Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9// Own header.
10#include <arich/modules/arichDQM/ARICHDQMModule.h>
12// ARICH
13#include <arich/dbobjects/ARICHGeoDetectorPlane.h>
14#include <arich/dbobjects/ARICHGeoAerogelPlane.h>
15#include <arich/dataobjects/ARICHHit.h>
16#include <arich/dataobjects/ARICHDigit.h>
17#include <arich/dataobjects/ARICHTrack.h>
18#include <arich/dataobjects/ARICHLikelihood.h>
19#include <arich/dataobjects/ARICHPhoton.h>
21#include <mdst/dataobjects/Track.h>
23// framework - DataStore
24#include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
26#include <TF1.h>
27#include <Math/Vector3D.h>
28#include <TDirectory.h>
30#include <fstream>
31#include <math.h>
33namespace Belle2 {
40 // Register module
41 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
45 {
46 // set module description (e.g. insert text)
47 setDescription("Make summary of data quality.");
49 addParam("debug", m_debug, "debug mode", false);
50 addParam("UpperMomentumLimit", m_momUpLim, "Upper momentum limit of tracks included in monitoring", 10.0);
51 addParam("LowerMomentumLimit", m_momDnLim, "Lower momentum limit of tracks included in monitoring", 2.5);
52 addParam("ArichEvents", m_arichEvents, "Include only hits from events where an extrapolated track to arich exists", false);
53 addParam("MaxHits", m_maxHits, "Include only events with less than MaxHits hits in ARICH (remove loud events)", 70000);
54 addParam("MinHits", m_minHits, "Include only events with more than MinHits hits in ARICH", 0);
55 }
58 {
59 }
62 {
64 TDirectory* oldDir = gDirectory;
65 TDirectory* dirARICHDQM = oldDir->mkdir("ARICH");
66 dirARICHDQM->cd();
68 //Histograms for analysis and statistics
70 h_chStat = new TH1D("chStat", "Status of channels;Channel serial;Status", 420 * 144, -0.5, 420 * 144 - 0.5);
71 h_aeroStat = new TH1D("aeroStat", "Status of aerogels;Aerogel tile serial;Status", 160, -0.5, 160 - 0.5);
72 h_chHit = new TH1D("chHit", "Number of hits in each channel;Channel serial;Hits", 420 * 144, -0.5, 420 * 144 - 0.5);
73 h_chipHit = new TH1D("chipHit", "Number of hits in each chip;Chip serial;Hits", 420 * 4, -0.5, 420 * 4 - 0.5);
74 h_hapdHit = new TH1D("hapdHit", "Number of hits in each HAPD;HAPD serial;Hits", 420, 0.5, 421 - 0.5);
75 h_hapdHitPerEvent = new TH2D("hapdHitPerEvent", "Number of hits in each HAPD per Event;HAPD serial;Hits/event", 420, 0.5, 420 + 0.5,
76 144, -0.5, 143.5);
77 h_trackPerEvent = new TH1D("trackPerEvent", "Number of tracks in ARICH per event; # of tracks;Events", 6, -0.5, 5.5);
79 h_mergerHit = new TH1D("mergerHit", "Number of hits in each merger board;MB ID;Hits", 72, 0.5, 72 + 0.5);
80 h_bitsPerMergerNorm = new TH2D("bitsPerMergerNorm", "Normalised number of hits in each bit in each Merger;Bit;MB ID;Hits", 5,
81 -1 - 0.5,
82 4 - 0.5, 72, 0.5, 72 + 0.5); // copy of h_bits, normalised to number of connected Hapds and to sum(bit1, bit2)
83 h_bitsPerHapdMerger = new TH2D("bitsPerHapdMerger",
84 "Number of hits in each bit in each Hapd sorted by mergers;Bit;HAPD unsorted;Hits", 5, -1 - 0.5,
85 4 - 0.5, 432, 1, 432);
87 h_aerogelHit = new TH1D("aerogelHit", "Number track associated hits in each aerogel tile;Aerogel slot ID;Hits", 125, -0.5,
88 125 - 0.5);
89 h_bits = new TH1D("bits", "Number of hits in each bit;Bit;Hits", 5, -1 - 0.5,
90 4 - 0.5); //Bin at -1 is added to set minimum 0 without SetMinimum(0) due to bugs in jsroot on DQM server.
