12 #include <klm/bklm/geometry/GeometryPar.h>
13 #include <klm/dataobjects/KLMChannelIndex.h>
14 #include <klm/dataobjects/KLMElementNumbers.h>
15 #include <klm/dbobjects/KLMTimeCableDelay.h>
16 #include <klm/dbobjects/KLMTimeConstants.h>
17 #include <klm/dbobjects/KLMTimeResolution.h>
18 #include <klm/eklm/geometry/GeometryData.h>
21 #include <calibration/CalibrationAlgorithm.h>
24 #include <Math/MinimizerOptions.h>
26 #include <TGraphErrors.h>
108 c_SuccessfulCalibration = 2,
260 TProfile* profileRpcPhi, TProfile* profileRpcZ,
261 TProfile* profileBKLMScintillatorPhi, TProfile* profileBKLMScintillatorZ,
262 TProfile* profileEKLMScintillatorPlane1,
263 TProfile* profileEKLMScintillatorPlane2,
bool fill2dHistograms);
272 const std::vector< std::pair<KLMChannelNumber, unsigned int> >& channels,
273 double& delay,
double& delayError);
279 std::map<KLMChannelNumber, std::vector<struct Event> >
Base class for calibration algorithms.
The result of calibration.
KLM time calibration algorithm.
TProfile * m_Profile2EKLMScintillatorPlane2
For EKLM scintillator plane2.
double mc_etime_channelAvg_rpc
Calibrated central value error of the global time distribution (BKLM RPC part).
TH2F * m_HistTimeLengthEKLM[2][4][14][2][75]
Two-dimensional distributions of time versus propagation length.
TH1F * h_timeFSLPC_tc[2][8][15][2][54]
BKLM part, used for effective light speed estimation.
TH2F * h2c_timeF_scint_end[2]
EKLM part.
TH1F * h_timeFSLPC_tc_end[2][4][14][2][75]
EKLM part, used for effective light speed estimation.
KLMTimeResolution * m_timeResolution
DBObject of time resolution.
TH1F * h_time_scint_tc_end
EKLM part.
void createHistograms()
Create histograms.
TGraphErrors * gre_time_channel_scint
BKLM Scintillator.
double m_LowerTimeBoundaryCalibratedScintilltorsEKLM
Lower time boundary for EKLM scintillators (calibrated data).
double m_LowerTimeBoundaryScintilltorsEKLM
Lower time boundary for EKLM scintillators.
TH1F * h_timeFSL[2][8][15]
BKLM part.
TH1F * hc_timeFSLPC_end[2][4][14][2][75]
EKLM part.
TH1F * hc_timeFSL_end[2][4][14]
EKLM part.
TH1F * h_timeFSLP_end[2][4][14][2]
EKLM part.
TGraph * gr_timeRes_channel_rpc
TH1F * hc_timeFSLP_end[2][4][14][2]
EKLM part.
TH1F * h_timeFSLP[2][8][15][2]
BKLM part.
TH1F * hc_timeF_scint_end[2]
EKLM part.
std::map< KLMChannelNumber, double > m_timeShift
Shift values of each channel.
TH1F * h_time_scint
BKLM scintillator part.
double m_time_channelAvg_scint
Central value of the global time distribution (BKLM scintillator part).
TH1F * hc_timeFS_scint_end[2][4]
EKLM part.
double esti_timeRes(const KLMChannelIndex &klmChannel)
Estimate value of calibration constant for calibrated channels.
double m_UpperTimeBoundaryCalibratedRPC
Upper time boundary for RPC (calibrated data).
double m_ctime_channelAvg_rpc
Calibrated central value of the global time distribution (BKLM RPC part).
KLMTimeConstants * m_timeConstants
DBObject of time cost on some parts of the detector.
void setupDatabase()
Setup the database.
double m_LowerTimeBoundaryCalibratedScintilltorsBKLM
Lower time boundary for BKLM scintillators (calibrated data).
void setMinimalDigitNumber(int minimalDigitNumber)
Set minimal digit number (total).
double m_UpperTimeBoundaryCalibratedScintilltorsBKLM
Upper time boundary for BKLM scintillators (calibrated data).
TH1F * hc_timeFS_scint[2][8]
BKLM scintillator part.
std::map< KLMChannelNumber, double > m_time_channel
Time distribution central value of each channel.
double m_ctime_channelAvg_scint_end
Calibrated central value of the global time distribution (EKLM scintillator part).
CalibrationAlgorithm::EResult readCalibrationData()
Read calibration data.
TGraph * gr_timeShift_channel_scint_end
TGraph * gr_timeRes_channel_scint
BKLM scintillator.
TH1F * hc_timeF_scint[2]
BKLM scintillator part.
TH1F * h_timeFS_scint[2][8]
BKLM scintillator part.
const KLMElementNumbers * m_ElementNumbers
Element numbers.
std::pair< int, double > tR_upperStrip(const KLMChannelIndex &klmChannel)
Tracing avaiable channels with increasing strip number.
