#!/usr/bin/env python3
# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration #
# #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders. #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see LICENSE.md. #
import modularAnalysis as ma
from vertex import kFit
from stdPi0s import stdPi0s
# Creates list of neutral pions for hadronic B skims following the recommendations of the neutral group
# for winter 2020.
[docs]def loadStdPi0ForBToHadrons(persistent=True, path=None):
Creates a list 'pi0:bth_skim' for :math:`B\\to {\\rm hadrons}` skims, based on recommendations of
the neutral group (avoiding ECL timing cuts) for winter 2020 and BtoCharmless for 2021. We require the energy of the photons
to be larger than :math:`22.50~{\\rm MeV}` in the forward end cap, :math:`20~{\\rm MeV}` in the barrel,
and :math:`20~{\\rm MeV}` in the backward end cap. For the :math:`\\pi^{0}`, we require the mass to be
:math:`105 < M < 150~{\\rm MeV}/c^2` and a mass-constrained KFit to converge.
stdPi0s('all', path)
ma.cutAndCopyList(outputListName='pi0:bth_skim', inputListName='pi0:all',
cut='[[daughter(0, clusterReg) == 1 and daughter(0, E) > 0.02250] or ' +
'[daughter(0, clusterReg) == 2 and daughter(0, E) > 0.020] or ' +
'[daughter(0, clusterReg) == 3 and daughter(0, E) > 0.020]] and ' +
'[[daughter(1, clusterReg) == 1 and daughter(1, E) > 0.02250] or ' +
'[daughter(1, clusterReg) == 2 and daughter(1, E) > 0.020] or ' +
'[daughter(1, clusterReg) == 3 and daughter(1, E) > 0.020]] and ' +
'M > 0.105 and M < 0.150', path=path)
kFit('pi0:bth_skim', 0.0, 'mass', path=path)
[docs]def loadStdSkimHighEffTracks(particletype, path):
Function to prepare high eff charged particle lists (:SkimHighEff).
We require only the fiducial cuts
:b2:var:`thetaInCDCAcceptance`, :b2:var:`chiProb` :math:`> 0`,
abs(:b2:var:`dr`) :math:`< 0.5~{\\rm cm}` and abs(dz) :math:` < 3~{\\rm cm}`,
and (global) PID>0.01
@param particletype type of charged particle to make a list of
@param path modules are added to this path
pidnames = {'pi': 'binaryPID(211,321)', 'K': 'binaryPID(321,211)', 'p': 'protonID', 'e': 'electronID', 'mu': 'muonID'}
# basic quality cut strings
trackQuality = 'thetaInCDCAcceptance and chiProb > 0 '
ipCut = 'abs(dr) < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 3'
goodTrack = trackQuality + ' and ' + ipCut
if particletype not in pidnames.keys():
ma.B2ERROR(f"The requested list is not a standard charged particle. Use one of {pidnames.keys()}")
pidCut = f'{pidnames[particletype]} > 0.01 and {goodTrack}'
ma.fillParticleList(particletype + '+:SkimHighEff', pidCut, True, path=path)
# Call to build all light mesons. Not recommended to use this general function as it creates many candidates
[docs]def loadStdLightMesons(persistent=True, path=None):
Create the following lists of light mesons:
- 'rho0:loose'
- 'rho0:all'
- 'rho+:loose'
- 'K*0:loose'
- 'K*0:all'
- 'K*+:loose'
- 'phi:loose'
- 'phi:all'
- 'f_0:loose'
- 'f_0:all'
- 'omega:loose'
- 'omega:all'
- 'eta:loose'
- 'eta\':loose'
- 'eta:all'
- 'eta\':all'
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
loadStdLooseRho0(persistent, path)
loadStdAllRho0(persistent, path)
loadStdLooseRhoPlus(persistent, path)
loadStdLooseKstar0(persistent, path)
loadStdAllKstar0(persistent, path)
loadStdLooseKstarPlus(persistent, path)
loadStdLoosePhi(persistent, path)
loadStdAllPhi(persistent, path)
loadStdLooseF_0(persistent, path)
loadStdAllF_0(persistent, path)
loadStdLooseOmega(persistent, path)
loadStdAllOmega(persistent, path)
loadStdLooseEta(persistent, path)