91 h_bitsPerChannel = new TH2D("bitsPerChannel", "Number of hits in each bit in each chanenel;Bit;channel #;Hits", 4, - 0.5,
92 4 - 0.5, 420 * 144, -0.5, 420 * 144 - 0.5); // copy of h_bits
93 h_hitsPerTrack2D = new TH2D("hitsPerTrack2D", "2D distribution of track associated hits;X[cm];Y[cm];Hits", 230, -115, 115, 230,
94 -115, 115);
95 h_tracks2D = new TH2D("tracks2D", "Distribution track positions;X[cm];Y[cm];Tracks", 230, -115, 115, 230, -115, 115);
97 h_hitsPerEvent = new TH1D("hitsPerEvent", "Number of hit per event;Number of hits;Events", 150, -0.5, 150 - 0.5);
98 h_theta = new TH1D("theta", "Cherenkov angle distribution;Angle [rad];Events", 60, 0, M_PI / 6);
99 h_hitsPerTrack = new TH1D("hitsPerTrack", "Number of hit per track;Number of hits;Tracks", 150, -0.5, 150 - 0.5);
101 for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
102 h_secTheta[i] = new TH1D(Form("thetaSec%d", i + 1), Form("Cherenkov angle distribution in sector %d;Angle [rad];Events", i + 1),
103 60, 0, M_PI / 6);
104 h_secHitsPerTrack[i] = new TH1D(Form("hitsPerTrackSec%d", i + 1),
105 Form("Number of hit per track in sector %d;Number of hits;Tracks", i + 1), 150, -0.5, 150 - 0.5);
106 h_secHapdHit[i] = new TH1D(Form("hapdHit%d", i + 1), Form("Number of hits in each HAPD in sector %d;HAPD serial;Hits", i + 1), 70,
107 0.5, 71 - 0.5);
108 }
110 h_chDigit = new TH1D("chDigit", "Number of raw digits in each channel;Channel serial;Hits", 420 * 144, -0.5, 420 * 144 - 0.5);
111 h_chipDigit = new TH1D("chipDigit", "Number of raw digits in each chip;Chip serial;Hits", 420 * 4, -0.5, 420 * 4 - 0.5);
112 h_hapdDigit = new TH1D("hapdDigit", "Number of raw digits in each HAPD;HAPD serial;Hits", 420, 0.5, 421 - 0.5);
114 h_aerogelHits3D = new TH3D("aerogelHits3D", "Number of track associated hits for each aerogel tile; #phi section; r section", 125,
115 -0.5, 124.5, 20, 0, 20, 20, 0, 20);
116 h_mirrorThetaPhi = new TH3D("mirrorThetaPhi",
117 "Cherenkov theta vs Cherenkov phi for mirror reflected photons; mirroID; #phi_{c} [rad]; #theta_{c} [rad]", 18, 0.5, 18.5, 100,
118 -M_PI, M_PI, 100, 0, 0.5);
119 h_thetaPhi = new TH2D("thetaPhi", "Cherenkov theta vs phi;#phi [rad];#theta_{c} [rad]", 100, -M_PI, M_PI, 100, 0., 0.5);
121 h_flashPerAPD = new TH1D("flashPerAPD", "Number of flashes per APD; APD serial; number of flash", 420 * 4, -0.5, 420 * 4 - 0.5);
123 h_ARICHOccAfterInjLer = new TH1F("ARICHOccInjLER", " ARICHOccInjLER /Time;Time in #mus;Nhits/Time (#mus bins)", 4000, 0, 20000);
124 h_ARICHOccAfterInjHer = new TH1F("ARICHOccInjHER", " ARICHOccInjHER /Time;Time in #mus;Nhits/Time (#mus bins)", 4000, 0, 20000);
125 h_ARICHEOccAfterInjLer = new TH1F("ARICHEOccInjLER", "ARICHEOccInjLER/Time;Time in #mus;Triggers/Time (#mus bins)", 4000, 0, 20000);
