Belle II Software development
ARICHSimulationPar Class Reference

The Class for ARICH simulation parameters. More...

#include <ARICHSimulationPar.h>

Inheritance diagram for ARICHSimulationPar:

Public Member Functions

 ARICHSimulationPar ()
 Default constructor.
double getQE (double e) const
 Get QE at given energy.
double getColEff () const
 Get HAPD collection efficiency.
double getQEScaling () const
 Get QE scaling factor for photons internally reflected in HAPD window.
double getWindowAbsorbtion () const
 Get absorbtion probability for photons internally reflected in HAPD window.
double getChipNegativeCrosstalk () const
 Get factor to suppress p.e.
double getNBkgHits () const
 Get number of flat background hits/hapd/event to be added in digitizer.
void setQECurve (float lambdaFirst, float lambdaStep, const std::vector< float > &qe)
 Set QE curve.
void setNBkgHits (float nbkg)
 Set number of flat background hits/hapd/event to be added in digitizer.
void setQEScaling (double qescale)
 Set QE scaling factor for photons internally reflected in HAPD window.
void setWindowAbsorbtion (double abs)
 Set absorbtion probability for photons internally reflected in HAPD window.
void setChipNegativeCrosstalk (double cross)
 Set factor to suppress p.e.
void setCollectionEff (double colEff)
 Set HAPD collection efficiency.
void setPeakQE (double peak)
 Set peak QE value (for HAPD with maximal QE, at later stage HAPD dependent scaling is done)
void print () const
 print class content

Private Member Functions

 ClassDef (ARICHSimulationPar, 2)
 ClassDef, must be the last term before the closing {}.

Private Attributes

float m_qeScale = 0
 QE scale factor for photons internally reflected in HAPD window.
float m_windowAbsorbtion = 0
 absorbtion probability for photons internally reflected in HAPD window
float m_chipNegativeCrosstalk = 0
 to simulate opposite polarity crosstalk among channels on chip
float m_peakQE = 0
 maximal peak QE of all HAPDs
std::vector< float > m_qe
 quantum efficiency curve
float m_colEff = 0
 collection efficiency
float m_lambdaFirst = 0
 wavelength [nm]: first QE data point
float m_lambdaStep = 0
 wavelength [nm]: step
float m_nBkgHits = 0
 number if flat background hits/hapd/event to be added in digitizer

Detailed Description

The Class for ARICH simulation parameters.

This class provides ARICH paramters for simulation, such as QE vs. wavelength curve for HAPDs, parameters to describe negative polarity crosstalk of channels of APD, ...

Definition at line 24 of file ARICHSimulationPar.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ARICHSimulationPar()

ARICHSimulationPar ( )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 29 of file ARICHSimulationPar.h.


Member Function Documentation

◆ getChipNegativeCrosstalk()

double getChipNegativeCrosstalk ( ) const

Get factor to suppress p.e.

detection efficiency due to negative polarity crosstalk among chip channels

Definition at line 57 of file ARICHSimulationPar.h.

57{return (double)m_chipNegativeCrosstalk;}
float m_chipNegativeCrosstalk
to simulate opposite polarity crosstalk among channels on chip

◆ getColEff()

double getColEff ( ) const

Get HAPD collection efficiency.

collection efficiency

Definition at line 42 of file ARICHSimulationPar.h.

42{return (double)m_colEff;}
float m_colEff
collection efficiency

◆ getNBkgHits()

double getNBkgHits ( ) const

Get number of flat background hits/hapd/event to be added in digitizer.

Definition at line 62 of file ARICHSimulationPar.h.

62{return (double)m_nBkgHits;}
float m_nBkgHits
number if flat background hits/hapd/event to be added in digitizer

◆ getQE()

double getQE ( double  e) const

Get QE at given energy.

ephoton energy [eV]

Definition at line 17 of file

19 if (e < 0.001) return 0;
20 if (m_qe.size() == 0) B2ERROR("ARICHSimulationPar: QE curve not initialized!");
21 double dlam = 1240 / e - m_lambdaFirst;
23 int i = int(dlam / m_lambdaStep);
24 if (i < 0) i = 0;
25 if (i > int(m_qe.size()) - 2) return 0;
27 // linear interpolation
28 double qe = m_qe[i] + (m_qe[i + 1] - m_qe[i]) / m_lambdaStep * (dlam - i * m_lambdaStep);
29 return qe * m_peakQE;
float m_peakQE
maximal peak QE of all HAPDs
std::vector< float > m_qe
quantum efficiency curve
float m_lambdaStep
wavelength [nm]: step
float m_lambdaFirst
wavelength [nm]: first QE data point

◆ getQEScaling()

double getQEScaling ( ) const

Get QE scaling factor for photons internally reflected in HAPD window.

Definition at line 47 of file ARICHSimulationPar.h.

47{return (double)m_qeScale;}
float m_qeScale
QE scale factor for photons internally reflected in HAPD window.

◆ getWindowAbsorbtion()

double getWindowAbsorbtion ( ) const

Get absorbtion probability for photons internally reflected in HAPD window.

Definition at line 52 of file ARICHSimulationPar.h.

52{return (double)m_windowAbsorbtion;}
float m_windowAbsorbtion
absorbtion probability for photons internally reflected in HAPD window

◆ print()

void print ( ) const

print class content

Definition at line 39 of file

41 cout << endl;
42 cout << "ARICH simulation parameters" << endl;
43 cout << endl;
44 cout << " QE curve (peak should be above QE of highest QE HAPD!)" << endl;
45 int ipoint = 0;
46 cout << " wl [nm] QE" << endl;
47 for (auto qe : m_qe) {
48 float lambda = m_lambdaFirst + ipoint * m_lambdaStep;
49 cout << " " << lambda << " " << qe* m_peakQE << endl;
50 ipoint++;
51 }
53 cout << endl;
54 cout << " HAPD simulation parameters" << endl;
55 cout << " QE scaling for photons internally reflected in HAPD window: " << getQEScaling() << endl;
56 cout << " absorbtion probablity for internally reflected photons: " << getWindowAbsorbtion() << endl;
57 cout << " channels negative crosstalk factor: " << getChipNegativeCrosstalk() << endl;
58 cout << " collection efficiency: " << m_colEff << endl;
double getWindowAbsorbtion() const
Get absorbtion probability for photons internally reflected in HAPD window.
double getChipNegativeCrosstalk() const
Get factor to suppress p.e.
double getQEScaling() const
Get QE scaling factor for photons internally reflected in HAPD window.

◆ setChipNegativeCrosstalk()

void setChipNegativeCrosstalk ( double  cross)

Set factor to suppress p.e.

detection efficiency due to negative polarity crosstalk among chip channels

crosslevel of negative crosstalk

Definition at line 94 of file ARICHSimulationPar.h.

94{ m_chipNegativeCrosstalk = (float)cross;}

◆ setCollectionEff()

void setCollectionEff ( double  colEff)

Set HAPD collection efficiency.

colEffcollection efficiency

Definition at line 100 of file ARICHSimulationPar.h.

100{m_colEff = (float)colEff;}

◆ setNBkgHits()

void setNBkgHits ( float  nbkg)

Set number of flat background hits/hapd/event to be added in digitizer.

nbkgnumber of background hits/hapd/event

Definition at line 76 of file ARICHSimulationPar.h.

76{ m_nBkgHits = nbkg;}

◆ setPeakQE()

void setPeakQE ( double  peak)

Set peak QE value (for HAPD with maximal QE, at later stage HAPD dependent scaling is done)

peakQE at peak

Definition at line 106 of file ARICHSimulationPar.h.

106{m_peakQE = (float)peak;}

◆ setQECurve()

void setQECurve ( float  lambdaFirst,
float  lambdaStep,
const std::vector< float > &  qe 

Set QE curve.

lambdaFirstcurve starting wavelength in nm
lambdaStepstep between points
qevector of QE values

Definition at line 32 of file

34 m_lambdaFirst = lambdaFirst;
35 m_lambdaStep = lambdaStep;
36 m_qe = qe;

◆ setQEScaling()

void setQEScaling ( double  qescale)

Set QE scaling factor for photons internally reflected in HAPD window.

qescaleQE scaling

Definition at line 82 of file ARICHSimulationPar.h.

82{ m_qeScale = (float)qescale;}

◆ setWindowAbsorbtion()

void setWindowAbsorbtion ( double  abs)

Set absorbtion probability for photons internally reflected in HAPD window.

absabsorbtion probability

Definition at line 88 of file ARICHSimulationPar.h.

88{ m_windowAbsorbtion = (float)abs;}

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_chipNegativeCrosstalk

float m_chipNegativeCrosstalk = 0

to simulate opposite polarity crosstalk among channels on chip

Definition at line 117 of file ARICHSimulationPar.h.

◆ m_colEff

float m_colEff = 0

collection efficiency

Definition at line 121 of file ARICHSimulationPar.h.

◆ m_lambdaFirst

float m_lambdaFirst = 0

wavelength [nm]: first QE data point

Definition at line 122 of file ARICHSimulationPar.h.

◆ m_lambdaStep

float m_lambdaStep = 0

wavelength [nm]: step

Definition at line 123 of file ARICHSimulationPar.h.

◆ m_nBkgHits

float m_nBkgHits = 0

number if flat background hits/hapd/event to be added in digitizer

Definition at line 124 of file ARICHSimulationPar.h.

◆ m_peakQE

float m_peakQE = 0

maximal peak QE of all HAPDs

Definition at line 118 of file ARICHSimulationPar.h.

◆ m_qe

std::vector<float> m_qe

quantum efficiency curve

Definition at line 120 of file ARICHSimulationPar.h.

◆ m_qeScale

float m_qeScale = 0

QE scale factor for photons internally reflected in HAPD window.

Definition at line 115 of file ARICHSimulationPar.h.

◆ m_windowAbsorbtion

float m_windowAbsorbtion = 0

absorbtion probability for photons internally reflected in HAPD window

Definition at line 116 of file ARICHSimulationPar.h.

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