Source code for generators

# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework)                           #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration                                     #
#                                                                        #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders.                    #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see                  #

This module contains convenience functions to setup most commonly used physics
generators correctly with their default settings. More information can be found
in `BELLE2-NOTE-PH-2015-006`_

.. _BELLE2-NOTE-PH-2015-006:

import basf2 as b2
import pdg

[docs]def get_default_decayfile(): """Return the default DECAY.dec for Belle2""" return b2.find_file("decfiles/dec/DECAY_BELLE2.DEC")
[docs]def add_generator_preselection( path, emptypath, nChargedMin=0, nChargedMax=999, MinChargedP=-1.0, MinChargedPt=-1.0, MinChargedTheta=0.0, MaxChargedTheta=180.0, nPhotonMin=0, nPhotonMax=999, MinPhotonEnergy=-1, MinPhotonTheta=0.0, MaxPhotonTheta=180.0, applyInCMS=False, stableParticles=False): """ Adds generator preselection. Should be added to the path after the generator.add_abc_generator but before simulation.add_simulation modules It uses all particles from the event generator (i.e. primary, non-virtual, non-initial particles). It checks if the required conditions are fulfilled. If not, the events are given to the emptypath. The main use case is a reduction of simulation time. Note that you have to multiply the generated cross section by the retention fraction of the preselection. Parameters: path (basf2.Path): path where the generator should be added emptypath (basf2.Path): path where the skipped events are given to nChargedMin (int): minimum number of charged particles nChargedMax (int): maximum number of charged particles MinChargedP (float): minimum charged momentum [GeV] MinChargedPt (float): minimum charged transverse momentum (pt) [GeV] MinChargedTheta (float): minimum polar angle of charged particle [deg] MaxChargedTheta (float): maximum polar angle of charged particle [deg] nPhotonMin (int): minimum number of photons nPhotonMax (int): maximum number of photons MinPhotonEnergy (float): minimum photon energy [GeV] MinPhotonTheta (float): minimum polar angle of photon [deg] MaxPhotonTheta (float): maximum polar angle of photon [deg] applyInCMS (bool): if true apply the P,Pt,theta, and energy cuts in the center of mass frame stableParticles (bool): if true apply the selection criteria for stable particles in the generator """ generatorpreselection = path.add_module('GeneratorPreselection', nChargedMin=nChargedMin, nChargedMax=nChargedMax, MinChargedP=MinChargedP, MinChargedPt=MinChargedPt, MinChargedTheta=MinChargedTheta, MaxChargedTheta=MaxChargedTheta, nPhotonMin=nPhotonMin, nPhotonMax=nPhotonMax, MinPhotonEnergy=MinPhotonEnergy, MinPhotonTheta=MinPhotonTheta, MaxPhotonTheta=MaxPhotonTheta, applyInCMS=applyInCMS, stableParticles=stableParticles ) # empty path for unwanted events generatorpreselection.if_value('<11', emptypath)
[docs]def add_aafh_generator( path, finalstate='', preselection=False, enableTauDecays=True, minmass=0.5, subweights=[], maxsubweight=1, maxfinalweight=3.0, eventType=''): """ Add the default two photon generator for four fermion final states Parameters: path (basf2.Path): path where the generator should be added finalstate (str): either "e+e-e+e-", "e+e-mu+mu-", "e+e-tau+tau-", "mu+mu-mu+mu-" or "mu+mu-tau+tau-" preselection (bool): if True, select events with at least one medium pt particle in the CDC acceptance enableTauDecays (bool): if True, allow tau leptons to decay (using EvtGen) minmass (float): minimum invariant mass subweights (list(float)): list of four or eight values (first four are interpreted as WAP, rest as WBP) which specify the relative weights for each of the four sub generators maxsubweight (float): maximum expected subgenerator weight for rejection scheme maxfinalweight (float): maximum expected final weight for rejection scheme eventType (str) : event type information """ if finalstate == 'e+e-e+e-': aafh_mode = 5 if not subweights: # default subweights are for minmass=0.5 aafh_subgeneratorWeights = [1.0, 7.986e+01, 5.798e+04, 3.898e+05, 1.0, 1.664e+00, 2.812e+00, 7.321e-01] else: aafh_subgeneratorWeights = subweights if abs(minmass - 0.5) > 0.01 and not subweights: b2.B2WARNING("add_aafh_generator: non default invariant mass cut without updated subweights requested!") elif finalstate == 'e+e-mu+mu-': aafh_mode = 3 if not subweights: # default subweights are for minmass=0.5 aafh_subgeneratorWeights = [1.000e+00, 1.520e+01, 3.106e+03, 6.374e+03, 1.000e+00, 1.778e+00, 6.075e+00, 6.512e+00] else: aafh_subgeneratorWeights = subweights if abs(minmass - 0.5) > 0.01 and not subweights: b2.B2WARNING("add_aafh_generator: non default invariant mass cut without updated subweights requested!") elif finalstate == 'e+e-tau+tau-': aafh_mode = 4 minmass = 0 if not subweights: aafh_subgeneratorWeights = [1.000e+00, 2.214e+00, 1.202e+01, 1.536e+01, 1.000e+00, 1.664e+00, 1.680e+01, 6.934e+00] else: aafh_subgeneratorWeights = subweights if preselection: b2.B2WARNING( f"You requested a generator preselection for the final state {finalstate}: " "please consider to remove it, since the cross section is small.") elif finalstate == 'mu+mu-mu+mu-': aafh_mode = 2 minmass = 0 maxsubweight = 3 if not subweights: aafh_subgeneratorWeights = [0.000e+00, 0.000e+00, 1.000e+00, 3.726e+00, 1.000e+00, 1.778e+00, 1.000e+00, 1.094e+00] else: aafh_subgeneratorWeights = subweights if preselection: b2.B2WARNING( f"You requested a generator preselection for the final state {finalstate}: " "please consider to remove it, since the cross section is small.") elif finalstate == 'mu+mu-tau+tau-': aafh_mode = 1 minmass = 0 maxsubweight = 3 if not subweights: aafh_subgeneratorWeights = [0.000e+00, 0.000e+00, 1.000e+00, 1.715e+00, 1.000e+00, 1.778e+00, 1.000e+00, 6.257e-01] else: aafh_subgeneratorWeights = subweights if preselection: b2.B2WARNING( f"You requested a generator preselection for the final state {finalstate}: " "please consider to remove it, since the cross section is small.") elif finalstate == 'tau+tau-tau+tau-': b2.B2FATAL(f"AAFH is not able to generate the {finalstate} final state. Please use KoralW instead.") else: b2.B2FATAL(f"add_aafh_generator final state not supported: {finalstate}") aafh_maxSubgeneratorWeight = maxsubweight aafh_maxFinalWeight = maxfinalweight path.add_module( 'AafhInput', mode=aafh_mode, rejection=2, maxSubgeneratorWeight=aafh_maxSubgeneratorWeight, maxFinalWeight=aafh_maxFinalWeight, subgeneratorWeights=aafh_subgeneratorWeights, suppressionLimits=[1e100] * 4, minMass=minmass, eventType=eventType, ) if preselection: generator_emptypath = b2.create_path() add_generator_preselection( path=path, emptypath=generator_emptypath, nChargedMin=1, MinChargedPt=0.1, MinChargedTheta=17.0, MaxChargedTheta=150.0) if 'tau+tau-' in finalstate: if enableTauDecays: path.add_module('EvtGenDecay') else: b2.B2WARNING("The tau decays will not be generated.")
[docs]def add_kkmc_generator(path, finalstate='', signalconfigfile='', useTauolaBelle=False, tauinputfile='', eventType=''): """ Add the default muon pair and tau pair generator KKMC. For tau decays, TauolaBelle and TauolaBelle2 are available. Signal events can be produced setting a configuration file. Please notice that the configuration files for TauolaBelle and TauolaBelle2 has a very different structure (see the examples below generators/examples). Parameters: path (basf2.Path): path where the generator should be added finalstate(str): either "mu-mu+" or "tau-tau+" signalconfigfile(str): File with configuration of the signal event to generate. It doesn't affect mu-mu+ decays. useTauolaBelle(bool): If true, tau decay is driven by TauolaBelle. Otherwise TauolaBelle2 is used. It doesn't affect mu-mu+ decays. tauinputfile(str) : File to override KK2f_defaults. Only [sometimes] needed when tau decay is driven by TauolaBelle. eventType (str) : event type information """ #: kkmc input file kkmc_inputfile = b2.find_file('data/generators/kkmc/tauola_bbb.input.dat') #: kkmc file that will hold cross section and other information kkmc_logfile = 'kkmc_tautau.txt' #: kkmc configuration file, should be fine as is kkmc_config = b2.find_file('data/generators/kkmc/KK2f_defaults.dat') #: tau config file (empty for generic mu-mu+ and tau-tau+ with TauolaBelle2) kkmc_tauconfigfile = '' if finalstate == 'tau+tau-': b2.B2WARNING("add_kkmc_generator: please set finalstate as 'tau-tau+'. 'tau+tau-' will be deprecated in the future" " for consistency in the configuration files.") finalstate = 'tau-tau+' if finalstate == 'mu+mu-': b2.B2WARNING("add_kkmc_generator: please set finalstate as 'mu-mu+'. 