Source code for variables

# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework)                           #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration                                     #
#                                                                        #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders.                    #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see                  #

import argparse
import basf2.utils as b2utils

class PythonVariableManager:
    Wrapper around the variable manager class.
    This is necessary for avoiding to import ROOT globally when 'variables' is imported.

    def _instance(self):
        Return an instance to the variable manager.
        # Always avoid the top-level 'import ROOT'.
        import ROOT  # noqa
        instance = ROOT.Belle2.Variable.Manager.Instance()
        return instance

    def getVariable(self, *args):
        Wrapper around Manager::getVariable(std::string name) and
        Manager::getVariable(const std::string& functionName, const std::vector<std::string>& functionArguments).
        instance = PythonVariableManager._instance()
        return instance.getVariable(*args)

    def getVariables(self, *args):
        Wrapper around Manager::getVariables(const std::vector<std::string>& variables) and
        instance = PythonVariableManager._instance()
        return instance.getVariables(*args)

    def addAlias(self, alias, variable):
        Wrapper around Manager::addAlias(const std::string& alias, const std::string& variable).
        instance = PythonVariableManager._instance()
        assert(instance.addAlias(alias, variable))

    def printAliases(self):
        Wrapper around Manager::printAliases().
        instance = PythonVariableManager._instance()

    def clearAliases(self):
        Wrapper around Manager::clearAliases().
        instance = PythonVariableManager._instance()

    def resolveAlias(self, alias):
        Wrapper around Manager::resolveAlias(const std::string& alias).
        instance = PythonVariableManager._instance()
        return instance.resolveAlias(alias)

    def addCollection(self, *args):
        Wrapper around Manager::addCollection(const std::string& collection, const std::vector<std::string>& variables)
        instance = PythonVariableManager._instance()

    def getCollection(self, collection):
        Wrapper around Manager::getCollection(const std::string& collection).
        instance = PythonVariableManager._instance()
        return instance.getCollection(collection)

    def resolveCollections(self, *args):
        Wrapper around Manager::resolveCollections(const std::vector<std::string>& variables).
        instance = PythonVariableManager._instance()
        return instance.resolveCollections(*args)

    def checkDeprecatedVariable(self, variable):
        Wrapper around Manager::checkDeprecatedVariable(const std::string& name).
        instance = PythonVariableManager._instance()

    def evaluate(self, variable, particle):
        Wrapper around Manager::evaluate(const std::string& varName, const Particle* p).
        instance = PythonVariableManager._instance()
        return instance.evaluate(variable, particle)

    def getNames(self):
        Wrapper around Manager::getNames().
        instance = PythonVariableManager._instance()
        return instance.getNames()

    def getAliasNames(self):
        Wrapper around Manager::getAliasNames().
        instance = PythonVariableManager._instance()
        return instance.getAliasNames()

    def assertValidName(self, variable):
        Wrapper around Manager::assertValidName(const std::string& name).
        instance = PythonVariableManager._instance()

#: Allow users to easily interact with the variable mananger.
variables = PythonVariableManager()

[docs]def std_vector(*args): """ Creates an std::vector which can be passed to pyROOT """ # Always avoid the top-level 'import ROOT'. import ROOT # noqa v = ROOT.std.vector(type(args[0]))() for x in args: v.push_back(x) return v
def getCommandLineOptions(): """ Parses the command line options and returns the corresponding arguments. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--no-pager', dest='pager', default=True, action='store_false', help='Use a pager to show output or print to terminal.') args = parser.parse_args() return args
[docs]def printVars(changedVariableNames=None, listVars=None): """ Print list of all available variables. """ if changedVariableNames: print(changedVariableNames) print('Available variables in Variable::Manager:') if listVars is None: listVars = variables.getVariables() else: listVars = [variables.getVariable(name) for name in listVars] dict_VariableDataType = {0: 'double', 1: 'int', 2: 'bool'} vars = [] for v in listVars: vars.append((,, v.description, dict_VariableDataType[v.variabletype])) rows = [] current_group = '' for (group, name, description, vartype) in sorted(vars): if current_group != group: current_group = group rows.append([group]) rows.append([name, description, vartype]) b2utils.pretty_print_description_list(rows)
def printVariableType(listVars=None): if isinstance(listVars, str): listVars = [listVars] dict_VariableDataType = {0: 'double', 1: 'int', 2: 'bool'} for var_name in listVars: var = variables.getVariable(var_name) print(f"{var_name}: {dict_VariableDataType[var.variabletype]}")
[docs]def getAllTrgNames(): """ Return all PSNM trigger bit names """ # Always avoid the top-level 'import ROOT'. import ROOT # noqa bits = ROOT.Belle2.PyDBObj('TRGGDLDBFTDLBits') evt = ROOT.Belle2.EventMetaData() ROOT.Belle2.DBStore.Instance().update(evt) size = ROOT.Belle2.TRGSummary.c_ntrgWords * ROOT.Belle2.TRGSummary.c_trgWordSize return [bits.getoutbitname(i) for i in range(size) if bits.getoutbitname(i) != '']