#!/usr/bin/env python3
# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration #
# #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders. #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see LICENSE.md. #
.. Note::
The charm standard skim lists here, are for B to charm physics skims. If you are looking
for charm physics skims, please check :ref:`skim_physics_charm`.
import modularAnalysis as ma
[docs]def loadPiForBtoHadrons(path):
Creates a ``pi+:GoodTrack`` list, with cuts :math:`|dr|<2~{\\rm cm}` and :math:`|dz|<5~{\\rm cm}`.
path (basf2.Path): Skim path to be processed.
ma.fillParticleList("pi+:GoodTrack", "abs(dr) < 2 and abs(dz) < 5", path=path)
[docs]def loadPiSkimHighEff(path):
Creates a ``pi+:SkimHighEff`` list, with cuts :math:`|dr|<2~{\\rm cm}` and :math:`|dz|<5~{\\rm cm} and pionID >= 0.01`.
path (basf2.Path): Skim path to be processed.
ma.fillParticleList("pi+:SkimHighEff", "abs(dr) < 2 and abs(dz) < 5 and pionID >= 0.01", path=path)
[docs]def loadSlowPi(path):
Creates a ``pi+:slowPi`` list, with cuts :math:`|dr|<2~{\\rm cm}` and :math:`|dz|<5~{\\rm cm} and useCMSFrame(p) < 0.4`.
path (basf2.Path): Skim path to be processed.
ma.fillParticleList("pi+:slowPi", "abs(dr) < 2 and abs(dz) < 5 and useCMSFrame(p) < 0.4", path=path)
[docs]def loadKForBtoHadrons(path):
Creates a ``K+:GoodTrack`` list, with cuts :math:`|dr|<2~{\\rm cm}` and :math:`|dz|<5~{\\rm cm}`.
path (basf2.Path): Skim path to be processed.
ma.fillParticleList("K+:GoodTrack", "abs(dr) < 2 and abs(dz) < 5", path=path)
[docs]def loadKSkimHighEff(path):
Creates a ``K+:SkimHighEff`` list, with cuts :math:`|dr|<2~{\\rm cm}` and :math:`|dz|<5~{\\rm cm} and kaonID >= 0.01`.
path (basf2.Path): Skim path to be processed.
ma.fillParticleList("K+:SkimHighEff", "abs(dr) < 2 and abs(dz) < 5 and kaonID >= 0.01", path=path)
[docs]def loadStdD0(path):
Creates a 'D0:all' list, with an invariant mass in the range :math:`1.7 < M < 2.0~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`,
from the following particles lists:
1. 'K-:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack',
2. 'K-:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack pi-:GoodTrack',
3. 'K-:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack pi0:bth_skim',
4. 'K_S0:merged pi+:GoodTrack pi-:GoodTrack'.
@param path modules are added to this path
D0Cuts = '1.7 < M < 2.0'
D0_Channels = ['K-:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack',
'K-:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack pi-:GoodTrack',
'K-:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack pi0:bth_skim',
'K_S0:merged pi+:GoodTrack pi-:GoodTrack',
D0List = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(D0_Channels):
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D0:all' + str(chID) + ' -> ' + channel, cut=D0Cuts, dmID=chID, path=path)
D0List.append('D0:all' + str(chID))
ma.copyLists(outputListName='D0:all', inputListNames=D0List, path=path)
return D0List
[docs]def loadStdD0_Kpi(path=None):
Creates a 'D0:Kpi' list, with an invariant mass in the range :math:`1.7 < M < 2.0~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`,
from the following particles lists:
1. 'K-:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack',
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D0:Kpi -> K-:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack', cut='1.7 < M < 2.0',
dmID=1, path=path)
return ['D0:Kpi']
[docs]def loadSkimHighEffD0_Kpi(path=None):
Creates a 'D0:Kpi_skimhigheff' list, with an invariant mass in the range :math:`1.8 < M < 2.0~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`,
from the following particles lists:
1. 'K-:SkimHighEff pi+:SkimHighEff',
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D0:Kpi_skimhigheff -> K-:SkimHighEff pi+:SkimHighEff', cut='1.8 < M < 2.0', dmID=1, path=path)
return ['D0:Kpi_skimhigheff']
[docs]def loadStdD0_Kpipipi(path=None):
Creates a 'D0:Kpipipi' list, with an invariant mass in the range :math:`1.7 < M < 2.0~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`,
from the following particles lists:
2. 'K-:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack pi-:GoodTrack',
