Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9#include <framework/core/HistoModule.h>
10#include <top/modules/TOPTBCComparator/TOPTBCComparatorModule.h>
11#include <top/geometry/TOPGeometryPar.h>
12#include <top/geometry/FrontEndMapper.h>
13#include "TDirectory.h"
14#include "TSystemDirectory.h"
15#include "TSystemFile.h"
16#include "TString.h"
17#include "TFile.h"
18#include <boost/format.hpp>
19#include <fstream>
21using namespace std;
22using boost::format;
24namespace Belle2 {
29 using namespace TOP;
31 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
33 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
35 REG_MODULE(TOPTBCComparator);
37 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
38 // Implementation
39 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
42 {
43 setDescription("TOP Time Base Correction monitor module ");
45 addParam("inputDirectorList", m_inputDirectoryList,
46 "List of the directories (one per IOV) in which the files with the calibration constants of the SCODS are stored. The format of each line must be: folderpath/ label ",
47 string(" "));
48 addParam("compareToPreviousSet", m_compareToPreviousSet,
49 "If true, each CalSet is compared to the previous one in the order determined by the inputDirectorList file. If false, the reference CalSet is the first of the list",
50 bool(true));
51 addParam("outputFile", m_outputFile,
52 "output file containing the monitoring plots", string("TBCComparisonResults.root"));
53 addParam("minCalPulses", m_minCalPulses,
54 "minimum number of calibration pulses need to flag a sample as non-empty", short(200));
55 addParam("numSamples", m_numSamples,
56 "number of samples that have been calibrated", short(256));
58 }
62 {
63 // opens the file contining the list of directories and the labels
64 ifstream inputDirectoryListFile(m_inputDirectoryList.c_str());
66 // checks the input file
67 if (!inputDirectoryListFile) {
68 B2ERROR("Unable to open the input file with the list of CalSets to analyze");
69 return;
70 }
72 B2INFO("Initializing histograms");
75 std::string inputString;
77 // reads the Input file line by-line to initialize the correct number of histogram sets, and reads the labels..
78 // This is effectively a loop over all the calsets.
79 while (std::getline(inputDirectoryListFile, inputString)) {
81 // This initializes m_calSetDirectory and m_calSetLabel, even if now only m_calSetLabel will be used
82 parseInputDirectoryLine(inputString);
84 B2INFO("Initializing histograms for Calibration set located at " << m_calSetDirectory << " with label " << m_calSetLabel);
86 // To be used to initialize the histograms in the following
87 std::string name;
88 std::string title;
91 // ------
92 // Calset-by-calset histograms.
93 // initialize here all the histograms that appear once per calibration set, and not slot-by-slot
94 // ------
96 // Average DeltaT across the whole detector
97 name = str(format("TOPAverageDeltaT_CalSet_%1%") % m_calSetLabel);
98 title = str(format("Average value of #Delta T VS global channel number. CalSet %1%") % m_calSetLabel);
99 m_topAverageDeltaT.push_back(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 512 * 16, 0., 512 * 16.));
101 // of Delta T across the whole detector
102 name = str(format("TOPSigmaDeltaT_CalSet_%1%") % m_calSetLabel);
103 title = str(format("Sigma value of #Delta T VS global channel number. CalSet %1%") % m_calSetLabel);
104 m_topSigmaDeltaT.push_back(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 512 * 16, 0., 512 * 16.));
106 // Average occupancy agross the whole detector
107 name = str(format("TOPSampleOccupancy_CalSet_%1%") % m_calSetLabel);
108 title = str(format("Average number of calpulses per sample VS global channel number. CalSet %1%") % m_calSetLabel);
109 m_topSampleOccupancy.push_back(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 512 * 16, 0., 512 * 16.));
112 // Ratio of the average DeltaT across the whole detector
113 name = str(format("TOPAverageDeltaTComparison_CalSet_%1%") % m_calSetLabel);
114 title = str(format("Ratio of the average #Delta T in CalSet %1% over the previous one, over the whole detector") % m_calSetLabel);
115 m_topAverageDeltaTComparison.push_back(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 512 * 16, 0., 512 * 16.));
117 // Ratio of the on DeltaT across the whole detector
118 name = str(format("TOPSigmaDeltaTComparison_CalSet_%1%") % m_calSetLabel);
119 title = str(format("Ratio of the st. dev. of #Delta T in CalSet %1% over the previous one, , over the whole detector") %
121 m_topSigmaDeltaTComparison.push_back(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 512 * 16, 0., 512 * 16.));
123 // Ratio of the average number of calpulses across the whole detector
124 name = str(format("TOPSampleOccupancyComparison_CalSet_%1%") % m_calSetLabel);
125 title = str(
126 format("Ratio of the average number of calpulses per sample in CalSet %1% over the previous one, over the whole detector") %
128 m_topSampleOccupancyComparison.push_back(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 512 * 16, 0., 512 * 16.));
131 // ------
132 // Slot-by-slot histograms.
