Source code for B2Tools.format

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework)                           #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration                                     #
#                                                                        #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders.                    #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see                  #

from string import Formatter
from pathlib import Path
import re
import json

[docs]def string(some_string): """ Used to escape user strings for LaTex. @param some_string which is escaped @return string escaped version of some_string """ return some_string.replace('\\', r'\textbackslash').replace('_', r'\_').replace('^', r'\^{}')
[docs]def variable(variable_string): """ Adds hyphenations after brackets, and for common variables. @param variable_string variable name @return string with hyphenation hints for latex """ substitutes = { '=': r'=\allowbreak ', '_': r'\_\allowbreak ', ':': r':\allowbreak ', '(': r'(\allowbreak ', 'extraInfo': r'ex\-tra\-In\-fo', 'SignalProbability': r'Sig\-nal\-Prob\-a\-bil\-i\-ty', 'cosAngleBetweenMomentumAndVertexVector': r'cosAngle\-Between\-Momentum\-And\-Vertex\-Vector'} for key, value in substitutes.items(): variable_string = variable_string.replace(key, value) return variable_string
[docs]def decayDescriptor(decay_string): """ Prettifies the given decay string by using latex-symbols instead of plain-text @param decay_string string containing a decay descriptor @return string latex version of the decay descriptor """ decay_string = decay_string.replace(':generic', '') decay_string = decay_string.replace(':semileptonic', '$_{SL}$') decay_string = decay_string.replace(':FSP', '$_{FSP}$') decay_string = decay_string.replace(':V0', '$_{V0}$') # Note: these are applied from top to bottom, so if you have # both B0 and anti-B0, put anti-B0 first. substitutes = [ ('==>', '$\\to$'), ('gamma', r'$\gamma$'), ('p+', r'$p$'), ('anti-p-', r'$\bar{p}$'), ('pi+', r'$\pi^+$'), ('pi-', r'$\pi^-$'), ('pi0', r'$\pi^0$'), ('K_S0', r'$K^0_S$'), ('K_L0', r'$K^0_L$'), ('mu+', r'$\mu^+$'), ('mu-', r'$\mu^-$'), ('tau+', r'$\tau^+$'), ('tau-', r'$\tau^-$'), ('nu', r'$\nu$'), ('K+', r'$K^+$'), ('K-', r'$K^-$'), ('e+', r'$e^+$'), ('e-', r'$e^-$'), ('J/psi', r'$J/\psi$'), ('anti-Lambda_c-', r'$\Lambda^{-}_{c}$'), ('anti-Sigma+', r'$\overline{\Sigma}^{+}$'), ('anti-Lambda0', r'$\overline{\Lambda}^{0}$'), ('anti-D0*', r'$\overline{D^{0*}}$'), ('anti-D*0', r'$\overline{D^{0*}}$'), ('anti-D0', r'$\overline{D^0}$'), ('anti-B0', r'$\overline{B^0}$'), ('Sigma+', r'$\Sigma^{+}$'), ('Lambda_c+', r'$\Lambda^{+}_{c}$'), ('Lambda0', r'$\Lambda^{0}$'), ('D+', r'$D^+$'), ('D-', r'$D^-$'), ('D0', r'$D^0$'), ('D*+', r'$D^{+*}$'), ('D*-', r'$D^{-*}$'), ('D*0', r'$D^{0*}$'), ('D_s+', r'$D^+_s$'), ('D_s-', r'$D^-_s$'), ('D_s*+', r'$D^{+*}_s$'), ('D_s*-', r'$D^{-*}_s$'), ('B+', r'$B^+$'), ('B-', r'$B^-$'), ('B0', r'$B^0$'), ('B_s0', r'$B^0_s$'), ('K*0', r'$K^{0*}$')] tex_string = decay_string for (key, value) in substitutes: tex_string = tex_string.replace(key, value) return '\\texorpdfstring{{{}}}{{{}}}'.format(tex_string, string(decay_string))
[docs]def duration(seconds): """ Converts a duration given in seconds into a nice latex-style duration string @param seconds duration in seconds @return string describing a duration in a natural format """ minutes = int(seconds / 60) hours = int(minutes / 60) minutes %= 60 ms = int(seconds * 1000) % 1000 us = int(seconds * 1000 * 1000) % 1000 seconds = int(seconds % 60) string = '' if hours != 0: string += "%dh" % (hours) if minutes != 0: string += "%dm" % (minutes) if seconds != 0 and hours == 0: string += "%ds" % (seconds) if ms != 0 and hours == 0 and minutes == 0 and seconds == 0: string += "%dms" % (ms) if us != 0 and hours == 0 and minutes == 0 and seconds == 0 and ms == 0: string += r"%d$\mu$s" % (us) if hours == 0 and minutes == 0 and seconds == 0 and ms == 0 and us == 0: string += r'$<1\mu$s' return string
[docs]class AttrDict: """Simple wrapper class to allow accessing dictionary elements via attribute access""" def __init__(self, content): """Remember the dictionary""" #: Dictionary we want to access via attributes self.__content = content def __getattr__(self, key): """Return any dictionay element as attribute""" return self.__content[key]
[docs]class DefaultValueFormatter(Formatter): """Custom formatter class which allows to substitute a missing value with a default value"""
[docs] def format_field(self, value, spec): """ Format a single field: * if the field is None and we have a ``:=`` specification we replace the field with the default value and change the spec to 's' * if the value is None we replace it with an empty string then we just run the normal formatter ... """ if spec.startswith("="): if value is None: value = spec[1:] spec = "s" if value is None: value = "" spec = "" return super().format_field(value, spec)
[docs] def get_field(self, field_name, args, kwargs): """ Try to get the field as usual but in case we cannot find it because it either doesn't exist or it doesn't have the correct attribute/item we just return None """ try: return super().get_field(field_name, args, kwargs) except (KeyError, TypeError): return None, None
[docs]def format_filename(template, filename, metadata_json): """ Format a file name as described in BELLE2-NOTE-TE-2017-012 Parameters: template (str): the format string filename (str): the name of the file metadata_json (str): a string representation of the file metadata json Returns: a string with the formatted file name """ filepath = Path(filename) metadata = json.loads(metadata_json) for key, value in metadata.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): metadata[key] = AttrDict(value) formatter = DefaultValueFormatter() result = formatter.format(template, file=filepath, **metadata) result = re.sub(r'//+', "/", result) result = re.sub(r'\s+', '_', result) return result