Belle II Software development
TrgEclDigitizer Class Reference

FAM module

#include <TrgEclDigitizer.h>

Inheritance diagram for TrgEclDigitizer:

Public Member Functions

 TrgEclDigitizer ()
virtual ~TrgEclDigitizer ()
void setup (int)
 setup fam module

void getTCHit (int)
 get TC Hits from Xtal hits
void digitization01 (std::vector< std::vector< double > > &, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &)
 fit method, digi with 125ns interval
void digitization02 (std::vector< std::vector< double > > &, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &)
 original no fit method, digi with 12ns interval
void save (int)
 save fitting result into tables
void setWaveform (int wave)
 Set flag of waveform table.
void setFADC (int fadc)
 Set flag of waveform table.
double FADC (int, double)

double SimplifiedFADC (int, double)
double interFADC (double)
 Faster FADC using interpolation.
double ShapeF (double, double, double, double, double, double, double)
 return shape using FADC function

double ShapeF (double, double)
 Return shape using Simplified FADC.
double u_max (double, double)
 Find max value between 2 vals;.

Private Attributes

double TimeRange
 time range(default : -4000 ~ 4000 ns )
double TCEnergy [576][80]
 TC Energy converted from Xtarl Energy [GeV].
double TCTiming [576][80]
 TC Timing converted from Xtarl Timing [GeV].
double TCEnergy_tot [576]
 TC Energy converted from Xtarl Energy [GeV].
double TCTiming_tot [576]
 TC Timing converted from Xtarl Timing [GeV].
double TCRawEnergy [576][60]
 Input TC energy[GeV].
double TCRawTiming [576][60]
 Input TC timing[ns]

double TCRawBkgTag [576][60]
 Input Beambackground tag

 Object of TC Mapping.
 Object of DataBase.
std::vector< std::vector< double > > MatrixParallel
 Noise Matrix of Parallel and Serial Noise.
std::vector< std::vector< double > > MatrixSerial
 Noise Low triangle Matrix of Serial noise

double TCBkgContribution [576][80]
 Beambackground contribution.
double TCSigContribution [576][80]
 Signal contribution.
int TCBeambkgTag [576][80]
 Beambackground tag.
int _waveform
 Flag of waveform table.
double WaveForm [576][64]
 TC Energy converted from Xtarl Energy [GeV].
int _FADC
 Flag of choosing the method of waveform generation function 0: use simplifiedFADC, 1: use interFADC(interpolation)
int _BeambkgTag
 Flag of saving beam background tag or not.

Detailed Description

FAM module

Definition at line 24 of file TrgEclDigitizer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TrgEclDigitizer()


Definition at line 32 of file

32 :
35 MatrixParallel.clear();
36 MatrixSerial.clear();
38 _TCMap = new TrgEclMapping();
41 for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
42 TCEnergy_tot[iTCIdm] = 0;
43 TCTiming_tot[iTCIdm] = 0;
44 for (int iTime = 0; iTime < 80; iTime++) {
45 TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTime] = 0;
46 TCTiming[iTCIdm][iTime] = 0;
47 TCBkgContribution[iTCIdm][iTime] = 0;
48 TCSigContribution[iTCIdm][iTime] = 0;
49 TCBeambkgTag[iTCIdm][iTime] = 0;
50 }
52 for (int iii = 0; iii < 60 ; iii++) {
53 TCRawEnergy[iTCIdm][iii] = 0;
54 TCRawTiming[iTCIdm][iii] = 0;
55 TCRawBkgTag[iTCIdm][iii] = 0;
56 }
57 for (int iii = 0; iii < 64 ; iii++) {
58 WaveForm[iTCIdm][iii] = 0;
59 }
60 }
class TrgEclDataBase;
int _FADC
Flag of choosing the method of waveform generation function 0: use simplifiedFADC,...
double TCTiming_tot[576]
TC Timing converted from Xtarl Timing [GeV].
double TCBkgContribution[576][80]
Beambackground contribution.
double WaveForm[576][64]
TC Energy converted from Xtarl Energy [GeV].
double TCRawTiming[576][60]
Input TC timing[ns]
double TCEnergy[576][80]
TC Energy converted from Xtarl Energy [GeV].
double TCSigContribution[576][80]
Signal contribution.
std::vector< std::vector< double > > MatrixParallel
Noise Matrix of Parallel and Serial Noise.
TrgEclDataBase * _DataBase
Object of DataBase.
double TCTiming[576][80]
TC Timing converted from Xtarl Timing [GeV].
double TCRawBkgTag[576][60]
Input Beambackground tag
std::vector< std::vector< double > > MatrixSerial
Noise Low triangle Matrix of Serial noise
double TCRawEnergy[576][60]
Input TC energy[GeV].
double TimeRange
time range(default : -4000 ~ 4000 ns )
int _BeambkgTag
Flag of saving beam background tag or not.
int _waveform
Flag of waveform table.
int TCBeambkgTag[576][80]
Beambackground tag.
TrgEclMapping * _TCMap
Object of TC Mapping.
double TCEnergy_tot[576]
TC Energy converted from Xtarl Energy [GeV].
A class of TC Mapping.
Definition: TrgEclMapping.h:26

◆ ~TrgEclDigitizer()

~TrgEclDigitizer ( )


Definition at line 65 of file

67 delete _TCMap;
68 delete _DataBase;

Member Function Documentation

◆ digitization01()

void digitization01 ( std::vector< std::vector< double > > &  TCDigiE,
std::vector< std::vector< double > > &  TCDigiT 

