Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9/* Own header. */
10#include <ecl/calibration/eclGammaGammaEAlgorithm.h>
12/* ECL headers. */
13#include <ecl/dataobjects/ECLElementNumbers.h>
14#include <ecl/dbobjects/ECLCrystalCalib.h>
16/* ROOT headers. */
17#include <TF1.h>
18#include <TFile.h>
19#include <TH2F.h>
20#include <TMath.h>
21#include <TROOT.h>
23using namespace std;
24using namespace Belle2;
25using namespace ECL;
29// cppcheck-suppress constParameter ; TF1 fit functions cannot have const parameters
30double eclGammaGammaNovoConst(double* x, double* par)
32 double qc = 0;
34 double peak = par[1];
35 double width = par[2];
36 double sln4 = sqrt(log(4));
37 double y = par[3] * sln4;
38 double tail = -log(y + sqrt(1 + y * y)) / sln4;
40 if (TMath::Abs(tail) < 1.e-7) {
41 qc = 0.5 * TMath::Power(((x[0] - peak) / width), 2);
42 } else {
43 double qa = tail * sqrt(log(4.));
44 double qb = sinh(qa) / qa;
45 double qx = (x[0] - peak) / width * qb;
46 double qy = 1. + tail * qx;
48 if (qy > 1.E-7)
49 qc = 0.5 * (TMath::Power((log(qy) / tail), 2) + tail * tail);
50 else
51 qc = 15.0;
52 }
53 return par[0] * exp(-qc) + par[4];
61 "Perform energy calibration of ecl crystals by fitting a Novosibirsk function to energy deposited by photons in e+e- --> gamma gamma"
62 );
69 const double limitTol = 0.0005; /*< tolerance for checking if a parameter is at the limit */
70 const double minFitLimit = 1e-25; /*< cut off for labeling a fit as poor */
71 const double minFitProbIter = 1e-8; /*< cut off for labeling a fit as poor if it also has many iterations */
72 const double constRatio = 0.5; /*< Novosibirsk normalization must be greater than constRatio x constant term */
73 const double peakMin(0.4), peakMax(2.2); /*< range for peak of normalized energy distribution */
74 const double peakTol = limitTol * (peakMax - peakMin); /*< fit is at limit if it is within peakTol of min or max */
75 const double effSigMin(0.02), effSigMax(0.4); /*< range for effective sigma of normalized energy distribution */
76 const double effSigTol = limitTol * (effSigMax - effSigMin); /*< fit is at limit if it is within effSigTol of min or max */
77 const double etaNom(0.41); /*< Nominal tail parameter */
78 const double etaMin(0.), etaMax(5.0); /*< Novosibirsk tail parameter range */
79 const double etaTol = limitTol * (etaMax - etaMin); /*< fit is at limit if it is within etaTol of min or max */
80 const double constTol = 0.001; /*< if constant is less than constTol, it will be fixed to 0 */
83 gROOT->SetBatch();
87 B2INFO("eclGammaGammaAlgorithm parameters:");
88 B2INFO("outputName = " << m_outputName);
89 B2INFO("cellIDLo = " << m_cellIDLo);
90 B2INFO("cellIDHi = " << m_cellIDHi);
91 B2INFO("minEntries = " << m_minEntries);
92 B2INFO("highStatEntries = " << m_highStatEntries);
93 B2INFO("maxIterations = " << m_maxIterations);
94 B2INFO("tRatioMinNom = " << m_tRatioMinNom);
95 B2INFO("tRatioMaxNom = " << m_tRatioMaxNom);
96 B2INFO("tRatioMinHiStat = " << m_tRatioMinHiStat);
97 B2INFO("tRatioMaxHiStat = " << m_tRatioMaxHiStat);
98 B2INFO("upperEdgeThresh = " << m_upperEdgeThresh);
99 B2INFO("performFits = " << m_performFits);
100 B2INFO("findExpValues = " << m_findExpValues);
101 B2INFO("storeConst = " << m_storeConst);
105 TH1F* dummy;
106 dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("IntegralVsCrysID");
107 if (dummy) {delete dummy;}
108 dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("AverageExpECrys");
109 if (dummy) {delete dummy;}
110 dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("AverageElecCalib");
111 if (dummy) {delete dummy;}
112 dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("AverageInitCalib");
113 if (dummy) {delete dummy;}
117 auto EnVsCrysID = getObjectPtr<TH2F>("EnVsCrysID");
118 auto ExpEvsCrys = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("ExpEvsCrys");
119 auto ElecCalibvsCrys = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("ElecCalibvsCrys");
120 auto InitialCalibvsCrys = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("InitialCalibvsCrys");
121 auto CalibEntriesvsCrys = getObjectPtr<TH1F>("CalibEntriesvsCrys");
126 TH1F* IntegralVsCrysID = new TH1F("IntegralVsCrysID", "Integral of EnVsCrysID for each crystal;crystal ID;Entries",
128 TH1F* AverageExpECrys = new TH1F("AverageExpECrys", "Average expected E per crys from collector;Crystal ID;Energy (GeV)",
131 TH1F* AverageElecCalib = new TH1F("AverageElecCalib", "Average electronics calib const vs crystal;Crystal ID;Calibration constant",
133 TH1F* AverageInitCalib = new TH1F("AverageInitCalib", "Average initial calib const vs crystal;Crystal ID;Calibration constant",
136 for (int crysID = 0; crysID < ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals; crysID++) {
137 TH1D* hEnergy = EnVsCrysID->ProjectionY("hEnergy", crysID + 1, crysID + 1);
138 int Integral = hEnergy->Integral();
139 IntegralVsCrysID->SetBinContent(crysID + 1, Integral);
141 double TotEntries = CalibEntriesvsCrys->GetBinContent(crysID + 1);
143 double expectedE = 0.;
144 if (TotEntries > 0.) {expectedE = ExpEvsCrys->GetBinContent(crysID + 1) / TotEntries;}
145 AverageExpECrys->SetBinContent(crysID + 1, expectedE);
147 double calibconst = 0.;
148 if (TotEntries > 0.) {calibconst = ElecCalibvsCrys->GetBinContent(crysID + 1) / TotEntries;}
149 AverageElecCalib->SetBinContent(crysID + 1, calibconst);
151 calibconst = 0.;
152 if (TotEntries > 0.) {calibconst = InitialCalibvsCrys->GetBinContent(crysID + 1) / TotEntries;}
153 AverageInitCalib->SetBinContent(crysID + 1, calibconst);
154 }
158 TString fName = m_outputName;
159 TFile* histfile = new TFile(fName, "recreate");
160 EnVsCrysID->Write();
161 IntegralVsCrysID->Write();
162 AverageExpECrys->Write();
163 AverageElecCalib->Write();
164 AverageInitCalib->Write();
168 if (!m_performFits) {
169 B2INFO("eclGammaGammaEAlgorithm has not been asked to perform fits; copying input histograms and quitting");
170 histfile->Close();
171 return c_NotEnoughData;
172 }
176 bool sufficientData = true;
177 for (int crysID = m_cellIDLo - 1; crysID < m_cellIDHi; crysID++) {
178 if (IntegralVsCrysID->GetBinContent(crysID + 1) < m_minEntries) {
179 if (m_storeConst == 1) {B2INFO("eclGammaGammaEAlgorithm: crystal " << crysID << " has insufficient statistics: " << IntegralVsCrysID->GetBinContent(crysID + 1) << ". Requirement is " << m_minEntries);}
180 sufficientData = false;
181 break;
182 }
183 }
186 if (!sufficientData && m_storeConst == 1) {
187 histfile->Close();
188 return c_NotEnoughData;
189 }
195 TH1F* CalibVsCrysID = new TH1F("CalibVsCrysID", "Calibration constant vs crystal ID;crystal ID;counts per GeV",
197 TH1F* ExpEnergyperCrys = new TH1F("ExpEnergyperCrys", "Expected energy per crystal;Crystal ID;Peak energy (GeV)",
201 TH1F* PeakVsCrysID = new TH1F("PeakVsCrysID", "Peak of Novo fit vs crystal ID;crystal ID;Peak normalized energy",
203 TH1F* EdgeVsCrysID = new TH1F("EdgeVsCrysID", "Upper edge of Novo fit vs crystal ID;crystal ID;Maximum normalized energy",
206 TH1F* effSigVsCrysID = new TH1F("effSigVsCrysID", "effSigma vs crystal ID;crystal ID;sigma)", ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals, 0,
208 TH1F* etaVsCrysID = new TH1F("etaVsCrysID", "eta vs crystal ID;crystal ID;Novo eta parameter", ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals, 0,
210 TH1F* constVsCrysID = new TH1F("constVsCrysID", "fit constant vs crystal ID;crystal ID;fit constant",
212 TH1F* normVsCrysID = new TH1F("normVsCrysID", "Novosibirsk normalization vs crystal ID;crystal ID;normalization",
