Belle II Software development
GeoARICHBtestCreator Class Reference

The creator for the PXD geometry of the Belle II detector. More...

#include <GeoARICHBtestCreator.h>

Inheritance diagram for GeoARICHBtestCreator:

Public Member Functions

 GeoARICHBtestCreator ()
 Constructor of the GeoPXDCreator class.
 GeoARICHBtestCreator (const GeoARICHBtestCreator &)=delete
 Copy constructor (disabled).
virtual ~GeoARICHBtestCreator ()
 The destructor of the GeoPXDCreator class.
GeoARICHBtestCreatoroperator= (const GeoARICHBtestCreator &)=delete
 Operator = (disabled).
virtual void create (const GearDir &content, G4LogicalVolume &topVolume, geometry::GeometryTypes type)
 Creates the ROOT Objects for the ARICH Beamtest 2011 geometry.
 BELLE2_DEFINE_EXCEPTION (DBNotImplemented, "Cannot create geometry from Database.")
 Exception that will be thrown in createFromDB if member is not yet implemented by creator.
virtual void createFromDB (const std::string &name, G4LogicalVolume &topVolume, GeometryTypes type)
 Function to create the geometry from the Database.
virtual void createPayloads (const GearDir &content, const IntervalOfValidity &iov)
 Function to create the geometry database.

Protected Member Functions

void createBtestGeometry (const GearDir &content, G4LogicalVolume &topVolume)
 Creation of the beamtest geometry.
G4LogicalVolume * buildModule (GearDir Module)
 Build the module.
double getAvgRINDEX (G4Material *material)
 Get the average refractive index if the material.
G4Material * createAerogel (const char *aeroname, double rind, double trl)
 create aerogel material

Protected Attributes

 pointer to the sensitive detector
 pointer to the sesnitive aerogel

Private Attributes

int m_runno
 Beamtest Run number.
std::string m_author
 Beamtest runlog record author.
int m_neve
 Number of event in the beamtest run.
std::string m_runtype
 Type of the beamtest run.
std::string m_hapdID
 ID of the HAPD configuration setup.
std::string m_aerogelID
 ID of the aerogel configuration setup.
std::string m_mirrorID
 ID of the mirror configuration setup.
double m_rotation
 rotation angle of the setup
double m_rx
 x shift of the prototype ARICH frame
double m_ry
 y shift of the prototype ARICH frame
std::string m_mytype
 type of the run
std::string m_daqqa
 classification of the run
std::string m_comment
 comment in the runlog
std::string m_datum
 datum of the runlog
int m_aerosupport
 Type of aerogel support - not used at the moment.
double m_aerogeldx
 shift of the aerogel center
double m_framedx
 shift of the frame
double m_rotation1
 rotation angle of the frame
int m_configuration
 configuration number of the HAPD
std::string m_comment1
std::vector< double > m_agelrefind
 vector of aerogel refractive indices
std::vector< double > m_agelthickness
 vector of aerogel thicknesses
std::vector< double > m_ageltrlen
 vector of aerogel transmission lengths

Detailed Description

The creator for the PXD geometry of the Belle II detector.

Definition at line 32 of file GeoARICHBtestCreator.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ GeoARICHBtestCreator()

Constructor of the GeoPXDCreator class.

Definition at line 68 of file

68 :
69 m_sensitive(new SensitiveDetector),
70 m_sensitiveAero(new SensitiveAero),
71 m_runno(0),
72 m_neve(0),
73 m_rotation(0),
74 m_rx(0),
75 m_ry(0),
77 m_aerogeldx(0),
78 m_framedx(0),
79 m_rotation1(0),
81 {};
int m_aerosupport
Type of aerogel support - not used at the moment.
double m_rotation1
rotation angle of the frame
double m_ry
y shift of the prototype ARICH frame
double m_aerogeldx
shift of the aerogel center
SensitiveAero * m_sensitiveAero
pointer to the sesnitive aerogel
double m_rotation
rotation angle of the setup
SensitiveDetector * m_sensitive
pointer to the sensitive detector
double m_rx
x shift of the prototype ARICH frame
int m_neve
Number of event in the beamtest run.
int m_configuration
configuration number of the HAPD

◆ ~GeoARICHBtestCreator()

~GeoARICHBtestCreator ( )

The destructor of the GeoPXDCreator class.

Definition at line 83 of file

84 {
86 }

Member Function Documentation

◆ buildModule()

G4LogicalVolume * buildModule ( GearDir  Module)

Build the module.