'mu+mu-' will be deprecated in the future for" " consistency in the configuration files.") finalstate = 'mu-mu+' if finalstate == 'tau-tau+': if useTauolaBelle: b2.B2INFO("Generating tau pair events with TauolaBelle") #: If TauolaBelle, the tau decay must be controlled by Pythia flags kkmc_inputfile = b2.find_file('data/generators/kkmc/tau.input.dat') kkmc_tauconfigfile = b2.find_file('data/generators/kkmc/tau_decaytable.dat') #: Check if there is a signal decfile provided by the user if not signalconfigfile == '': b2.B2INFO(f"Using config file defined by user: {signalconfigfile}") if useTauolaBelle: kkmc_tauconfigfile = b2.find_file(signalconfigfile) else: kkmc_inputfile = b2.find_file(signalconfigfile) #: Check if there is a tauinputfile to override KK2f_defaults. Only [sometimes] needed when using TauolaBelle. if not tauinputfile == '': kkmc_inputfile = b2.find_file(tauinputfile) elif finalstate == 'mu-mu+': kkmc_inputfile = b2.find_file('data/generators/kkmc/mu.input.dat') kkmc_logfile = 'kkmc_mumu.txt' else: b2.B2FATAL("add_kkmc_generator final state not supported: {}".format(finalstate)) # use KKMC to generate lepton pairs path.add_module( 'KKGenInput', tauinputFile=kkmc_inputfile, KKdefaultFile=kkmc_config, taudecaytableFile=kkmc_tauconfigfile, kkmcoutputfilename=kkmc_logfile, eventType=eventType, )
[docs]def add_evtgen_generator(path, finalstate='', signaldecfile=None, coherentMixing=True, parentParticle='Upsilon(4S)', eventType=''): """ Add EvtGen for mixed and charged BB Parameters: path (basf2.Path): path where the generator should be added finalstate (str): Either "charged" for generation of generic B+/B-, "mixed" for generic B0/anti-B0, or "signal" for generation of user-defined signal mode signaldecfile (str): path to decfile which defines the signal decay to be generated (only needed if ``finalstate`` set to "signal") coherentMixing: Either True or False. Switches on or off the coherent decay of the B0-B0bar pair. It should always be True, unless you are generating Y(5,6S) -> BBar. In the latter case, setting it False solves the internal limitation of Evtgen that allows to make a coherent decay only starting from the Y(4S). parentParticle (str): initial state (used only if it is not Upsilon(4S). eventType (str) : event type information """ evtgen_userdecfile = b2.find_file('data/generators/evtgen/charged.dec') if parentParticle != 'Upsilon(3S)' and parentParticle != 'Upsilon(4S)'\ and parentParticle != 'Upsilon(5S)' and parentParticle != 'Upsilon(6S)': b2.B2FATAL("add_evtgen_generator initial state not supported: {}".format(parentParticle)) if finalstate == 'charged': pass elif finalstate == 'mixed': evtgen_userdecfile = b2.find_file('data/generators/evtgen/mixed.dec') elif finalstate == 'signal': evtgen_userdecfile = signaldecfile else: b2.B2FATAL("add_evtgen_generator final state not supported: {}".format(finalstate)) if signaldecfile and finalstate in ['charged', 'mixed']: b2.B2WARNING("ignoring decfile: {}".format(signaldecfile)) # use EvtGen if parentParticle == 'Upsilon(3S)': if finalstate != 'signal': b2.B2FATAL("add_evtgen_generator initial state {} is supported only with 'signal' final state".format(parentParticle)) if coherentMixing: coherentMixing = False b2.B2WARNING("add_evtgen_generator initial state {} has no BB mixing, now switching coherentMixing OFF" .format(parentParticle)) if parentParticle == 'Upsilon(5S)': if finalstate != 'signal': b2.B2FATAL("add_evtgen_generator initial state {} is supported only with 'signal' final state".format(parentParticle)) if coherentMixing: coherentMixing = False b2.B2WARNING( "add_evtgen_generator initial state {} is supported only with false coherentMixing, now switching it OFF" .format(parentParticle)) pdg.load(b2.find_file('decfiles/dec/Y5S.pdl')) if parentParticle == 'Upsilon(6S)': if finalstate != 'signal': b2.B2FATAL("add_evtgen_generator initial state {} is supported only with 'signal' final state".format(parentParticle)) if coherentMixing: coherentMixing = False b2.B2WARNING( "add_evtgen_generator initial state {} is supported only with false coherentMixing, now switching it OFF" .format(parentParticle)) pdg.load(b2.find_file('decfiles/dec/Y6S.pdl')) path.add_module( 'EvtGenInput', userDECFile=evtgen_userdecfile, CoherentMixing=coherentMixing, ParentParticle=parentParticle, eventType=eventType, )