133 // Use this loop to initialize all the histograms that appear once per calibration set and per each slot
134 // ------
135 for (int iSlot = 0; iSlot < 16; iSlot ++) {
137 // Average DeltaT stuff
138 name = str(format("SlotAverageDeltaT_Slot%1%_CalSet_%2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
139 title = str(format("Average value of #Delta T VS Channel number. Slot %1%, CalSet %2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
140 m_slotAverageDeltaT[iSlot].push_back(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 512, 0., 512.));
142 name = str(format("SlotSigmaDeltaT_Slot%1%_CalSet_%2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
143 title = str(format("Standard deviation of #Delta T VS Channel number. Slot %1%, CalSet %2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
144 m_slotSigmaDeltaT[iSlot].push_back(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 512, 0., 512.));
146 name = str(format("SlotAverageDeltaTMap_Slot%1%_CalSet_%2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
147 title = str(format("Map of the average value of #Delta T on the 256 samples. Slot %1%, CalSet %2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
148 m_slotAverageDeltaTMap[iSlot].push_back(new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 64, 0., 64., 8, 0., 8.));
150 name = str(format("SlotSigmaDeltaTMap_Slot%1%_CalSet_%2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
151 title = str(format("Map of the RMS of #Delta T on the 256 samples . Slot %1%, CalSet %2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
152 m_slotSigmaDeltaTMap[iSlot].push_back(new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 64, 0., 64., 8, 0., 8.));
155 // Occupancy stuff
156 name = str(format("SlotSampleOccupancy_Slot%1%_CalSet_%2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
157 title = str(format("Average occupancy per sample. Slot %1%, CalSet %2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
158 m_slotSampleOccupancy[iSlot].push_back(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 512, 0., 512.));
160 name = str(format("SlotEmptySamples_Slot%1%_CalSet_%2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
161 title = str(format("Number samples with less than %3% calpulses per each slot channel. Slot %1%, CalSet %2%") %
162 (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel % m_minCalPulses);
163 m_slotEmptySamples[iSlot].push_back(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 512, 0., 512.));
165 name = str(format("SlotSampleOccupancyMap_Slot%1%_CalSet_%2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
166 title = str(format("Map of the average occupancy per sample. Slot %1%, CalSet %2%") %
167 (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
168 m_slotSampleOccupancyMap[iSlot].push_back(new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 64, 0., 64., 8, 0., 8.));
170 name = str(format("SlotEmptySamplesMap_Slot%1%_CalSet_%2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
171 title = str(format("Map of the number samples with less than %3% calpulses per each. Slot %1%, CalSet %2%") %
172 (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel % m_minCalPulses);
173 m_slotEmptySamplesMap[iSlot].push_back(new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 64, 0., 64., 8, 0., 8.));
177 // Ratios
178 name = str(format("SlotAverageDeltaTComparison_Slot%1%_CalSet_%2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
179 title = str(format("Ratio of the average #Delta T in CalSet %2% over the previous one. Slot %1%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
180 m_slotAverageDeltaTComparison[iSlot].push_back(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 512, 0., 512.));