Definition at line 221 of file

222 {
224 // get detector module parameters
226 // get module materials
227 string wallMat = Module.getString("wallMaterial");
228 string winMat = Module.getString("windowMaterial");
229 string botMat = Module.getString("Bottom/material");
230 G4Material* wallMaterial = Materials::get(wallMat);
231 G4Material* windowMaterial = Materials::get(winMat);
232 G4Material* bottomMaterial = Materials::get(botMat);
233 G4Material* boxFill = Materials::get("ARICH_Vacuum");
235 // check that module window material has specified refractive index
236 double wref = getAvgRINDEX(windowMaterial);
237 if (!wref) B2WARNING("Material '" << winMat <<
238 "', required for ARICH photon detector window as no specified refractive index. Continuing, but no photons in ARICH will be detected.");
239 ARICHGeometryPar* m_arichgp = ARICHGeometryPar::Instance();
240 m_arichgp->setWindowRefIndex(wref);
241 // get module dimensions
242 double modXsize = Module.getLength("moduleXSize") / Unit::mm;
243 double modZsize = Module.getLength("moduleZSize") / Unit::mm;
244 double wallThick = Module.getLength("moduleWallThickness") / Unit::mm;
245 double winThick = Module.getLength("windowThickness") / Unit::mm ;
246 double sensXsize = m_arichgp->getSensitiveSurfaceSize() / Unit::mm;
247 double botThick = Module.getLength("Bottom/thickness") / Unit::mm;
249 // some trivial checks of overlaps
250 if (sensXsize > modXsize - 2 * wallThick)
251 B2FATAL("ARICH photon detector module: Sensitive surface is too big. Doesn't fit into module box.");
252 if (winThick + botThick > modZsize)
253 B2FATAL("ARICH photon detector module: window + bottom thickness larger than module thickness.");
255 // module master volume
256 G4Box* moduleBox = new G4Box("Box", modXsize / 2., modXsize / 2., modZsize / 2.);
257 G4LogicalVolume* lmoduleBox = new G4LogicalVolume(moduleBox, boxFill, "moduleBox");
259 // build and place module wall
260 G4Box* tempBox = new G4Box("tempBox", modXsize / 2. - wallThick, modXsize / 2. - wallThick,
261 modZsize / 2. + 0.1); // Dont't care about "+0.1", needs to be there.
262 G4SubtractionSolid* moduleWall = new G4SubtractionSolid("Box-tempBox", moduleBox, tempBox);
263 G4LogicalVolume* lmoduleWall = new G4LogicalVolume(moduleWall, wallMaterial, "moduleWall");
264 setColor(*lmoduleWall, "rgb(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)");
265 new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(), lmoduleWall, "moduleWall", lmoduleBox, false, 1);
267 // build module window
268 G4Box* winBox = new G4Box("winBox", modXsize / 2. - wallThick, modXsize / 2. - wallThick, winThick / 2.);
269 G4LogicalVolume* lmoduleWin = new G4LogicalVolume(winBox, windowMaterial, "moduleWindow");
270 setColor(*lmoduleWin, "rgb(0.7,0.7,0.7,1.0)");
271 G4Transform3D transform = G4Translate3D(0., 0., (-modZsize + winThick) / 2.);
272 new G4PVPlacement(transform, lmoduleWin, "moduleWindow", lmoduleBox, false, 1);
274 // build module bottom
275 G4Box* botBox = new G4Box("botBox", modXsize / 2. - wallThick, modXsize / 2. - wallThick, botThick / 2.);
276 G4LogicalVolume* lmoduleBot = new G4LogicalVolume(botBox, bottomMaterial, "moduleBottom");
277 // if (isBeamBkgStudy) lmoduleBot->SetSensitiveDetector(new BkgSensitiveDetector("ARICH", 1));
278 setColor(*lmoduleBot, "rgb(0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0)");
279 G4Transform3D transform1 = G4Translate3D(0., 0., (modZsize - botThick) / 2.);
280 // add surface optical properties if specified
281 Materials& materials = Materials::getInstance();
282 GearDir bottomParam(Module, "Bottom/Surface");
283 if (bottomParam) {
284 G4OpticalSurface* optSurf = materials.createOpticalSurface(bottomParam);
285 new G4LogicalSkinSurface("bottomSurface", lmoduleBot, optSurf);
286 } else B2INFO("ARICH: No optical properties are specified for detector module bottom surface.");
287 new G4PVPlacement(transform1, lmoduleBot, "moduleBottom", lmoduleBox, false, 1);
289 // build sensitive surface
290 G4Box* sensBox = new G4Box("sensBox", sensXsize / 2., sensXsize / 2., 0.1 * Unit::mm);
291 G4LogicalVolume* lmoduleSens = new G4LogicalVolume(sensBox, boxFill, "moduleSensitive");
292 lmoduleSens->SetSensitiveDetector(m_sensitive);
293 setColor(*lmoduleSens, "rgb(0.5,0.5,0.5,1.0)");
294 G4Transform3D transform2 = G4Translate3D(0., 0., (-modZsize + 0.1) / 2. + winThick);
295 new G4PVPlacement(transform2, lmoduleSens, "moduleSensitive", lmoduleBox, false, 1);
297 // module is build, return module logical volume
298 return lmoduleBox;
299 }
static const double mm
Definition: Unit.h:70
double getAvgRINDEX(G4Material *material)
Get the average refractive index if the material.
static G4Material * get(const std::string &name)
Find given material.
Definition: Materials.h:63
static Materials & getInstance()
Get a reference to the singleton instance.
static ARICHGeometryPar * Instance()
Static method to get a reference to the ARICHGeometryPar instance.
void setColor(G4LogicalVolume &volume, const std::string &color)
Set the color of a logical volume.