fit method, digi with 125ns interval

Definition at line 317 of file

320 TCDigiE.clear();
321 TCDigiE.resize(576, vector<double>(64, 0));
322 TCDigiT.clear();
323 TCDigiT.resize(576, vector<double>(64, 0));
325 //
326 double cut_energy_tot = 0.03; // [GeV]
327 int nbin_pedestal = 4; // = nbin_pedestal*fam_sampling_interval [ns] in total
328 double fam_sampling_interval = 125; // [ns]
329 int NSampling = 64; // # of sampling array
332 std::vector< std::vector<float> > noise_pileup(576, std::vector<float>(64, 0.0)); // [GeV]
333 std::vector< std::vector<float> > noise_parallel(576, std::vector<float>(64, 0.0)); // [GeV]
334 std::vector< std::vector<float> > noise_serial(576, std::vector<float>(64, 0.0)); // [GeV]
335 std::vector<float> X_pr(64, 0.0);
336 std::vector<float> X_sr(64, 0.0);
339 // (Make sampling time random between FAM sampling intervals)
340 double random_sampling_correction = 0; // [ns]
341 random_sampling_correction = gRandom->Rndm() * fam_sampling_interval;
342 //==================
343 // (01)Signal digitization
344 //==================
345 for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
346 for (int iTimeBin = 0; iTimeBin < 80; iTimeBin++) {
348 if (TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTimeBin] < 0.0001) {continue;} // 0.1MeV cut on TC bin_energy
349 for (int iSampling = 0; iSampling < NSampling; iSampling++) {
350 // inputTiming is in [us] <-- Be careful, here is NOT [ns]
351 double inputTiming
352 = (-TCTiming[iTCIdm][iTimeBin] - TimeRange + (-nbin_pedestal + iSampling) * fam_sampling_interval) * 0.001;
353 inputTiming += random_sampling_correction * 0.001;
354 if (inputTiming < 0 || inputTiming > 2.0) {continue;} // Shaping in t0 ~t0+ 2.0 us
355 if (_FADC == 1) {
357 TCDigiE[iTCIdm][iSampling] += interFADC(inputTiming) * TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTimeBin];
358 } else {
359 TCDigiE[iTCIdm][iSampling] += SimplifiedFADC(0, inputTiming) * TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTimeBin];
360 }
361 }
363 for (int iSampling = 0; iSampling < NSampling; iSampling++) {
364 TCDigiT[iTCIdm][iSampling] = (-nbin_pedestal + iSampling - TimeRange / fam_sampling_interval) * fam_sampling_interval;
365 TCDigiT[iTCIdm][iSampling] += random_sampling_correction;
366 }
367 }
368 }
369 //
370 //
371 //
372 if (0) {
373 FILE* f_out_dat = fopen("ztsim.no_noise.dat", "w");
374 for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
375 if (TCEnergy_tot[iTCIdm] < cut_energy_tot) { continue; } // TC energy_tot cut
376 fprintf(f_out_dat, "%5i %8.5f %8.5f %8.1f ",
377 iTCIdm + 1, TCEnergy_tot[iTCIdm], TCEnergy[iTCIdm][0], TCDigiT[iTCIdm][0]);
378 for (int iSampling = 0; iSampling < NSampling; iSampling++) {
379 fprintf(f_out_dat, "%7.4f ", TCDigiE[iTCIdm][iSampling]);
380 }
381 fprintf(f_out_dat, "\n");
382 }
383 fclose(f_out_dat);
384 }
385 //==================
386 // (01)noise embedding
387 //==================
388 double tmin_noise = -4; // orignal
389 double tgen = 10.3; // orignal
390 int bkg_level = 1030;
391 double ttt0 = 0; // [us]
392 /* cppcheck-suppress variableScope */
393 double ttt1 = 0; // [us]
394 /* cppcheck-suppress variableScope */
395 double ttt2 = 0; // [us]
396 //
397 double frac_pileup = 0.035; // pileup noise fraction?
398 double frac_parallel = 0.023; // parralel noise fraction?
399 double frac_serial = 0.055; // serial noise fraction?
400 double times_pileup = 1; // noise scale based on Belle noise.
401 double times_parallel = 3.15; // noise scale
402 double times_serial = 3.15; // noise scale
404 double corr_pileup = times_pileup * frac_pileup * sqrt(fam_sampling_interval * 0.001);
405 double corr_parallel = times_parallel * frac_parallel * sqrt(fam_sampling_interval * 0.001);
406 double corr_serial = times_serial * frac_serial * sqrt(fam_sampling_interval * 0.001);
409 if (0) {
410 for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
411 if (TCEnergy_tot[iTCIdm] < cut_energy_tot) { continue; } // TC energy_tot cut
412 for (int jjj = 0; jjj < bkg_level; jjj++) {
413 ttt0 = -(tmin_noise + tgen * gRandom->Rndm()); // [us]
414 ttt1 = -(tmin_noise + tgen * gRandom->Rndm()); // [us]
415 ttt2 = -(tmin_noise + tgen * gRandom->Rndm()); // [us]
416 for (int iSampling = 0; iSampling < NSampling; iSampling++) {
417 // (pile-up noise)
418 if (ttt0 > 0) { TCDigiE[iTCIdm][iSampling] += SimplifiedFADC(0, ttt0) * corr_pileup * 0.001; }
419 // (parallel noise)
420 if (ttt1 > 0) { TCDigiE[iTCIdm][iSampling] += SimplifiedFADC(1, ttt1) * corr_parallel; }
421 // (serial noise)
422 if (ttt2 > 0) { TCDigiE[iTCIdm][iSampling] += SimplifiedFADC(2, ttt2) * corr_serial; }
423 ttt0 += fam_sampling_interval * 0.001;
424 ttt1 += fam_sampling_interval * 0.001;
425 ttt2 += fam_sampling_interval * 0.001;
426 }
427 }
428 }
429 }
430 if (1) { //use L Matrix
431 for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
433 for (int iSampling = 0; iSampling < NSampling; iSampling++) {
434 X_pr[iSampling] = gRandom ->Gaus(0, 1);
435 X_sr[iSampling] = gRandom ->Gaus(0, 1);
436 }
438 for (int iSampling = 0; iSampling < NSampling; iSampling++) {
439 for (int jSampling = 0; jSampling < NSampling; jSampling++) {
440 noise_parallel[iTCIdm][iSampling] += 10 * corr_parallel * MatrixParallel[iSampling][jSampling] * X_pr[jSampling];
441 noise_serial[iTCIdm][iSampling] += 10 * corr_serial * MatrixSerial[iSampling][jSampling] * X_sr[jSampling];
442 }
443 }
445 for (int iSampling = 0; iSampling < NSampling; iSampling++) {
447 TCDigiE[iTCIdm][iSampling] += noise_pileup[iTCIdm][iSampling] + noise_parallel[iTCIdm][iSampling] +
448 noise_serial[iTCIdm][iSampling];
449 }
450 }
451 if (0) {
452 for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) { //Only Pile-up noise use old method.
453 if (TCEnergy_tot[iTCIdm] < cut_energy_tot) { continue; } // TC energy_tot cut
454 for (int jjj = 0; jjj < bkg_level; jjj++) {
455 ttt0 = -(tmin_noise + tgen * gRandom->Rndm()); // [us]
456 for (int iSampling = 0; iSampling < NSampling; iSampling++) {
457 // (pile-up noise)
458 if (ttt0 > 0) { TCDigiE[iTCIdm][iSampling] += SimplifiedFADC(0, ttt0) * corr_pileup * 0.001; }
459 ttt0 += fam_sampling_interval * 0.001;
460 }
461 }
462 }
463 }
464 }
466 if (_waveform == 1) {
468 for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
469 for (int iSampling = 0; iSampling < NSampling; iSampling++) {
470 WaveForm[iTCIdm][iSampling] = TCDigiE[iTCIdm][iSampling];
471 }
473 }
474 }
double interFADC(double)
Faster FADC using interpolation.
double SimplifiedFADC(int, double)
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28

◆ digitization02()

void digitization02 ( std::vector< std::vector< double > > &  TCDigiE,
std::vector< std::vector< double > > &  TCDigiT 

