Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
10 #include <framework/gearbox/Unit.h>
11 #include <generators/aafh/AAFHInterface.h>
12 #include <TRandom3.h>
13 #include <TDatabasePDG.h>
14 #include <Math/Vector4D.h>
15 #include <algorithm>
16 #include <array>
17 #include <iomanip>
19 using namespace Belle2;
21 extern "C" {
23  double aafhdiag36_rndm_(int*)
24  {
25  return gRandom->Rndm();
26  }
28  double aafhdiag36_rnf100_(int*)
29  {
30  return gRandom->Rndm();
31  }
33  void aafhdiag36_esft_maxed_(const double* weight)
34  {
35  B2ERROR("AAFH: Maximum weight to small, increase maxFinalWeight to at least "
36  << *weight);
37  }
39  void aafhdiag36_eswe_maxed_(const double* weight)
40  {
41  B2ERROR("AAFH: Maximum weight to small, increase maxSubGeneratorWeight to at least "
42  << *weight);
43  }
46  extern void aafhdiag36_init_();
48  extern void aafhdiag36_event_(int*);
50  extern void aafhdiag36_finish_();
54  extern struct {
55  double eb;
56  double eswe;
57  double esft;
58  double wap[4];
59  double wbp[4];
60  double vap[4];
61  } input_;
65  extern struct {
66  double w2min;
67  double w2max;
68  } bound_;
71  extern struct {
72  int iproc;
73  int irejec;
74  int idump[4];
75  int info;
76  int itot;
77  } input2_;
80  extern struct {
81  double face;
82  double facl;
83  double facm;
84  double proc;
85  } factor_;
90  extern struct {
91  double q1[5];
92  double q2[5];
93  double q3[5];
94  double q4[5];
95  double q5[5];
96  double q6[5];
97  } momenz_;
101  extern struct {
102  double crosec;
103  double ercros;
104  } output_;
107  extern struct {
108  double xm;
109  double xmu;
110  double xml;
111  double xm2;
112  double xmu2;
113  double xml2;
114  } masses_;
117  extern struct {
118  double qcharg;
119  double qchrg2;
120  double qchrg3;
121  double qchrg4;
122  } charge_;
125  extern struct {
126  double swe[4];
127  double swek[4];
128  double mwe[4];
129  double sum;
130  double sumk;
131  double maxwe;
132  int iwe[4];
133  int igen;
134  } westat_;
137  extern struct {
138  double sumft;
139  double sumft2;
140  double ftmax;
141  int ieen;
142  } ftstat_;
143 };
147 {
148  input2_.itot = tries;
149 }
151 void AAFHInterface::setGeneratorWeights(const std::vector<double>& weights)
152 {
153  if (weights.size() > 8) {
154  B2WARNING("AAFH: more than 8 generator weights supplied, "
155  "ignoring the extra weights");
156  } else if (weights.size() > 4 && weights.size() < 8) {
157  B2WARNING("AAFH: more than 4 but less than 8 generator weights supplied, "
158  "ignoring everything afer the first four");
159  } else if (weights.size() < 4) {
160  B2ERROR("AAFH: not enough generator weights, need exactly four or eight values");
161  }
162  std::copy_n(weights.begin(), 4, input_.wap);
163  if (weights.size() >= 8) {
164  std::copy_n(weights.begin() + 4, 4, input_.wbp);
165  }
166 }
168 void AAFHInterface::setMaxWeights(double subgeneratorWeight, double finalWeight)
169 {
170  input_.eswe = subgeneratorWeight;
171  input_.esft = finalWeight;
172 }
174 void AAFHInterface::setSupressionLimits(std::vector<double> limits)
175 {
176  if (limits.size() == 1) {
177  B2WARNING("AAFH: Only one suppression limit supplied, using same value for all limits");
178  factor_.face = limits[0];
179  factor_.facm = limits[0];
180  factor_.facl = limits[0];
181  factor_.proc = limits[0];
182  } else if (limits.size() == 4) {
183  factor_.face = limits[0];
184  factor_.facm = limits[1];
185  factor_.facl = limits[2];
186  factor_.proc = limits[3];
187  } else {
188  B2ERROR("AAFH: Wrong number of suppression limits: supply either one or 4 values");
189  }
190 }
193 {
194  return input2_.itot;
195 }
197 std::vector<double> AAFHInterface::getGeneratorWeights() const
198 {
199  std::vector<double> weights(8);
200  std::copy_n(input_.wap, 4, weights.begin());
201  std::copy_n(input_.wbp, 4, weights.begin() + 4);
202  return weights;
203 }
206 {
207  return input_.eswe;
208 }
211 {
212  return input_.esft;
213 }
215 std::vector<double> AAFHInterface::getSuppressionLimits() const
216 {
217  return {factor_.face, factor_.facm, factor_.facl, factor_.proc};
218 }
221 {
222  return output_.crosec * Unit::nb;
223 }
226 {
227  return output_.ercros * Unit::nb;
228 }
230 void AAFHInterface::initialize(double beamEnergy, EMode mode, ERejection rejection)