214 TH1F* fitLimitVsCrysID = new TH1F("fitLimitVsCrysID", "fit range lower limit vs crystal ID;crystal ID;upper fit limit",
217 TH1F* StatusVsCrysID = new TH1F("StatusVsCrysID", "Fit status vs crystal ID;crystal ID;Fit status", ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals,
219 TH1F* FitProbVsCrysID = new TH1F("FitProbVsCrysID", "Fit probability vs crystal id;crystal ID;Fit probability",
223 TH1F* hStatus = new TH1F("hStatus", "Fit status", 25, -5, 20);
224 TH1F* hPeak = new TH1F("hPeak", "Peaks of normalized energy distributions, successful fits;Peak of Novosibirsk fit", 200, 0.8, 1.2);
225 TH1F* fracPeakUnc = new TH1F("fracPeakUnc", "Fractional uncertainty on peak uncertainty, successful fits;Uncertainty on peak", 100,
226 0, 0.1);
227 TH1F* nIterations = new TH1F("nIterations", "Number of times histogram was fit;Number of iterations", 20, -0.5, 19.5);
232 bool allFitsOK = true;
233 for (int crysID = m_cellIDLo - 1; crysID < m_cellIDHi; crysID++) {
236 TString name = "Enormalized";
237 name += crysID;
238 TH1D* hEnergy = EnVsCrysID->ProjectionY(name, crysID + 1, crysID + 1);
241 double histMin = hEnergy->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
242 double histMax = hEnergy->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
243 TF1* func = new TF1("eclGammaGammaNovoConst", eclGammaGammaNovoConst, histMin, histMax, 5);
244 func->SetParNames("normalization", "peak", "effSigma", "eta", "const");
245 func->SetParLimits(1, peakMin, peakMax);
246 func->SetParLimits(2, effSigMin, effSigMax);
247 func->SetParLimits(3, etaMin, etaMax);
248 func->SetParLimits(4, 0., hEnergy->GetMaximum());
251 hEnergy->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(peakMin, peakMax);
252 int maxBin = hEnergy->GetMaximumBin();
253 double peakE = hEnergy->GetBinLowEdge(maxBin);
254 double peakEUnc = 0.;
255 double normalization = hEnergy->GetMaximum();
256 double normUnc = 0.;
257 double effSigma = hEnergy->GetRMS();
258 double sigmaUnc = 0.;
259 hEnergy->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(histMin, histMax);
262 double fitlow = peakE - effSigma;
263 double fithigh = histMax;
266 double eta = etaNom;
267 double etaUnc = 0.;
268 double constant = 0.01 * normalization;
269 double constUnc = 0.;
272 double dIter = 0.1 * (histMax - histMin) / hEnergy->GetNbinsX();
273 double fitProb(0.);
274 double fitProbDefault(0.);
275 double lowold(0.), lowoldold(0.);
276 bool fixConst = false;
277 int nIter = 0;
278 double histIntegral = IntegralVsCrysID->GetBinContent(crysID + 1);
279 bool fitHist = histIntegral >= m_minEntries; /* fit only if enough events */
282 double m_tRatioMin = m_tRatioMinNom;
283 double m_tRatioMax = m_tRatioMaxNom;
284 if (histIntegral > m_highStatEntries) {
285 m_tRatioMin = m_tRatioMinHiStat;
286 m_tRatioMax = m_tRatioMaxHiStat;
287 }
291 while (fitHist) {
294 func->SetParameters(normalization, peakE, effSigma, eta, constant);
295 if (fixConst) { func->FixParameter(4, 0); }
298 hEnergy->Fit(func, "LIQ", "", fitlow, fithigh);
299 nIter++;
300 fitHist = false;
301 normalization = func->GetParameter(0);
302 normUnc = func->GetParError(0);
303 peakE = func->GetParameter(1);
304 peakEUnc = func->GetParError(1);
305 effSigma = func->GetParameter(2);
306 sigmaUnc = func->GetParError(2);
307 eta = func->GetParameter(3);
308 etaUnc = func->GetParError(3);
309 constant = func->GetParameter(4);
310 constUnc = func->GetParError(4);
311 fitProbDefault = func->GetProb();
314 double peak = func->Eval(peakE) - constant;
315 double tRatio = (func->Eval(fitlow) - constant) / peak;
316 if (tRatio < m_tRatioMin || tRatio > m_tRatioMax) {
317 double targetY = constant + 0.5 * (m_tRatioMin + m_tRatioMax) * peak;
318 lowoldold = lowold;