original no fit method, digi with 12ns interval

Definition at line 478 of file

480 //===============
481 // (03)Signal digitization (w/ 12ns interval for method-0)
482 //===============
483 TCDigiE.clear();
484 TCDigiE.resize(576, vector<double>(666, 0));
485 TCDigiT.clear();
486 TCDigiT.resize(576, vector<double>(666, 0));
487 double cut_energy_tot = 0.03; // [GeV]
488 int nbin_pedestal = 100;
489 float fam_sampling_interval = 12; // [ns]
491 std::vector< std::vector<float> > TCDigiEnergy(576, std::vector<float>(666, 0.0)); // [GeV]
492 std::vector< std::vector<float> > TCDigiTiming(576, std::vector<float>(666, 0.0)); // [ns]
493 int NSampling = 666;
495 // Make sampling time random between FAM sampling intervals
496 float random_sampling_correction = 0; // [ns]
497 random_sampling_correction = gRandom->Rndm() * fam_sampling_interval;
498 for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
499 if (TCEnergy_tot[iTCIdm] < cut_energy_tot) {continue;} // TC energy_tot cut
500 for (int iTimeBin = 0; iTimeBin < 80; iTimeBin++) {
501 if (TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTimeBin] < 0.0001) { continue; } // 0.1 MeV cut on TC bin_energy
502 for (int iSampling = 0; iSampling < NSampling; iSampling++) {
503 // inputTiming is in [us] <-- Be careful, here is NOT [ns]
504 float inputTiming
505 = (-TCTiming[iTCIdm][iTimeBin] - TimeRange + (-nbin_pedestal + iSampling) * fam_sampling_interval) * 0.001;
507 inputTiming += random_sampling_correction * 0.001;
508 if (inputTiming < 0 || inputTiming > 2.0) {continue;} // Shaping in t0 ~t0+ 2.0 us
510 TCDigiEnergy[iTCIdm][iSampling] += FADC(0, inputTiming) * TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTimeBin];
511 }
512 }
513 for (int iSampling = 0; iSampling < NSampling; iSampling++) {
514 TCDigiTiming[iTCIdm][iSampling] = (-nbin_pedestal + iSampling - TimeRange / fam_sampling_interval) * fam_sampling_interval;
515 TCDigiTiming[iTCIdm][iSampling] += random_sampling_correction;
516 }
517 }
518 //==================
519 // (03)noise embedding
520 //==================
522 double tmin_noise = -4; // orignal
523 double tgen = 10.3; //
524 int bkg_level = 1030;
525 double ttt0 = 0; // [us]
526 double ttt1 = 0; // [us]
527 double ttt2 = 0; // [us]
528 //double frac_pileup = 0.035; // pileup noise fraction?
529 //double frac_parallel = 0.023; // parralel noise fraction?
530 //double frac_serial = 0.055; // serial noise fraction?
531 //double times_pileup = 1; // noise scale based on Belle noise.
532 //double times_parallel = 1; // noise scale
533 //double times_serial = 1; // noise scale
534 //double corr_pileup = times_pileup * frac_pileup * sqrt(fam_sampling_interval * 0.001);
535 //double corr_parallel = times_parallel * frac_parallel * sqrt(fam_sampling_interval * 0.001);
536 //double corr_serial = times_serial * frac_serial * sqrt(fam_sampling_interval * 0.001);
537 double corr_pileup = 0.011068;
538 double corr_parallel = 0.00727324;
539 double corr_serial = 0.0173925;
542 for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
543 if (TCEnergy_tot[iTCIdm] < cut_energy_tot) { continue; } // 1 MeV TC energy cut
544 for (int jjj = 0; jjj < bkg_level; jjj++) {
545 ttt0 = -(tmin_noise + tgen * gRandom->Rndm()); // [us]
546 ttt1 = -(tmin_noise + tgen * gRandom->Rndm()); // [us]
547 ttt2 = -(tmin_noise + tgen * gRandom->Rndm()); // [us]
548 for (int iSampling = 0; iSampling < NSampling; iSampling++) {
549 // (pile-up noise)
550 if (ttt0 > 0) { TCDigiEnergy[iTCIdm][iSampling] += FADC(0, ttt0) * corr_pileup * 0.001; }
551 // (parallel noise)
552 if (ttt1 > 0) { TCDigiEnergy[iTCIdm][iSampling] += FADC(1, ttt1) * corr_parallel; }
553 // (serial noise)
554 if (ttt2 > 0) { TCDigiEnergy[iTCIdm][iSampling] += FADC(2, ttt2) * corr_serial; }
555 ttt0 += fam_sampling_interval * 0.001;
556 ttt1 += fam_sampling_interval * 0.001;
557 ttt2 += fam_sampling_interval * 0.001;
558 }
559 }
560 }
double FADC(int, double)

◆ FADC()

double FADC ( int  flag_gen,
double  timing 


Definition at line 646 of file

650 //--------------------------------------
651 //
652 // o "timing" unit is [us]
653 // o flag_gen = 0(=signal), 1(=parallel), 2(=serial)
654 // o return value(PDF) is [GeV]
655 //
656 //--------------------------------------
657 double tsh, dd;
658 static double tc, tc2, tsc, tris, b1, b2;
659 static double amp, dft, as;
660 static double td, t1, t2;
662 static int ifir = 0;
664 if (ifir == 0) {
666 td = 0.10; // diff time ( 0.10)
667 t1 = 0.10; // integ1 real ( 0.10)
668 b1 = 30.90; // integ1 imag ( 30.90)
669 t2 = 0.01; // integ2 real ( 0.01)
670 b2 = 30.01; // integ2 imag ( 30.01)
671 double ts = 1.00; // scint decay ( 1.00)
672 dft = 0.600; // diff delay ( 0.600)
673 as = 0.548; // diff frac ( 0.548)
674 //
675 amp = 1.0;
676 tris = 0.01;
677 tsc = ts;
678 //
679 int im = 0;
680 int ij = 0;
681 int fm = 0;
682 tc = 0;
683 double tt = u_max(u_max(td, t1), u_max(t2, ts)) * 2;
684 int flag_once = 0;
685 while (flag_once == 0) {
686 double dt = tt / 1000;
687 double tm = 0;
688 for (int j = 1; j <= 1000; j++) {
689 tc2 = tc - dft;
690 double fff =
691 (ShapeF(tc, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tsc) -
692 ShapeF(tc, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tris) * 0.01) -
693 (ShapeF(tc2, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tsc) -
694 ShapeF(tc2, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tris) * 0.01) * as;
695 if (fff > fm) {
696 fm = fff;
697 tm = tc;
698 im = j;
699 }
700 tc = tc + dt;
701 }
702 if (im >= 1000) {
703 tt = 2 * tt;
704 flag_once = 0;
705 continue;
706 }
707 if (ij == 0) {
708 ij = 1;
709 tc = 0.99 * tm;
710 dt = tm * 0.02 / 1000;
711 flag_once = 0;
712 continue;
713 }
714 flag_once = 1;
715 }
716 amp = 1.0 / fm;
717 ifir = 1;
718 }
719 //
720 //
721 double pdf = 0;
722 if (flag_gen == 0) {
723 //-----<signal>
724 tc2 = timing - dft;
725 pdf = amp * (
726 (ShapeF(timing, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tsc) -
727 ShapeF(timing, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tris) * 0.01) -
728 (ShapeF(tc2, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tsc) -
729 ShapeF(tc2, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tris) * 0.01) * as);
730 } else if (flag_gen == 1) {
731 //-----<parallel>
732 tc2 = timing - dft;
733 tsh = 0.001;
734 pdf = amp * (
735 ShapeF(timing, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tsh) -
736 ShapeF(tc2, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tsh) * as);
737 pdf = pdf * 0.001; // GeV
738 } else {
739 //-----<serial>
740 tc2 = timing - dft;
741 tsh = 0.001;
742 pdf = amp * (
743 ShapeF(timing, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tsh) -
744 ShapeF(tc2, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tsh) * as);
745 //
746 tc = timing - 0.01;
747 if (tc < 0) { tc = 0; }
748 dd = timing - tc;
749 tc2 = tc - dft;
750 pdf = (amp * (
751 ShapeF(tc, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tsh) -
752 ShapeF(tc2, t1, b1, t2, b2, td, tsh) * as) - pdf) / dd;
753 pdf = pdf * 0.001; // GeV
754 }
756 return pdf;
double u_max(double, double)
Find max value between 2 vals;.
double ShapeF(double, double, double, double, double, double, double)
return shape using FADC function