126 h_ARICHEOccAfterInjHer = new TH1F("ARICHEOccInjHER", "ARICHEOccInjHER/Time;Time in #mus;Triggers/Time (#mus bins)", 4000, 0, 20000);
128 //Set the minimum to 0
129 h_chDigit->SetMinimum(0);
130 h_chipDigit->SetMinimum(0);
131 h_hapdDigit->SetMinimum(0);
132 h_chHit->SetMinimum(0);
133 h_chipHit->SetMinimum(0);
134 h_hapdHit->SetMinimum(0);
135 h_mergerHit->SetMinimum(0);
136 h_bitsPerMergerNorm->SetMinimum(0);
137 h_bitsPerHapdMerger->SetMinimum(0);
138 h_aerogelHit->SetMinimum(0);
139 h_bits->SetMinimum(0);
140 h_bitsPerChannel->SetMinimum(0);
141 h_hitsPerTrack2D->SetMinimum(0);
142 h_tracks2D->SetMinimum(0);
143 h_flashPerAPD->SetMinimum(0);
144 h_hitsPerEvent->SetMinimum(0);
145 h_theta->SetMinimum(0);
146 h_hitsPerTrack->SetMinimum(0);
147 h_ARICHOccAfterInjLer->SetMinimum(0);
148 h_ARICHEOccAfterInjLer->SetMinimum(0);
149 h_ARICHOccAfterInjHer->SetMinimum(0);
150 h_ARICHEOccAfterInjHer->SetMinimum(0);
152 for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
153 h_secTheta[i]->SetMinimum(0);
154 h_secHitsPerTrack[i]->SetMinimum(0);
155 }
157 oldDir->cd();
158 }
161 {
163 // Only need the Tracks via relations, but since DQM is only really possible if the
164 // Tracks StoreArray is present, make it a requirement instead of optional.
165 StoreArray<Track> tracks;
166 tracks.isOptional();
168 m_arichHits.isRequired();
169 m_arichDigits.isOptional();
170 m_arichTracks.isOptional();
171 m_arichLikelihoods.isOptional();
172 m_rawFTSW.isOptional();
173 }
176 {
178 h_chStat->Reset();
179 h_aeroStat->Reset();
180 h_chDigit->Reset();
181 h_chipDigit->Reset();
182 h_hapdDigit->Reset();
184 h_chHit->Reset();
185 h_chipHit->Reset();
186 h_hapdHit->Reset();
187 h_mergerHit->Reset();
188 h_bitsPerMergerNorm->Reset();
189 h_bitsPerHapdMerger->Reset();
191 h_aerogelHit->Reset();
192 h_bits->Reset();
193 h_bitsPerChannel->Reset();
194 h_hitsPerTrack2D->Reset();
195 h_tracks2D->Reset();
196 h_aerogelHits3D->Reset();
198 h_hitsPerEvent->Reset();
199 h_theta->Reset();
200 h_hitsPerTrack->Reset();
201 h_trackPerEvent->Reset();
202 h_flashPerAPD->Reset();
203 h_mirrorThetaPhi->Reset();
204 h_thetaPhi->Reset();
206 for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
207 h_secTheta[i]->Reset();
208 h_secHitsPerTrack[i]->Reset();
209 }
211 h_ARICHOccAfterInjLer->Reset();
212 h_ARICHEOccAfterInjLer->Reset();
213 h_ARICHOccAfterInjHer->Reset();
214 h_ARICHEOccAfterInjHer->Reset();
215 }
218 {
219 const ARICHGeoDetectorPlane& arichGeoDec = m_arichGeoConfig->getDetectorPlane();
220 const ARICHGeoAerogelPlane& arichGeoAero = m_arichGeoConfig->getAerogelPlane();
224 if (m_arichHits.getEntries() < m_minHits || m_arichHits.getEntries() > m_maxHits) { setReturnValue(0); return;}
226 if (!m_arichLikelihoods.getEntries() && m_arichEvents) { setReturnValue(0); return;}
228 std::vector<int> apds(420 * 4, 0);
229 for (const auto& digit : m_arichDigits) {
