Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9#pragma once
11#include <framework/core/HistoModule.h>
12#include "TH1F.h"
13#include "TH2F.h"
14#include <string>
15#include <vector>
17namespace Belle2 {
70 public:
85 void defineHisto() override;
90 void initialize() override;
95 void beginRun() override;
100 void event() override;
108 void endRun() override;
114 void terminate() override;
120 int analyzeCalFile();
126 int makeComparisons();
133 int parseSlotAndScrodIDfromFileName(std::string);
139 int parseInputDirectoryLine(std::string);
145 TH1F* calculateHistoRatio(TH1F*, TH1F*, TH1F*);
151 TH2F* calculateHistoRatio(TH2F*, TH2F*, TH2F*);
156 private:
157 // steering parameters
159 "";
161 true;
162 std::string m_outputFile = "";
163 short m_minCalPulses = 200;
164 short m_numSamples = 256;
167 // utilities
168 std::string m_calSetDirectory;
170 nullptr;
171 std::string m_calSetLabel;
172 short m_slotID = -1;
173 short m_boardstackID = -1;
174 short m_scrodID = -1;
175 short m_calSetID = 0;
176 short m_totCalSets = 0;
179 // Delta T plots, slot-by-slot
180 std::vector<TH1F*>
182 std::vector<TH1F*>
184 std::vector<TH2F*>
186 std::vector<TH2F*>
189 // Average timing plots, all the detector at once
190 std::vector<TH1F*>
192 std::vector<TH1F*>
196 // Occupancy plots, slot-by-slot
197 std::vector<TH1F*>
199 std::vector<TH1F*>
201 std::vector<TH2F*>
203 std::vector<TH2F*>
206 // Occupancy plot, all the detector at once
207 std::vector<TH1F*>
211 // Delta T ratio plots, slot-by-slot
212 std::vector<TH1F*>
214 std::vector<TH1F*>
216 std::vector<TH2F*>
218 std::vector<TH2F*>
222 // Delta T ratio plots, whole detector
223 std::vector<TH1F*>
225 std::vector<TH1F*>
227 std::vector<TH1F*>
234 };
237} //namespace Belle2
HistoModule.h is supposed to be used instead of Module.h for the modules with histogram definitions t...
Definition: HistoModule.h:29
Module for the comparison of different sets of time base correction (TBC) constants and to produce mo...
short m_boardstackID
ID of the slot whose calibrations are being analyzed.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_topAverageDeltaTComparison
Average of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
std::string m_inputDirectoryList
List of the directories (one per IOV) in which the files with the calibration constants of the SCODS ...
std::vector< TH1F * > m_slotSigmaDeltaT[16]
Standard deviation of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
short m_totCalSets
Total number of calibration sets, as counted int defineHistos.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_slotSampleOccupancy[16]
Average number of calpulses per sample used in the minimization, as function of the channel number.
short m_numSamples
Number of samples that have been calibrated.
std::string m_outputFile
File in which the output histograms are stored.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_topSigmaDeltaTComparison
Standard deviation of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
std::vector< TH1F * > m_topSigmaDeltaT
Standard deviation of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
std::vector< TH2F * > m_slotAverageDeltaTMap[16]
Map of the average of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution.
std::string m_calSetDirectory
Label to be used to indetify the histograms of a the calibration set.
std::vector< TH2F * > m_slotAverageDeltaTMapComparison[16]
Map of the Ratio of the average DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses)
bool m_compareToPreviousSet
Determines if the reverence set for the ratio is the first CalSet of the list (if false) or if each C...
std::vector< TH1F * > m_topSampleOccupancy
Average number of calpulses per sample used in the minimization, as function of the channel number on...
short m_calSetID
Internal ID of the calibration set that is being analyzed.
std::vector< TH2F * > m_slotSigmaDeltaTMapComparison[16]
Map of Ratio of the Standard deviation on DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses)
TFile * m_calSetFile
File containing the calibration constants of the SCROD being analyzed.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_slotEmptySamples[16]
Number of (semi-)empty samples in each channel.
short m_slotID
ID of the slot whose calibrations are being analyzed.
short m_minCalPulses
Minimum number of calpulses to declare a sample as non-empty.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_slotSigmaDeltaTComparison[16]
Ratio of the Standard deviation of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distri...
std::vector< TH1F * > m_topSampleOccupancyComparison
Ratios of the average sample occupancy on the whole detector.
std::string m_calSetLabel
Label to be used to identify the histograms of a the calibration set.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_slotAverageDeltaT[16]
Average of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
short m_scrodID
ID of the scrod whose calibrations are being analyzed.
std::vector< TH2F * > m_slotEmptySamplesMap[16]
Map of the number of (semi-)empty samples.
std::vector< TH1F * > m_slotAverageDeltaTComparison[16]
Ratio of the average of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
std::vector< TH2F * > m_slotSigmaDeltaTMap[16]
Map of the Standard deviation of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribu...
std::vector< TH1F * > m_topAverageDeltaT
Average of the DeltaT (time difference petween the calibraiton pulses) distribution,...
std::vector< TH2F * > m_slotSampleOccupancyMap[16]
Map of the average number of calpulses per sample used in the minimizat on.
int parseInputDirectoryLine(std::string)
Utility function to get the directory name and the label from a line of the m_inputDirectoryList file...
int makeComparisons()
Last function to be called, compared the histograms of different datasets filled by analyzeCalFile() ...
int parseSlotAndScrodIDfromFileName(std::string)
Utility function to parse the slot and BS id from the calibration file names.
void initialize() override
Initialize the module.
void event() override
Event processor.
void endRun() override
End-of-run action.
void terminate() override
Termination action.
int analyzeCalFile()
Analyzes the calibrations stored in the file m_calSetFile.
void beginRun() override
Called when entering a new run.
TH1F * calculateHistoRatio(TH1F *, TH1F *, TH1F *)
Utility function to take the ratio of two histograms using TH1::Divide(), without overwriting the out...
void defineHisto() override
Defining the histograms.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.