loadStdAllEta(persistent, path)
loadStdLooseEtaPrime(persistent, path)
loadStdAllEtaPrime(persistent, path)
# NoCut mesons not to be included by default
[docs]def loadStdLooseRho0(persistent=True, path=None):
Create a list of 'rho0:loose' list from 'pi-:loose pi+:loose' with :math:`0.47 < M < 1.07~GeV`
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay('rho0:loose -> pi-:loose pi+:loose', '0.47 < M < 1.07', 1, persistent, path)
return 'rho0:loose'
[docs]def loadStdAllRho0(persistent=True, path=None):
Create a list of 'rho0:all' list from 'pi-:all pi+:all' with :math:`0.47 < M < 1.07~GeV`
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay('rho0:all -> pi-:all pi+:all', '0.47 < M < 1.07', 1, persistent, path)
return 'rho0:all'
[docs]def loadStdSkimHighEffRho0(persistent=True, path=None):
Create a list of 'rho0:SkimHighEff' list from 'pi-:SkimHighEff pi+:SkimHighEff' with :math:`0.47 < M < 1.07~GeV`
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay('rho0:SkimHighEff -> pi-:SkimHighEff pi+:SkimHighEff', '0.47 < M < 1.07', 1, persistent, path)
return 'rho0:SkimHighEff'
[docs]def loadStdLooseRhoPlus(persistent=True, path=None):
Create a list of 'rho+:loose' list from 'pi0:eff40_May2020 pi+:loose' with :math:`0.47 < M < 1.07~GeV`
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay('rho+:loose -> pi+:loose pi0:eff40_May2020', '0.47 < M < 1.07', 1, persistent, path)
return 'rho+:loose'
[docs]def loadStdAllRhoPlus(persistent=True, path=None):
Create a list of 'rho+:all' list from 'pi0:bth_skim' pi+:all' with :math:`0.47 < M < 1.07~GeV`.
We apply few sanity cuts on the pi+: thetaInCDCAcceptance, abs(dr) < 0.5, and abs(dz) < 3.
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay('rho+:all -> pi+:all pi0:bth_skim ', '0.47 < M < 1.07 and ' +
'daughter(0,thetaInCDCAcceptance) > 0 and abs(daughter(0,dr)) < 0.5 and ' +
'abs(daughter(0,dz)) < 3', 1, persistent, path)
return 'rho+:all'
[docs]def loadA_1Plus(persistent=True, path=None):
Creates a 'a_1+:all' list from 'pi+:all pi+:all pi-:all' requiring :math:`0.8 < M < 1.6~{\\rm GeV}/c^2`.
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
decayString='a_1+:all -> pi+:all pi+:all pi-:all',
cut='0.8 < M < 1.6',
dmID=1, writeOut=persistent,
return 'a_1+:all'
[docs]def loadStdLooseKstar0(persistent=True, path=None):
Create a list of 'K*0:loose' list from 'pi-:loose K+:loose' with :math:`0.74 < M < 1.04~GeV`
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay('K*0:loose -> pi-:loose K+:loose', '0.74 < M < 1.04', 1, persistent, path)
return 'K*0:loose'
[docs]def loadStdAllKstar0(persistent=True, path=None):
Create a list of 'K*0:all' list from 'pi-:all K+:all' with :math:`0.74 < M < 1.04~GeV`
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay('K*0:all -> pi-:all K+:all', '0.74 < M < 1.04', 1, persistent, path)
return 'K*0:all'
[docs]def loadStdSkimHighEffKstar0(persistent=True, path=None):
Create a list of 'K*0:SkimHighEff' list from 'pi-:SkimHighEff K+:SkimHighEff' with :math:`0.74 < M < 1.04~GeV`
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay('K*0:SkimHighEff -> pi-:SkimHighEff K+:SkimHighEff', '0.74 < M < 1.04', 1, persistent, path)
return 'K*0:SkimHighEff'
[docs]def loadStdLooseKstarPlus(persistent=True, path=None):
Create a list of 'K*+:loose' list from 'pi+:loose K_S0:merged' with :math:`0.74 < M < 1.04~GeV`
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay('K*+:loose -> pi+:loose K_S0:merged', '0.74 < M < 1.04', 1, persistent, path)
return 'K*+:loose'
[docs]def loadStdAllKstarPlus(persistent=True, path=None):