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D0:Kpipipi -> K-:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack pi-:GoodTrack',
cut='1.7 < M < 2.0', dmID=2, path=path)
return ['D0:Kpipipi']
[docs]def loadSkimHighEffD0_Kpipipi(path=None):
Creates a 'D0:Kpipipi_skimhigheff' list, with an invariant mass in the range :math:`1.8 < M < 2.0~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`,
from the following particles lists:
2. 'K-:SkimHighEff pi+:SkimHighEff pi+:SkimHighEff pi-:SkimHighEff',
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D0:Kpipipi_skimhigheff -> K-:SkimHighEff pi+:SkimHighEff pi+:SkimHighEff pi-:SkimHighEff',
cut='1.8 < M < 2.0', dmID=2, path=path)
return ['D0:Kpipipi_skimhigheff']
[docs]def loadStdD0_Kpipi0(path=None):
Creates a 'D0:Kpipi0' list, with an invariant mass in the range :math:`1.7 < M < 2.0~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`,
from the following particles lists:
3. 'K-:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack pi0:bth_skim',
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D0:Kpipi0 -> K-:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack pi0:bth_skim', cut='1.7 < M < 2.0', dmID=3, path=path)
return ['D0:Kpipi0']
[docs]def loadStdD0_eff20_Kpipi0(path=None):
Creates a 'D0:Kpipi0_eff20' list, with an invariant mass in the range :math:`1.8 < M < 2.0~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`,
from the following particles lists:
3. 'K-:SkimHighEff pi+:SkimHighEff pi0:eff20_May2020',
@param path modules are added to this path
decayString='D0:Kpipi0_eff20 -> K-:SkimHighEff pi+:SkimHighEff pi0:eff20_May2020',
cut='1.8 < M < 2.0',
return ['D0:Kpipi0_eff20']
[docs]def loadStdD0_Kspipi(path=None):
Creates a 'D0:Kspipi' list, with an invariant mass in the range :math:`1.7 < M < 2.0~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`,
from the following particles lists:
4. 'K_S0:merged pi+:GoodTrack pi-:GoodTrack'.
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D0:Kspipi -> K_S0:merged pi+:GoodTrack pi-:GoodTrack', cut='1.7 < M < 2.0', dmID=4, path=path)
return ['D0:Kspipi']
[docs]def loadD0_hh_loose(path):
Creates a 'D0:hh' list, with an invariant mass in the range :math:`1.5 < M < 2.2~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`,
from the following particles lists:
1. 'K+:GoodTrack pi-:GoodTrack',
2. 'K-:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack',
3. 'pi+:GoodTrack pi-:GoodTrack',
4. 'K+:GoodTrack K-:GoodTrack'.
@param path modules are added to this path
Dcuts = '1.5 < M < 2.2'
D0_hh_Channels = [
'K+:GoodTrack pi-:GoodTrack',
'K-:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack',
'pi+:GoodTrack pi-:GoodTrack',
'K+:GoodTrack K-:GoodTrack'
D0_hh_List = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(D0_hh_Channels):
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D0:D0Bar' + str(chID) + ' -> ' + channel, cut=Dcuts, dmID=chID, path=path)
D0_hh_List.append('D0:D0Bar' + str(chID))
ma.copyLists(outputListName='D0:hh', inputListNames=D0_hh_List, path=path)
return D0_hh_List
[docs]def loadD0_Kshh_loose(path):
Creates a 'D0:Kshh' list, with an invariant mass in the range :math:`1.5 < M < 2.2~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`,
from the following particles lists:
1. 'K_S0:merged pi+:GoodTrack pi-:GoodTrack',
2. 'K_S0:merged K+:GoodTrack K-:GoodTrack'.
@param path modules are added to this path
Dcuts = '1.5 < M < 2.2'
D0_Channels = [
'K_S0:merged pi+:GoodTrack pi-:GoodTrack',
'K_S0:merged K+:GoodTrack K-:GoodTrack'
D0List = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(D0_Channels):
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D0:Kshh' + str(chID) + ' -> ' + channel, cut=Dcuts, dmID=chID, path=path)
D0List.append('D0:Kshh' + str(chID))
ma.copyLists(outputListName='D0:Kshh', inputListNames=D0List, path=path)
return D0List
[docs]def loadD0_Kspi0_loose(path):
Creates a 'D0:Kspi0' list, with an invariant mass in the range :math:`1.5 < M < 2.2~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`,
from the 'K_S0:merged' and the 'pi0:bth_skim' lists.
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay('D0:Kspi0 -> K_S0:merged pi0:bth_skim', cut='1.5 < M < 2.2', path=path)
return ['D0:Kspi0']
[docs]def loadD0_Kspipipi0(path):
Creates a 'D0:Kspipipi0' list, with an invariant mass in the range :math:`1.5 < M < 2.2~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`,
from the 'K_S0:merged', 'pi+:GoodTrack', 'pi-:GoodTrack' and 'pi0:bth_skim' lists.
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay('D0:Kspipipi0 -> K_S0:merged pi+:GoodTrack pi-:GoodTrack pi0:bth_skim', '1.8 < M < 1.9', path=path)
return ['D0:Kspipipi0']
[docs]def loadStdDplus(path):
Creates a 'D+:all' list, with an invariant mass in the range :math:`1.8 < M < 1.9~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`,
from the following particles lists:
1. 'K-:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack',
2. 'K_S0:merged pi+:GoodTrack',
3. 'K_S0:merged pi+:GoodTrack pi0:bth_skim',
4. 'K-:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack pi0:bth_skim'.
@param path modules are added to this path
DplusCuts = '1.8 < M < 1.9'
Dplus_Channels = ['K-:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack',
'K_S0:merged pi+:GoodTrack',
'K_S0:merged pi+:GoodTrack pi0:bth_skim',
'K-:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack pi0:bth_skim',
DplusList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(Dplus_Channels):
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D+:all' + str(chID) + ' -> ' + channel, cut=DplusCuts, dmID=chID, path=path)
DplusList.append('D+:all' + str(chID))
ma.copyLists(outputListName='D+:all', inputListNames=DplusList, path=path)
return DplusList
[docs]def loadStdDplus_Kpipi(path=None):
Creates a 'D+:Kpipi' list, with an invariant mass in the range :math:`1.8 < M < 1.9~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`,
from the following particles lists:
1. 'K-:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack',
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D+:Kpipi -> K-:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack',
cut='1.8 < M < 1.9', dmID=1, path=path)
return ['D+:Kpipi']
[docs]def loadStdDplus_Kspi(path=None):
Creates a 'D+:Kspi' list, with an invariant mass in the range :math:`1.8 < M < 1.9~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`,
from the following particles lists:
2. 'K_S0:merged pi+:GoodTrack',
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D+:Kspi -> K_S0:merged pi+:GoodTrack', cut='1.8 < M < 1.9',
dmID=2, path=path)
return ['D+:Kspi']
[docs]def loadStdDplus_Kspipi0(path=None):
Creates a 'D+:Kspipi0' list, with an invariant mass in the range :math:`1.8 < M < 1.9~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`,
from the following particles lists:
3. 'K_S0:merged pi+:GoodTrack pi0:bth_skim',
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D+:Kspipi0 -> K_S0:merged pi+:GoodTrack pi0:bth_skim', cut='1.8 < M < 1.9',
dmID=3, path=path)
return ['D+:Kspipi0']
[docs]def loadStdDplus_Kpipipi0(path=None):
Creates a 'D+:Kpipipi0' list, with an invariant mass in the range :math:`1.8 < M < 1.9~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`,
from the following particles lists:
4. 'K-:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack pi0:bth_skim'.
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D+:Kpipipi0 -> K-:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack pi+:GoodTrack pi0:bth_skim', cut='1.8 < M < 1.9',
dmID=3, path=path)
return ['D+:Kpipipi0']
[docs]def loadStdDstar0(path):
Create a list of 'D*0:all' list, with an invariant mass cut :math:`1.95 < M < 2.05 GeV`, from the following particles lists:
- 'D0:all pi0:eff40_May2020'
- 'D0:all gamma:loose'
@param path modules are added to this path
Dstar0Cuts = 'massDifference(0) < 0.16'
D_Channels = ['D0:all pi0:eff40_May2020',
'D0:all gamma:loose']
DList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(D_Channels):
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D*0:std' + str(chID) + ' -> ' + channel, cut=Dstar0Cuts, dmID=chID, path=path)
DList.append('D*0:std' + str(chID))
ma.copyLists(outputListName='D*0:all', inputListNames=DList, path=path)
return DList
[docs]def loadStdDstar0_D0pi0_all(path=None):
Creates a 'D*0:all' list combining the 'D0:all' and 'pi0:bth_skim' lists by requiring the mass difference between D*0 and D0
to be in the range :math:`\\Delta M < 0.16~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`.