182 name = str(format("SlotRMSDeltaTComparison_Slot%1%_CalSet_%2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
183 title = str(format("Ratio of the RMS of #Delta T in CalSet %2% over the previous one. Slot %1%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
184 m_slotSigmaDeltaTComparison[iSlot].push_back(new TH1F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 512, 0., 512.));
186 name = str(format("SlotAverageDeltaTMapComparison_Slot%1%_CalSet_%2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
187 title = str(format("Map of the ratio of the average #Delta T in CalSet %2% over the previous one. Slot %1%") %
188 (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
189 m_slotAverageDeltaTMapComparison[iSlot].push_back(new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 64, 0., 64., 8, 0., 8.));
191 name = str(format("SlotRMSDeltaTMapComparison_Slot%1%_CalSet_%2%") % (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
192 title = str(format("Map of the ratio of the RMS of #Delta T in CalSet %2% over the previous one. Slot %1%") %
193 (iSlot) % m_calSetLabel);
194 m_slotSigmaDeltaTMapComparison[iSlot].push_back(new TH2F(name.c_str(), title.c_str(), 64, 0., 64., 8, 0., 8.));
196 }
198 //counts how many sets are there. To be used when doing the ratios
199 m_totCalSets++;
200 }
201 B2INFO("Initialization of the histograms for " << m_totCalSets << " CalSets done.");
202 return;
203 }
208 {
209 // Here the histograms are filled
210 // WARNING! What root calls "RMS" is actually a standard deviation
212 // Sanity check on the parsed parameters
213 if (m_slotID < 0 || m_boardstackID < 0 || m_scrodID < 0) {
214 B2WARNING("Negative slot, BS or scrod ID found while calling analyzeCalFile(). Looks like they have not been initialized, or that a function re-initialized them");
215 return 0;
216 }
218 // Loop over all the histograms that should be found in the file
219 for (short iChannel = 0; iChannel < 128; iChannel++) {
221 // Pics up one histogram just to check that the channel iChannel was actually used to calculate the calibrations
222 if (!m_calSetFile->Get(str(format("timeDiff_ch%1%") % (iChannel)).c_str())) {
223 continue;
224 }
227 // ---------
228 // 1) Define some channel numbering quantities
229 // Watchout: m_slotID is in [1..16] so slot m_slotID is on the element m_slotID-1 of the array
230 // ---------
232 short hardwareChannel = iChannel + 128 * m_boardstackID; // 0-511 across the whole module, BS by BS
234 short pixelID = chMapper.getPixelID(hardwareChannel); // 1-512 across the whole module, in rows
235 short colNum = (pixelID - 1) % 64 + 1; // 1- 64 column ID (right to left looking from the quartz to the PMTs)
236 short rowNum = (pixelID - 1) / 64 + 1 ; // 1- 8 row ID (bottom to top looking from the quartz to the PMTs)
237 short globalChannel = hardwareChannel + 512 * (m_slotID -
238 1); // channel number across the whole detector, 0-8191. Used for cal monitorin only
241 // ---------
242 // 2) Channel-by-channel DeltaT summaries (average on the 256 samples of each set)
243 // ---------
245 // Checks that the histogram needed here is not corrupted before using it
246 if (!m_calSetFile->Get(str(format("timeDiffcal_ch%1%") % (iChannel)).c_str())) {
247 B2WARNING("Error opening " << str(format("timeDiffcal_ch%1%") % (iChannel)));
248 } else {
249 TH2F* h_timeDiffcal = (TH2F*)m_calSetFile->Get(str(format("timeDiffcal_ch%1%") % (iChannel)).c_str());
250 TH1D* h_projection = h_timeDiffcal->ProjectionY("h_projection", 1, m_numSamples); // full projection
252 m_slotAverageDeltaT[m_slotID - 1][m_calSetID]->SetBinContent(hardwareChannel + 1, h_projection->GetMean());
253 m_slotAverageDeltaT[m_slotID - 1][m_calSetID]->SetBinError(hardwareChannel + 1,
254 h_projection->GetMeanError()); // Do we trust root on this?