230 uint8_t bits = digit.getBitmap();
231 int moduleID = digit.getModuleID();
232 int channelID = digit.getChannelID();
233 int mergerID = m_arichMergerMap->getMergerID(moduleID);
234 int febSlot = m_arichMergerMap->getFEBSlot(moduleID);
235 unsigned binID = (mergerID - 1) * N_FEB2MERGER + (febSlot);
237 for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
238 if ((bits & (1 << i)) && !(bits & ~(1 << i))) {
239 h_bits->Fill(i);
240 h_bitsPerChannel->Fill(i, (moduleID - 1) * 144 + channelID);
241 h_bitsPerMergerNorm->Fill(i, mergerID);
242 h_bitsPerHapdMerger->Fill(i, binID);
243 } else if (!bits) {
244 h_bits->Fill(8);
245 h_bitsPerChannel->Fill(8, (moduleID - 1) * 144 + channelID);
246 h_bitsPerMergerNorm->Fill(8, mergerID);
247 h_bitsPerHapdMerger->Fill(8, binID);
248 }
249 }
251 // fill occupancy histograms for raw data
252 h_chDigit ->Fill((moduleID - 1) * 144 + channelID);
253 int chip = (moduleID - 1) * 4 + channelID / 36;
254 h_chipDigit->Fill(chip);
255 apds[chip] += 1;
256 h_hapdDigit->Fill(moduleID);
257 }
259 int iapd = 0;
260 for (auto apd : apds) { if (apd > 20) h_flashPerAPD->Fill(iapd); iapd++;}
262 std::vector<int> hpd(420, 0);
263 int nHit = 0;
265 for (int i = 0; i < m_arichHits.getEntries(); i++) {
267 int moduleID = m_arichHits[i]->getModule();
268 int channelID = m_arichHits[i]->getChannel();
269 h_chHit->Fill((moduleID - 1) * 144 + channelID);
270 hpd[moduleID - 1]++;
271 h_chipHit->Fill((moduleID - 1) * 4 + channelID / 36);
272 h_hapdHit->Fill(moduleID);
273 if (moduleID > 420) B2INFO("Invalid hapd number " << LogVar("hapd ID", moduleID));
275 for (int j = 1; j <= 7; j++) {
276 int ringStart = (j - 1) * (84 + (j - 2) * 6) / 2 + 1; // The smallest module ID in each ring
277 int ringEnd = j * (84 + (j - 1) * 6) / 2; // The biggest module ID in each ring
278 if (ringStart <= moduleID && moduleID <= ringEnd) {
279 h_secHapdHit[(moduleID - ringStart) / (6 + j)]->Fill((moduleID - ringStart) % (6 + j) + 1 + (ringStart - 1) / 6);
280 }
281 }
283 int mergerID = m_arichMergerMap->getMergerID(moduleID);
284 h_mergerHit->Fill(mergerID);
285 nHit++;
286 }
288 h_hitsPerEvent->Fill(nHit);
289 int mmid = 1;
290 for (auto hh : hpd) { h_hapdHitPerEvent->Fill(mmid, hh); mmid++;}
292 int ntrk = 0;
293 for (const auto& arichTrack : m_arichTracks) {
296 //Momentum limits are applied
297 //if (arichTrack.getPhotons().size() == 0) continue;
298 if (arichTrack.getMomentum() > 0.5) ntrk++; // count tracks with momentum larger than 0.5 GeV
299 if (arichTrack.getMomentum() < m_momDnLim || arichTrack.getMomentum() > m_momUpLim) continue;
301 ROOT::Math::XYZVector recPos = arichTrack.getPosition();
302 int trSector = 0;
303 double dPhi = 0;
304 if (recPos.Phi() >= 0) {
305 dPhi = recPos.Phi();
306 } else {
307 dPhi = 2 * M_PI + recPos.Phi();