◆ create()

void create ( const GearDir content,
G4LogicalVolume &  topVolume,
geometry::GeometryTypes  type 

Creates the ROOT Objects for the ARICH Beamtest 2011 geometry.

contentA reference to the content part of the parameter description, which should to be used to create the ROOT objects.
topVolumetop volume
typegeometry type

Implements CreatorBase.

Definition at line 89 of file

90 {
92 B2INFO("GeoARICHBtestCreator::create");
93 StoreObjPtr<EventMetaData> eventMetaDataPtr;
95 int run = 68;
96 PyObject* m = PyImport_AddModule(strdup("__main__"));
97 if (m) {
98 PyObject* v = PyObject_GetAttrString(m, strdup("runno"));
99 if (v) {
100 run = PyLong_AsLong(v);
101 Py_DECREF(v);
102 }
103 B2INFO("GeoARICHBtestCreator::create runno = " << run);
104 }
106 B2INFO("eventMetaDataPtr run:" << run);
107 // eventMetaDataPtr->setEndOfData();
112 string Type = content.getString("@type", "");
114 char nodestr[100];
115 sprintf(nodestr, "run[runno=%d]", run);
116 if (Type == "beamtest") {
117 BOOST_FOREACH(const GearDir & runparam, content.getNodes(nodestr)) {
118 m_runno = runparam.getInt("runno", -1);
119 m_author = runparam.getString("author", "");
120 m_neve = runparam.getInt("neve", -1);
121 m_runtype = runparam.getString("calibration", "pion");
122 m_hapdID = runparam.getString("setup1", "unknown");
123 m_aerogelID = runparam.getString("aerogel1", "unknown");
124 m_mirrorID = runparam.getString("mirror", "unknown");
125 m_rotation = runparam.getDouble("rotation", 0);
126 m_rx = runparam.getDouble("positionx", 0);
127 m_ry = runparam.getDouble("positiony", 0);
128 m_mytype = runparam.getString("type1", "unknown");
129 m_daqqa = runparam.getString("daqqa1", "unknown");
130 m_comment = runparam.getString("comment1", "unknown");
131 m_datum = runparam.getString("datum", "unknown");
134 B2INFO("runno : " << m_runno);
135 B2INFO("author : " << m_author);
136 B2INFO("neve : " << m_neve);
137 B2INFO("runtype : " << m_runtype);
138 B2INFO("hapdID : " << m_hapdID);
139 B2INFO("aerogelID: " << m_aerogelID);
140 B2INFO("mirrorID : " << m_mirrorID);
141 B2INFO("rotation : " << m_rotation);
142 B2INFO("rx : " << m_rx);
143 B2INFO("ry : " << m_ry);
144 B2INFO("runtype : " << m_mytype);
145 B2INFO("daqqa : " << m_daqqa);
146 B2INFO("comment : " << m_comment);
147 B2INFO("datum : " << m_datum);
150 }
151 string aerogelname;
152 sprintf(nodestr, "setup/aerogel/row[@id=\"%s\"]", m_aerogelID.c_str());
154 GearDir runparam(content, nodestr);
155 B2INFO("id : " << runparam.getString("@id", ""));
156 BOOST_FOREACH(const GearDir & aeroparam, runparam.getNodes("aerogel")) {
157 aerogelname = aeroparam.getString(".", "");
158 string stype = aeroparam.getString("@type", "");
159 B2INFO(stype << " aerogelname : " << aerogelname);
160 sprintf(nodestr, "setup/aerogelinfo/row[@id=\"%s\"]", aerogelname.c_str());
161 GearDir infoparam(content, nodestr);
163 double agelrefind = infoparam.getDouble("refind", 1);
164 double ageltrlen = infoparam.getLength("trlen", 0);
165 double agelthickness = infoparam.getLength("thickness", 0);
166 if (stype != string("left")) {
167 m_ageltrlen.push_back(ageltrlen);
168 m_agelrefind.push_back(agelrefind);
169 m_agelthickness.push_back(agelthickness);
170 }
171 B2INFO("refind : " << agelrefind);
172 B2INFO("trlen : " << ageltrlen / Unit::mm);
173 B2INFO("thickness : " << agelthickness / Unit::mm);
175 }
176 int size = m_hapdID.size();
178 m_aerosupport = 0;
179 if (size > 0) {
180 char agelsupport = - 1);
181 if (agelsupport == 'a') m_aerosupport = 1;
182 if (agelsupport == 'b') m_aerosupport = 2;
183 }
185 if (m_aerosupport) size--;
186 sprintf(nodestr, "setup/hapd/row[@id=\"%s\"]", m_hapdID.substr(0, size).c_str());
187 B2INFO("nodestr : " << nodestr);
188 B2INFO("aerogelsupport : " << m_aerosupport);
189 GearDir hapdparam(content, nodestr);
190 //BOOST_FOREACH(const GearDir & runparam, content.getNodes(nodestr)) {
191 m_aerogeldx = hapdparam.getLength("aerogeldx", 0);
192 m_framedx = hapdparam.getLength("framedx", 0) * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm ;
193 m_rotation1 = hapdparam.getDouble("rotation", 0);
194 m_configuration = hapdparam.getInt("setup", 0);
195 m_comment1 = hapdparam.getString("comment", "");
198 B2INFO("aerogeldx : " << m_aerogeldx);
199 B2INFO("framedx : " << m_framedx);
200 B2INFO("rotation : " << m_rotation1);
201 B2INFO("configuration : " << m_configuration);
202 B2INFO("comment : " << m_comment);
203 //}
205 GearDir setup(content, "setup");
207 createBtestGeometry(setup, topVolume);
208 }
209 }
std::string m_comment
comment in the runlog
std::string m_aerogelID
ID of the aerogel configuration setup.
std::string m_runtype
Type of the beamtest run.
std::vector< double > m_agelrefind
vector of aerogel refractive indices
void createBtestGeometry(const GearDir &content, G4LogicalVolume &topVolume)
Creation of the beamtest geometry.
std::string m_mytype
type of the run
std::vector< double > m_ageltrlen
vector of aerogel transmission lengths
std::string m_mirrorID
ID of the mirror configuration setup.
std::string m_datum
datum of the runlog
std::string m_author
Beamtest runlog record author.
std::string m_daqqa
classification of the run
std::string m_hapdID
ID of the HAPD configuration setup.
std::vector< double > m_agelthickness
vector of aerogel thicknesses