255 m_slotSigmaDeltaT[m_slotID - 1][m_calSetID]->SetBinContent(hardwareChannel + 1,
256 h_projection->GetRMS()); // WARNING! What root calls "RMS" is actually a standard deviation
257 m_slotSigmaDeltaT[m_slotID - 1][m_calSetID]->SetBinError(hardwareChannel + 1,
258 h_projection->GetRMSError()); // WARNING! What root calls "RMS" is actually a standard deviation
260 m_slotAverageDeltaTMap[m_slotID - 1][m_calSetID]->SetBinContent(colNum, rowNum, h_projection->GetMean());
261 m_slotSigmaDeltaTMap[m_slotID - 1][m_calSetID]->SetBinContent(colNum, rowNum,
262 h_projection->GetRMS());
264 m_topAverageDeltaT[m_calSetID]->SetBinContent(globalChannel + 1, h_projection->GetMean());
265 m_topSigmaDeltaT[m_calSetID]->SetBinContent(globalChannel + 1, h_projection->GetRMS());
266 }
268 // ---------
269 // 3) Channel-by-channel average occupancy
270 // ---------
272 // Checks that the histogram needed here is not corrupted before using it
273 if (!m_calSetFile->Get(str(format("sampleOccup_ch%1%") % (iChannel)).c_str())) {
274 B2WARNING("Error opening " << str(format("sampleOccup_ch%1%") % (iChannel)));
275 } else {
276 TH1F* h_sampleOccup = (TH1F*)m_calSetFile->Get(str(format("sampleOccup_ch%1%") % (iChannel)).c_str());
278 // reads the occupancy histogram bin-by-by to look for (almost) empty samples
279 int nEmpty = 0;
280 for (int iSample = 1; iSample < m_numSamples + 1 ; iSample++) {
281 if (h_sampleOccup->GetBinContent(iSample) < m_minCalPulses) nEmpty++;
282 }
284 m_slotSampleOccupancy[m_slotID - 1][m_calSetID]->SetBinContent(hardwareChannel + 1, h_sampleOccup->Integral() / m_numSamples);
285 m_slotEmptySamples[m_slotID - 1][m_calSetID]->SetBinContent(hardwareChannel + 1, nEmpty);
287 m_slotSampleOccupancyMap[m_slotID - 1][m_calSetID]->SetBinContent(colNum, rowNum, h_sampleOccup->Integral() / m_numSamples);
288 m_slotEmptySamplesMap[m_slotID - 1][m_calSetID]->SetBinContent(colNum, rowNum, nEmpty);
290 m_topSampleOccupancy[m_calSetID]->SetBinContent(globalChannel + 1, h_sampleOccup->Integral() / m_numSamples);
292 }
296 }
297 return 1;
298 }
302 {
303 // Set to compare with
304 short refSet = 0;
305 B2INFO("Making comparisons for " << m_totCalSets << " sets.");
307 // Loop over the sets. Do not make the comparison for the set #0
308 for (int iSet = 1; iSet < m_totCalSets; iSet++) {
309 if (m_compareToPreviousSet) refSet = iSet - 1;
312 m_topAverageDeltaT[refSet]);
314 m_topSigmaDeltaT[refSet]);
316 m_topSampleOccupancy[refSet]);
318 // Loop over the sets. Do not make the comparison for the set #0
319 for (int iSlot = 0; iSlot < 16; iSlot++) {
321 m_slotAverageDeltaT[iSlot][iSet], m_slotAverageDeltaT[iSlot][refSet]);
323 m_slotAverageDeltaTMap[iSlot][iSet], m_slotAverageDeltaTMap[iSlot][refSet]);
325 m_slotSigmaDeltaT[iSlot][iSet], m_slotSigmaDeltaT[iSlot][refSet]);
327 m_slotSigmaDeltaTMap[iSlot][iSet], m_slotSigmaDeltaTMap[iSlot][refSet]);
328 }
329 }
330 B2INFO("Comparisons done");
332 return 1;
333 }
337 {
339 }
342 {
343 return;
344 }
348 {
349 return;
350 }
354 // This function takes care of looping over the root files. Unless the directory structure is changed, you should
355 // not have to touch this part
357 {
358 // opens the file containing the list of directories and the labels
359 ifstream inputDirectoryListFile(m_inputDirectoryList.c_str());
361 // checsk the input file
362 if (!inputDirectoryListFile) {
363 B2ERROR("Unable to open the input file with the list of CalSets to analyze");
364 return;
365 }
367 std::string inputString;
368 // reads the Input file line by-line
369 while (std::getline(inputDirectoryListFile, inputString)) {
370 // This initializes m_calSetDirectory and m_calSetLabel
372 parseInputDirectoryLine(inputString);
374 B2INFO("Processing the calibration set located in " << m_calSetDirectory << " and labelled " << m_calSetLabel);
375 TSystemDirectory calSetDir(m_calSetDirectory.c_str(), (m_calSetDirectory).c_str());
377 // lists the content of the directory
378 TList* calSetDirContent = calSetDir.GetListOfFiles();
379 if (calSetDirContent) {
380 TSystemFile* entry;