308 }
309 while (dPhi > M_PI / 3 && trSector < 5) {
310 dPhi -= M_PI / 3;
311 trSector++;
312 }
313 double trR = recPos.Rho();
314 double trPhi = 0;
315 if (recPos.Phi() >= 0) {
316 trPhi = recPos.Phi();
317 } else {
318 trPhi = 2 * M_PI + recPos.Phi();
319 }
321 int iRing = 0;
322 int iAzimuth = 0;
323 while (arichGeoAero.getRingRadius(iRing + 1) < trR && iRing < 4) {
324 iRing++;
325 }
326 if (iRing == 0) continue;
327 while (arichGeoAero.getRingDPhi(iRing) * (iAzimuth + 1) < trPhi) {
328 iAzimuth++;
329 }
331 h_tracks2D->Fill(recPos.X(), recPos.Y());
333 std::vector<ARICHPhoton> photons = arichTrack.getPhotons();
334 for (auto& photon : photons) {
335 if (photon.getMirror() == 0) {
336 if (trR < 93.) {
337 h_thetaPhi->Fill(photon.getPhiCer(), photon.getThetaCer());
338 h_theta->Fill(photon.getThetaCer());
339 }
340 int hitSector = 0;
341 double hitPhi = arichGeoDec.getSlotPhi(m_arichHits[photon.getHitID()]->getModule());
342 if (hitPhi < 0) hitPhi += 2 * M_PI;
343 while (hitPhi > M_PI / 3 && hitSector < 5) {
344 hitPhi -= M_PI / 3;
345 hitSector++;
346 }
347 h_secTheta[hitSector]->Fill(photon.getThetaCer());
348 } else {
349 if (trR > 95.) h_mirrorThetaPhi->Fill(photon.getMirror(), photon.getPhiCer(), photon.getThetaCer());
350 }
351 }
353 //Get ARICHLikelihood related to the ARICHTrack
354 const ExtHit* extHit = arichTrack.getRelated<ExtHit>();
355 const Track* mdstTrack = NULL;
356 if (extHit) mdstTrack = extHit->getRelated<Track>();
357 const ARICHLikelihood* lkh = NULL;
358 if (mdstTrack) lkh = mdstTrack->getRelated<ARICHLikelihood>();
359 else lkh = arichTrack.getRelated<ARICHLikelihood>();
361 if (lkh) {
362 if (!lkh->getFlag()) continue; //Fill only when the number of expected photons is more than 0.
363 double nphoton = lkh->getDetPhot();
364 h_hitsPerTrack->Fill(nphoton);
365 h_secHitsPerTrack[trSector]->Fill(nphoton);
366 h_hitsPerTrack2D->Fill(recPos.X(), recPos.Y(), nphoton);
367 int aeroID = arichGeoAero.getAerogelTileID(recPos.X(), recPos.Y());
368 h_aerogelHits3D->Fill(aeroID, (trPhi - arichGeoAero.getRingDPhi(iRing)*iAzimuth) / (arichGeoAero.getRingDPhi(iRing) / 20),
369 (trR - arichGeoAero.getRingRadius(iRing)) / ((arichGeoAero.getRingRadius(iRing + 1) - arichGeoAero.getRingRadius(iRing)) / 20),
370 nphoton);
371 h_aerogelHit->Fill(aeroID, nphoton);
372 }
373 }
375 h_trackPerEvent->Fill(ntrk);
377 for (auto& it : m_rawFTSW) {
378 B2DEBUG(29, "TTD FTSW : " << std::hex << it.GetTTUtime(0) << " " << it.GetTTCtime(0) << " EvtNr " << it.GetEveNo(0) << " Type " <<
379 (it.GetTTCtimeTRGType(0) & 0xF) << " TimeSincePrev " << it.GetTimeSincePrevTrigger(0) << " TimeSinceInj " <<
380 it.GetTimeSinceLastInjection(0) << " IsHER " << it.GetIsHER(0) << " Bunch " << it.GetBunchNumber(0));
381 auto difference = it.GetTimeSinceLastInjection(0);