319 lowold = fitlow;
320 fitlow = func->GetX(targetY, histMin, peakE);
321 fitHist = true;
324 if (abs(fitlow - lowoldold) < dIter) {fitlow = 0.5 * (lowold + lowoldold); }
327 if (nIter > m_maxIterations - 3) {fitlow = 0.33333 * (fitlow + lowold + lowoldold); }
328 }
331 if (constant < constTol && !fixConst) {
332 constant = 0;
333 fixConst = true;
334 fitHist = true;
335 }
338 if (nIter == m_maxIterations) {fitHist = false;}
339 B2DEBUG(10, crysID << " " << nIter << " " << peakE << " " << constant << " " << tRatio << " " << fitlow);
340 }
344 fitProb = 0.;
345 if (nIter > 0) {
346 int lowbin = hEnergy->GetXaxis()->FindBin(fitlow);
347 int highbin = hEnergy->GetXaxis()->FindBin(fithigh);
348 int npar = 5;
349 if (fixConst) {npar = 4;}
350 int ndeg = -npar;
351 double chisq = 0.;
352 double binwidth = hEnergy->GetBinWidth(1);
353 for (int ib = lowbin; ib <= highbin; ib++) {
354 double xlow = hEnergy->GetBinLowEdge(ib);
355 double yexp = func->Integral(xlow, xlow + binwidth) / binwidth;
358 if (yexp > constTol) {
359 double yobs = hEnergy->GetBinContent(ib);
360 double dnom = yexp;
361 if (yexp < 0.9999 && yobs > yexp) {dnom = yobs;}
362 double dchi2 = (yexp - yobs) * (yexp - yobs) / dnom;
363 chisq += dchi2;
364 ndeg++;
365 }
366 }
367 fitProb = TMath::Prob(chisq, ndeg);
368 }
372 int iStatus = fitOK; // success
373 if (nIter == m_maxIterations) {iStatus = iterations;} // too many iterations
376 if (normalization < constRatio * constant) {iStatus = noPeak;}
379 if (fitProb <= minFitLimit || (fitProb < minFitProbIter && iStatus == iterations)) {iStatus = poorFit;}
382 if ((peakE < peakMin + peakTol) || (peakE > peakMax - peakTol)) {iStatus = atLimit;}
383 if ((effSigma < effSigMin + effSigTol) || (effSigma > effSigMax - effSigTol)) {iStatus = atLimit;}
384 if ((eta < etaMin + etaTol) || (eta > etaMax - etaTol)) {iStatus = atLimit;}
386 //** No fit
387 if (nIter == 0) {iStatus = notFit;} // not fit
391 double upperEdge = peakE;
392 double edgeUnc = peakEUnc;
394 if (iStatus >= iterations) {
397 double targetY = constant + m_upperEdgeThresh * (func->Eval(peakE) - constant);
400 int iLow = hEnergy->GetXaxis()->FindBin(peakE) + 1;
401 int iHigh = hEnergy->GetNbinsX();
402 int iLast = iLow;
403 for (int ibin = iLow; ibin < iHigh; ibin++) {
404 double xc = hEnergy->GetBinCenter(ibin);
405 if (func->Eval(xc) > targetY) {iLast = ibin;}
406 }
407 double xLow = hEnergy->GetBinCenter(iLast);
408 double xHigh = hEnergy->GetBinCenter(iLast + 1);
411 func->SetNpx(1000);
412 upperEdge = func->GetX(targetY, xLow, xHigh);
415 } else if (iStatus > notFit) {
418 int iLast = -1;
419 int thisBin = hEnergy->GetBinContent(1);
420 for (int ibin = 2; ibin < hEnergy->GetNbinsX(); ibin++) {
421 int prevBin = thisBin;
422 thisBin = hEnergy->GetBinContent(ibin);
423 if (thisBin > 0 && thisBin + prevBin >= 2) {iLast = ibin;}
424 }
425 if (iLast > 0) {upperEdge = hEnergy->GetBinLowEdge(iLast);} // lower edge is a better estimate than center
426 }
430 int histbin = crysID + 1;
431 PeakVsCrysID->SetBinContent(histbin, peakE);
432 PeakVsCrysID->SetBinError(histbin, peakEUnc);
433 EdgeVsCrysID->SetBinContent(histbin, upperEdge);
434 EdgeVsCrysID->SetBinError(histbin, edgeUnc);
435 effSigVsCrysID->SetBinContent(histbin, effSigma);
436 effSigVsCrysID->SetBinError(histbin, sigmaUnc);
437 etaVsCrysID->SetBinContent(histbin, eta);
438 etaVsCrysID->SetBinError(histbin, etaUnc);
439 constVsCrysID->SetBinContent(histbin, constant);
440 constVsCrysID->SetBinError(histbin, constUnc);
441 normVsCrysID->SetBinContent(histbin, normalization);
442 normVsCrysID->SetBinError(histbin, normUnc);
443 fitLimitVsCrysID->SetBinContent(histbin, fitlow);
444 fitLimitVsCrysID->SetBinError(histbin, 0);
445 StatusVsCrysID->SetBinContent(histbin, iStatus);
446 StatusVsCrysID->SetBinError(histbin, 0);
447 FitProbVsCrysID->SetBinContent(histbin, fitProb);
448 FitProbVsCrysID->SetBinError(histbin, 0);
451 hStatus->Fill(iStatus);
452 nIterations->Fill(nIter);
453 if (iStatus >= iterations) {
454 hPeak->Fill(peakE);
455 fracPeakUnc->Fill(peakEUnc / peakE);
456 }
459 B2INFO("cellID " << crysID + 1 << " status = " << iStatus << " fit probability = " << fitProb << " default prob = " <<
460 fitProbDefault);
461 histfile->cd();
462 hEnergy->Write();
464 } /* end of loop over crystals */
468 for (int crysID = 0; crysID < ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals; crysID++) {
469 int histbin = crysID + 1;
470 double fitstatus = StatusVsCrysID->GetBinContent(histbin);
471 double upperEdge = EdgeVsCrysID->GetBinContent(histbin);
472 double fracEdgeUnc = EdgeVsCrysID->GetBinError(histbin) / upperEdge;
475 if (fitstatus < 0) {
476 upperEdge = -1.;
477 fracEdgeUnc = 0.;
478 if (histbin >= m_cellIDLo && histbin <= m_cellIDHi) {
479 B2INFO("eclGammaGammaEAlgorithm: cellID " << histbin << " is not a successful fit. Status = " << fitstatus);
480 allFitsOK = false;
481 }
482 }
485 if (m_findExpValues) {
486 double inputExpE = abs(AverageExpECrys->GetBinContent(histbin));
487 ExpEnergyperCrys->SetBinContent(histbin, inputExpE * upperEdge);
488 ExpEnergyperCrys->SetBinError(histbin, fracEdgeUnc * inputExpE * upperEdge);
489 } else {
492 double inputCalib = abs(AverageInitCalib->GetBinContent(histbin));
493 CalibVsCrysID->SetBinContent(histbin, inputCalib / upperEdge);
494 CalibVsCrysID->SetBinError(histbin, fracEdgeUnc * inputCalib / upperEdge);
495 }
496 }
500 bool DBsuccess = false;
501 if (m_storeConst == 0 || (m_storeConst == 1 && allFitsOK)) {
502 DBsuccess = true;
503 if (m_findExpValues) {
506 std::vector<float> tempE;
507 std::vector<float> tempUnc;
508 for (int crysID = 0; crysID < ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals; crysID++) {
509 tempE.push_back(ExpEnergyperCrys->GetBinContent(crysID + 1));
510 tempUnc.push_back(ExpEnergyperCrys->GetBinError(crysID + 1));
511 }
512 ECLCrystalCalib* ExpectedE = new ECLCrystalCalib();
513 ExpectedE->setCalibVector(tempE, tempUnc);
514 saveCalibration(ExpectedE, "ECLExpGammaGammaE");
515 B2INFO("eclCosmicEAlgorithm: successfully stored expected energies ECLExpGammaGammaE");
517 } else {
520 std::vector<float> tempCalib;
521 std::vector<float> tempCalibUnc;
522 for (int crysID = 0; crysID < ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals; crysID++) {
523 tempCalib.push_back(CalibVsCrysID->GetBinContent(crysID + 1));
524 tempCalibUnc.push_back(CalibVsCrysID->GetBinError(crysID + 1));
525 }
526 ECLCrystalCalib* GammaGammaECalib = new ECLCrystalCalib();
527 GammaGammaECalib->setCalibVector(tempCalib, tempCalibUnc);
528 saveCalibration(GammaGammaECalib, "ECLCrystalEnergyGammaGamma");
529 B2INFO("eclGammaGammaEAlgorithm: successfully stored ECLCrystalEnergyGammaGamma calibration constants");
530 }
531 }
536 PeakVsCrysID->Write();
537 EdgeVsCrysID->Write();
538 effSigVsCrysID->Write();
539 etaVsCrysID->Write();
540 constVsCrysID->Write();
541 normVsCrysID->Write();
542 fitLimitVsCrysID->Write();
543 StatusVsCrysID->Write();
544 FitProbVsCrysID->Write();
545 hPeak->Write();
546 fracPeakUnc->Write();
547 nIterations->Write();
548 hStatus->Write();
551 if (m_findExpValues) {
552 ExpEnergyperCrys->Write();
553 } else {
554 CalibVsCrysID->Write();
555 }
556 histfile->Close();
560 dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("PeakVsCrysID"); delete dummy;
561 dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("EdgeVsCrysID"); delete dummy;
562 dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("effSigVsCrysID"); delete dummy;
563 dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("etaVsCrysID"); delete dummy;
564 dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("constVsCrysID"); delete dummy;
565 dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("normVsCrysID"); delete dummy;
566 dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("fitLimitVsCrysID"); delete dummy;
567 dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("StatusVsCrysID"); delete dummy;
568 dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("FitProbVsCrysID"); delete dummy;
569 dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("fracPeakUnc"); delete dummy;
570 dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("nIterations"); delete dummy;
571 dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hStatus"); delete dummy;
572 dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("ExpEnergyperCrys"); delete dummy;
573 dummy = (TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("CalibVsCrysID"); delete dummy;
578 if (m_storeConst == -1) {
579 B2INFO("eclGammaGammaEAlgorithm performed fits but was not asked to store contants");
580 return c_Failure;
581 } else if (!DBsuccess) {
582 if (m_findExpValues) { B2INFO("eclGammaGammaEAlgorithm: failed to store expected values"); }
583 else { B2INFO("eclGammaGammaEAlgorithm: failed to store calibration constants"); }
584 return c_Failure;
585 }
586 return c_OK;
Base class for calibration algorithms.
void saveCalibration(TClonesArray *data, const std::string &name)
Store DBArray payload with given name with default IOV.
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Set algorithm description (in constructor)
The result of calibration.
@ c_OK
Finished successfuly =0 in Python.
@ c_NotEnoughData
Needs more data =2 in Python.
@ c_Failure
Failed =3 in Python.
General DB object to store one calibration number per ECL crystal.
void setCalibVector(const std::vector< float > &CalibConst, const std::vector< float > &CalibConstUnc)
Set vector of constants with uncertainties.
int m_minEntries
Minimum entries to fit a crystal.
int poorFit
low chi square; upper edge is found from histogram, not fit
int m_maxIterations
no more than maxIteration iterations
double m_tRatioMaxHiStat
Fit range is adjusted so that fit at lower endpoint is between tRatioMin and tRatioMax of peak.
int iterations
fit reached max number of iterations, but is useable
double m_tRatioMaxNom
Fit range is adjusted so that fit at lower endpoint is between tRatioMin and tRatioMax of peak.
double m_tRatioMinNom
Fit range is adjusted so that fit at lower endpoint is between tRatioMin and tRatioMax of peak.
int m_highStatEntries
Adjust fit range above this many entries.
std::string m_outputName
..Parameters to control Novosibirsk fit to energy deposited in each crystal by mu+mu- events
int m_storeConst
controls which values are written to the database.
int notFit
no fit performed; no constants found for this crystal
bool m_findExpValues
if true, fits are used to find expected energy deposit for each crystal instead of the calibration co...
virtual EResult calibrate() override
..Run algorithm on events
bool m_performFits
if false, input histograms are copied to output, but no fits are done
double m_upperEdgeThresh
Upper edge is where the fit = upperEdgeThresh * peak value.
int noPeak
Novosibirsk component of fit is negligible; upper edge is found from histogram, not fit.
double m_tRatioMinHiStat
Fit range is adjusted so that fit at lower endpoint is between tRatioMin and tRatioMax of peak.
int atLimit
a parameter is at the limit; upper edge is found from histogram, not fit
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
const int c_NCrystals
Number of crystals.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
STL namespace.