381 TIter next(calSetDirContent);
382 while ((entry = (TSystemFile*)next())) {
384 // gets the name of the entry in the list of the content of m_calSetDirectory
385 std::string entryName = entry->GetName();
387 // Case 1: the entry is already a root file
388 if (!entry->IsDirectory() && TString(entryName.c_str()).EndsWith(".root")) {
389 // Initializes the file name
390 m_calSetFile = new TFile((m_calSetDirectory + entryName).c_str(), " ");
391 // Finds out the Slot and BS ID
392 int parserStatus = parseSlotAndScrodIDfromFileName(entryName);
393 // Fills the histograms
394 if (parserStatus == 1)
396 // Closes the file
397 m_calSetFile->Close();
398 }
400 // Case 2: the entry is a sub-foder, containing the rootfiles
401 // The default direcotry structure is
402 // calSetDirectory/tbc_chxx/*.root,
403 // so this should be the normal case
404 if (entry->IsDirectory() && entryName != "." && entryName != "..") {
405 entryName += "/";
406 // resets the directory where to look for root files
407 TSystemDirectory calSetSubDir((m_calSetDirectory + entryName).c_str(), (m_calSetDirectory + entryName).c_str());
409 // lists the content of the directory
410 TList* calSetSubDirContent = calSetSubDir.GetListOfFiles();
411 if (calSetSubDirContent) {
412 TSystemFile* file;
413 TIter nextSub(calSetSubDirContent);
414 while ((file = (TSystemFile*)nextSub())) {
415 // gets the name of the entry in the list of the content of m_calSetDirectory
416 std::string fileName = file->GetName();
418 if (!file->IsDirectory() && TString(fileName.c_str()).EndsWith(".root")) {
419 // Initializes the file name
420 m_calSetFile = new TFile((m_calSetDirectory + entryName + fileName).c_str(), " ");
421 // Finds out the Slot and BS ID
422 int parserStatus = parseSlotAndScrodIDfromFileName(fileName);
423 // Fills the histograms
424 if (parserStatus == 1)
426 // Closes the file
427 m_calSetFile->Close();
428 } else if (file->IsDirectory() && fileName != "." && fileName != "..") {
429 B2WARNING("Additional subdirectory " << fileName << " found in " << m_calSetDirectory + entryName <<
430 ", where only .root and .log files are expected ");
431 continue;
432 }
434 }
435 }
436 }
437 }
438 } else {
439 B2WARNING("Error in creating the TList form the directory " << m_calSetDirectory);
440 continue;
441 }
442 m_calSetID++; // jump to the next directory (i.e. the next calset)
443 }
444 B2INFO("Analisys concluded.");
448 return;
449 }
452 // Here the histograms are saved
454 {
455 // writes the histos
456 B2INFO("Creating output file " << m_outputFile);
457 TFile outfile(m_outputFile.c_str(), "recreate");
459 B2INFO("Writing histograms ");
461 // opens the input list to retrive, one last time, the labels
462 ifstream inputDirectoryListFile(m_inputDirectoryList.c_str());
463 std::string inputString;
464 int iSet = 0;
466 while (std::getline(inputDirectoryListFile, inputString)) {
467 parseInputDirectoryLine(inputString);
468 TDirectory* dirSet = outfile.mkdir(m_calSetLabel.c_str());
469 dirSet->cd();
471 m_topAverageDeltaT[iSet]->Write();
472 m_topSigmaDeltaT[iSet]->Write();
473 m_topSampleOccupancy[iSet]->Write();
474 m_topAverageDeltaTComparison[iSet]->Write();
475 m_topSigmaDeltaTComparison[iSet]->Write();
476 m_topSampleOccupancyComparison[iSet]->Write();
478 for (int iSlot = 0; iSlot < 16; iSlot ++) {
479 TDirectory* dirSlot = dirSet->mkdir(str(format("slot%1%") % (iSlot + 1)).c_str());
480 dirSlot->cd();
482 m_slotAverageDeltaT[iSlot][iSet]->Write();
483 m_slotSigmaDeltaT[iSlot][iSet]->Write();
484 m_slotAverageDeltaTMap[iSlot][iSet]->Write();
485 m_slotSigmaDeltaTMap[iSlot][iSet]->Write();
486 m_slotSampleOccupancy[iSlot][iSet]->Write();
487 m_slotEmptySamples[iSlot][iSet]->Write();
488 m_slotSampleOccupancyMap[iSlot][iSet]->Write();
489 m_slotEmptySamplesMap[iSlot][iSet]->Write();
491 m_slotAverageDeltaTComparison[iSlot][iSet]->Write();
492 m_slotSigmaDeltaTComparison[iSlot][iSet]->Write();
493 m_slotAverageDeltaTMapComparison[iSlot][iSet]->Write();
494 m_slotSigmaDeltaTMapComparison[iSlot][iSet]->Write();
495 }
496 dirSet->cd();