[docs]def add_continuum_generator(path, finalstate, userdecfile='', *, skip_on_failure=True, eventType=''): """ Add the default continuum generators KKMC + PYTHIA including their default decfiles and PYTHIA settings See Also: `add_inclusive_continuum_generator()` to add continuum generation with preselected particles Parameters: path (basf2.Path): path where the generator should be added finalstate (str): uubar, ddbar, ssbar, ccbar userdecfile (str): EvtGen decfile used for particle decays skip_on_failure (bool): If True stop event processing right after fragmentation fails. Otherwise continue normally eventType (str) : event type information """ #: kkmc input file, one for each qqbar mode kkmc_inputfile = b2.find_file('data/generators/kkmc/uubar_nohadronization.input.dat') #: kkmc file that will hold cross section and other information kkmc_logfile = 'kkmc_uubar.txt' #: pythia configuration, different for ccbar pythia_config = b2.find_file('data/generators/modules/fragmentation/pythia_belle2.dat') #: user decay file decay_user = b2.find_file('data/generators/modules/fragmentation/dec_belle2_qqbar.dec') if userdecfile == '': pass else: b2.B2INFO('Replacing default user decfile: {}'.format(userdecfile)) decay_user = userdecfile #: kkmc configuration file, should be fine as is kkmc_config = b2.find_file('data/generators/kkmc/KK2f_defaults.dat') #: global decay file decay_file = get_default_decayfile() if finalstate == 'uubar': pass elif finalstate == 'ddbar': kkmc_inputfile = b2.find_file('data/generators/kkmc/ddbar_nohadronization.input.dat') kkmc_logfile = 'kkmc_ddbar.txt' elif finalstate == 'ssbar': kkmc_inputfile = b2.find_file('data/generators/kkmc/ssbar_nohadronization.input.dat') kkmc_logfile = 'kkmc_ssbar.txt' elif finalstate == 'ccbar': kkmc_inputfile = b2.find_file('data/generators/kkmc/ccbar_nohadronization.input.dat') pythia_config = b2.find_file('data/generators/modules/fragmentation/pythia_belle2_charm.dat') kkmc_logfile = 'kkmc_ccbar.txt' else: b2.B2FATAL("add_continuum_generator final state not supported: {}".format(finalstate)) # use KKMC to generate qqbar events (no fragmentation at this stage) path.add_module( 'KKGenInput', tauinputFile=kkmc_inputfile, KKdefaultFile=kkmc_config, taudecaytableFile='', kkmcoutputfilename=kkmc_logfile, eventType=eventType, ) # add the fragmentation module to fragment the generated quarks into hadrons # using PYTHIA8 fragmentation = path.add_module( 'Fragmentation', ParameterFile=pythia_config, ListPYTHIAEvent=0, UseEvtGen=1, DecFile=decay_file, UserDecFile=decay_user, ) if skip_on_failure: # branch to an empty path if PYTHIA failed, this will change the number of events # but the file meta data will contain the total number of generated events generator_emptypath = b2.create_path() fragmentation.if_value('<1', generator_emptypath)
[docs]def add_inclusive_continuum_generator(path, finalstate, particles, userdecfile='', *, include_conjugates=True, max_iterations=100000, eventType=''): """ Add continuum generation but require at least one of the given particles be present in the event. For example to only generate ccbar events which contain a "D*+" or an electron one could would use >>> add_inclusive_continuum_generator(path, "ccbar", ["D*+", 11]) If you are unsure how the particles are named in Belle II please have a look at the ``b2help-particles`` executable or the `pdg` python module. See Also: `add_continuum_generator()` to add continuum generation without preselection Parameters: path (basf2.Path): path to which the generator should be added finalstate (str): uubar, ddbar, ssbar, ccbar particles (list): A list of particle names or pdg codes. An event is only accepted if at lease one of those particles appears in the event. userdecfile (str): EvtGen decfile used for particle decays include_conjugates (bool): If True (default) accept the event also if a charge conjugate of the given particles is found max_iterations (int): maximum tries per event to generate the requested particle. If exceeded processing will be stopped with a `FATAL <LogLevel.FATAL>` error so for rare particles one might need a larger number. eventType (str) : event type information """ loop_path = b2.create_path() # we might run this more than once so make sure we remove any particles # before generating new ones loop_path.add_module("PruneDataStore", keepMatchedEntries=False, matchEntries=["MCParticles", "EventExtraInfo"]) # add the generator but make sure it doesn't stop processing on # fragmentation failure as is this currently not supported by do_while add_continuum_generator(loop_path, finalstate, userdecfile, skip_on_failure=False, eventType=eventType) # check for the particles we want loop_path.add_module("InclusiveParticleChecker", particles=particles, includeConjugates=include_conjugates) # Done, add this to the path and iterate it until we found our particle path.do_while(loop_path, max_iterations=max_iterations)