TH1F * hc_timeF_rpc[2]
BKLM RPC part.
TH2F * h2c_timeFS_end[2][4]
EKLM part.
TH1F * h_timeFSLPC_end[2][4][14][2][75]
EKLM part.
const EKLM::GeometryData * m_EKLMGeometry
EKLM geometry data.
TGraphErrors * gre_ctime_channel_scint_end
TProfile * m_Profile2BKLMScintillatorPhi
For BKLM scintillator phi plane.
TH1F * hc_time_scint_end
EKLM part.
TGraphErrors * gre_time_channel_scint_end
TH2F * h2_timeFSLP[2][8][15][2]
BKLM part.
TGraph * gr_timeShift_channel_scint
BKLM scintillator.
double m_time_channelAvg_scint_end
Central value of the global time distribution (EKLM scintillator part).
TProfile * m_Profile2EKLMScintillatorPlane1
For EKLM scintillator plane1.
TH1F * hc_timeFS_rpc[2][8]
BKLM RPC part.
void fillTimeDistanceProfiles(TProfile *profileRpcPhi, TProfile *profileRpcZ, TProfile *profileBKLMScintillatorPhi, TProfile *profileBKLMScintillatorZ, TProfile *profileEKLMScintillatorPlane1, TProfile *profileEKLMScintillatorPlane2, bool fill2dHistograms)
Fill profiles of time versus distance.
TFile * m_outFile
Output file.
double esti_timeShift(const KLMChannelIndex &klmChannel)
Estimate value of calibration constant for uncalibrated channels.
std::pair< int, double > tS_upperStrip(const KLMChannelIndex &klmChannel)
Tracing avaiable channels with increasing strip number.
TH1F * hc_timeFSLP[2][8][15][2]
BKLM part.
TGraphErrors * gre_ctime_channel_rpc
void saveHist()
Save histograms to file.
const bklm::GeometryPar * m_BKLMGeometry
BKLM geometry data.
TH2F * h2c_timeFSLP[2][8][15][2]
BKLM part.
double m_ctime_channelAvg_scint
Calibrated central value of the global time distribution (BKLM scintillator part).
TF1 * fcn_const
Const function.
TProfile * m_Profile2RpcZ
For BKLM RPC z plane.
TH1F * h_timeFSLPC[2][8][15][2][54]
BKLM part.
void setDebug()
Turn on debug mode (prints histograms and output running log).
TH2F * m_HistTimeLengthBKLM[2][8][15][2][54]
Two-dimensional distributions of time versus propagation length.
TH2F * h2_timeFSLP_end[2][4][14][2]
EKLM part.
TH1I * hc_calibrated
Calibration statistics for each channel.
void timeDistance2dFit(const std::vector< std::pair< KLMChannelNumber, unsigned int > > &channels, double &delay, double &delayError)
Two-dimensional fit for individual channels.
TGraph * gr_timeRes_channel_scint_end
TH1I * h_calibrated
Calibration statistics for each channel.
TProfile * m_ProfileBKLMScintillatorZ
For BKLM scintillator z plane.
TH1F * h_time_rpc_tc
BKLM RPC part.
TH1F * h_time_scint_end
EKLM part.
TH2F * h2c_timeF_scint[2]
BKLM scintillator part.
TF1 * fcn_pol1
Pol1 function.
double m_etime_channelAvg_scint_end
Central value error of the global time distribution (EKLM scintillator part).
TH1F * hc_time_rpc
BKLM RPC part.
double mc_etime_channelAvg_scint
Calibrated central value error of the global time distribution (BKLM scintillator part).
TH2F * h2c_timeFSLP_end[2][4][14][2]
EKLM part.
double mc_etime_channelAvg_scint_end
Calibrated central value error of the global time distribution (EKLM scintillator part).
TH2F * h2_timeF_scint_end[2]
EKLM part.
void useEvtT0()
Use event T0 as the initial time point or not.
double m_UpperTimeBoundaryScintilltorsBKLM
Upper time boundary for BKLM scintillators.
TF1 * fcn_gaus
Gaussian function.
TH1F * h_timeF_rpc[2]
BKLM RPC part.
TProfile * m_ProfileBKLMScintillatorPhi
For BKLM scintillator phi plane.
TH1F * hc_time_scint
BKLM scintillator part.
TH2F * h2_timeFS[2][8]
BKLM part.
double m_etime_channelAvg_scint
Central value error of the global time distribution (BKLM scintillator part).
double m_UpperTimeBoundaryCalibratedScintilltorsEKLM
Upper time boundary for BKLM scintillators (calibrated data).
TH1F * h_timeF_scint_end[2]
EKLM part.
TProfile * m_ProfileRpcPhi
For BKLM RPC phi plane.
