11 #include <framework/core/HistoModule.h>
39 void event()
override final;
41 void endRun()
override final;
HistoModule.h is supposed to be used instead of Module.h for the modules with histogram definitions t...
void initialize() override final
float m_SVDvChargeCut
Cut for charge of SVD v strip - in ADU.
long m_nEventsProcess
Number of events to process.
TH1F ** m_SVDHitMapV
SVD hitmaps for v strips and timestamp by plane.
std::string m_PXDMaskFileRunName
Name of file with list of PXD masked channels.
TH1F ** m_SVDHitMapU2
SVD hitmaps for u strips and timestamp by plane.
long * m_nEventsPlane
How many events in plane.
void defineHisto() override final
Histogram definitions such as TH1(), TH2(), TNtuple(), TTree()....
float m_PXDCut
Cut for masking of PXD pixel - preset for 1 kEvent.
TH2F ** m_PXDMaskUV
mask for pixels by PXD plane
std::string m_SVDMaskFileBasicName
Name of file with list of SVD basic masked channels.
void event() override final
int m_AppendMaskFile
Set option for append of existing file or recreate new list.
std::string m_storeSVDShaperDigitsName
SVDShaperDigits StoreArray name.
std::string m_histogramDirectoryName
directory fo histograms name
std::string m_SVDMaskFileRunName
Name of file with list of SVD masked channels.
float m_SVDuChargeCut
Cut for charge of SVD u strip - in ADU.
std::string m_PXDMaskFileBasicName
Name of file with list of PXD basic masked channels.
TH1F ** m_SVDMaskV
SVD mask for v strips by plane.
long m_nRealEventsProcess
Real Number of events to process.
TH1F ** m_SVDMaskU2
SVD mask for u strips by plane.
void endRun() override final
End run.
TH2F ** m_PXDHitMapUV
Hitmaps for pixels by PXD plane.
TH1F ** m_SVDHitMapU
SVD hitmaps for u strips and timestamp by plane.
void beginRun() override final
Begin run.
TH1F ** m_SVDHitMapV2
SVD hitmaps for v strips and timestamp by plane.
float m_SVDvCut
Cut for masking of SVD v strip - preset for 1 kEvent.
float m_PXDChargeCut
Cut for charge of PXD pixel - in ADU.
TH1F ** m_SVDMaskV2
SVD mask for v strips by plane.
float m_SVDuCut
Cut for masking of SVD u strip - preset for 1 kEvent.
float m_nEventsProcessFraction
Fraction of events to process to expected No.
TH1F ** m_SVDMaskU
SVD mask for u strips by plane.
std::string m_storePXDDigitsName
PXDDigits StoreArray name.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.