382 if (difference != 0x7FFFFFFF) {
383 unsigned int nentries = m_arichDigits.getEntries();
384 float diff2 = difference / 127.; // 127MHz clock ticks to us, inexact rounding
385 if (it.GetIsHER(0)) {
386 h_ARICHOccAfterInjHer->Fill(diff2, nentries);
387 h_ARICHEOccAfterInjHer->Fill(diff2);
388 } else {
389 h_ARICHOccAfterInjLer->Fill(diff2, nentries);
390 h_ARICHEOccAfterInjLer->Fill(diff2);
391 }
392 }
393 }
395 }
398 {
399 if (h_theta->GetEntries() < 200) return;
400 TF1* f1 = new TF1("arichFitFunc", "gaus(0)+pol1(3)", 0.25, 0.4);
401 f1->SetParameters(0.8 * h_theta->GetMaximum(), 0.323, 0.016, 0, 0);
402 f1->SetParName(0, "C");
403 f1->SetParName(1, "mean");
404 f1->SetParName(2, "sigma");
405 f1->SetParName(3, "p0");
406 f1->SetParName(4, "p1");
407 h_theta->Fit(f1, "R");
409 //Normalise bins in histogram bitsPerMergerNorm
410 for (int mergerID = 1; mergerID < 73; ++mergerID) {
411 double NHapd = 0;
412 for (int febSlot = 1; febSlot < 7; ++febSlot) {
413 if (m_arichMergerMap->getModuleID(mergerID, febSlot) > 0) NHapd++;
414 }
416 double bin_value[5];
417 for (int i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
418 // loop over bits and save values
419 bin_value[i - 1] = h_bitsPerMergerNorm->GetBinContent(i, mergerID);
420 }
422 for (int i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
423 // loop over bits again and set bin content
424 h_bitsPerMergerNorm->SetBinContent(i, mergerID,
425 bin_value[i - 1] / (bin_value[3] + bin_value[2]) / NHapd); // normalise with sum of bit1 and bit2, and number of connected HAPDs
426 }
427 }
430 }
StoreArray< ARICHHit > m_arichHits
ARICHHits StoreArray.
TH1 * h_chipDigit
The number of raw digits in each ASIC chip.
StoreArray< ARICHDigit > m_arichDigits
ARICHDigits StoreArray.
TH2 * h_hitsPerTrack2D
Sum of 2D hit/track map on each position of track.
TH1 * h_chipHit
The number of hits in each ASIC chip.
TH2 * h_bitsPerChannel
Number of bits per channel.
DBObjPtr< ARICHMergerMapping > m_arichMergerMap
ARICH merger mapping payload.
int m_maxHits
Exclude events with very large number of hits in arich.
TH1 * h_ARICHEOccAfterInjHer
Histogram for Nr Entries (=Triggrs) for normalization after HER injection.
TH3 * h_aerogelHits3D
3D histogram of hits.
int m_minHits
Exclude events with number of hits lower than this.
TH1 * h_flashPerAPD
Number of flashes in each APD.
TH1 * h_hitsPerTrack
Average hits/track calculated from h_hits2D and h_track2D.
StoreArray< ARICHTrack > m_arichTracks
ARICHTracks StoreArray.
TH1 * h_trackPerEvent
Number of tracks in ARICH per event (with p>0.5 GeV).
TH1 * h_ARICHOccAfterInjLer
Histogram Ndigits after LER injection.
StoreArray< RawFTSW > m_rawFTSW
Input array for DAQ Status.
TH1 * h_chDigit
The number of raw digits in each channel.
TH1 * h_aerogelHit
The number of reconstructed photons in each aerogel tile.
