Source code for skim.WGs.leptonic

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework)                           #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration                                     #
#                                                                        #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders.                    #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see                  #

"""(Semi-)Leptonic Working Group Skims for leptonic analyses.

import modularAnalysis as ma
from skim import BaseSkim, fancy_skim_header
from stdCharged import stdE, stdMu
from variables import variables as vm

__liaison__ = "Shanette De La Motte <>"
_VALIDATION_SAMPLE = "mdst14.root"

[docs]@fancy_skim_header class LeptonicUntagged(BaseSkim): """ Reconstructed decays * :math:`B^- \\to e^-` * :math:`B^- \\to \\mu^-` Cuts applied * :math:`p_{\\ell}^{*} > 2\\,\\text{GeV}` in CMS Frame * :math:`\\text{electronID} > 0.5` * :math:`\\text{muonID} > 0.5` * :math:`n_{\\text{tracks}} \\geq 3` """ __authors__ = ["Phillip Urquijo"] __contact__ = __liaison__ __description__ = ( "Skim for leptonic analyses, " ":math:`B_{\\text{sig}}^-\\to\\ell\\nu`, where :math:`\\ell=e,\\mu`" ) __category__ = "physics, leptonic" validation_sample = _VALIDATION_SAMPLE ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): stdE("all", path=path) stdMu("all", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): ma.cutAndCopyList( "e-:LeptonicUntagged", "e-:all", "useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0 and electronID > 0.5", True, path=path, ) ma.cutAndCopyList( "mu-:LeptonicUntagged", "mu-:all", "useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0 and muonID > 0.5", True, path=path, ) ma.reconstructDecay("B-:LeptonicUntagged_0 -> e-:LeptonicUntagged", "", 1, path=path) ma.reconstructDecay("B-:LeptonicUntagged_1 -> mu-:LeptonicUntagged", "", 2, path=path) ma.applyCuts("B-:LeptonicUntagged_0", "nTracks>=3", path=path) ma.applyCuts("B-:LeptonicUntagged_1", "nTracks>=3", path=path) return ["B-:LeptonicUntagged_0", "B-:LeptonicUntagged_1"]
[docs] def validation_histograms(self, path): # NOTE: the validation package is not part of the light releases, so this import # must be made here rather than at the top of the file. from validation_tools.metadata import create_validation_histograms ma.cutAndCopyLists("B-:LeptonicUntagged", ["B-:LeptonicUntagged_0", "B-:LeptonicUntagged_1"], "", path=path) ma.buildRestOfEvent("B-:LeptonicUntagged", path=path) ma.appendROEMask( "B-:LeptonicUntagged", "basic", "pt>0.05 and -2<dr<2 and -4.0<dz<4.0", "E>0.05", path=path, ) vm.addAlias("d0_p", "daughter(0,p)") vm.addAlias("d0_electronID", "daughter(0,electronID)") vm.addAlias("d0_muonID", "daughter(0,muonID)") vm.addAlias("MissP", "weMissP(basic,0)") histogramFilename = f"{self}_Validation.root" contact = __liaison__ create_validation_histograms( rootfile=histogramFilename, particlelist="B-:LeptonicUntagged", variables_1d=[ ("Mbc", 100, 4.0, 5.3, "Mbc", contact, "", ""), ("d0_p", 100, 0, 5.2, "Signal-side lepton momentum", contact, "", ""), ("d0_electronID", 100, 0, 1, "electronID of signal-side lepton", contact, "", ""), ("d0_muonID", 100, 0, 1, "muonID of signal-side lepton", contact, "", ""), ("MissP", 100, 0, 5.3, "Missing momentum of event (CMS frame)", contact, "", ""), ], variables_2d=[ ("deltaE", 100, -5, 5, "Mbc", 100, 4.0, 5.3, "Mbc vs deltaE", contact, "", "") ], path=path, )