231 {
232  input_.eb = beamEnergy;
233  //minimum invariant mass is in units of beam energy and needs to be squared
234  bound_.w2min = (m_minMass / beamEnergy) * (m_minMass / beamEnergy);
235  //set mode and rejection scheme
236  input2_.iproc = mode;
237  input2_.irejec = rejection;
239  //initialize the L
240  auto* part = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(m_particle.c_str());
241  if (!part) {
242  B2ERROR("AAFH: Particle '" << m_particle << "' does not exist");
243  return;
244  }
245  //set the mass in units of beam energy
246  masses_.xml = part->Mass() / beamEnergy;
247  //set the charge but with opposite sign
248  charge_.qcharg = -part->Charge() / 3.0;
249  //and remember pdg code
250  m_particlePDG = part->PdgCode();
252  aafhdiag36_init_();
253 }
255 void AAFHInterface::updateParticle(MCParticleGraph::GraphParticle& p, double* q, int pdg, bool isInitial)
256 {
257  // all values in q are in units of beam energy
258  // z-direction inversed since AAFH uses different convention
259  ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector vec(-q[0]*input_.eb, -q[1]*input_.eb, -q[2]*input_.eb, q[3]*input_.eb);
260  p.set4Vector(vec);
262  // mass is multiplied by charge sign so take the absolute
263  p.setMass(fabs(q[4])*input_.eb);
264  p.setPDG(pdg);
267  if (isInitial) {
268  p.addStatus(MCParticle::c_Initial);
269  }
270 }
273 {
274  int status {0};
275  aafhdiag36_event_(&status);
276  if (status != 0) {
277  B2ERROR("Failed to generate event after " << status << " tries, giving up");
278  return;
279  }
281  //initial beam particles
282  auto& p1 = mpg.addParticle();
283  auto& p2 = mpg.addParticle();
285  //generated particles
286  auto& p3 = mpg.addParticle();
287  auto& p4 = mpg.addParticle();
288  auto& p5 = mpg.addParticle();
289  auto& p6 = mpg.addParticle();
291  //array of generated particle pdg codes depends on generated mode
292  std::array<int, 4> pdg {{0}};
293  switch (input2_.iproc) {
294  case c_MuonParticle:
295  pdg = {{m_particlePDG, -m_particlePDG, 13, -13}};
296  break;
297  case c_MuonMuon:
298  pdg = {{13, -13, 13, -13}};
299  break;
300  case c_ElectonMuon:
301  pdg = {{11, -11, 13, -13}};
302  break;
303  case c_ElectronParticle:
304  pdg = {{11, -11, m_particlePDG, -m_particlePDG}};
305  break;
306  case c_ElectonElectron:
307  pdg = {{11, -11, 11, -11}};
308  break;
309  }
311  updateParticle(p1, momenz_.q1, 11, true);
312  updateParticle(p2, momenz_.q2, -11, true);
313  updateParticle(p3, momenz_.q3, pdg[0]);
314  updateParticle(p4, momenz_.q4, pdg[1]);
315  updateParticle(p5, momenz_.q5, pdg[2]);
316  updateParticle(p6, momenz_.q6, pdg[3]);
317 }
320 {
321  aafhdiag36_finish_();
322  // The following code just prints the results. If B2RESULT has been compiled
323  // out this is unneccesary and cppcheck complains so we enclose this in an
324  // ifdef to only be executed if B2RESULT might actually be shown
325 #ifndef LOG_NO_B2RESULT
326  B2RESULT("AAFH Generation finished.");
327  B2RESULT("Final cross section: "
328  << std::setprecision(3) << output_.crosec << "+-"
329  << std::setprecision(3) << output_.ercros << " nb");
330  B2RESULT("Minimum invariant mass: "
331  << sqrt(bound_.w2min)*input_.eb << " GeV");
332  B2RESULT("Maximum invariant mass: "
333  << sqrt(bound_.w2max)*input_.eb << " GeV");
334  B2RESULT("Maximum subgenerator weight: " << westat_.maxwe << " ("
335  << westat_.mwe[0] << ", "
336  << westat_.mwe[1] << ", "
337  << westat_.mwe[2] << ", "
338  << westat_.mwe[3] << ")");
339  B2RESULT("Maximum final weight: " << ftstat_.ftmax);
340  //The fortran source says that it's advisable if all subgenerators have the
341  //same probability to account for all peaks in the differental cross section
342  //and that it runs with the highest efficiency when the maximum weights in
343  //all sub generators are equal. So let's calculate appropriate subgenerator
344  //weights by looking how many events were generated per sub generator or the
345  //maximum weights
346  std::array<double, 4> idealWAP;
347  std::array<double, 4> idealWBP;
348  //find the first non-zero weight
349  int reference = 0;
350  for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
351  if (input_.wap[i] != 0) {
352  reference = i;
353  break;
354  }
355  }
356  //and use that es reference