TH1 * h_mergerHit
The number of hits in each Merger Boards.
double m_momDnLim
Lower momentum limit of tracks used in GeV (if set 0, no limit is applied).
double m_momUpLim
Upper momentum limit of tracks used in GeV (if set 0, no limit is applied).
TH1 * h_theta
Reconstructed Cherenkov angles.
TH2 * h_thetaPhi
Cherenkov theta vs phi for non-mirror-reflected photons.
TH2 * h_bitsPerMergerNorm
The number of hits in each bit in each Merger Board normalised to number of HAPDs and sum(bit1,...
TH1 * h_aeroStat
Status of each aerogel tile.
TH1 * h_ARICHOccAfterInjHer
Histogram Ndigits after HER injection.
TH3 * h_mirrorThetaPhi
Cherenkov theta vs phi for mirror-reflected photons (for each mirror plate).
TH2 * h_hapdHitPerEvent
Number of hits in each HAPD per event.
TH1 * h_hapdDigit
The number of raw digits in each HAPD.
StoreArray< ARICHLikelihood > m_arichLikelihoods
ARICHLikelihoods StoreArray.
TH1 * h_chHit
The number of hits in each channel.
bool m_arichEvents
Process only events that have extrapolated hit in arich.
TH2 * h_bitsPerHapdMerger
The number of hits in each bit in each HAPD sorted by Merger Board.
DBObjPtr< ARICHGeometryConfig > m_arichGeoConfig
ARICH Geometry configuration payload.
TH1 * h_chStat
Status of each channel.
TH1 * h_secHitsPerTrack[6]
Detailed average hits/track for each sector.
TH1 * h_hapdHit
The number of hits in each HAPD.
TH1 * h_ARICHEOccAfterInjLer
Histogram for Nr Entries (=Triggrs) for normalization after LER injection.
TH1 * h_secTheta[6]
Detailed view of Cherenkov angle for each sector.
TH1 * h_hitsPerEvent
The number of all hits in each event.
TH2 * h_tracks2D
2D track distribution of whole ARICH.
TH1 * h_secHapdHit[6]
The number of hits in each HAPDs of each sector.
TH1 * h_bits
Timing bits.
Geometry parameters of HAPD.
double getRingDPhi(unsigned iRing) const
Get phi (angle) distance between "phi" aluminum wall between aerogel tiles in i-th tile ring.
double getRingRadius(unsigned iRing) const
Get radius of i-th aluminum ring between aerogel tiles (inner radius of ring).
unsigned getAerogelTileID(double x, double y) const
Get ID of aerogel tile containing point (x,y) (actually this is tile slot ID, as it is the same for a...
Geometry parameters of ARICH photon detector plane.
double getSlotPhi(unsigned modID) const
Get phi (angle) position of module with given module ID number.
This is a class to store ARICH likelihoods in the datastore.
float getDetPhot() const
Return number of detected photons for a given particle.
Store one Ext hit as a ROOT object.
Definition: ExtHit.h:31
HistoModule.h is supposed to be used instead of Module.h for the modules with histogram definitions t...
Definition: HistoModule.h:29
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
void setPropertyFlags(unsigned int propertyFlags)
Sets the flags for the module properties.
void setReturnValue(int value)
Sets the return value for this module as integer.
@ c_ParallelProcessingCertified
This module can be run in parallel processing mode safely (All I/O must be done through the data stor...
Definition: Module.h:80
T * getRelated(const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Get the object to or from which this object has a relation.
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
Definition: StoreArray.h:113
Class that bundles various TrackFitResults.
Definition: Track.h:25
Class to store variables with their name which were sent to the logging service.
virtual void initialize() override
Initialize the Module.
virtual void event() override
Event processor.
virtual void endRun() override
End-of-run action.
virtual void beginRun() override
Called when entering a new run.
virtual ~ARICHDQMModule()
virtual void defineHisto() override
Definition of the histograms.
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Definition: Module.h:650
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.