◆ createAerogel()

G4Material * createAerogel ( const char *  aeroname,
double  rind,
double  trl 

create aerogel material

Definition at line 302 of file

303 {
306 G4double density = (RefractiveIndex - 1) / 0.21 * CLHEP::g / CLHEP::cm3;
307 B2INFO("Creating ARICH " << aeroname << " n=" << RefractiveIndex << " density=" << density / CLHEP::g * CLHEP::cm3 << " g/cm3");
308 Materials& materials = Materials::getInstance();
309 G4Material* _aerogel = new G4Material(aeroname, density, 4);
310 _aerogel->AddElement(materials.getElement("O"), 0.665);
311 _aerogel->AddElement(materials.getElement("H"), 0.042);
312 _aerogel->AddElement(materials.getElement("Si"), 0.292);
313 _aerogel->AddElement(materials.getElement("C"), 0.001);
316 const G4double AerogelAbsorbtionLength = 1000 * Unit::mm;
318 const G4int NBins = 40;
319 G4double MomentumBins[NBins];
321 G4double AerogelRindex[NBins];
322 G4double AerogelAbsorption[NBins];
323 G4double AerogelRayleigh[NBins];
325 G4double MaxPhotonEnergy = 5 * CLHEP::eV;
326 G4double MinPhotonEnergy = 1.5 * CLHEP::eV;
328 for (G4int i = 0; i < NBins; i++) {
330 const G4double energy = float(i) / NBins * (MaxPhotonEnergy - MinPhotonEnergy) + MinPhotonEnergy;
332 MomentumBins[i] = energy;
333 AerogelRindex[i] = RefractiveIndex;
334 AerogelAbsorption[i] = AerogelAbsorbtionLength;
336 const G4double Lambda0 = 400 * 1e-6 * CLHEP::mm;
337 const G4double Lambda = 1240 * CLHEP::eV / energy * 1e-6 * CLHEP::mm;
338 G4double x = Lambda / Lambda0;
339 AerogelRayleigh[i] = AerogelTransmissionLength * x * x * x * x;
340 }
343 G4MaterialPropertiesTable* AeroProperty = new G4MaterialPropertiesTable();
344 AeroProperty->AddProperty("RINDEX", MomentumBins, AerogelRindex, NBins);
345 AeroProperty->AddProperty("ABSLENGTH", MomentumBins, AerogelAbsorption, NBins);
346 AeroProperty->AddProperty("RAYLEIGH", MomentumBins, AerogelRayleigh, NBins);
349 _aerogel->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(AeroProperty);
352 return _aerogel;
353 }

◆ createBtestGeometry()

void createBtestGeometry ( const GearDir content,
G4LogicalVolume &  topVolume 

Creation of the beamtest geometry.