[docs]def add_bhwide_generator(path, minangle=0.5): """ Add the high precision QED generator BHWIDE to the path. Settings are the default L1/HLT study settings with a cross section of about 124000 nb (!) Parameters: path (basf2.Path): path where the generator should be added minangle (float): minimum angle of the outgoing electron/positron in the CMS in degrees """ if minangle < 0.0 or minangle > 180.0: b2.B2FATAL("add_bhwide_generator minimum angle too small (<0.0) or too large (>180): {}".format(minangle)) bhwide = path.add_module("BHWideInput") bhwide.param('ScatteringAngleRangePositron', [minangle, 180.0 - minangle]) bhwide.param('ScatteringAngleRangeElectron', [minangle, 180.0 - minangle]) bhwide.param('MaxAcollinearity', 180.0) bhwide.param('MinEnergy', 0.10) bhwide.param('VacuumPolarization', 'burkhardt') bhwide.param('WeakCorrections', True) bhwide.param('WtMax', 3.0)
[docs]def add_babayaganlo_generator( path, finalstate='', minenergy=0.01, minangle=10.0, fmax=-1.0, generateInECLAcceptance=False, eventType=''): ''' Add the high precision QED generator BabaYaga@NLO to the path. Parameters: path (basf2.Path): path where the generator should be added. finalstate (str): ee (e+e-) or gg (gammagamma). minenergy (float): minimum particle (leptons for 'ee', photons for 'gg') energy in GeV. minangle (float): angular range from minangle to 180-minangle for primary particles (in degrees). fmax (float): maximum of differential cross section weight. This parameter should be set only by experts. generateInECLAcceptance (bool): if True, the GeneratorPreselection module is used to select only events with both the primary particles within the ECL acceptance. eventType (str) : event type information ''' babayaganlo = path.add_module('BabayagaNLOInput') babayaganlo.param('eventType', eventType) if not (fmax == -1.0): b2.B2WARNING(f'The BabayagaNLOInput parameter "FMax" will be set to {fmax} instead to the default value (-1.0). ' 'Please do not do this, unless you are extremely sure about this choice.') if finalstate == 'ee': babayaganlo.param('FinalState', 'ee') babayaganlo.param('ScatteringAngleRange', [minangle, 180.0 - minangle]) babayaganlo.param('MinEnergy', minenergy) babayaganlo.param('FMax', fmax) elif finalstate == 'gg': babayaganlo.param('FinalState', 'gg') babayaganlo.param('ScatteringAngleRange', [minangle, 180.0 - minangle]) babayaganlo.param('MinEnergy', minenergy) babayaganlo.param('FMax', fmax) else: b2.B2FATAL(f'add_babayaganlo_generator final state not supported: {finalstate}') if generateInECLAcceptance: b2.B2INFO(f'The final state {finalstate} is preselected requiring both primary particles within the ECL acceptance.') emptypath = b2.Path() add_generator_preselection(path=path, emptypath=emptypath, applyInCMS=False) if finalstate == 'ee': b2.set_module_parameters(path=path, name='GeneratorPreselection', nChargedMin=2, MinChargedTheta=12.4, MaxChargedTheta=155.1,) elif finalstate == 'gg': b2.set_module_parameters(path=path, name='GeneratorPreselection', nPhotonMin=2, MinPhotonTheta=12.4, MaxPhotonTheta=155.1)
[docs]def add_phokhara_generator(path, finalstate='', eventType=''): """ Add the high precision QED generator PHOKHARA to the path. Almost full acceptance settings for photons and hadrons/muons. Parameters: path (basf2.Path): path where the generator should be added finalstate (str): One of the following final states: "mu+mu-", "pi+pi-", "pi+pi-pi0", "pi+pi-pi+pi-" (or "2(pi+pi-)"), "pi+pi-pi0pi0" or ("pi+pi-2pi0"), "pi+pi-eta", "K+K-", "K0K0bar", "ppbar", "n0n0bar" or "Lambda0Lambda0bar" eventType (str) : event type information """ if finalstate == 'mu+mu-': path.add_module( 'PhokharaInput', FinalState=0, # mu+mu- LO=0, NLO=1, QED=0, # use full two loop corrections MinInvMassHadrons=0., eventType=eventType, ).set_name('PHOKHARA_mumuISR') elif finalstate == 'pi+pi-': path.add_module( 'PhokharaInput', FinalState=1, # pi+pi- LO=0, NLO=1, QED=0, # use full two loop corrections MinInvMassHadrons=0., eventType=eventType, ).set_name('PHOKHARA_pipiISR') elif finalstate == 'pi+pi-pi0': path.add_module( 'PhokharaInput', FinalState=8, # pi+pi-pi0 LO=0, NLO=1, QED=0, # use full two loop corrections MinInvMassHadrons=0., eventType=eventType, ).set_name('PHOKHARA_pipipi0ISR') elif finalstate == 'pi+pi-pi+pi-' or finalstate == '2(pi+pi-)': path.add_module( 'PhokharaInput', FinalState=3, # 2(pi+pi-) LO=0, NLO=1, QED=0, # use full two loop corrections MinInvMassHadrons=0., eventType=eventType, ).set_name('PHOKHARA_pipipipiISR') elif finalstate == 'pi+pi-pi0pi0' or finalstate == 'pi+pi-2pi0': path.add_module( 'PhokharaInput', FinalState=2, # pi+pi-2pi0 LO=0, NLO=1, QED=0, # use full two loop corrections MinInvMassHadrons=0., eventType=eventType, ).set_name('PHOKHARA_pipipi0pi0ISR') elif finalstate == 'pi+pi-eta': path.add_module( 'PhokharaInput', FinalState=10, # pi+pi-eta LO=0, NLO=1, QED=0, # use full two loop corrections MinInvMassHadrons=0., eventType=eventType, ).set_name('PHOKHARA_pipietaISR') elif finalstate == 'K+K-': path.add_module( 'PhokharaInput', FinalState=6, # K+K- LO=0, NLO=1, QED=0, # use full two loop corrections MinInvMassHadrons=0., eventType=eventType, ).set_name('PHOKHARA_KKISR') elif finalstate == 'K0K0bar': path.add_module( 'PhokharaInput', FinalState=7, # K0K0bar LO=0, NLO=1, QED=0, # use full two loop corrections MinInvMassHadrons=0., eventType=eventType, ).set_name('PHOKHARA_K0K0barISR') elif finalstate == 'ppbar': path.add_module( 'PhokharaInput', FinalState=4, # ppbar LO=0, NLO=1, QED=0, # use full two loop corrections MinInvMassHadrons=0., eventType=eventType, ).set_name('PHOKHARA_ppbarISR') elif finalstate == 'n0n0bar': path.add_module( 'PhokharaInput', FinalState=5, # n0n0bar LO=0, NLO=1, QED=0, # use full two loop corrections MinInvMassHadrons=0., eventType=eventType, ).set_name('PHOKHARA_n0n0barISR') elif finalstate == 'Lambda0Lambda0bar': path.add_module( 'PhokharaInput', FinalState=9, # Lambda0Lambda0bar LO=0, NLO=1, QED=0, # use full two loop corrections MinInvMassHadrons=0., eventType=eventType, ).set_name('PHOKHARA_Lambda0Lambda0barISR') else: b2.B2FATAL(f"add_phokhara_generator final state not supported: {finalstate}")
[docs]def add_phokhara_evtgen_combination( path, final_state_particles, user_decay_file, beam_energy_spread=True, isr_events=False, min_inv_mass_vpho=0.0, max_inv_mass_vpho=0.0, eventType=''): """ Add combination of PHOKHARA and EvtGen to the path. Phokhara is acting as ISR generator by generating e+ e- -> mu+ mu-, the muon pair is then replaced by a virtual photon. Finally, the virtual photon is decayed by EvtGen. Parameters: path (basf2.Path): Path where the generator should be added. final_state_particles (list): List of final-state particles of the virtual-photon decay. It is necessary to define the correct mass threshold in PHOKHARA. For example, for the process e+ e- -> J/psi eta_c, the list should be ['J/psi', 'eta_c']; it does not depend on subsequent J/psi or eta_c decays. user_decay_file (str): Name of EvtGen user decay file. The initial particle must be the virtual photon (vpho). beam_energy_spread (bool): Whether beam-energy spread should be simulated isr_events (bool): If true, then PHOKHARA is used with ph0 (LO in basf2) = 0, i.e. generation of processes with one photon. min_inv_mass_hadrons(float): Minimum invariant mass of the virtual photon. This parameter is used only if isr_events is true, otherwise the minimum mass is computed from the masses of the final-state particles. max_inv_mass_hadrons(float): Maximum invariant mass of the virtual photon. This parameter is used only if isr_events is true, otherwise the maximum mass is not restricted. eventType (str) : event type information """ import pdg phokhara = path.add_module('PhokharaInput') phokhara.param('eventType', eventType) # Generate muons and replace them by a virtual photon. phokhara.param('FinalState', 0) phokhara.param('ReplaceMuonsByVirtualPhoton', True) # Simulate beam-energy spread. This performs initialization for every # event, and, thus, very slow, but usually necessary except for testing. phokhara.param('BeamEnergySpread', beam_energy_spread) # Soft photon cutoff. phokhara.param('Epsilon', 0.0001) # Maximum search. phokhara.param('SearchMax', 5000) # Number of generation attempts for event. phokhara.param('nMaxTrials', 25000) # Use NNLO. if isr_events: phokhara.param('LO', 0) else: phokhara.param('LO', 1) phokhara.param('NLO', 1) # Use ISR only. phokhara.param('QED', 0) # No interference. phokhara.param('IFSNLO', 0) # Vacuum polarization