Create a list of 'K*+:all' list from 'pi+:all K_S0:merged' with :math:`0.74 < M < 1.04~GeV`
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay('K*+:all -> pi+:all K_S0:merged', '0.74 < M < 1.04', 1, persistent, path)
return 'K*+:all'
[docs]def loadStdAllPhi(persistent=True, path=None):
Create a list of 'phi:all' list from 'K+:all K-:all' with :math:`0.97 < M < 1.1~GeV`
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay('phi:all -> K+:all K-:all', '0.97 < M < 1.1', 1, persistent, path)
return 'phi:all'
[docs]def loadStdSkimHighEffPhi(persistent=True, path=None):
Create a list of 'phi:SkimHighEff' list from 'K+:SkimHighEff K-:SkimHighEff' with :math:`0.97 < M < 1.1~GeV`
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay('phi:SkimHighEff -> K+:SkimHighEff K-:SkimHighEff', '0.97 < M < 1.1', 1, persistent, path)
return 'phi:SkimHighEff'
[docs]def loadStdLoosePhi(persistent=True, path=None):
Create a list of 'phi:loose' list from 'K+:loose K-:loose' with :math:`0.97 < M < 1.1~GeV`
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay('phi:loose -> K+:loose K-:loose', '0.97 < M < 1.1', 1, persistent, path)
return 'phi:loose'
[docs]def loadStdAllF_0(persistent=True, path=None):
Create a list of 'f_0:all' list from 'pi+:all pi-:all' with :math:`0.78 < M < 1.18~GeV`
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay('f_0:all -> pi+:all pi-:all', '0.78 < M < 1.18', 1, persistent, path)
return 'f_0:all'
[docs]def loadStdSkimHighEffF_0(persistent=True, path=None):
Create a list of 'f_0:SkimHighEff' list from 'pi+:SkimHighEff pi-:SkimHighEff' with :math:`0.78 < M < 1.18~GeV`
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay('f_0:SkimHighEff -> pi+:SkimHighEff pi-:SkimHighEff', '0.78 < M < 1.18', 1, persistent, path)
return 'f_0:SkimHighEff'
[docs]def loadStdLooseF_0(persistent=True, path=None):
Create a list of 'f_0:loose' list from 'pi+:loose pi1:loose' with :math:`0.78 < M < 1.18~GeV`
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay('f_0:loose -> pi+:loose pi-:loose', '0.78 < M < 1.18', 1, persistent, path)
return 'f_0:loose'
[docs]def loadStdAllOmega(persistent=True, path=None):
Create a list of 'omega:all' list from 'pi0:eff40_May2020 pi-:all pi+:all' with :math:`0.73 < M < 0.83~GeV`
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay('omega:all -> pi0:eff40_May2020 pi-:all pi+:all', '0.73 < M < 0.83', 1, persistent, path)
return 'omega:all'
[docs]def loadStdSkimHighEffOmega(persistent=True, path=None):
Create a list of 'omega:SkimHighEff' list from 'pi0:eff40_May2020 pi-:SkimHighEff pi+:SkimHighEff'
with :math:`0.73 < M < 0.83~GeV`
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
'omega:SkimHighEff -> pi0:eff40_May2020 pi-:SkimHighEff pi+:SkimHighEff',
'0.73 < M < 0.83',
return 'omega:SkimHighEff'
[docs]def loadStdLooseOmega(persistent=True, path=None):
Create a list of 'omega:loose' list from 'pi0:eff40_May2020 pi-:loose pi+:loose' with :math:`0.73 < M < 0.83~GeV`
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay('omega:loose -> pi0:eff40_May2020 pi-:loose pi+:loose', '0.73 < M < 0.83', 1, persistent, path)
return 'omega:loose'
[docs]def loadStdWideOmega(persistent=True, path=None):
Create the list 'omega:wide' of omega mesons within the wide mass range :math:`0.71 < M < 0.85~GeV`
from two oppositely charged pions that come from close to the IP, are inside the CDC acceptance,
and fulfill a loose PID criterion, and a neutral pion from the 'pi0:skim' list, which isn't
slow :math:`p > 0.25~GeV` and whose mass is above :math:`0.11~GeV`.
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.fillParticleList('pi+:wideOmega', 'dr < 1 and abs(dz) < 3 and thetaInCDCAcceptance and pionID > 0.1', path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList('pi0:wideOmega', 'pi0:skim', 'p > 0.25 and 0.11 < InvM < 0.15', path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay('omega:wide -> pi+:wideOmega pi-:wideOmega pi0:wideOmega', '0.71 < M < 0.85',
writeOut=persistent, path=path)
return 'omega:wide'
[docs]def loadStdAllEta(persistent=True, path=None):
Create a list of 'eta:all' list from 'gamma:all gamma:all' (dmID=1) and 'pi0:eff40_May2020 pi-:all pi+:all'
(dmID=2), with :math:`0.4< M < 0.6~GeV`
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay('eta:all1 -> gamma:all gamma:all', '0.4 < M < 0.6', 1, persistent, path)
ma.reconstructDecay('eta:all2 -> pi0:eff40_May2020 pi-:all pi+:all', '0.4 < M < 0.6', 2, persistent, path)
ma.copyLists('eta:all', ['eta:all1', 'eta:all2'], persistent, path)
return 'eta:all'
[docs]def loadStdPhotonCutEta(persistent=True, path=None):
Create the list 'eta:gm' of eta mesons with :math:`0.35 < M < 0.7~GeV` from two photons with minimal energy of :math:`50~MeV`
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
etacuts = "0.35 < M < 0.7 and daughterLowest(E) > 0.05"
ma.reconstructDecay('eta:gm -> gamma:all gamma:all', etacuts, 1, persistent, path)
return 'eta:gm'
[docs]def loadStdSkimHighEffEta(persistent=True, path=None):
Create a list of 'eta:SkimHighEff' list from 'gamma:tight gamma:tight' (dmID=1) and
'pi0:eff40_May2020 pi-:SkimHighEff pi+:SkimHighEff'
(dmID=2), with :math:`0.4< M < 0.6~GeV`
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay('eta:SkimHighEff1 -> gamma:tight gamma:tight', '0.4 < M < 0.6', 1, persistent, path)
'eta:SkimHighEff2 -> pi0:eff40_May2020 pi-:SkimHighEff pi+:SkimHighEff',
'0.4 < M < 0.6',
ma.copyLists('eta:SkimHighEff', ['eta:SkimHighEff1', 'eta:SkimHighEff2'], persistent, path)
return 'eta:SkimHighEff'
[docs]def loadStdLooseEta(persistent=True, path=None):
Create a list of 'eta:loose' list from 'gamma:loose gamma:loose' (dmID=1) and 'pi0:eff40_May2020 pi-:loose pi+:loose'
(dmID=2), with :math:`0.4< M < 0.6~GeV`
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay('eta:loose1 -> gamma:loose gamma:loose', '0.4 < M < 0.6', 1, persistent, path)
ma.reconstructDecay('eta:loose2 -> pi0:eff40_May2020 pi-:loose pi+:loose', '0.4 < M < 0.6', 2, persistent, path)
ma.copyLists('eta:loose', ['eta:loose1', 'eta:loose2'], persistent, path)
return 'eta:loose'
[docs]def loadStdAllEtaPrime(persistent=True, path=None):
Create a list of 'eta\':all' list from 'pi+:all pi-:all gamma:all' (dmID=1) and 'pi+:all pi-:all eta:all'
(dmID=2), with :math:`0.8< M < 1.1~GeV`
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay('eta\':all1 -> pi+:all pi-:all gamma:all', '0.8 < M < 1.1', 1, persistent, path)
ma.reconstructDecay('eta\':all2 -> pi+:all pi-:all eta:all', '0.8 < M < 1.1', 2, persistent, path)
ma.reconstructDecay('eta\':all3 -> rho0:all gamma:all', '0.8 < M < 1.1', 3, persistent, path)
ma.copyLists('eta\':all', ['eta\':all1', 'eta\':all2', 'eta\':all3'], persistent, path)
return 'eta\':all'
[docs]def loadStdSkimHighEffEtaPrime(persistent=True, path=None):
Create a list of 'eta\':SkimHighEff' list from 'pi+:SkimHighEff pi-:SkimHighEff gamma:tight' (dmID=1)
and 'pi+:SkimHighEff pi-:SkimHighEff eta:SkimHighEff'
(dmID=2), with :math:`0.8< M < 1.1~GeV`
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.reconstructDecay('eta\':SkimHighEff1 -> pi+:SkimHighEff pi-:SkimHighEff gamma:tight', '0.8 < M < 1.1', 1, persistent, path)
'eta\':SkimHighEff2 -> pi+:SkimHighEff pi-:SkimHighEff eta:SkimHighEff',
'0.8 < M < 1.1',
ma.copyLists('eta\':SkimHighEff', ['eta\':SkimHighEff1', 'eta\':SkimHighEff2'], persistent, path)
return 'eta\':SkimHighEff'
[docs]def loadStdLooseEtaPrime(persistent=True, path=None):
Create a list of 'eta\':loose' list from 'pi+:loose pi-:loose gamma:loose' (dmID=1) and 'pi+:loose pi-:loose eta:loose'
(dmID=2), with :math:`0.8< M < 1.1~GeV`
@param persistent whether RootOutput module should save the created ParticleLists (default True)
@param path modules are added to this path
ma.cutAndCopyList('gamma:etaprg', 'gamma:loose', 'E>0.1')
ma.reconstructDecay('eta\':loose1 -> pi+:loose pi-:loose gamma:etaprg', '0.8 < M < 1.1 and ', 1, persistent, path)
ma.reconstructDecay('eta\':loose2 -> pi+:loose pi-:loose eta:loose', '0.8 < M < 1.1', 2, persistent, path)
ma.copyLists('eta\':loose', ['eta\':loose1', 'eta\':loose2'], persistent, path)
return 'eta\':loose'