357  const double w0 = westat_.mwe[reference] * input_.wbp[reference];
358  const double n0 = westat_.iwe[reference] / input_.wap[reference];
359  //now calculate the relative weights we need to get
360  //1) same maximum weight which is inversely proportional to to wbp
361  //2) same number of generated events which is proportional to wap
362  for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
363  if (input_.wap[i] == 0) {
364  idealWBP[i] = input_.wbp[i];
365  idealWAP[i] = 0;
366  } else {
367  idealWBP[i] = (westat_.mwe[i] * input_.wbp[i]) / w0;
368  idealWAP[i] = n0 * input_.wap[i] / westat_.iwe[i];
369  //and normalize to 1.0
370  idealWAP[i] /= idealWAP[reference];
371  }
372  }
374  B2RESULT("To get the same maximum event weight and chance for each sub "
375  "generator use these parameters:");
376  B2RESULT(" 'maxFinalWeight': " << std::setprecision(3)
377  << ftstat_.ftmax * 1.1 << ",");
378  B2RESULT(" 'maxSubgeneratorWeight': " << std::setprecision(3)
379  << westat_.maxwe * 1.1 << ",");
380  B2RESULT(" 'subgeneratorWeights': [" << std::scientific
381  << std::setprecision(3) << idealWAP[0] << ", "
382  << std::setprecision(3) << idealWAP[1] << ", "
383  << std::setprecision(3) << idealWAP[2] << ", "
384  << std::setprecision(3) << idealWAP[3] << ", ");
385  B2RESULT(" " << std::scientific
386  << std::setprecision(3) << idealWBP[0] << ", "
387  << std::setprecision(3) << idealWBP[1] << ", "
388  << std::setprecision(3) << idealWBP[2] << ", "
389  << std::setprecision(3) << idealWBP[3] << "],");
390 #endif
391 }
int m_particlePDG
pdg of the particle for modes c_MuonParticle and c_ElectronParticle, gets set in initialize()
double m_minMass
minimum invariant mass
double getMaxSubGeneratorWeight() const
Get the maximum expected final weight for the rejection method.
Rejection mode.
Definition: AAFHInterface.h:46
void updateParticle(MCParticleGraph::GraphParticle &p, double *q, int pdg, bool isInitial=false)
update particle with generated values
double getTotalCrossSectionError() const
Return error on the total cross section.
double getTotalCrossSection() const
Return total cross section.
std::string m_particle
name of the particle for modes c_MuonParticle and c_ElectronParticle
void finish()
calculate total cross section
void generateEvent(MCParticleGraph &mpg)
generate one event and add it to the graph in CMS
void initialize(double beamEnergy, EMode mode, ERejection rejection)
initialize the generator
Generation mode.
Definition: AAFHInterface.h:32
@ c_ElectonElectron
E+E- -> E+E-E+E-.
Definition: AAFHInterface.h:42
@ c_ElectonMuon
E+E- -> E+E-Mu+Mu-.
Definition: AAFHInterface.h:38
@ c_MuonParticle
E+E- -> Mu+Mu-L+L- where L can be anything, defaults to tau.
Definition: AAFHInterface.h:34
@ c_MuonMuon
E+E- -> Mu+Mu-Mu+Mu-.
Definition: AAFHInterface.h:36
@ c_ElectronParticle
E+E- -> E+E-L+L- where L can be anything, defaults to tau.
Definition: AAFHInterface.h:40
void setMaxWeights(double subgeneratorWeight, double finalWeight)
Set the maximum expected weights for the rejection method.
void setMaxTries(int tries)
Set the maximum number of tries to generate an event.
std::vector< double > getSuppressionLimits() const
Get suppression limits.
void setSupressionLimits(std::vector< double > limits)
Set the suppression limits when calculation the matrix elements.
int getMaxTries() const
Get the maximum number of tries to generate an event.
void setGeneratorWeights(const std::vector< double > &weights)
Set the relative weights for the sub generators.
double getMaxFinalWeight() const
Get the maximum expected subgenerator weight for the rejection method.
std::vector< double > getGeneratorWeights() const
Get the relative weights for the sub generators.
Class to represent Particle data in graph.
Class to build, validate and sort a particle decay chain.
@ c_Initial
bit 5: Particle is initial such as e+ or e- and not going to Geant4
Definition: MCParticle.h:57
@ c_PrimaryParticle
bit 0: Particle is primary particle.
Definition: MCParticle.h:47
@ c_StableInGenerator
bit 1: Particle is stable, i.e., not decaying in the generator.
Definition: MCParticle.h:49
static const double nb
Definition: Unit.h:84
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
GraphParticle & addParticle()
Add new particle to the graph.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.