Definition at line 356 of file

357 {
359 B2INFO("ARICH Btest geometry will be built.");
360 ARICHGeometryPar* m_arichgp = ARICHGeometryPar::Instance();
362 ARICHBtestGeometryPar* m_arichbtgp = ARICHBtestGeometryPar::Instance();
364 // experimental box
366 GearDir boxParams(content, "ExperimentalBox");
367 double xBox = boxParams.getLength("xSize") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
368 double yBox = boxParams.getLength("ySize") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
369 double zBox = boxParams.getLength("zSize") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
371 double xoffset = boxParams.getLength("beamcenter/x") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
372 double yoffset = boxParams.getLength("beamcenter/y") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
373 double zoffset = boxParams.getLength("beamcenter/z") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm - zBox / 2.;
374 G4ThreeVector roffset(xoffset, yoffset, zoffset);
376 ROOT::Math::XYZVector sh(boxParams.getLength("beamcenter/x"), boxParams.getLength("beamcenter/y"),
377 boxParams.getLength("beamcenter/z") - boxParams.getLength("zSize") / 2.);
378 m_arichbtgp->setOffset(sh);
380 string boxMat = boxParams.getString("material");
381 G4Material* boxMaterial = Materials::get(boxMat);
382 G4Box* expBox = new G4Box("ExperimentalBox", xBox / 2., yBox / 2., zBox / 2.);
383 G4LogicalVolume* topVolume = new G4LogicalVolume(expBox, boxMaterial, "ARICH.experimentalbox");
384 new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(), topVolume, "ARICH.experimentalbox", &topWorld, false, 1);
385 setVisibility(*topVolume, false);
387 ROOT::Math::XYZVector trackingshift(content.getLength("tracking/shift/x"),
388 content.getLength("tracking/shift/y"),
389 content.getLength("tracking/shift/z"));
391 char mnodestr[256];
392 sprintf(mnodestr, "tracking/shift/run[@id=\"%d\"]", m_runno);
393 if (content.exists(mnodestr)) {
394 GearDir runtrackingshift(content, mnodestr);
395 trackingshift.SetXYZ(runtrackingshift.getLength("x"),
396 runtrackingshift.getLength("y"),
397 runtrackingshift.getLength("z"));
398 }
399 m_arichbtgp->setTrackingShift(trackingshift);
400 ARICHTracking* m_mwpc = new ARICHTracking[4];
401 m_arichbtgp->setMwpc(m_mwpc);
402 BOOST_FOREACH(const GearDir & mwpc, content.getNodes("tracking/mwpc")) {
403 double x = mwpc.getLength("size/x") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
404 double y = mwpc.getLength("size/y") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
405 double z = mwpc.getLength("size/z") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
407 double px = mwpc.getLength("position/x") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
408 double py = mwpc.getLength("position/y") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
409 double pz = mwpc.getLength("position/z") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
411 G4Box* mwpcBox = new G4Box("MwpcBox", x / 2., y / 2., z / 2.);
412 G4LogicalVolume* mwpcVol = new G4LogicalVolume(mwpcBox, Materials::get(mwpc.getString("material")), "ARICH.mwpc");
413 new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(G4RotationMatrix(), G4ThreeVector(px, py, pz) + roffset), mwpcVol, "ARICH.mwpc", topVolume, false,
414 1);
415 //setVisibility(*mwpc, true);
417 int id = mwpc.getInt("@id", -1);
418 B2INFO("GeoARICHBtestCreator::" << LogVar("MWPC ID", id));
419 if (id < 4 && id >= 0) {
420 m_mwpc[id].tdc[0] = mwpc.getInt("tdc/y/up");
421 m_mwpc[id].tdc[1] = mwpc.getInt("tdc/y/down");
422 m_mwpc[id].tdc[2] = mwpc.getInt("tdc/x/left");
423 m_mwpc[id].tdc[3] = mwpc.getInt("tdc/x/right");
424 m_mwpc[id].atdc = mwpc.getInt("tdc/anode", 0);
425 m_mwpc[id].slp[0] = mwpc.getDouble("slope/x");
426 m_mwpc[id].slp[1] = mwpc.getDouble("slope/y");
427 m_mwpc[id].offset[0] = mwpc.getDouble("offset/x");
428 m_mwpc[id].offset[1] = mwpc.getDouble("offset/y");
429 m_mwpc[id].cutll[0] = mwpc.getInt("tdccut/y/min");
430 m_mwpc[id].cutll[1] = mwpc.getInt("tdccut/x/min");
431 m_mwpc[id].cutul[0] = mwpc.getInt("tdccut/y/max");
432 m_mwpc[id].cutul[1] = mwpc.getInt("tdccut/x/max");
433 m_mwpc[id].pos[0] = mwpc.getDouble("position/x");
434 m_mwpc[id].pos[1] = mwpc.getDouble("position/y");
435 m_mwpc[id].pos[2] = mwpc.getDouble("position/z");
436 // m_mwpc[id].Print();
437 }
439 }
440 // physical position of the hapd channels
442 istringstream mapstream;
443 double mx, my;
444 mapstream.str(content.getString("hapdmap"));
445 while (mapstream >> mx >> my) {
446 m_arichbtgp->AddHapdChannelPositionPair(mx, my);
447 }
448 mapstream.clear();