by Fred Jegerlehner. phokhara.param('Alpha', 1) # Do not include narrow resonances. phokhara.param('NarrowRes', 0) # Angular ragnes. phokhara.param('ScatteringAngleRangePhoton', [0., 180.]) phokhara.param('ScatteringAngleRangeFinalStates', [0., 180.]) # Minimal invariant mass of the muons and tagged photon combination. phokhara.param('MinInvMassHadronsGamma', 0.) if isr_events: # Minimum squared invariant mass of muons (final state). phokhara.param('MinInvMassHadrons', min_inv_mass_vpho * min_inv_mass_vpho) # Maximum squared invariant mass of muons (final state). phokhara.param('MaxInvMassHadrons', max_inv_mass_vpho * max_inv_mass_vpho) else: # Minimum squared invariant mass of muons (final state). # Force application of this cut. mass = 0 for particle in final_state_particles: p = pdg.get(particle) mass = mass + p.Mass() phokhara.param('MinInvMassHadrons', mass * mass) phokhara.param('ForceMinInvMassHadronsCut', True) # Maximum squared invariant mass of muons (final state). # It is set to a large value, resulting in unrestricted mass. phokhara.param('MaxInvMassHadrons', 200.0) # Minimal photon energy. phokhara.param('MinEnergyGamma', 0.01) # EvtGen. evtgen_decay = path.add_module('EvtGenDecay') evtgen_decay.param('UserDecFile', user_decay_file)
[docs]def add_koralw_generator(path, finalstate='', enableTauDecays=True, eventType=''): """ Add KoralW generator for radiative four fermion final states (only four leptons final states are currently supported). Parameters: path (basf2.Path): path where the generator should be added finalstate (str): either 'e+e-e+e-', 'e+e-mu+mu-', 'e+e-tau+tau-', 'mu+mu-mu+mu-', 'mu+mu-tau+tau-' or 'tau+tau-tau+tau-' enableTauDecays (bool): if True, allow tau leptons to decay (using EvtGen) eventType (str) : event type information """ decayFile = '' if finalstate == 'e+e-e+e-': decayFile = b2.find_file('data/generators/koralw/') elif finalstate == 'e+e-mu+mu-': decayFile = b2.find_file('data/generators/koralw/') elif finalstate == 'e+e-tau+tau-': decayFile = b2.find_file('data/generators/koralw/') elif finalstate == 'mu+mu-mu+mu-': decayFile = b2.find_file('data/generators/koralw/') elif finalstate == 'mu+mu-tau+tau-': decayFile = b2.find_file('data/generators/koralw/') elif finalstate == 'tau+tau-tau+tau-': decayFile = b2.find_file('data/generators/koralw/') else: b2.B2FATAL(f'add_koralw_generator final state not supported: {finalstate}') path.add_module('KoralWInput', UserDataFile=decayFile, eventType=eventType) if 'tau+tau-' in finalstate: if enableTauDecays: path.add_module('EvtGenDecay') else: b2.B2WARNING('The tau decays will not be generated.')
[docs]def add_cosmics_generator(path, components=None, global_box_size=None, accept_box=None, keep_box=None, geometry_xml_file='geometry/Beast2_phase2.xml', cosmics_data_dir='data/generators/modules/cryinput/', setup_file='generators/scripts/cry.setup', data_taking_period='gcr2017', top_in_counter=False): """ Add the cosmics generator CRY with the default parameters to the path. Warning: Please remember to also change the reconstruction accordingly, if you set "special" parameters here! Parameters: path (basf2.Path): path where the generator should be added components (list(str)): list of geometry components to add in the geometry module, or None for all components. global_box_size (tuple(float, float, float)): sets global length, width and height (in meters) in which to generate. Default is ``[100, 100, 100]`` accept_box (tuple(float, float, float)): sets the size of the accept box in meter. As a default it is set to ``[8.0, 8.0, 8.0]`` (the Belle II detector size). keep_box (tuple(float, float, float)): sets the size of the keep box (keep box >= accept box). geometry_xml_file (str): Name of the xml file to use for the geometry. cosmics_data_dir (str): parameter CosmicDataDir for the cry module (absolute or relative to the basf2 repo). setup_file (str): location of the cry.setup file (absolute or relative to the basf2 repo) data_taking_period (str): The cosmics generation will be added using the parameters, that where used in this period of data taking. The periods can be found in ``cdc/cr/``. top_in_counter (bool): time of propagation from the hit point to the PMT in the trigger counter is subtracted (assuming PMT is put at -z of the counter). """ b2.B2FATAL('''The function "add_cosmics_generator()" is outdated and it is currently not working: please replace add_cosmics_generator(path=path) with