Source code for skim.standardlists.charmless

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework)                           #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration                                     #
#                                                                        #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders.                    #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see                  #

import modularAnalysis as ma
from vertex import kFit
import stdPi0s

[docs]def loadStdVeryLooseTracks(particletype, path): """ Function to prepare veryLoose charged particle lists. We require only fiducial the cuts :b2:var:`thetaInCDCAcceptance` and :b2:var:`chiProb` :math:`> 0` and abs(:b2:var:`dr`) :math:`< 0.5~{\\rm cm}` and abs(dz) :math:` < 3~{\\rm cm}`. @param particletype type of charged particle to make a list of @param path modules are added to this path """ # basic quality cut strings trackQuality = 'thetaInCDCAcceptance' ipCut = 'abs(dr) < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 2' goodTrack = trackQuality + ' and ' + ipCut if particletype not in ['pi', 'K', 'p', 'e', 'mu']: ma.B2ERROR("The requested list is not a standard charged particle. Use one of pi, K, e, mu, p.") ma.fillParticleList(particletype + '+:SkimVeryLoose', goodTrack, True, path=path)
[docs]def loadStdVeryLooseKstar0(path): """ Create a list of 'K*0:veryLoose' list from 'pi-:SkimVeryLoose K+:SkimVeryLoose' with :math:`0.7 < M < 1.6~GeV` @param path modules are added to this path """ ma.reconstructDecay('K*0:veryLoose -> K+:SkimVeryLoose pi-:SkimVeryLoose', '0.7 < M < 1.6', 1, path=path) return 'K*0:veryLoose'
[docs]def loadStdVeryLooseRho0(path): """ Create a list of 'rho0:veryLoose' list from 'pi-:SkimVeryLoose pi+:SkimVeryLoose' with :math:`0.47 < M < 1.15~GeV` @param path modules are added to this path """ ma.reconstructDecay('rho0:veryLoose -> pi+:SkimVeryLoose pi-:SkimVeryLoose', '0.47 < M < 1.15', 1, path=path) return 'rho0:veryLoose'
[docs]def loadStdVeryLooseRhoPlus(path): """ Create a list of 'rho+:veryLoose' list from 'pi0:charmlessFit pi+:SkimVeryLoose' with :math:`0.47 < M < 1.15~GeV` @param path modules are added to this path """ ma.reconstructDecay('rho+:veryLoose -> pi+:SkimVeryLoose pi0:charmlessFit', '0.47 < M < 1.15', 1, path=path) return 'rho+:veryLoose'
[docs]def loadStdPi0ForBToCharmless(path): """ Creates a list 'pi0:charmlessFit' for :math:`B\\to {\\rm charmless}` skims, based on recommendations of the neutral group (avoiding ECL timing cuts) for May 2020. In addition, we require the mass to be :math:`105 < M < 160~{\\rm MeV}/c^2` and a massKFit to converge. """ stdPi0s.stdPi0s(listtype='eff60_May2020', path=path) ma.cutAndCopyList('pi0:charmlessFit', 'pi0:eff60_May2020', 'M > 0.105 and M < 0.160', path=path) kFit('pi0:charmlessFit', -1, fit_type='mass', path=path)
[docs]def loadStdVeryLooseKstarPlus(path): """ Create a list of 'K*+:veryLoose' list from 'pi+:SkimVeryLoose K_S0:merged' with :math:`0.7 < M < 1.6~GeV` @param path modules are added to this path """ ma.reconstructDecay('K*+:veryLoose -> K_S0:merged pi+:SkimVeryLoose', '0.7 < M < 1.6', 1, path=path) return 'K*+:veryLoose'
[docs]def loadStdVeryLooseKstarPlusPi0(path): """ Create a list of 'K*+:veryLoosePi0' list from 'K+:SkimVeryLoose pi0:charmlessFit' with :math:`0.7 < M < 1.6~GeV` @param path modules are added to this path """ ma.reconstructDecay('K*+:veryLoosePi0 -> K+:SkimVeryLoose pi0:charmlessFit', '0.7 < M < 1.6', 1, path=path) return 'K*+:veryLoosePi0'