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay('D*0:all -> D0:all pi0:bth_skim', 'massDifference(0) < 0.16', path=path)
return ['D*0:all']
[docs]def loadStdDstar0_D0pi0_Kpi(path=None):
Creates a 'D*0:D0_Kpi' list combining the 'D0:Kpi' and 'pi0:bth_skim' lists by requiring the mass difference between D*0 and D0
to be in the range :math:`\\Delta M < 0.16~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`.
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D*0:D0_Kpi -> D0:Kpi pi0:bth_skim', cut='massDifference(0) < 0.16', dmID=1, path=path)
return ['D*0:D0_Kpi']
[docs]def loadStdDstar0_D0pi0_Kpipipi(path=None):
Creates a 'D*0:D0_Kpipipi' list combining the 'D0:Kpipipi' and 'pi0:bth_skim' lists by requiring the mass difference
between D*0 and D0 to be in the range :math:`\\Delta M < 0.16~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`.
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D*0:D0_Kpipipi -> D0:Kpipipi pi0:bth_skim', cut='massDifference(0) < 0.16', dmID=2, path=path)
return ['D*0:D0_Kpipipi']
[docs]def loadStdDstar0_D0pi0_Kpipi0(path=None):
Creates a 'D*0:D0_Kpipi0' list combining the 'D0:Kpipi0' and 'pi0:bth_skim' lists by requiring the mass difference
between D*0 and D0 to be in the range :math:`\\Delta M < 0.16~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`.
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D*0:D0_Kpipi0 -> D0:Kpipi0 pi0:bth_skim', cut='massDifference(0) < 0.16', dmID=3, path=path)
return ['D*0:D0_Kpipi0']
[docs]def loadStdDstar0_D0pi0_Kspipi(path=None):
Creates a 'D*0:D0_Kspipi' list combining the 'D0:Kspipi' and 'pi0:bth_skim' lists by requiring the mass difference
between D*0 and D0 to be in the range :math:`\\Delta M < 0.16~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`.
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D*0:D0_Kspipi -> D0:Kspipi pi0:bth_skim', cut='massDifference(0) < 0.16', dmID=4, path=path)
return ['D*0:D0_Kspipi']
[docs]def loadStdDstarPlus(path):
Create a list of 'D*++:all' list, with an invariant mass cut :math:`1.95 < M < 2.05 GeV`, from the following particles lists:
- 'D0:all pi+:GoodTrack'
- 'D+:all pi0:eff40_May2020'
@param path modules are added to this path
DstarPlusCuts = 'massDifference(0) < 0.16'
D_Channels = ['D0:all pi+:GoodTrack',
'D+:all pi0:eff40_May2020']
DList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(D_Channels):
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D*+:std' + str(chID) + ' -> ' + channel, cut=DstarPlusCuts, dmID=chID, path=path)
DList.append('D*+:std' + str(chID))
ma.copyLists(outputListName='D*+:all', inputListNames=DList, path=path)
return DList
[docs]def loadStdDstarPlus_D0pi_all(path=None):
Creates a 'D*+:all' list combining the 'D0:all' and 'pi+:GoodTrack' list by requiring the mass difference between D*+ and D0
to be in the range :math:`\\Delta M < 0.16~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`.
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay('D*+:all -> D0:all pi+:GoodTrack', 'massDifference(0) < 0.16', path=path)
return ['D*+:all']
[docs]def loadStdDstarPlus_D0pi_Kpi(path=None):
Creates a 'D*+:D0_Kpi' list combining the 'D0:Kpi' and 'pi+:GoodTrack' lists by requiring the mass difference between D*0 and D0
to be in the range :math:`\\Delta M < 0.16~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`.
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D*+:D0_Kpi -> D0:Kpi pi+:GoodTrack', cut='massDifference(0) < 0.16', dmID=1, path=path)
return ['D*+:D0_Kpi']
[docs]def loadSkimHighEffDstarPlus_D0pi_Kpi(path=None):
Creates a 'D*+:D0_Kpi_skimhigheff' list combining the 'D0:Kpi_skimhigheff' and 'pi+:slowPi' lists by requiring the
mass difference between D*0 and D0 to be in the range :math:`\\Delta M < 0.16~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`.
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D*+:D0_Kpi_skimhigheff -> D0:Kpi_skimhigheff pi+:slowPi',
cut='massDifference(0) < 0.16', dmID=1, path=path)
return ['D*+:D0_Kpi_skimhigheff']
[docs]def loadStdDstarPlus_D0pi_Kpipipi(path=None):
Creates a 'D*+:D0_Kpipipi' list combining the 'D0:Kpipipi' and 'pi+:GoodTrack' lists by requiring the mass difference
between D*0 and D0 to be in the range :math:`\\Delta M < 0.16~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`.
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D*+:D0_Kpipipi -> D0:Kpipipi pi+:GoodTrack', cut='massDifference(0) < 0.16', dmID=2, path=path)
return ['D*+:D0_Kpipipi']
[docs]def loadSkimHighEffDstarPlus_D0pi_Kpipipi(path=None):
Creates a 'D*+:D0_Kpipipi_skimhigheff' list combining the 'D0:Kpipipi_skimhigheff' and 'pi+:slowPi' lists
by requiring the mass difference between D*0 and D0 to be in the range :math:`\\Delta M < 0.16~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`.
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D*+:D0_Kpipipi_skimhigheff -> D0:Kpipipi_skimhigheff pi+:slowPi',
cut='massDifference(0) < 0.16', dmID=2, path=path)
return ['D*+:D0_Kpipipi_skimhigheff']
[docs]def loadStdDstarPlus_D0pi_Kpipi0(path=None):
Creates a 'D*+:D0_Kpipi0' list combining the 'D0:Kpipi0' and 'pi+:GoodTrack' lists by requiring the mass difference
between D*0 and D0 to be in the range :math:`\\Delta M < 0.16~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`.
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D*+:D0_Kpipi0 -> D0:Kpipi0 pi+:GoodTrack', cut='massDifference(0) < 0.16', dmID=3, path=path)
return ['D*+:D0_Kpipi0']
[docs]def loadStdDstarPlus_D0pi_Kpipi0_eff20(path=None):
Creates a 'D*+:D0_Kpipi0_eff20' list combining the 'D0:Kpipi0_eff20' and 'pi+:slowPi' lists by requiring the mass difference
between D*0 and D0 to be in the range :math:`\\Delta M < 0.16~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`.
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D*+:D0_Kpipi0_eff20 -> D0:Kpipi0_eff20 pi+:slowPi',
cut='massDifference(0) < 0.16', dmID=3, path=path)
return ['D*+:D0_Kpipi0_eff20']
[docs]def loadStdDstarPlus_D0pi_Kspipi(path=None):
Creates a 'D*+:D0_Kspipi' list combining the 'D0:Kspipi' and 'pi+:GoodTrack' lists by requiring the mass difference
between D*0 and D0 to be in the range :math:`\\Delta M < 0.16~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`.
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D*+:D0_Kspipi -> D0:Kspipi pi+:GoodTrack', cut='massDifference(0) < 0.16', dmID=4, path=path)
return ['D*+:D0_Kspipi']
[docs]def loadStdDstarPlus_Dpi0_Kpipi(path=None):
Creates a 'D*+:Dpi0_Kpipi' list combining the 'D+:Kpipi' and 'pi0:bth_skim' lists by requiring the mass difference
between D*0 and D0 to be in the range :math:`\\Delta M < 0.16~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`.
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='D*+:Dpi0_Kpipi -> D+:Kpipi pi0:bth_skim', cut='massDifference(0) < 0.16', dmID=4, path=path)
return ['D*+:Dpi0_Kpipi']
[docs]def loadCharmlessD0_Kpipi0(path=None):
Creates a 'D0:Kpipi0_loose' list, with an invariant mass in the range :math:`1.7 < M < 2.0~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`,
from the following particles lists:
1. 'K-:SkimVeryLoose pi+:SkimVeryLoose pi0:SkimVeryLoose',
@param path modules are added to this path
decayString='D0:Kpipi0_loose -> K-:SkimVeryLoose pi+:SkimVeryLoose pi0:charmlessFit',
cut='1.7 < M < 2.0',
return ['D0:Kpipi0_loose']