TGraphErrors * gre_ctime_channel_scint
BKLM Scintillator.
TProfile * m_ProfileEKLMScintillatorPlane2
For EKLM scintillator plane2.
TH1F * h_time_rpc
BKLM RPC part.
TH1F * h_timeFSL_end[2][4][14]
EKLM part.
TProfile * m_Profile2RpcPhi
For BKLM RPC phi plane.
TH1F * h_timeF_scint[2]
BKLM scintillator part.
TH1F * hc_timeFSL[2][8][15]
BKLM part.
TProfile * m_Profile2BKLMScintillatorZ
For BKLM scintillator z plane.
TH1F * h_timeFS_rpc[2][8]
BKLM RPC part.
KLMChannelIndex m_klmChannels
KLM ChannelIndex object.
TGraph * gr_timeShift_channel_rpc
std::map< KLMChannelNumber, double > m_timeRes
Resolution values of each channel.
TH1F * h_diff
Distance between global and local position.
TH2F * h2_timeF_scint[2]
BKLM scintillator part.
TH1F * h_time_scint_tc
BKLM scintillator part.
double m_LowerTimeBoundaryRPC
Lower time boundary for RPC.
virtual EResult calibrate() override
Run algorithm on data.
std::map< KLMChannelNumber, double > m_ctime_channel
Calibrated time distribution central value of each channel.
double m_LowerTimeBoundaryCalibratedRPC
Lower time boundary for RPC (calibrated data).
bool m_useEventT0
Whether to use event T0 from CDC.
int m_MinimalDigitNumber
Minimal digit number (total).
void setLowerLimit(int counts)
Set the lower number of hits collected on one sigle strip.
Channel calibration status.
TProfile * m_ProfileEKLMScintillatorPlane1
For EKLM scintillator plane1.
double m_UpperTimeBoundaryRPC
Upper time boundary for RPC.
TH2F * h2c_timeF_rpc[2]
BKLM RPC part.
TF1 * fcn_land
Landau function.
KLMTimeCableDelay * m_timeCableDelay
DBObject of the calibration constant of each channel due to cable decay.
std::pair< int, double > tS_lowerStrip(const KLMChannelIndex &klmChannel)
Tracing avaiable channels with decreasing strip number.
TProfile * m_ProfileRpcZ
For BKLM RPC z plane.
std::map< KLMChannelNumber, double > mc_etime_channel
Calibrated time distribution central value Error of each channel.
std::pair< int, double > tR_lowerStrip(const KLMChannelIndex &klmChannel)
Tracing avaiable channels with decreasing strip number.
void setMC(bool mc)
Set flag indicating whether the input is MC sample.
double m_LowerTimeBoundaryScintilltorsBKLM
Lower time boundary for BKLM scintillators.
TH1F * hc_timeFSLPC[2][8][15][2][54]
BKLM part.
ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions m_minimizerOptions
Minimization options.
std::map< KLMChannelNumber, int > m_cFlag
Calibration flag if the channel has enough hits collected and fitted OK.
TGraphErrors * gre_time_channel_rpc
TH2F * h2_timeFS_end[2][4]
EKLM part.
TH2F * h2_timeF_rpc[2]
BKLM RPC part.
std::map< KLMChannelNumber, std::vector< struct Event > > m_evts
Container of hit information.
TH1F * h_timeFS_scint_end[2][4]
EKLM part.
double m_time_channelAvg_rpc
Central value of the global time distribution (BKLM RPC part).
TH2F * h2c_timeFS[2][8]
BKLM part.
double m_etime_channelAvg_rpc
Central value error of the global time distribution (BKLM RPC part).
std::map< KLMChannelNumber, double > m_etime_channel
Time distribution central value Error of each channel.
double m_UpperTimeBoundaryScintilltorsEKLM
Upper time boundary for BKLM scintillators.
int m_lower_limit_counts
Lower limit of hits collected for on single channel.
Class to store BKLM delay time coused by cable in the database.
Class to store KLM constants related to time.
Class to store KLM time resolution in the database.
Provides BKLM geometry parameters for simulation, reconstruction etc (from Gearbox or DataBase)
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
double flyTime
Particle flying time.
double diffDistX
Global position difference between klmHit2d and ExtHit (X).
double t0
EventT0 for the digit.
int channelId
Unique channel id Barral and endcap merged.
double time()
Get propagation time + cableDelay time.
bool inRPC
BKLM RPC flag, used for testing and not necessary.
double eDep
Collect energy eV.
double diffDistY
Global position difference between klmHit2d and ExtHit (Y).
double diffDistZ
Global position difference between klmHit2d and ExtHit (Z).
double dist
Propagation distance from hit to FEE.
double nPE
Number of photon electron.
double recTime
Recosntruction time respected to the trigger time.
bool isFlipped
If phi and z plane flipped, used for testing and not necessary.