path.add_module('CRYInput') in your steering file (the module parameter "acceptance" has to be set, see the module docummentation).''') import as cosmics_setup if global_box_size is None: global_box_size = [100, 100, 100] if accept_box is None: accept_box = [8, 8, 8] if keep_box is None: keep_box = [8, 8, 8] cosmics_setup.set_cdc_cr_parameters(data_taking_period) if cosmics_setup.cosmics_period == "201607": b2.B2FATAL("The data taking period 201607 is very special (geometry setup, PMTs etc). This is not handled " "by this script! Please ask the CDC group, if you want to simulate this.") if 'Gearbox' not in path: override = [("/Global/length", str(global_box_size[0]), "m"), ("/Global/width", str(global_box_size[1]), "m"), ("/Global/height", str(global_box_size[2]), "m")] if cosmics_setup.globalPhi: override += [("/DetectorComponent[@name='CDC']//GlobalPhiRotation", str(cosmics_setup.globalPhi), "deg")] path.add_module('Gearbox', override=override, fileName=geometry_xml_file,) # detector geometry if 'Geometry' not in path: geometry = path.add_module('Geometry') if components: geometry.param('components', components) cry = path.add_module('CRYInput') # cosmic data input cry.param('CosmicDataDir', b2.find_file(cosmics_data_dir)) # user input file cry.param('SetupFile', b2.find_file(setup_file)) # acceptance half-lengths - at least one particle has to enter that box to use that event cry.param('acceptLength', accept_box[0]) cry.param('acceptWidth', accept_box[1]) cry.param('acceptHeight', accept_box[2]) cry.param('maxTrials', 100000) # keep half-lengths - all particles that do not enter the box are removed (keep box >= accept box) # default was 6.0 cry.param('keepLength', keep_box[0]) cry.param('keepWidth', keep_box[1]) cry.param('keepHeight', keep_box[2]) # minimal kinetic energy - all particles below that energy are ignored cry.param('kineticEnergyThreshold', 0.01) # TODO: I still do not fully understand, when the cosmics selector is needed and when not if cosmics_setup.cosmics_period not in ["normal", "gcr2017"]: # Selector module. cosmics_selector = b2.register_module('CDCCosmicSelector', lOfCounter=cosmics_setup.lengthOfCounter, wOfCounter=cosmics_setup.widthOfCounter, xOfCounter=cosmics_setup.triggerPos[0], yOfCounter=cosmics_setup.triggerPos[1], zOfCounter=cosmics_setup.triggerPos[2], phiOfCounter=0., TOP=top_in_counter, propSpeed=cosmics_setup.lightPropSpeed, TOF=1, cryGenerator=True ) path.add_module(cosmics_selector) empty_path = b2.create_path() cosmics_selector.if_false(empty_path)
[docs]def add_treps_generator(path, finalstate='', useDiscreteAndSortedW=False, eventType=''): """ Add TREPS generator to produce hadronic two-photon processes. Parameters: path (basf2.Path): path where the generator should be added finalstate(str): "e+e-pi+pi-", "e+e-K+K-" or "e+e-ppbar" useDiscreteAndSortedW(bool): if True, wListTableFile is used for discrete and sorted W. evtNumList must be set proper value. eventType (str) : event type information """ if finalstate == 'e+e-pi+pi-': parameterFile = b2.find_file('generators/treps/data/parameterFiles/treps_par_pipi.dat') differentialCrossSectionFile = b2.find_file('generators/treps/data/differentialCrossSectionFiles/pipidcs.dat') wListTableFile = b2.find_file('generators/treps/data/wListFiles/wlist_table_pipi.dat') elif finalstate == 'e+e-K+K-': parameterFile = b2.find_file('generators/treps/data/parameterFiles/treps_par_kk.dat') differentialCrossSectionFile = b2.find_file('generators/treps/data/differentialCrossSectionFiles/kkdcs.dat') wListTableFile = b2.find_file('generators/treps/data/wListFiles/wlist_table_kk.dat') elif finalstate == 'e+e-ppbar': parameterFile = b2.find_file('generators/treps/data/parameterFiles/treps_par_ppbar.dat') differentialCrossSectionFile = b2.find_file('generators/treps/data/differentialCrossSectionFiles/ppbardcs.dat') wListTableFile = b2.find_file('generators/treps/data/wListFiles/wlist_table_ppbar.dat') else: b2.B2FATAL("add_treps_generator final state not supported: {}".format(finalstate)) # use TREPS to generate two-photon events. path.add_module( 'TrepsInput', ParameterFile=parameterFile, DifferentialCrossSectionFile=differentialCrossSectionFile, WListTableFile=wListTableFile, UseDiscreteAndSortedW=useDiscreteAndSortedW, MaximalQ2=1.0, MaximalAbsCosTheta=1.01, ApplyCosThetaCutCharged=True, MinimalTransverseMomentum=0, ApplyTransverseMomentumCutCharged=True, eventType=eventType, )