◆ getTCHit()

void getTCHit ( int  SourceOfTC)

get TC Hits from Xtal hits

Definition at line 92 of file

95 std::vector< std::vector<float> > E_cell(8736, std::vector<float>(80, 0.0));
96 std::vector< std::vector<float> > T_ave(8736, std::vector<float>(80, 0.0));
97 std::vector< std::vector<float> > Tof_ave(8736, std::vector<float>(80, 0.0));
98 std::vector< std::vector<float> > beambkg_tag(8736, std::vector<float>(80, 0.0));
100 int nBinTime = 80;
101 TimeRange = 4000; // -4us ~ 4us
102 //-------------------------------------------------------------------
103 // read Xtal data
104 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
105 if (SourceOfTC == 1) { // read ECLHit table
107 StoreArray<ECLHit> eclHitArray("ECLHits");
109 int nHits_hit = eclHitArray.getEntries();
110 //
111 for (int iHits = 0; iHits < nHits_hit; iHits++) {
112 // Get a hit
113 ECLHit* aECLHit = eclHitArray[iHits];
114 int beambkg = aECLHit->getBackgroundTag();
116 // Hit geom. info
117 int hitCellId = aECLHit->getCellId() - 1;
118 float hitE = aECLHit->getEnergyDep() / Unit::GeV;
119 float aveT = aECLHit->getTimeAve(); // ns :time from IP to PD
120 if (aveT < - TimeRange || aveT > TimeRange) {continue;} //Choose - TimeRange ~ TimeTange
121 int TimeIndex = (int)((aveT + TimeRange) / 100); //Binning : -4000 = 1st bin ~ 4000 80th bin.
123 int iTCIdm = _TCMap->getTCIdFromXtalId(hitCellId + 1) - 1;
124 TCEnergy[iTCIdm][TimeIndex] += hitE;
125 TCTiming[iTCIdm][TimeIndex] += hitE * aveT;
126 if (beambkg > 0) {TCBkgContribution[iTCIdm][TimeIndex] += hitE ;}
127 else if (beambkg == 0) {TCSigContribution[iTCIdm][TimeIndex] += hitE;}
129 }
130 for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
131 for (int iTime = 0; iTime < nBinTime; iTime++) {
133 if (TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTime] < 1e-9) {continue;}// 0.01MeV cut
134 /* cppcheck-suppress variableScope */
135 double maxbkgE = 0;
136 /* cppcheck-suppress variableScope */
137 int maxbkgtag = 0;
138 TCTiming[iTCIdm][iTime] /= TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTime];
139 if (_BeambkgTag == 1) {
140 if (TCBkgContribution[iTCIdm][iTime] < TCSigContribution[iTCIdm][iTime]) {
141 TCBeambkgTag[iTCIdm][iTime] = 0; //signal Tag : 0
142 } else {
143 for (int iXtalIdm = 0; iXtalIdm < 8736; iXtalIdm++) {
144 int iTCId = _TCMap->getTCIdFromXtalId(iXtalIdm + 1) - 1;
145 if (iTCIdm != iTCId) {continue;}
146 if (maxbkgE < E_cell[iXtalIdm][iTime]) {
147 maxbkgE = E_cell[iXtalIdm][iTime];
148 maxbkgtag = beambkg_tag[iXtalIdm][iTime];
149 }
150 }
151 TCBeambkgTag[iTCIdm][iTime] = maxbkgtag;
152 }
153 }
154 }
155 }
156 }
159 if (SourceOfTC == 2) { // read ECLSimHit
161 //=====================
162 // Loop over all hits of steps
163 //=====================
164 StoreArray<ECLSimHit> eclArray("ECLSimHits");
165 int nHits = eclArray.getEntries();
166 //
167 for (int iHits = 0; iHits < nHits; iHits++) {
168 // Get a hit
169 ECLSimHit* aECLSimHit = eclArray[iHits];
171 int hitCellId = aECLSimHit->getCellId() - 1;
172 float hitE = aECLSimHit->getEnergyDep() / Unit::GeV;
173 float hitTOF = aECLSimHit->getFlightTime() / Unit::ns;
175 G4ThreeVector t = aECLSimHit->getPosIn(); // [cm], Hit position in Xtal (based on from IP)
176 ROOT::Math::XYZVector HitInPos(t.x(), t.y(), t.z()); // = aECLSimHit->getPosIn(); // [cm], Hit position in Xtal (based on from IP)
177 ROOT::Math::XYZVector PosCell = eclp->GetCrystalPos(hitCellId);// [cm], Xtal position (based on from IP)
178 ROOT::Math::XYZVector VecCell = eclp->GetCrystalVec(hitCellId);
179 float local_pos_r = 15.0 - (HitInPos - PosCell).Dot(VecCell);
180 if (hitTOF < - TimeRange || hitTOF > TimeRange) {continue;}
181 int TimeIndex = (int)((hitTOF + TimeRange) / 100);
182 E_cell[hitCellId][TimeIndex] = E_cell[hitCellId][TimeIndex] + hitE;
183 T_ave[hitCellId][TimeIndex] = T_ave[hitCellId][TimeIndex] + hitE * local_pos_r;
184 Tof_ave[hitCellId][TimeIndex] = Tof_ave[hitCellId][TimeIndex] + hitE * hitTOF;
185 }
186 //
187 //
188 //
189 //===============
190 // Xtal energy and timing (0-8us, 0.2us interval, 40 bins)
191 //===============
192 for (int iECLCell = 0; iECLCell < 8736; iECLCell++) {
193 for (int TimeIndex = 0; TimeIndex < nBinTime; TimeIndex++) {
195 if (E_cell[iECLCell][TimeIndex] < 1e-9) {continue;} // 0.01MeV cut
197 T_ave[iECLCell][TimeIndex] = T_ave[iECLCell][TimeIndex] / E_cell[iECLCell][TimeIndex];
198 T_ave[iECLCell][TimeIndex] =
199 6.05 +
200 0.0749 * T_ave[iECLCell][TimeIndex] -
201 0.00112 * T_ave[iECLCell][TimeIndex] * T_ave[iECLCell][TimeIndex];
202 Tof_ave[iECLCell][TimeIndex] = Tof_ave[iECLCell][TimeIndex] / E_cell[iECLCell][TimeIndex];
204 } // 40bins, Time interval = 200ns
205 }
206 //
207 //
208 //
209 for (int iXtalIdm = 0; iXtalIdm < 8736; iXtalIdm++) {
210 int iTCIdm = _TCMap->getTCIdFromXtalId(iXtalIdm + 1) - 1;
211 for (int iTime = 0; iTime < nBinTime; iTime++) {
213 if (E_cell[iXtalIdm][iTime] < 1e-9) {continue;} // 0.01MeV cut
214 TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTime] += E_cell[iXtalIdm][iTime];
215 TCTiming[iTCIdm][iTime] += E_cell[iXtalIdm][iTime] * (T_ave[iXtalIdm][iTime]);
