# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration #
# #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders. #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see LICENSE.md. #
import torch as t
import numpy as np
[docs]def masses_to_classes(array):
Converts mass hypotheses to classes used in cross-entropy computation.
Classes are:
.. math::
e \\to 1\\\\
\\mu \\to 2\\\\
\\pi \\to 3\\\\
K \\to 4\\\\
p \\to 5\\\\
\\gamma \\to 6\\\\
\\text{others} \\to 0
array (numpy.ndarray): Array containing PDG mass codes.
numpy.ndarray: Array containing mass hypothese converted to classes.
array = -1 * np.abs(array) # All elements become negative
array[array == -11] = 1 # Electrons are class 1
array[array == -13] = 2 # Muons are class 2
array[array == -211] = 3 # Pions are class 3
array[array == -321] = 4 # Kaons are class 4
array[array == -2212] = 5 # Protons are class 5
array[array == -22] = 6 # Photons are class 6
array[array <= 0] = 0 # Others are 0
return array
def _check_undirected(adjacency_matrix):
Checks whether an adjacency matrix-encoded graph is undirected, i.e. symmetric.
n, m = adjacency_matrix.shape
if n != m:
return False
return (adjacency_matrix == adjacency_matrix.T).all()
def _connectedness_dfs(adjacency_matrix, index, reached):
Actual depth-first search of graph connectedness. Starting from the node marked by index a recursive search is
performed. Visited nodes are marked as reachable during recursion. If the graph is not connected, the reachability
`reached` mask will contain zero elements.
n = adjacency_matrix.shape[0]
reached[index] = 1
# Traverse through all
for column in range(n):
# Recursively search for connectedness nodes that are adjacent and avoid nodes already marked as reachable
if adjacency_matrix[index, column] != 0 and not reached[column]:
_connectedness_dfs(adjacency_matrix, column, reached)
def _check_connectedness(adjacency_matrix, allow_disconnected_leaves=False):
Checks whether all sub-graphs of an adjacency matrix-encoded graph are connected,
i.e. have at least one edge linking them.
n, m = adjacency_matrix.shape
if n != m:
return False
reached = t.zeros(n, dtype=t.uint8)
_connectedness_dfs(adjacency_matrix, 0, reached)
if allow_disconnected_leaves:
reached = t.logical_or(reached, adjacency_matrix.sum(axis=1) == 0)
return reached.all()
def _acyclic_dfs(adjacency_matrix, index, parent, reached):
Actual depth-first search of graph cycles. Starting from the node marked by index a recursive search is performed.
Visited nodes are marked as reachable during recursion. If a node is found in a trail that has been previously
marked as already reached this indicates a cycle.
n = adjacency_matrix.shape[0]
reached[index] = 1
for row in range(n):
# the passed adjacency matrix may contain self-references
# while technically not acyclic, these are allowed,
if row == index:
if adjacency_matrix[index, row] != 0:
if not reached[row]:
# cycle
if not _acyclic_dfs(adjacency_matrix, row, index, reached):
return False
elif row != parent:
# cycle
return False
return True
def _check_acyclic(adjacency_matrix):
Checks whether the graph encoded by the passed adjacency matrix is acyclic, i.e. all non-empty trails in the graph
do not contain repetitions. Node self-references are legal and simply ignored.
n, m = adjacency_matrix.shape
if n != m:
return False
reached = t.zeros(n, dtype=t.uint8)
return _acyclic_dfs(adjacency_matrix, 0, -1, reached)
[docs]def is_valid_tree(adjacency_matrix):
Checks whether the graph encoded by the passed adjacency matrix encodes a valid tree,
i.e. an undirected, acyclic and connected graph.
adjacency_matrix (numpy.ndarray): 2-dimensional matrix (N, N) encoding the graph's node adjacencies.
Linked nodes should have value unequal to zero.
bool: True if the encoded graph is a tree, False otherwise.
undirected = _check_undirected(adjacency_matrix)
connected = _check_connectedness(adjacency_matrix)
acyclic = _check_acyclic(adjacency_matrix)
return undirected and connected and acyclic