497 iSet++;
498 }
499 }
504 // -------------------------------
505 //
507 //
508 // -------------------------------
510 {
511 // resets the strings
512 m_calSetDirectory.clear();
513 m_calSetLabel.clear();
515 // reads the string char by char to break it up in m_calSetDirectory and m_calSetLabel
516 bool isDirectoryNameChar = true;
517 bool isAtBeginning = true;
519 for (std::string::size_type i = 0; i < inputString.size(); ++i) {
520 char c = inputString[i];
521 // The following ifs should catch all the possible cases
522 if (c == ' ' && isAtBeginning) continue; // and empty space at the beginning of the line
523 if (c == ' ' && !isAtBeginning) { // an empty space between the two parts
524 isDirectoryNameChar = false;
525 isAtBeginning = false;
526 continue;
527 }
528 if (c != ' ' && isDirectoryNameChar) { // a good char belonging to the first part of the string
530 isAtBeginning = false;
531 continue;
532 }
533 if (c != ' ' && !isDirectoryNameChar) { // a good char belonging to the second part of the string
534 m_calSetLabel += c;
535 isAtBeginning = false;
536 continue;
537 }
538 B2WARNING("Uncaught exception in parsing the input string. Ending the parsing."); // I should never reach thispoint
539 return 0;
540 }
542 return 1;
543 }
548 {
549 // resets the IDs
550 m_slotID = -1;
551 m_boardstackID = -1;
552 m_scrodID = -1;
554 // reads the string char by char to break it up in m_calSetDirectory and m_calSetLabel
557 std::string stringSlot = "";
558 std::string stringBS = "";
559 std::string stringScrod = "";
562 // We may eventually implement a more clever parsere that is not so sensitive to the file name...
563 //
564 // tbcSlotXX_Y-scrodZZZ.root
565 // tbcSlotXX_Y-scrodZZ.root
566 // 012345678901234567890
567 //
569 if (!(inputString[0] == 't' && inputString[1] == 'b' && inputString[2] == 'c')) {
570 B2WARNING(inputString << " is not a valid TBC file. Skipping it.");
571 return 0;
572 }
573 stringSlot += inputString[7];
574 stringSlot += inputString[8];
575 stringBS += inputString[10];
576 stringScrod += inputString[17];
577 stringScrod += inputString[18];
578 if (inputString[19] != '.')
579 stringScrod += inputString[19];
582 m_slotID = std::stoi(stringSlot);
583 m_scrodID = std::stoi(stringScrod);
584 m_boardstackID = std::stoi(stringBS);
586 return 1;
587 }
591 TH1F* TOPTBCComparatorModule::calculateHistoRatio(TH1F* hRatio, TH1F* hNum, TH1F* hDen)
592 {
593 // Saves the name and titple of the output histogram, as defined in defineHisto
594 const char* name = hRatio->GetName();
595 const char* title = hRatio->GetTitle();
597 const char* xAxisTitle = hRatio->GetXaxis()->GetTitle();
598 const char* yAxisTitle = hRatio->GetYaxis()->GetTitle();
600 // clone the numerator histogram into the output one
601 hRatio = (TH1F*)hNum->Clone();
604 // makes the ratio
605 hRatio->Divide(hDen);
607 //ri-sets name, title and axis labels
608 hRatio->SetName(name);
609 hRatio->SetTitle(title);
610 hRatio->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xAxisTitle);
611 hRatio->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(yAxisTitle);
612 return hRatio;
613 }
615 TH2F* TOPTBCComparatorModule::calculateHistoRatio(TH2F* hRatio, TH2F* hNum, TH2F* hDen)
616 {
617 // Saves the name and titple of the output histogram, as defined in defineHisto
618 const char* name = hRatio->GetName();
619 const char* title = hRatio->GetTitle();
621 const char* xAxisTitle = hRatio->GetXaxis()->GetTitle();
622 const char* yAxisTitle = hRatio->GetYaxis()->GetTitle();
624 // clone the numerator histogram into the output one
625 hRatio = (TH2F*)hNum->Clone();
628 // makes the ratio
629 hRatio->Divide(hDen);
631 //ri-sets name, title and axis labels
632 hRatio->SetName(name);
633 hRatio->SetTitle(title);
634 hRatio->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xAxisTitle);
635 hRatio->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(yAxisTitle);
636 return hRatio;
637 }
641} // end Belle2 namespace
HistoModule.h is supposed to be used instead of Module.h for the modules with histogram definitions t...