216 if (beambkg_tag[iXtalIdm][iTime] > 0) {TCBkgContribution[iTCIdm][iTime] += E_cell[iXtalIdm][iTime];}
217 if (beambkg_tag[iXtalIdm][iTime] == 0) {TCSigContribution[iTCIdm][iTime] += E_cell[iXtalIdm][iTime];}
219 }
220 }
221 for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
222 for (int iTime = 0; iTime < nBinTime; iTime++) {
223 /* cppcheck-suppress variableScope */
224 double maxbkgE = 0;
225 /* cppcheck-suppress variableScope */
226 int maxbkgtag = 0;
228 if (TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTime] < 1e-9) {continue;} // 0.01MeV cut
229 TCTiming[iTCIdm][iTime] /= TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTime];
230 if (_BeambkgTag == 1) {
231 if (TCBkgContribution[iTCIdm][iTime] < TCSigContribution[iTCIdm][iTime]) {
232 TCBeambkgTag[iTCIdm][iTime] = 0; //signal Tag : 0
233 } else {
234 for (int iXtalIdm = 0; iXtalIdm < 8736; iXtalIdm++) {
235 int iTCId = _TCMap->getTCIdFromXtalId(iXtalIdm + 1) - 1;
236 if (iTCIdm != iTCId) {continue;}
237 if (maxbkgE < E_cell[iXtalIdm][iTime]) {
238 maxbkgE = E_cell[iXtalIdm][iTime];
239 maxbkgtag = beambkg_tag[iXtalIdm][iTime];
240 }
241 }
242 TCBeambkgTag[iTCIdm][iTime] = maxbkgtag;
243 }
244 }
245 }
247 }
249 }
250 //--------------------------------------------------------
251 //
252 //--------------------------------------------------------
253 if (SourceOfTC == 3) {
255 StoreArray<ECLHit> eclHitArray("ECLHits");
257 int nHits_hit = eclHitArray.getEntries();
258 // signal hit
259 for (int iHits = 0; iHits < nHits_hit; iHits++) {
260 // Get a hit
261 ECLHit* aECLHit = eclHitArray[iHits];
262 // Hit geom. info
263 int hitCellId = aECLHit->getCellId() - 1;
264 float hitE = aECLHit->getEnergyDep() / Unit::GeV;
265 float aveT = aECLHit->getTimeAve(); // ns :time from IP to PD
266 // Choose - TimeRange ~ TimeTange
267 if (aveT < - TimeRange || aveT > TimeRange) {continue;}
268 // Binning : -4000 = 1st bin ~ 4000 80th bin.
269 int TimeIndex = (int)((aveT + TimeRange) / 100);
271 int iTCIdm = _TCMap->getTCIdFromXtalId(hitCellId + 1) - 1;
272 TCEnergy[iTCIdm][TimeIndex] += hitE;
273 TCTiming[iTCIdm][TimeIndex] += hitE * aveT;
274 }
275 // background hit
276 StoreArray<TRGECLBGTCHit> m_trgeclBGTCHits("TRGECLBGTCHits_beamBG");
277 for (const TRGECLBGTCHit& ttt : m_trgeclBGTCHits) {
278 // TC timing
279 double tcbg_t = ttt.getTimeAve();
280 // Timing cut
281 if (abs(tcbg_t) > TimeRange) continue;
282 //Binning : -4000 = 1st bin ~ 4000 80th bin.
283 int TimeIndex = (int)((tcbg_t + TimeRange) / 100);
284 // TC energy
285 double tcbg_e = ttt.getEnergyDep();
286 // TC ID index
287 int iTCIdm = ttt.getTCId() - 1;
288 // TC energy and timing
289 double tc_e = TCEnergy[iTCIdm][TimeIndex];
290 double tc_t = TCTiming[iTCIdm][TimeIndex];
291 TCEnergy[iTCIdm][TimeIndex] += tcbg_e;
292 TCTiming[iTCIdm][TimeIndex] += (tcbg_e * tcbg_t + tc_e * tc_t);
293 }
294 for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
295 for (int iTime = 0; iTime < nBinTime; iTime++) {
296 TCTiming[iTCIdm][iTime] /= TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTime];
297 }
298 }
299 }
300 //--------------------------
301 // TC energy and timing in t=0-1us as true values.
302 //--------------------------
303 for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
304 for (int iTime = 40; iTime < 50; iTime++) {
305 TCEnergy_tot[iTCIdm] += TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTime];
306 TCTiming_tot[iTCIdm] += TCTiming[iTCIdm][iTime] * TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iTime];
307 }
308 TCTiming_tot[iTCIdm] /= TCEnergy_tot[iTCIdm];
309 }
311 return;
Class to store simulated hits which equate to average of ECLSImHit on crystals input for digitization...
Definition: ECLHit.h:25
double getTimeAve() const
Get average time.
Definition: ECLHit.h:75
int getCellId() const
Get Cell ID.
Definition: ECLHit.h:65
double getEnergyDep() const
Get deposit energy.
Definition: ECLHit.h:70
ClassECLSimHit - Geant4 simulated hit for the ECL.
Definition: ECLSimHit.h:29
int getCellId() const
Get Cell ID.
Definition: ECLSimHit.h:86
double getFlightTime() const
Get Flight time from IP.
Definition: ECLSimHit.h:101
double getEnergyDep() const
Get Deposit energy.
Definition: ECLSimHit.h:106
G4ThreeVector getPosIn() const
Get Position.
Definition: ECLSimHit.h:121
The Class for ECL Geometry Parameters.
static ECLGeometryPar * Instance()
Static method to get a reference to the ECLGeometryPar instance.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector GetCrystalPos(int cid)
The Position of crystal.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector GetCrystalVec(int cid)
The direction of crystal.
virtual unsigned short getBackgroundTag() const
Get background tag.
Definition: SimHitBase.h:46
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
Definition: StoreArray.h:113
Example Detector.
Definition: TRGECLBGTCHit.h:24
int getTCIdFromXtalId(int)
get [TC ID] from [Xtal ID]
static const double ns
Standard of [time].
Definition: Unit.h:48
static const double GeV
Standard of [energy, momentum, mass].
Definition: Unit.h:51