450 // mapping of the electronic channels
451 int ipx, ipy;
452 mapstream.str(content.getString("hapdchmap"));
453 while (mapstream >> ipx >> ipy) {
454 m_arichbtgp->AddHapdElectronicMapPair(ipx, ipy);
455 }
456 // experimental frame consisting of detector plane, aerogel and mirrors
458 GearDir frameParams(content, "Frame");
459 double xFrame = frameParams.getLength("xSize") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
460 double yFrame = frameParams.getLength("ySize") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
461 double zFrame = frameParams.getLength("zSize") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
462 string envMat = frameParams.getString("material");
464 double px = frameParams.getLength("position/x") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
465 double py = frameParams.getLength("position/y") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
466 double pz = frameParams.getLength("position/z") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
468 G4Material* envMaterial = Materials::get(envMat);
471 G4Box* envBox = new G4Box("FrameBox", xFrame / 2., yFrame / 2., zFrame / 2.);
472 G4LogicalVolume* lenvBox = new G4LogicalVolume(envBox, envMaterial, "ARICH.frame");
473 G4ThreeVector frameOrigin0(m_framedx + px, py, pz); // rotation point of the detector frame wrt beamcenter
474 G4ThreeVector frameOrigin = frameOrigin0 + roffset;
475 G4RotationMatrix frameRotation;
476 frameRotation.rotateY(-m_rotation1 * CLHEP::degree);
477 G4Transform3D frameTransformation = G4Transform3D(frameRotation, frameOrigin);
479 new G4PVPlacement(frameTransformation, lenvBox, "ARICH.frame", topVolume, false, 1);
480 //setVisibility(*lenvBox, false);
482 ROOT::Math::XYZVector rotationCenter(frameOrigin0.x() * Unit::mm / CLHEP::mm,
483 frameOrigin0.y() * Unit::mm / CLHEP::mm,
484 frameOrigin0.z() * Unit::mm / CLHEP::mm);
485 m_arichbtgp->setFrameRotation(m_rotation1 * CLHEP::degree);
486 m_arichbtgp->setRotationCenter(rotationCenter);
489 char nodestr[256];
490 B2INFO(content.getPath());
491 sprintf(nodestr, "PhotonDetector/setup[@id=\"%d\"]", m_configuration);
492 GearDir hapdcontent(content, nodestr);
493 B2INFO(hapdcontent.getPath());
497 char mirrornodestr[256];
498 sprintf(mirrornodestr, "Mirrors/setup[@id=\"%s\"]", m_mirrorID.c_str());
500 GearDir mirrorcontent(content, mirrornodestr);
501 B2INFO(mirrorcontent.getPath());
503 // detectors
504 m_arichgp->Initialize(hapdcontent, mirrorcontent);
507 GearDir moduleParam(hapdcontent, "Detector/Module");
508 G4LogicalVolume* detModule = buildModule(moduleParam);
510 double detZpos = hapdcontent.getLength("Detector/Plane/zPosition") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
511 double detThick = hapdcontent.getLength("Detector/Module/moduleZSize") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
512 int nModules = m_arichgp->getNMCopies();
514 for (int i = 1; i <= nModules; i++) {
515 G4ThreeVector origin = m_arichgp->getOriginG4(i);
516 origin.setZ(detZpos + detThick / 2.);
517 double angle = m_arichgp->getModAngle(i);
518 G4RotationMatrix Ra;
519 Ra.rotateZ(angle);
520 G4Transform3D trans = G4Transform3D(Ra, origin);
521 new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(Ra, origin), detModule, "detModule", lenvBox, false, i);
522 B2INFO(nodestr << "Module " << i << " is build ");
523 }
524 // mask hot channels
525 int npx = m_arichgp->getDetectorXPadNumber();
526 BOOST_FOREACH(const double & ch, hapdcontent.getArray("HotChannels")) {
527 int channelID = (int) ch;
528 int moduleID = (npx) ? channelID / (npx * npx) : 0;
529 channelID %= (npx * npx);
530 m_arichgp->setActive(moduleID, channelID, false);
531 B2INFO("HotChannel " << ch << " : Module " << moduleID << "channelID " << channelID << " disabled");
532 }
533 // mask dead channels
534 BOOST_FOREACH(const double & ch, hapdcontent.getArray("DeadChannels")) {
535 int channelID = (int) ch;
536 int moduleID = (npx) ? channelID / (npx * npx) : 0;
537 channelID %= (npx * npx);
538 m_arichgp->setActive(moduleID, channelID, false);
539 B2INFO("DeadChannel " << ch << " : Module " << moduleID << "channelID " << channelID << " disabled");
540 }
541 // place aerogel tiles
542 GearDir aerogelParam(content, "Aerogel");
543 double sizeX = aerogelParam.getLength("tileXSize") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
544 double sizeY = aerogelParam.getLength("tileYSize") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
545 double posX = aerogelParam.getLength("tileXPos") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
