8 #include <tracking/v0Finding/fitter/V0Fitter.h>
10 #include <framework/gearbox/Const.h>
12 #include <genfit/FieldManager.h>
13 #include <genfit/MaterialEffects.h>
14 #include <genfit/ConstField.h>
15 #include <genfit/TGeoMaterialInterface.h>
19 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
44 EXPECT_EQ(Const::pion, kShortTracks.first);
45 EXPECT_EQ(Const::pion, kShortTracks.second);
47 EXPECT_EQ(Const::electron, photonTracks.first);
48 EXPECT_EQ(Const::electron, photonTracks.second);
50 EXPECT_EQ(Const::proton, lambdaTracks.first);
51 EXPECT_EQ(Const::pion, lambdaTracks.second);
53 EXPECT_EQ(Const::pion, antiLambdaTracks.first);
54 EXPECT_EQ(Const::proton, antiLambdaTracks.second);
63 v0Fitter.
initializeCuts(1.0, 10000., {0.425, 0.575}, {1.09, 1.14}, {0, 0.1});
Set up a few arrays and objects in the datastore.
V0Fitter class to create V0 mdst's from reconstructed tracks.
void initializeCuts(double beamPipeRadius, double vertexChi2CutOutside, std::tuple< double, double > invMassRangeKshort, std::tuple< double, double > invMassRangeLambda, std::tuple< double, double > invMassRangePhoton)
Initialize the cuts which will be applied during the fit and store process.
std::pair< Const::ParticleType, Const::ParticleType > getTrackHypotheses(const Const::ParticleType &v0Hypothesis) const
Get track hypotheses for a given v0 hypothesis.
double m_beamPipeRadius
Radius where inside/outside beampipe is defined.
std::tuple< double, double > m_invMassRangePhoton
invariant mass cut for Photon.
double m_vertexChi2CutOutside
Chi2 cut outside beampipe.
std::tuple< double, double > m_invMassRangeKshort
invariant mass cut for Kshort.
std::tuple< double, double > m_invMassRangeLambda
invariant mass cut for Lambda.
static FieldManager * getInstance()
Get singleton instance.
void init(AbsBField *b)
set the magnetic field here. Magnetic field classes must be derived from AbsBField.
void init(AbsMaterialInterface *matIfc)
set the material interface here. Material interface classes must be derived from AbsMaterialInterface...
AbsMaterialInterface implementation for use with ROOT's TGeoManager.
TEST_F(V0FitterTest, InitializeCuts)
Test initialization of cuts.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.