Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 /* Own header. */
10 #include <online_book/awesome/modules/AWESOMEBasic/AWESOMEBasicModule.h>
12 /* Basf2 headers. */
13 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
15 /* --------- WARNING ------------------------------------------------------
16  * If you have more complex parameter types in your class then simple int,
17  * double or std::vector of those you might need to uncomment the following
18  * include directive to avoid an undefined reference on compilation.
19  * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
20 // #include <framework/core/ModuleParam.templateDetails.h>
22 using namespace Belle2;
23 using namespace Belle2::AWESOME;
33  Module(),
34  m_intParameter{0},
35  m_doubleParameter{0},
36  m_stringParameter{""}
37 {
38  setDescription("Here you can enter a description of the module which can be displayed during runtime.");
39  /* We can define parameters which can be set from the steering file. The arguments are:
40  * name, reference to the veriable where the value will be stored, description, default value.
41  * If the default value is ommited the user has to specify this parameter, otherwise an error is produced. */
42  addParam("intParameter", m_intParameter,
43  "Useless parameter of type integer", 0);
44  addParam("doubleParameter", m_doubleParameter,
45  "Useless parameter of type double", 0.0);
46  addParam("stringParameter", m_stringParameter,
47  "Useless parameter of type string", std::string{""});
48  addParam("doubleListParameter", m_doubleListParameter,
49  "Useless parameter of type vector<double>", std::vector<double> {3, 0});
51  //Valid parameter types are int, double, string, bool and vectors of any of those
52 }
55 {
56  B2INFO("AWESOMEBasic: initialize.");
67  m_SimHits.isRequired();
69 }
72 {
73  B2INFO("AWESOMEBasic: begin of new run.");
78 }
81 {
82  B2INFO("AWESOMEBasic: event is being processed.");
83  /* Let's try a simple loop over the simulated hits. */
84  for (const AWESOMESimHit& hit : m_SimHits) {
89  int mcArrayIndex = -1;
90  int pdgCode = 0;
91  /* We assume there is only a single MCParticle related to the hit. */
92  MCParticle* mcParticle = hit.getRelated<MCParticle>();
93  if (mcParticle) {
94  mcArrayIndex = mcParticle->getArrayIndex();
95  pdgCode = mcParticle->getPDG();
96  }
97  B2INFO("AWESOMESimHit #" << hit.getArrayIndex()
98  << " has an energy deposition of " << hit.getEnergyDep()
99  << " and is related to MCParticle #" << mcArrayIndex
100  << " which has a PDG code " << pdgCode);
101  }
102  /* Now let's do it the other way round. */
103  for (const MCParticle& mcParticle : m_MCParticles) {
109  for (const AWESOMESimHit& hit : mcParticle.getRelationsWith<AWESOMESimHit>())
110  B2INFO("MCParticle #" << mcParticle.getArrayIndex()
111  << " which has a PDG code " << mcParticle.getPDG()
112  << " created the AWESOMESimHit #" << hit.getArrayIndex()
113  << " which has an energy deposition of " << hit.getEnergyDep());
114  }
115 }
118 {
119  B2INFO("AWESOMEBasic: end of run.");
120  /* Here you can do some cleanup after each run. */
121 }
125 {
126  B2INFO("AWESOMEBasic: terminate.");
127  /* Here you can do some final cleanup. */
128 }
A Geant4 simulated hit for the AWESOME detector.
Definition: AWESOMESimHit.h:33
std::string m_stringParameter
Useless variable showing how to create string parameters.
void initialize() override
Initialize the module.
void event() override
Called for each event.
void endRun() override
Called for each end of run.
void terminate() override
Called on termination.
StoreArray< AWESOMESimHit > m_SimHits
AWESOME simulated hits.
void beginRun() override
Called for each begin of run.
double m_doubleParameter
Useless variable showing how to create double parameters.
int m_intParameter
Useless variable showing how to create integer parameters.
std::vector< double > m_doubleListParameter
Useless variable showing how to create array parameters.
StoreArray< MCParticle > m_MCParticles
MC particles.
A Class to store the Monte Carlo particle information.
Definition: MCParticle.h:32
int getArrayIndex() const
Get 0-based index of the particle in the corresponding MCParticle list.
Definition: MCParticle.h:244
int getPDG() const
Return PDG code of particle.
Definition: MCParticle.h:112
Base class for Modules.
Definition: Module.h:72
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
bool isRequired(const std::string &name="")
Ensure this array/object has been registered previously.
bool requireRelationTo(const StoreArray< TO > &toArray, DataStore::EDurability durability=DataStore::c_Event, const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Produce error if no relation from this array to 'toArray' has been registered.
Definition: StoreArray.h:155
Register the Module.
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.