Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
KLMTimeAlgorithm::Event Struct Reference

Event data. More...

#include <KLMTimeAlgorithm.h>

Public Member Functions

double time ()
 Get propagation time + cableDelay time.

Public Attributes

double t0 = 0
 EventT0 for the digit.
double flyTime = 0
 Particle flying time.
double recTime = 0
 Recosntruction time respected to the trigger time.
double dist = 0
 Propagation distance from hit to FEE.
double diffDistX = 0
 Global position difference between klmHit2d and ExtHit (X).
double diffDistY = 0
 Global position difference between klmHit2d and ExtHit (Y).
double diffDistZ = 0
 Global position difference between klmHit2d and ExtHit (Z).
double eDep = 0
 Collect energy eV.
double nPE = 0
 Number of photon electron.
int channelId = 0
 Unique channel id Barral and endcap merged.
bool inRPC = 0
 BKLM RPC flag, used for testing and not necessary.
bool isFlipped = 0
 If phi and z plane flipped, used for testing and not necessary.

Detailed Description

Event data.

Definition at line 48 of file KLMTimeAlgorithm.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: