ECLCLuster to find bremsstrahlung clusters. More...
class  ECLTrackBremFinderModule
 Module to assign ECL Clusters resulting from Bremsstrahlung to the primary electron track. More...
class  ECLTrackCalDigitMatchModule
 Module to find the closest ECLCalDigits to an extrapolated track. More...
class  ECLTrackClusterMatchingModule
 The module creates and saves a Relation between Tracks and ECLCluster in the DataStore. More...
class  ECLTrackClusterMatchingParametrizationExpertModule
 The module saves information on ExtHits and related cluster into a file. More...
class  ECLTrackClusterMatchingPerformanceModule
 This module takes the MCParticle collection as input and checks if the related reconstructed track is matched to an ECLCluster. More...
class  ECLTRGInformationModule
 Module to get ECL TRG energy information. More...
class  ECLTriggerClusterMatcherModule
 Match ECLTRGClusters to ECLClusters. More...
class  ECLTrimShowersAndDigitsModule
 Create new dataobjects containing only the ECLShower and ECLCalDigits associated with the selected ECLCluster, which is the one with maximum related MC energy. More...
class  ECLUnpackerModule
 the ECL unpacker module More...
class  eclWaveformCalibCollectorModule
 Store information needed to calculate ECL waveform template shapes. More...
struct  CovariancePacked
 Struct to keep upper triangle of the covariance matrix. More...
struct  SignalInterpolation2
 Interpolation of signal shape using function values and the first derivative. More...
class  ECLWaveformFitModule
 Module performs offline fit for saved ECL waveforms. More...
class  eclWaveformTemplateCalibrationC1CollectorModule
 Calibration collector module that uses delayed Bhabha to compute coveriance matrix. More...
class  eclWaveformTemplateCalibrationC2CollectorModule
 Calibration collector module that uses delayed Bhabha to compute coveriance matrix. More...
class  MCMatcherECLClustersModule
 Class to represent the hit of one cell. More...
class  MCMatcherECLClustersPureCsIModule
 Same module but for pure CsI. More...


enum  EclPainterType {
 Enum for type of EclPainter to create. More...


static const double realNaN = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()
 constant for double NaN
static const int intNaN = std::numeric_limits<int>::quiet_NaN()
 constant for integer NaN

Detailed Description

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ EclPainterType

Enum for type of EclPainter to create.

Also see const char* titles definition in


Event count/energy polar angle distribution.


Event count/energy distribution per channel.


Event count/energy distribution per shaperDSP.


Event count/energy distribution per crate/ECLCollector.


Event count/energy distribution per phi_id.


Event count/energy distribution per theta_id.


Channel energy distribution.


Event energy distribution.


Time distribution.


(theta_id:phi_id) histogram.


(shaper:crate) histogram.

Definition at line 29 of file EclPainterFactory.h.

29  {
41  };
Time distribution.
Event count/energy distribution per channel.
Event count/energy distribution per crate/ECLCollector.
(theta_id:phi_id) histogram.
Event energy distribution.
Event count/energy distribution per theta_id.
(shaper:crate) histogram.
Event count/energy distribution per shaperDSP.
Event count/energy polar angle distribution.
Channel energy distribution.
Event count/energy distribution per phi_id.