◆ interFADC()

double interFADC ( double  timing)

Faster FADC using interpolation.

Definition at line 609 of file

612 std::vector<double> SignalAmp;
613 std::vector<double> SignalTime;
615 SignalAmp.clear();
616 SignalTime.clear();
618 timing = timing * 1000;
619 int startbin = (int)(timing) / 12;
620 int endbin = startbin + 1;
622 SignalAmp = { 0, 3.47505e-06, 0.000133173, 0.000939532, 0.00337321, 0.00845977, 0.0170396, 0.0296601, 0.0465713, 0.0677693, 0.0930545, 0.122086, 0.154429, 0.189595, 0.227068, 0.266331, 0.306882, 0.348243, 0.389971, 0.431664, 0.472959, 0.513539, 0.553127, 0.59149, 0.628431, 0.663791, 0.697445, 0.729297, 0.759281, 0.787354, 0.813494, 0.837698, 0.859982, 0.880372, 0.898908, 0.915639, 0.930622, 0.943919, 0.955598, 0.965731, 0.97439, 0.98165, 0.987587, 0.992275, 0.995788, 0.9982, 0.999581, 1, 0.999525, 0.998219, 0.996143, 0.993356, 0.989846, 0.985364, 0.979439, 0.971558, 0.961304, 0.948421, 0.932809, 0.914509, 0.893664, 0.870494, 0.845267, 0.818279, 0.789837, 0.76025, 0.729815, 0.698815, 0.667511, 0.636141, 0.604919, 0.574035, 0.543654, 0.513915, 0.484939, 0.456822, 0.429643, 0.403462, 0.378324, 0.354259, 0.331286, 0.309412, 0.288633, 0.26894, 0.250316, 0.232736, 0.216174, 0.200597, 0.185972, 0.172262, 0.159428, 0.147431, 0.136232, 0.12579, 0.116067, 0.107022, 0.0986191, 0.0908193, 0.0835871, 0.0768874, 0.0706867, 0.0649528, 0.0596551, 0.0547641, 0.0502523, 0.0460932, 0.042262, 0.0387353, 0.0354909, 0.0325082, 0.0297677, 0.0272511, 0.0249416, 0.0228232, 0.020881, 0.0191014, 0.0174714, 0.0159792, 0.0146138, 0.0133649, 0.012223, 0.0111793, 0.0102258, 0.00935504, 0.00856, 0.00783438, 0.00717232, 0.00656842, 0.00601773, 0.00551567, 0.00505807, 0.00464106, 0.00426114, 0.00391506, 0.00359985, 0.0033128, 0.00305143, 0.00281346, 0.00259681, 0.00239957, 0.00222002, 0.00205655, 0.00190773, 0.00177223, 0.00164885, 0.00153648, 0.00143413, 0.00134087, 0.00125589, 0.00117842, 0.00110777, 0.00104332, 0.000984488, 0.000930766, 0.000881678, 0.000836798, 0.000795734, 0.000758134, 0.000723677, 0.00069207, 0.000663051, 0.000636377, 0.000611832, 0.000589219, 0.000568358, 0.000549086, 0.000531258, 0.000514738, 0.000499407, 0.000485156, 0.000471884, 0.000459502, 0.00044793, 0.000437092, 0.000426923, 0.000417363, 0.000408356, 0.000399853, 0.000391811, 0.000384187, 0.000376946, 0.000370055, 0.000363483, 0.000357203, 0.000351192, 0.000345426, 0.000339886, 0.000334554, 0.000329413, 0.000324448, 0.000319645, 0.000314993, 0.000310481, 0.000306098, 0.000301836, 0.000297686, 0.00029364, 0.000289693, 0.000285837, 0.000282068, 0.00027838, 0.000274768, 0.000271229, 0.000267759, 0.000264354, 0.000261011, 0.000257727, 0.000254499, 0.000251326, 0.000248204, 0.000245132, 0.000242108, 0.000239131, 0.000236198, 0.000233308, 0.00023046, 0.000227653, 0.000224885, 0.000222155, 0.000219463, 0.000216807, 0.000214187, 0.000211602, 0.00020905, 0.000206532, 0.000204046, 0.000201593, 0.00019917, 0.000196779, 0.000194417, 0.000192085, 0.000189782, 0.000187508, 0.000185262, 0.000183044, 0.000180853, 0.000178689, 0.000176552, 0.000174441, 0.000172355, 0.000170295, 0.00016826, 0.000166249, 0.000164263, 0.000162301, };
624 SignalTime = { 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120, 132, 144, 156, 168, 180, 192, 204, 216, 228, 240, 252, 264, 276, 288, 300, 312, 324, 336, 348, 360, 372, 384, 396, 408, 420, 432, 444, 456, 468, 480, 492, 504, 516, 528, 540, 552, 564, 576, 588, 600, 612, 624, 636, 648, 660, 672, 684, 696, 708, 720, 732, 744, 756, 768, 780, 792, 804, 816, 828, 840, 852, 864, 876, 888, 900, 912, 924, 936, 948, 960, 972, 984, 996, 1008, 1020, 1032, 1044, 1056, 1068, 1080, 1092, 1104, 1116, 1128, 1140, 1152, 1164, 1176, 1188, 1200, 1212, 1224, 1236, 1248, 1260, 1272, 1284, 1296, 1308, 1320, 1332, 1344, 1356, 1368, 1380, 1392, 1404, 1416, 1428, 1440, 1452, 1464, 1476, 1488, 1500, 1512, 1524, 1536, 1548, 1560, 1572, 1584, 1596, 1608, 1620, 1632, 1644, 1656, 1668, 1680, 1692, 1704, 1716, 1728, 1740, 1752, 1764, 1776, 1788, 1800, 1812, 1824, 1836, 1848, 1860, 1872, 1884, 1896, 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040, 2052, 2064, 2076, 2088, 2100, 2112, 2124, 2136, 2148, 2160, 2172, 2184, 2196, 2208, 2220, 2232, 2244, 2256, 2268, 2280, 2292, 2304, 2316, 2328, 2340, 2352, 2364, 2376, 2388, 2400, 2412, 2424, 2436, 2448, 2460, 2472, 2484, 2496, 2508, 2520, 2532, 2544, 2556, 2568, 2580, 2592, 2604, 2616, 2628, 2640, 2652, 2664, 2676, 2688, 2700, 2712, 2724, 2736, 2748, 2760, 2772, 2784, 2796, 2808, 2820, 2832, 2844, 2856, 2868, 2880, 2892, 2904, 2916, 2928, };
627 double E_out = 0;
628 if (timing < 0 || timing > 2928) {return E_out;}
630 if (timing > SignalTime[startbin] && timing < SignalTime[endbin]) {
631 E_out = (((SignalAmp[endbin] - SignalAmp[startbin])) / (SignalTime[endbin] - SignalTime[startbin])) *
632 (timing - SignalTime[startbin]) + SignalAmp[startbin];
633 return E_out;
634 } else {
635 E_out = 0;
636 }
639 return E_out;

◆ save()

void save ( int  m_nEvent)

save fitting result into tables

Definition at line 567 of file

569 //---------------
570 // Root Output
571 //---------------
572 int m_hitNum = 0;
573 for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
574 for (int iBinTime = 0; iBinTime < 80; iBinTime++) {
575 if (TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iBinTime] < 0.001) {continue;}
576 StoreArray<TRGECLDigi0> TCDigiArray;
577 TCDigiArray.appendNew();
578 m_hitNum = TCDigiArray.getEntries() - 1;
580 TCDigiArray[m_hitNum]->setEventId(m_nEvent);
581 TCDigiArray[m_hitNum]->setTCId(iTCIdm + 1);
582 TCDigiArray[m_hitNum]->setiBinTime(iBinTime);
583 TCDigiArray[m_hitNum]->setRawEnergy(TCEnergy[iTCIdm][iBinTime]);
584 TCDigiArray[m_hitNum]->setRawTiming(TCTiming[iTCIdm][iBinTime]);
585 TCDigiArray[m_hitNum]->setBeamBkgTag(TCBeambkgTag[iTCIdm][iBinTime]);
586 }
587 }
589 if (_waveform == 1) {
590 StoreArray<TRGECLWaveform> TCWaveformArray;
591 for (int iTCIdm = 0; iTCIdm < 576; iTCIdm++) {
592 if (iTCIdm == 80) iTCIdm = 512; // skip barrel
593 int tc_phi_id = _TCMap->getTCPhiIdFromTCId(iTCIdm + 1);
594 int tc_theta_id = _TCMap->getTCThetaIdFromTCId(iTCIdm + 1);
595 TRGECLWaveform* newWf =
596 TCWaveformArray.appendNew(iTCIdm + 1, WaveForm[iTCIdm]);
597 newWf->setThetaPhiIDs(tc_theta_id, tc_phi_id);
598 }
600 }
603 return;
T * appendNew()
Construct a new T object at the end of the array.
Definition: StoreArray.h:246
int getEntries() const
Get the number of objects in the array.
Definition: StoreArray.h:216
Digitize result.
void setThetaPhiIDs(int thid, int phid)
Set Theta and Phi Id of TC.
int getTCThetaIdFromTCId(int)
get [TC Theta ID] from [TC ID]
int getTCPhiIdFromTCId(int)
get [TC Phi ID] from [TC ID]

◆ setFADC()

void setFADC ( int  fadc)

Set flag of waveform table.