Definition: HistoModule.h:29
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
short m_boardstackID
ID of the slot whose calibrations are being analyzed.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_topAverageDeltaTComparison
Average of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
std::string m_inputDirectoryList
List of the directories (one per IOV) in which the files with the calibration constants of the SCODS ...
std::vector< TH1F * > m_slotSigmaDeltaT[16]
Standard deviation of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
short m_totCalSets
Total number of calibration sets, as counted int defineHistos.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_slotSampleOccupancy[16]
Average number of calpulses per sample used in the minimization, as function of the channel number.
short m_numSamples
Number of samples that have been calibrated.
std::string m_outputFile
File in which the output histograms are stored.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_topSigmaDeltaTComparison
Standard deviation of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
std::vector< TH1F * > m_topSigmaDeltaT
Standard deviation of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
std::vector< TH2F * > m_slotAverageDeltaTMap[16]
Map of the average of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution.
std::string m_calSetDirectory
Label to be used to indetify the histograms of a the calibration set.
std::vector< TH2F * > m_slotAverageDeltaTMapComparison[16]
Map of the Ratio of the average DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses)
bool m_compareToPreviousSet
Determines if the reverence set for the ratio is the first CalSet of the list (if false) or if each C...
std::vector< TH1F * > m_topSampleOccupancy
Average number of calpulses per sample used in the minimization, as function of the channel number on...
short m_calSetID
Internal ID of the calibration set that is being analyzed.
std::vector< TH2F * > m_slotSigmaDeltaTMapComparison[16]
Map of Ratio of the Standard deviation on DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses)
TFile * m_calSetFile
File containing the calibration constants of the SCROD being analyzed.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_slotEmptySamples[16]
Number of (semi-)empty samples in each channel.
short m_slotID
ID of the slot whose calibrations are being analyzed.
short m_minCalPulses
Minimum number of calpulses to declare a sample as non-empty.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_slotSigmaDeltaTComparison[16]
Ratio of the Standard deviation of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distri...
std::vector< TH1F * > m_topSampleOccupancyComparison
Ratios of the average sample occupancy on the whole detector.
std::string m_calSetLabel
Label to be used to identify the histograms of a the calibration set.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_slotAverageDeltaT[16]
Average of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
short m_scrodID
ID of the scrod whose calibrations are being analyzed.
std::vector< TH2F * > m_slotEmptySamplesMap[16]
Map of the number of (semi-)empty samples.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_slotAverageDeltaTComparison[16]
Ratio of the average of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
std::vector< TH2F * > m_slotSigmaDeltaTMap[16]
Map of the Standard deviation of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribu...
std::vector< TH1F * > m_topAverageDeltaT
Average of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
std::vector< TH2F * > m_slotSampleOccupancyMap[16]
Map of the average number of calpulses per sample used in the minimizat on.
int getPixelID(unsigned channel) const
Converts hardware channel number to pixel ID (1-based)
const ChannelMapper & getChannelMapper() const
Returns default channel mapper (mapping of channels to pixels)
static TOPGeometryPar * Instance()
Static method to obtain the pointer to its instance.
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:559
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Definition: Module.h:649
int parseInputDirectoryLine(std::string)
Utility function to get the directory name and the label from a line of the m_inputDirectoryList file...
int makeComparisons()
Last function to be called, compared the histograms of different datasets filled by analyzeCalFile() ...
int parseSlotAndScrodIDfromFileName(std::string)
Utility function to parse the slot and BS id from the calibration file names.
void initialize() override
Initialize the module.
void event() override
Event processor.
void endRun() override
End-of-run action.
void terminate() override
Termination action.
int analyzeCalFile()
Analyzes the calibrations stored in the file m_calSetFile.
void beginRun() override
Called when entering a new run.
TH1F * calculateHistoRatio(TH1F *, TH1F *, TH1F *)
Utility function to take the ratio of two histograms using TH1::Divide(), without overwriting the out...
void defineHisto() override
Defining the histograms.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
STL namespace.