546 double posY = aerogelParam.getLength("tileYPos") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
547 double posZ = aerogelParam.getLength("tileZPos") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
548 double posZ0 = posZ;
549 double meanrefind = 0;
550 double meantrlen = 0;
552 // get parameter from python script
553 PyObject* m = PyImport_AddModule(strdup("__main__"));
554 if (m) {
555 int averageagel = 0;
556 PyObject* v = PyObject_GetAttrString(m, strdup("averageagel"));
557 if (v) {
558 averageagel = PyLong_AsLong(v);
559 Py_DECREF(v);
560 }
561 B2INFO("Python averageagel = " << averageagel);
562 m_arichbtgp->setAverageAgel(averageagel > 0);
563 }
565 for (unsigned int ilayer = 0; ilayer < m_agelthickness.size(); ilayer++) {
566 char aeroname[100];
567 sprintf(aeroname, "Aerogel%u", ilayer + 1);
568 G4Material* tileMaterial = createAerogel(aeroname, m_agelrefind[ilayer], m_ageltrlen[ilayer]);
569 double sizeZ = m_agelthickness[ilayer] * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
571 if (!m_arichbtgp->getAverageAgel()) {
572 m_arichgp->setAeroRefIndex(ilayer, m_agelrefind[ilayer]);
573 m_arichgp->setAerogelZPosition(ilayer, (posZ - zFrame / 2.) * Unit::mm / CLHEP::mm);
574 m_arichgp->setAerogelThickness(ilayer, sizeZ * Unit::mm / CLHEP::mm);
575 m_arichgp->setAeroTransLength(ilayer, m_ageltrlen[ilayer]);
576 }
578 meantrlen += sizeZ / m_ageltrlen[ilayer];
579 meanrefind += m_agelrefind[ilayer];
580 G4Box* tileBox = new G4Box("tileBox", sizeX / 2., sizeY / 2., sizeZ / 2.);
581 G4LogicalVolume* lTile = new G4LogicalVolume(tileBox, tileMaterial, "Tile", 0, ilayer == 0 ? m_sensitiveAero : 0);
582 setColor(*lTile, "rgb(0.0, 1.0, 1.0,1.0)");
583 G4Transform3D trans = G4Translate3D(posX, posY, posZ + sizeZ / 2. - zFrame / 2.);
584 new G4PVPlacement(trans, lTile, "ARICH.tile", lenvBox, false, ilayer + 1);
585 posZ += sizeZ;
586 }
587 if (m_arichbtgp->getAverageAgel() && m_agelthickness.size()) {
588 B2INFO("Average aerogel will be used in the reconstruction ");
589 m_arichgp->setAeroRefIndex(0, meanrefind / m_agelthickness.size());
590 m_arichgp->setAerogelZPosition(0, (posZ0 - zFrame)* Unit::mm / CLHEP::mm);
591 m_arichgp->setAerogelThickness(0, posZ * Unit::mm / CLHEP::mm);
592 if (meantrlen > 0 && posZ > 0) meantrlen = 1 / meantrlen / posZ;
593 m_arichgp->setAeroTransLength(0, meantrlen);
594 }
597 // place mirrors
598 GearDir mirrorsParam(mirrorcontent, "Mirrors");
599 double height = mirrorsParam.getLength("height") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
600 double width = mirrorsParam.getLength("width") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
601 double thickness = mirrorsParam.getLength("thickness") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
602 string mirrMat = mirrorsParam.getString("material");
603 G4Material* mirrMaterial = Materials::get(mirrMat);
604 G4Box* mirrBox = new G4Box("mirrBox", thickness / 2., height / 2., width / 2.);
605 G4LogicalVolume* lmirror = new G4LogicalVolume(mirrBox, mirrMaterial, "mirror");
607 Materials& materials = Materials::getInstance();
608 GearDir surface(mirrorsParam, "Surface");
609 G4OpticalSurface* optSurf = materials.createOpticalSurface(surface);
610 new G4LogicalSkinSurface("mirrorsSurface", lmirror, optSurf);
611 int iMirror = 0;
612 BOOST_FOREACH(const GearDir & mirror, mirrorsParam.getNodes("Mirror")) {
613 double xpos = mirror.getLength("xPos") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
614 double ypos = mirror.getLength("yPos") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
615 double zpos = mirror.getLength("zPos") * CLHEP::mm / Unit::mm;
616 double angle = mirror.getAngle("angle") / Unit::rad;
617 G4ThreeVector origin(xpos, ypos, zpos + width / 2. - zFrame / 2.);
618 G4RotationMatrix Ra;
619 Ra.rotateZ(angle);
620 G4Transform3D trans = G4Transform3D(Ra, origin);
621 new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(Ra, origin), lmirror, "ARICH.mirror", lenvBox, false, iMirror);
622 iMirror++;
623 }
624 m_arichgp->Print();
625 m_arichbtgp->Print();
626 }
static const double rad
Standard of [angle].
Definition: Unit.h:50
G4Material * createAerogel(const char *aeroname, double rind, double trl)
create aerogel material
G4LogicalVolume * buildModule(GearDir Module)
Build the module.
Class to store variables with their name which were sent to the logging service.
static ARICHBtestGeometryPar * Instance()
Static method to get a reference to the ARICHBtestGeometryPar instance.
void setVisibility(G4LogicalVolume &volume, bool visible)
Helper function to quickly set the visibility of a given volume.

◆ createFromDB()

void createFromDB ( const std::string &  name,
G4LogicalVolume &  topVolume,
GeometryTypes  type 

Function to create the geometry from the Database.

namename of the component in the database, could be used to disambiguate multiple components created with the same creator
topVolumeTop volume in which the geometry has to be placed
typeType of geometry to be build

Reimplemented in GeoMagneticField, GeoARICHCreator, BeamabortCreator, GeoCDCCreator, GeoCDCCreatorReducedCDC, GeoECLCreator, MyDBCreator, GeoBeamPipeCreator, GeoCryostatCreator, GeoFarBeamLineCreator, GeoBKLMCreator, GeoEKLMCreator, GeoKLMCreator, GeoPXDCreator, GeoCOILCreator, GeoServiceMaterialCreator, GeoSTRCreator, GeoSVDCreator, GeoTOPCreator, GeoHeavyMetalShieldCreator, and GeoVXDServiceCreator.

Definition at line 17 of file

18 {
19 //Do nothing but raise exception that we don't do anything
20 throw DBNotImplemented();
21 }

◆ createPayloads()

void createPayloads ( const GearDir content,
const IntervalOfValidity iov 

Function to create the geometry database.

This function should be implemented to convert Gearbox parameters to one ore more database payloads

contentGearDir pointing to the parameters which should be used for construction
iovinterval of validity to use when generating payloads

Reimplemented in GeoARICHCreator, BeamabortCreator, GeoCDCCreator, GeoCDCCreatorReducedCDC, GeoECLCreator, GeoMagneticField, MyDBCreator, GeoBeamPipeCreator, GeoCryostatCreator, GeoFarBeamLineCreator, GeoBKLMCreator, GeoEKLMCreator, GeoKLMCreator, GeoPXDCreator, GeoCOILCreator, GeoServiceMaterialCreator, GeoSTRCreator, GeoSVDCreator, GeoTOPCreator, GeoHeavyMetalShieldCreator, and GeoVXDServiceCreator.

Definition at line 24 of file


◆ getAvgRINDEX()

double getAvgRINDEX ( G4Material *  material)

Get the average refractive index if the material.

Definition at line 211 of file

212 {
213 G4MaterialPropertiesTable* mTable = material->GetMaterialPropertiesTable();
214 if (!mTable) return 0;
215 G4MaterialPropertyVector* mVector = mTable->GetProperty("RINDEX");
216 if (!mVector) return 0;
217 G4bool b;
218 return mVector->GetValue(2 * Unit::eV / Unit::MeV, b);
219 }
static const double eV
Definition: Unit.h:112
static const double MeV
Definition: Unit.h:114

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_aerogeldx

double m_aerogeldx

shift of the aerogel center

Definition at line 109 of file GeoARICHBtestCreator.h.

◆ m_aerogelID

std::string m_aerogelID

ID of the aerogel configuration setup.

Definition at line 88 of file GeoARICHBtestCreator.h.

◆ m_aerosupport

int m_aerosupport

Type of aerogel support - not used at the moment.

Definition at line 107 of file GeoARICHBtestCreator.h.

◆ m_agelrefind

std::vector<double> m_agelrefind

vector of aerogel refractive indices

Definition at line 120 of file GeoARICHBtestCreator.h.

◆ m_agelthickness

std::vector<double> m_agelthickness

vector of aerogel thicknesses

Definition at line 122 of file GeoARICHBtestCreator.h.

◆ m_ageltrlen

std::vector<double> m_ageltrlen

vector of aerogel transmission lengths

Definition at line 124 of file GeoARICHBtestCreator.h.

◆ m_author

std::string m_author

Beamtest runlog record author.

Definition at line 80 of file GeoARICHBtestCreator.h.

◆ m_comment

std::string m_comment

comment in the runlog

Definition at line 102 of file GeoARICHBtestCreator.h.

◆ m_comment1

std::string m_comment1


Definition at line 117 of file GeoARICHBtestCreator.h.

◆ m_configuration

int m_configuration

configuration number of the HAPD

Definition at line 115 of file GeoARICHBtestCreator.h.

◆ m_daqqa

std::string m_daqqa

classification of the run

Definition at line 100 of file GeoARICHBtestCreator.h.

◆ m_datum

std::string m_datum

datum of the runlog

Definition at line 104 of file GeoARICHBtestCreator.h.

◆ m_framedx

double m_framedx

shift of the frame

Definition at line 111 of file GeoARICHBtestCreator.h.

◆ m_hapdID

std::string m_hapdID

ID of the HAPD configuration setup.

Definition at line 86 of file GeoARICHBtestCreator.h.

◆ m_mirrorID

std::string m_mirrorID

ID of the mirror configuration setup.

Definition at line 90 of file GeoARICHBtestCreator.h.

◆ m_mytype

std::string m_mytype

type of the run

Definition at line 98 of file GeoARICHBtestCreator.h.

◆ m_neve

int m_neve

Number of event in the beamtest run.

Definition at line 82 of file GeoARICHBtestCreator.h.

◆ m_rotation

double m_rotation

rotation angle of the setup

Definition at line 92 of file GeoARICHBtestCreator.h.

◆ m_rotation1

double m_rotation1

rotation angle of the frame

Definition at line 113 of file GeoARICHBtestCreator.h.

◆ m_runno

int m_runno

Beamtest Run number.

Definition at line 78 of file GeoARICHBtestCreator.h.

◆ m_runtype

std::string m_runtype

Type of the beamtest run.

Definition at line 84 of file GeoARICHBtestCreator.h.

◆ m_rx

double m_rx

x shift of the prototype ARICH frame

Definition at line 94 of file GeoARICHBtestCreator.h.

◆ m_ry

double m_ry

y shift of the prototype ARICH frame

Definition at line 96 of file GeoARICHBtestCreator.h.

◆ m_sensitive

SensitiveDetector* m_sensitive

pointer to the sensitive detector

Definition at line 69 of file GeoARICHBtestCreator.h.

◆ m_sensitiveAero

SensitiveAero* m_sensitiveAero

pointer to the sesnitive aerogel

Definition at line 71 of file GeoARICHBtestCreator.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: