Source code for smartBKG.NN_filter_module

# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework)                           #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration                                     #
#                                                                        #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders.                    #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see                  #
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from collections import defaultdict
import basf2 as b2
from ROOT import Belle2
from ROOT.Belle2 import DBAccessorBase, DBStoreEntry


def check_status_bit(status_bit):
    Returns True if conditions are satisfied (not an unusable particle)
    return (
        (status_bit & 1 << 4 == 0) &  # IsVirtual
        (status_bit & 1 << 5 == 0) &  # Initial
        (status_bit & 1 << 6 == 0) &  # ISRPhoton
        (status_bit & 1 << 7 == 0)  # FSRPhoton

[docs]class NNFilterModule(b2.Module): """ Goals: 1. Build a graph from an event composed of MCParticles 2. Apply the well-trained model for reweighting or sampling method to get a score 3. Execute reweighting or sampling process to get a weight Arguments: model_file(str): Path to saved model model_config(dict): Parameters to build the model preproc_config(dict): Parameters to provide information for preprocessing threshold(float): Threshold for event selection using reweighting method, value *None* indicating sampling mehtod extra_info_var(str): Name of eventExtraInfo to save model prediction to global_tag(str): Tag in ConditionDB where the well trained model was stored payload(str): Payload for the well trained model in global tag Returns: Pass or rejected according to random sampling or selection with the given threshold Note: Score after the NN filter indicating the probability of the event to pass is saved under ``EventExtraInfo.extra_info_var``. Use ``eventExtraInfo(extra_info_var)`` in ``modularAnalysis.variablesToNtuple`` or ``additionalBranches=["EventExtraInfo"]`` in ``mdst.add_mdst_output`` to have access to the scores. """ def __init__( self, model_file=None, model_config=MODEL_CONFIG, preproc_config=PREPROC_CONFIG, threshold=None, extra_info_var="NN_prediction", global_tag="SmartBKG_GATGAP", payload="GATGAPgen.pth" ): """ Initialise the class. :param model_file: TODO :param model_config: TODO :param preproc_config: TODO :param threshold: TODO :param extra_info_var: TODO :param global_tag: TODO :param payload: TODO """ super().__init__() #: TODO self.model_file = model_file #: TODO self.model_config = model_config #: TODO self.preproc_config = preproc_config #: TODO self.threshold = threshold #: TODO self.extra_info_var = extra_info_var #: TODO self.payload = payload # set additional database conditions for trained neural network b2.conditions.prepend_globaltag(global_tag) def initialize(self): """ Initialise module before any events are processed """ import torch from smartBKG.models.gatgap import GATGAPModel DEVICE = torch.device("cpu") # read trained model parameters from if not self.model_file: accessor = DBAccessorBase(DBStoreEntry.c_RawFile, self.payload, True) self.model_file = accessor.getFilename() trained_parameters = torch.load(self.model_file, map_location=DEVICE) #: model with trained parameters self.model = GATGAPModel(**self.model_config) self.model.load_state_dict(trained_parameters['model_state_dict']) #: StoreArray to save weights to self.EventExtraInfo = Belle2.PyStoreObj('EventExtraInfo') if not self.EventExtraInfo.isValid(): self.EventExtraInfo.registerInDataStore() #: generated variables self.gen_vars = defaultdict(list) #: node features self.out_features = self.preproc_config['features'] if 'PDG' in self.preproc_config['features']: self.out_features.remove('PDG') def event(self): """ Collect information from database, build graphs, make predictions and select through sampling or threshold """ import torch # Initialize for every event self.gen_vars.clear() # Need to create the eventExtraInfo entry for each event self.EventExtraInfo.create() mcplist = Belle2.PyStoreArray("MCParticles") array_indices = [] mother_indices = [] for i, mcp in enumerate(mcplist): if mcp.isPrimaryParticle(): # Check mc particle is useable if not check_status_bit(mcp.getStatus()): continue prodTime = mcp.getProductionTime() # record the production time of root particle for the correction of jitter if i == 0: root_prodTime = prodTime prodTime -= root_prodTime four_vec = mcp.get4Vector() prod_vec = mcp.getProductionVertex() # build generated variables as node features self.gen_vars['prodTime'].append(prodTime) self.gen_vars['energy'].append(mcp.getEnergy()) self.gen_vars['x'].append(prod_vec.x()) self.gen_vars['y'].append(prod_vec.y()) self.gen_vars['z'].append(prod_vec.z()) self.gen_vars['px'].append(four_vec.Px()) self.gen_vars['py'].append(four_vec.Py()) self.gen_vars['pz'].append(four_vec.Pz()) self.gen_vars['PDG'].append( TOKENIZE_DICT[int(mcp.getPDG())] ) # Particle level cutting df = pd.DataFrame(self.gen_vars).tail(1) df.query(" and ".join(self.preproc_config["cuts"]), inplace=True) if df.empty: for values in self.gen_vars.values(): values.pop() continue # Collect indices for graph array_indices.append(mcp.getArrayIndex()) mother = mcp.getMother() if mother: mother_indices.append(mother.getArrayIndex()) else: mother_indices.append(0) graph = self.build_graph( array_indices=array_indices, mother_indices=mother_indices, PDGs=self.gen_vars['PDG'], Features=[self.gen_vars[key] for key in self.out_features], symmetrize=True, add_self_loops=True ) # Output pass probability pred = torch.sigmoid(self.model(graph)).detach().numpy().squeeze() # Save the pass probability to EventExtraInfo self.EventExtraInfo.addExtraInfo(self.extra_info_var, pred) # Module returns bool of whether prediciton passes threshold for use in basf2 path flow control if self.threshold: self.return_value(int(pred >= self.threshold)) else: self.return_value(int(pred >= np.random.rand())) def mapped_mother_indices(self, array_indices, mother_indices): """ Map the mother indices to an enumerated list. The one-hot encoded version of that list then corresponds to the adjacency matrix. Example: >>> mapped_mother_indices( ... [0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], ... [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 7] ... ) [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 5] Args: array_indices: list or array of indices. Each index has to be unique. mother_indices: list or array of mother indices. Returns: List of mapped indices """ idx_dict = {v: i for i, v in enumerate(array_indices)} return [idx_dict[m] for m in mother_indices] def build_graph(self, array_indices, mother_indices, PDGs, Features, symmetrize=True, add_self_loops=True): """ Build graph from preprocessed particle information """ import torch import dgl os.environ["DGLBACKEND"] = "pytorch" # Build adjacency mapping adjacency = self.mapped_mother_indices(array_indices, mother_indices) # Build graph src = adjacency dst = np.arange(len(src)) src_new, dst_new = src, dst if symmetrize: src_new, dst_new = ( np.concatenate([src, dst]), np.concatenate([dst, src]) ) # remove self-loops (the Y(4S)) to avoid duplicated self loops src_new, dst_new = map( np.array, zip(*[(s, d) for s, d in zip(src_new, dst_new) if not s == d]) ) if add_self_loops: src_new, dst_new = ( np.concatenate([src_new, dst]), np.concatenate([dst_new, dst]) ) graph = dgl.graph((src_new, dst_new)) graph.ndata["x_pdg"] = torch.tensor(PDGs, dtype=torch.int32) graph.ndata["x_feature"] = torch.tensor(np.transpose(Features), dtype=torch.float32) return graph