Definition at line 48 of file TrgEclDigitizer.h.

48{_FADC = fadc;}

◆ setup()

void setup ( int  SourceOfTC)

setup fam module

Definition at line 75 of file

78 // prepare Matrix for Noise generation
79 _DataBase-> readNoiseLMatrix(MatrixParallel, MatrixSerial);
81 // Set TC data
82 // SourceOfTC => 1=ECLHit, 2=ECLSimHit, 3=ECLHit+TRGECLBGTCHit
83 // ("1:=ECLHit" is used for signal w/o bkg, and real time background monitor)
84 getTCHit(SourceOfTC);
86 return;
void getTCHit(int)
get TC Hits from Xtal hits

◆ setWaveform()

void setWaveform ( int  wave)

Set flag of waveform table.

Definition at line 46 of file TrgEclDigitizer.h.

46{_waveform = wave;}

◆ ShapeF() [1/2]

double ShapeF ( double  t00,
double  ts1 

Return shape using Simplified FADC.

Definition at line 958 of file

960 static const double realNaN = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
962 double dzna;
963 // double das1,das0,dac0;
964 double dcs0s = realNaN, dsn0s = realNaN, dcs0d, dsn0d;
965 double dcs1s = realNaN, dsn1s = realNaN, dcs1d, dsn1d;
966 double a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2 = realNaN;
967 double sv123 = 0.0;
969 if (t00 <= 0.0) return 0;
973 a1 = 10 ;
974 a2 = 0.0323625 ;
975 b1 = 100;
976 b2 = 0.0333222;
977 c1 = 10;
979 if (ts1 == 1) {
980 c2 = 1;
981 dsn0s = -29.9897;
982 dcs0s = -0.08627;
984 dsn1s = -2.64784;
985 dcs1s = -0.00285194;
986 }
987 if (ts1 == 0.01) {
988 c2 = 100;
989 dsn0s = 2.999 ;
990 dcs0s = -0.00323517;
992 dsn1s = 5.82524;
993 dcs1s = -7866.7;
994 }
995 if (ts1 == 0.001) {
996 c2 = 1000;
997 dsn0s = 0.272636;
998 dcs0s = -0.000204983;
1000 dsn1s = 0.291262;
1001 dcs1s = 0.000204894;
1002 }
1004 dsn0d = -5.998;
1005 dcs0d = -8340.22;
1007 dsn1d = -2.91262;
1008 dcs1d = -0.00323517;
1009 //
1010 //
1011 //
1012 dzna = 6.561e+07;
1014 sv123 = (
1015 (dcs0s + dcs1s) * exp(-c2 * t00) * (-1) +
1016 (dcs0d + dcs1d) * exp(-c1 * t00) +
1017 ((dsn0s - dsn0d) * sin(a2 * t00) + (dcs0s - dcs0d) * cos(a2 * t00)) * exp(-a1 * t00) +
1018 ((dsn1s - dsn1d) * sin(b2 * t00) + (dcs1s - dcs1d) * cos(b2 * t00)) * exp(-b1 * t00)
1019 )
1020 / dzna / (1 / c2 - 1 / c1);
1022 return sv123;
static const double realNaN
constant for double NaN

◆ ShapeF() [2/2]

double ShapeF ( double  t00,
double  t01,
double  tb1,
double  t02,
double  tb2,
double  td1,
double  ts1 

return shape using FADC function

Definition at line 762 of file

770 double dr;
771 double dzna;
772 double das1, das0, dac0;
773 double dcs0s, dsn0s, dcs0d, dsn0d;
774 double dcs1s, dsn1s, dcs1d, dsn1d;
776 double sv123 = 0.0;
777 if (t00 < 0) return 0;
779 dr = (ts1 - td1) / td1;
780 if (fabs(dr) <= 1.0e-5) {
781 if (ts1 > td1) { ts1 = td1 * 1.00001; }
782 else { ts1 = td1 * 0.99999; }
783 }
784 //
785 dr = (pow((t01 - t02), 2) + pow((tb1 - tb2), 2)) / (pow((t01), 2) + pow((tb1), 2));
786 if (dr <= 1.e-10) {
787 if (t01 < t02) { t01 = t02 / 1.00001; }
788 else { t01 = t02 / 0.99999; }
789 }
790 if (t00 <= 0.0) return 0;
791 //
792 //
793 //
794 double a1 = 1 / t01;
795 double a2 = 1 / tb1;
796 double b1 = 1 / t02;
797 double b2 = 1 / tb2;
798 double c1 = 1 / td1;
799 double c2 = 1 / ts1;
801 das0 = b2 * (pow((b1 - a1), 2) + (b2 + a2) * (b2 - a2));
802 dac0 = -2 * (b1 - a1) * a2 * b2;
803 das1 = a2 * (pow((b1 - a1), 2) - (b2 + a2) * (b2 - a2));
805 dsn0s = ((c2 - a1) * das0 - (-a2) * dac0) / (pow(a2, 2) + pow((c2 - a1), 2));
806 dcs0s = ((-a2) * das0 + (c2 - a1) * dac0) / (pow(a2, 2) + pow((c2 - a1), 2));
808 dsn1s = ((c2 - b1) * das1 - (-b2) * (-dac0)) / (pow(b2, 2) + pow((c2 - b1), 2));
809 dcs1s = ((-b2) * das1 + (c2 - b1) * (-dac0)) / (pow(b2, 2) + pow((c2 - b1), 2));
811 dsn0d = ((c1 - a1) * das0 - (-a2) * dac0) / (pow(a2, 2) + pow((c1 - a1), 2));
812 dcs0d = ((-a2) * das0 + (c1 - a1) * dac0) / (pow(a2, 2) + pow((c1 - a1), 2));
814 dsn1d = ((c1 - b1) * das1 - (-b2) * (-dac0)) / (pow(b2, 2) + pow((c1 - b1), 2));
815 dcs1d = ((-b2) * das1 + (c1 - b1) * (-dac0)) / (pow(b2, 2) + pow((c1 - b1), 2));
816 //
817 //
818 //
819 dzna = (pow((b1 - a1), 2) + pow((b2 - a2), 2)) * (pow((b1 - a1), 2) + pow((a2 + b2), 2));
821 sv123 = (
822 (dcs0s + dcs1s) * exp(-c2 * t00) * (-1) +
823 (dcs0d + dcs1d) * exp(-c1 * t00) +
824 ((dsn0s - dsn0d) * sin(a2 * t00) + (dcs0s - dcs0d) * cos(a2 * t00)) * exp(-a1 * t00) +
825 ((dsn1s - dsn1d) * sin(b2 * t00) + (dcs1s - dcs1d) * cos(b2 * t00)) * exp(-b1 * t00)
826 )
827 / dzna / (1 / c2 - 1 / c1);
829 return sv123;

◆ SimplifiedFADC()

double SimplifiedFADC ( int  flag_gen,
double  timing 


Faster FADC

Definition at line 838 of file

842 //--------------------------------------
843 //
844 // o "timing" unit is [us]
845 // o flag_gen = 0(=signal), 1(=parallel), 2(=serial)
846 // o return value(PDF) is [GeV]
847 // o Generate signal shape using a simplified function.
848 //
849 //
850 //--------------------------------------
851 double tsh, dd;
852 static double tc, tc2, tsc, tris;
853 static double amp, dft, as;
856 // int im, ij;
858 static int ifir = 0;
860 if (ifir == 0) {
862 const double td = 0.10; // diff time ( 0.10)
863 const double t1 = 0.10; // integ1 real ( 0.10)
864 // b1 = 30.90; // integ1 imag ( 30.90)
865 const double t2 = 0.01; // integ2 real ( 0.01)
866 // b2 = 30.01; // integ2 imag ( 30.01)
867 double ts = 1.00; // scint decay ( 1.00)
868 dft = 0.600; // diff delay ( 0.600)
869 as = 0.548; // diff frac ( 0.548)
870 //
871 amp = 1.0;
872 tris = 0.01;
873 // ts0 = 0.0;
874 tsc = ts;
875 double fm = 0;
876 //
877 int im = 0;
878 int ij = 0;
879 tc = 0;
880 double tt = u_max(u_max(td, t1), u_max(t2, ts)) * 2;
881 int flag_once = 0;
882 while (flag_once == 0) {
883 double dt = tt / 1000;
885 double tm = 0;
886 for (int j = 1; j <= 1000; j++) {
887 tc2 = tc - dft;
888 double fff =
889 (ShapeF(tc, tsc) -
890 ShapeF(tc, tris) * 0.01) -
891 (ShapeF(tc2, tsc) -
892 ShapeF(tc2, tris) * 0.01) * as;
893 if (fff > fm) {
894 fm = fff;
895 tm = tc;
896 im = j;
897 }
898 tc = tc + dt;
899 }
900 if (im >= 1000) {
901 tt = 2 * tt;
902 flag_once = 0;
903 continue;
904 }
905 if (ij == 0) {
906 ij = 1;
907 tc = 0.99 * tm;
908 dt = tm * 0.02 / 1000;
909 flag_once = 0;
910 continue;
911 }
912 flag_once = 1;
913 }
914 amp = 1.0 / fm;
915 ifir = 1;
916 }
917 //
918 //
919 double pdf = 0;
920 if (flag_gen == 0) {
921 //-----<signal>
922 tc2 = timing - dft;
923 pdf = amp * (
924 (ShapeF(timing, tsc) -
925 ShapeF(timing, tris) * 0.01) -
926 (ShapeF(tc2, tsc) -
927 ShapeF(tc2, tris) * 0.01) * as);
928 } else if (flag_gen == 1) {
929 //-----<parallel>
930 tc2 = timing - dft;
931 tsh = 0.001;
932 pdf = amp * (
933 ShapeF(timing, tsh) -
934 ShapeF(tc2, tsh) * as);
935 pdf = pdf * 0.001; // GeV
936 } else {
937 //-----<serial>
938 tc2 = timing - dft;
939 tsh = 0.001;
940 pdf = amp * (
941 ShapeF(timing, tsh) -
942 ShapeF(tc2, tsh) * as);
943 //
944 tc = timing - 0.01;
945 if (tc < 0) { tc = 0; }
946 dd = timing - tc;
947 tc2 = tc - dft;
948 pdf = (amp * (
949 ShapeF(tc, tsh) -
950 ShapeF(tc2, tsh) * as) - pdf) / dd;
951 pdf = pdf * 0.001; // GeV
952 }
954 return pdf;

◆ u_max()

double u_max ( double  aaa,
double  bbb 

Find max value between 2 vals;.

Definition at line 1028 of file

1030 if (aaa > bbb) { return aaa; }
1031 else { return bbb; }

Member Data Documentation

◆ _BeambkgTag

int _BeambkgTag

Flag of saving beam background tag or not.

Definition at line 112 of file TrgEclDigitizer.h.

◆ _DataBase

TrgEclDataBase* _DataBase

Object of DataBase.

Definition at line 92 of file TrgEclDigitizer.h.


int _FADC

Flag of choosing the method of waveform generation function 0: use simplifiedFADC, 1: use interFADC(interpolation)

Definition at line 110 of file TrgEclDigitizer.h.

◆ _TCMap

TrgEclMapping* _TCMap

Object of TC Mapping.

Definition at line 90 of file TrgEclDigitizer.h.

◆ _waveform

int _waveform

Flag of waveform table.

Definition at line 106 of file TrgEclDigitizer.h.

◆ MatrixParallel

std::vector<std::vector<double> > MatrixParallel

Noise Matrix of Parallel and Serial Noise.

Noise Low triangle Matrix of Parallel noise

Definition at line 96 of file TrgEclDigitizer.h.

◆ MatrixSerial

std::vector<std::vector<double> > MatrixSerial

Noise Low triangle Matrix of Serial noise

Definition at line 98 of file TrgEclDigitizer.h.

◆ TCBeambkgTag

int TCBeambkgTag[576][80]

Beambackground tag.

Definition at line 104 of file TrgEclDigitizer.h.

◆ TCBkgContribution

double TCBkgContribution[576][80]

Beambackground contribution.

Definition at line 100 of file TrgEclDigitizer.h.

◆ TCEnergy

double TCEnergy[576][80]

TC Energy converted from Xtarl Energy [GeV].

Definition at line 69 of file TrgEclDigitizer.h.

◆ TCEnergy_tot

double TCEnergy_tot[576]

TC Energy converted from Xtarl Energy [GeV].

Definition at line 73 of file TrgEclDigitizer.h.

◆ TCRawBkgTag

double TCRawBkgTag[576][60]

Input Beambackground tag

Definition at line 87 of file TrgEclDigitizer.h.

◆ TCRawEnergy

double TCRawEnergy[576][60]

Input TC energy[GeV].

Definition at line 83 of file TrgEclDigitizer.h.

◆ TCRawTiming

double TCRawTiming[576][60]

Input TC timing[ns]

Definition at line 85 of file TrgEclDigitizer.h.

◆ TCSigContribution

double TCSigContribution[576][80]

Signal contribution.

Definition at line 102 of file TrgEclDigitizer.h.

◆ TCTiming

double TCTiming[576][80]

TC Timing converted from Xtarl Timing [GeV].

Definition at line 71 of file TrgEclDigitizer.h.

◆ TCTiming_tot

double TCTiming_tot[576]

TC Timing converted from Xtarl Timing [GeV].

Definition at line 75 of file TrgEclDigitizer.h.

◆ TimeRange

double TimeRange

time range(default : -4000 ~ 4000 ns )

Definition at line 67 of file TrgEclDigitizer.h.

◆ WaveForm

double WaveForm[576][64]

TC Energy converted from Xtarl Energy [GeV].

Definition at line 108 of file TrgEclDigitizer.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: