Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
8 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/legendre/quadtree/AxialHitQuadTreeProcessor.h>
10 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/eventdata/hits/CDCWireHit.h>
12 #include <array>
13 #include <vector>
15 #include <TF1.h>
16 #include <TCanvas.h>
17 #include <TGraph.h>
18 #include <TAxis.h>
20 using namespace Belle2;
21 using namespace TrackFindingCDC;
23 namespace {
24  bool sameSign(double n1, double n2, double n3, double n4)
25  {
26  return ((n1 > 0 && n2 > 0 && n3 > 0 && n4 > 0) || (n1 < 0 && n2 < 0 && n3 < 0 && n4 < 0));
27  }
30  YSpan splitCurvSpan(const YSpan& curvSpan, int nodeLevel, int lastLevel, int j)
31  {
32  const float meanCurv = curvSpan[0] + (curvSpan[1] - curvSpan[0]) / 2.0;
33  const std::array<float, 3> binBounds{curvSpan[0], meanCurv, curvSpan[1]};
34  const float binWidth = binBounds[j + 1] - binBounds[j];
36  const bool standardBinning = (nodeLevel <= lastLevel - 7) or (std::fabs(meanCurv) <= 0.005);
37  if (standardBinning) {
38  // B2INFO("Case 1* " << meanCurv << " " << (meanCurv <= 0.005));
39  float curv1 = binBounds[j];
40  float curv2 = binBounds[j + 1];
42  // Standard bin division
43  return {curv1, curv2};
44  }
46  // Non-standard binning
47  // For level 6 to 7 only expand 1 / 4, for higher levels expand 1 / 8.
48  // (assuming last level == 12)
49  if (nodeLevel < lastLevel - 5) {
50  // B2INFO("Case 2*");
51  float curv1 = binBounds[j] - binWidth / 4.;
52  float curv2 = binBounds[j + 1] + binWidth / 4.;
53  return {curv1, curv2};
54  } else {
55  // B2INFO("Case 3*");
56  float curv1 = binBounds[j] - binWidth / 8.;
57  float curv2 = binBounds[j + 1] + binWidth / 8.;
58  return {curv1, curv2};
59  }
60  }
62 }
64 std::vector<float> AxialHitQuadTreeProcessor::createCurvBound(YSpan curvSpan, int lastLevel)
65 {
66  std::vector<YSpan> spans{{curvSpan}};
68  std::vector<YSpan> nextSpans;
69  for (int level = 1; level <= lastLevel; ++level) {
70  nextSpans.clear();
71  for (const YSpan& span : spans) {
72  nextSpans.push_back(splitCurvSpan(span, level, lastLevel, 0));
73  nextSpans.push_back(splitCurvSpan(span, level, lastLevel, 1));
74  }
75  spans.swap(nextSpans);
76  }
78  std::vector<float> bounds;
79  for (const YSpan& span : spans) {
80  bounds.push_back(span[0]);
81  bounds.push_back(span[1]);
82  }
84  assert(bounds.size() == std::pow(2, lastLevel));
85  return bounds;
86 }
89 {
90  static const int maxLevel = PrecisionUtil::getLookupGridLevel();
91  static const int nBins = std::pow(2, maxLevel);
92  static LookupTable<Vector2D> trigonometricLookUpTable(&Vector2D::Phi, nBins, -M_PI, M_PI);
93  return trigonometricLookUpTable;
94 }
97  int seedLevel,
98  const XYSpans& ranges,
99  PrecisionUtil::PrecisionFunction precisionFunction)
100  : QuadTreeProcessor(lastLevel, seedLevel, ranges)
101  , m_cosSinLookupTable(&getCosSinLookupTable())
102  , m_localOrigin(0.0, 0.0)
103  , m_precisionFunction(precisionFunction)
104 {
105  m_twoSidedPhaseSpace = m_quadTree->getYMin() * m_quadTree->getYMax() < 0;
106 }
109  const YSpan& curvSpan,
110  const LookupTable<Vector2D>* cosSinLookupTable)
111  : QuadTreeProcessor(0, 0, { {0, cosSinLookupTable->getNPoints() - 1}, curvSpan})
112 , m_cosSinLookupTable(cosSinLookupTable)
113 , m_localOrigin(localOrigin)
114 {
115  // Never use two sided mode in off origin extension
116  m_twoSidedPhaseSpace = false;
117 }
121 {
122  if (node->getLevel() <= 6) return false;
123  if (node->getLevel() >= getLastLevel()) return true;
125  const double nodeResolution = fabs(node->getYMin() - node->getYMax());
126  const double meanCurv = (node->getYMax() + node->getYMin()) / 2;
128  const double resolution = m_precisionFunction(meanCurv);
129  if (resolution >= nodeResolution) return true;
131  return false;
132 }
136 {
137  const int nodeLevel = node->getLevel();
138  const int lastLevel = getLastLevel();
139  const float meanCurv = std::fabs(node->getYMax() + node->getYMin()) / 2;
141  // Expand bins for all nodes 7 levels before the last level (for lastLevel = 12 starting at 6)
142  // but only in a curvature region higher than 0.005. Lower than that use always standard.
143  bool standardBinning = (nodeLevel <= lastLevel - 7) or (meanCurv <= 0.005);
145  if (standardBinning) {
146  float r1 = node->getYLowerBound(j);
147  float r2 = node->getYUpperBound(j);
148  long theta1 = node->getXLowerBound(i);
149  long theta2 = node->getXUpperBound(i);
151  // Standard bin division
152  return XYSpans({theta1, theta2}, {r1, r2});
153  }
155  // Non-standard binning
156  // For level 6 to 7 only expand 1 / 4, for higher levels expand 1 / 8.
157  // (assuming last level == 12)
158  if (nodeLevel < lastLevel - 5) {
159  float r1 = node->getYLowerBound(j) - node->getYBinWidth(j) / 4.;
160  float r2 = node->getYUpperBound(j) + node->getYBinWidth(j) / 4.;
162  // long extension = pow(2, lastLevel - nodeLevel) / 4; is same as:
163  long extension = pow(2, lastLevel - nodeLevel - 2);
165  long theta1 = node->getXLowerBound(i) - extension;
166  if (theta1 < 0) theta1 = 0;
168  long theta2 = node->getXUpperBound(i) + extension;
169  if (theta2 >= m_cosSinLookupTable->getNPoints()) {
170  theta2 = m_cosSinLookupTable->getNPoints() - 1;
171  }
173  return XYSpans({theta1, theta2}, {r1, r2});
174  } else {
175  float r1 = node->getYLowerBound(j) - node->getYBinWidth(j) / 8.;
176  float r2 = node->getYUpperBound(j) + node->getYBinWidth(j) / 8.;
178  // long extension = pow(2, lastLevel - nodeLevel) / 8; is same as
179  long extension = pow(2, lastLevel - nodeLevel - 3);
181  long theta1 = node->getXLowerBound(i) - extension;
182  if (theta1 < 0) theta1 = 0;
184  long theta2 = node->getXUpperBound(i) + extension;
185  if (theta2 >= m_cosSinLookupTable->getNPoints()) {
186  theta2 = m_cosSinLookupTable->getNPoints() - 1;
187  }
189  return XYSpans({theta1, theta2}, {r1, r2});
190  }
191 }
193 bool AxialHitQuadTreeProcessor::isInNode(QuadTree* node, const CDCWireHit* wireHit) const
194 {
195  // Check whether the hit lies in the forward direction
196  if (node->getLevel() <= 4 and m_twoSidedPhaseSpace and node->getYMin() > -c_curlCurv and
197  node->getYMax() < c_curlCurv) {
198  if (not checkDerivative(node, wireHit)) return false;
199  }
201  const double& l = wireHit->getRefDriftLength();
202  const Vector2D& pos2D = wireHit->getRefPos2D() - m_localOrigin;
203  double r2 = pos2D.normSquared() - l * l;
205  using Quadlet = std::array<std::array<float, 2>, 2>;
206  Quadlet distRight{};
207  Quadlet distLeft{};
209  // get top and bottom borders of the node
210  float rMin = node->getYMin() * r2 / 2;
211  float rMax = node->getYMax() * r2 / 2;
213  // get left and right borders of the node
214  long thetaMin = node->getXMin();
215  long thetaMax = node->getXMax();
217  const Vector2D& thetaVecMin = m_cosSinLookupTable->at(thetaMin);
218  const Vector2D& thetaVecMax = m_cosSinLookupTable->at(thetaMax);
220  float rHitMin =;
221  float rHitMax =;
223  // compute sinograms at the left and right borders of the node
224  float rHitMinRight = rHitMin - l;
225  float rHitMaxRight = rHitMax - l;
227  float rHitMinLeft = rHitMin + l;
228  float rHitMaxLeft = rHitMax + l;
230  // Compute distance from the sinograms to bottom and top borders of the node
231  distRight[0][0] = rMin - rHitMinRight;
232  distRight[0][1] = rMin - rHitMaxRight;
233  distRight[1][0] = rMax - rHitMinRight;
234  distRight[1][1] = rMax - rHitMaxRight;
236  distLeft[0][0] = rMin - rHitMinLeft;
237  distLeft[0][1] = rMin - rHitMaxLeft;
238  distLeft[1][0] = rMax - rHitMinLeft;
239  distLeft[1][1] = rMax - rHitMaxLeft;
241  // Compare distance signes from sinograms to the node
242  // Check right
243  if (not sameSign(distRight[0][0], distRight[0][1], distRight[1][0], distRight[1][1])) {
244  return true;
245  }
247  // Check left
248  if (not sameSign(distLeft[0][0], distLeft[0][1], distLeft[1][0], distLeft[1][1])) {
249  return true;
250  }
252  // Check the extremum
253  float rHitMinExtr = thetaVecMin.cross(pos2D);
254  float rHitMaxExtr = thetaVecMax.cross(pos2D);
255  if (rHitMinExtr * rHitMaxExtr < 0.) return checkExtremum(node, wireHit);
257  // Not contained
258  return false;
259 }
262 {
263  const Vector2D& pos2D = wireHit->getRefPos2D() - m_localOrigin;
265  long thetaMin = node->getXMin();
266  long thetaMax = node->getXMax();
268  const Vector2D& thetaVecMin = m_cosSinLookupTable->at(thetaMin);
269  const Vector2D& thetaVecMax = m_cosSinLookupTable->at(thetaMax);
271  float rMinD = thetaVecMin.cross(pos2D);
272  float rMaxD = thetaVecMax.cross(pos2D);
274  // Does not really make sense...
275  if ((rMinD > 0) && (rMaxD * rMinD >= 0)) return true;
276  if ((rMaxD * rMinD < 0)) return true;
277  return false;
278 }
281 {
282  const double& l = wireHit->getRefDriftLength();
283  const Vector2D& pos2D = wireHit->getRefPos2D() - m_localOrigin;
284  double r2 = pos2D.normSquared() - l * l;
286  // get left and right borders of the node
287  long thetaMin = node->getXMin();
288  long thetaMax = node->getXMax();
290  const Vector2D& thetaVecMin = m_cosSinLookupTable->at(thetaMin);
291  const Vector2D& thetaVecMax = m_cosSinLookupTable->at(thetaMax);
293  if (not pos2D.isBetween(thetaVecMin, thetaVecMax)) return false;
295  // compute sinograms at the position
296  double r = pos2D.norm();
297  float rRight = r - l;
298  float rLeft = r + l;
300  // get top and bottom borders of the node
301  float rMin = node->getYMin() * r2 / 2;
302  float rMax = node->getYMax() * r2 / 2;
304  bool crossesRight = (rMin - rRight) * (rMax - rRight) < 0;
305  bool crossesLeft = (rMin - rLeft) * (rMax - rLeft) < 0;
306  return crossesRight or crossesLeft;
307 }
309 void AxialHitQuadTreeProcessor::drawHits(std::vector<const CDCWireHit*> hits, unsigned int color) const
310 {
311  static int nevent(0);
313  TCanvas* canv = new TCanvas("canv", "legendre transform", 0, 0, 1200, 600);
314  canv->cd(1);
315  TGraph* dummyGraph = new TGraph();
316  dummyGraph->SetPoint(1, -3.1415, 0);
317  dummyGraph->SetPoint(2, 3.1415, 0);
318  dummyGraph->Draw("AP");
319  dummyGraph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#theta");
320  dummyGraph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#rho");
321  dummyGraph->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-3.1415, 3.1415);
322  dummyGraph->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0.02, 0.15);
324  for (const CDCWireHit* wireHit : hits) {
325  const double& l = wireHit->getRefDriftLength();
326  const Vector2D& pos2D = wireHit->getRefPos2D() - m_localOrigin;
327  double x = pos2D.x();
328  double y = pos2D.y();
329  double r2 = pos2D.normSquared() - l * l;
331  TF1* concaveHitLegendre = new TF1("concaveHitLegendre", "2*([0]/[3])*cos(x) + 2*([1]/[3])*sin(x) + 2*([2]/[3])", -3.1415, 3.1415);
332  TF1* convexHitLegendre = new TF1("convexHitLegendre", "2*([0]/[3])*cos(x) + 2*([1]/[3])*sin(x) - 2*([2]/[3])", -3.1415, 3.1415);
333  concaveHitLegendre->SetLineWidth(1);
334  convexHitLegendre->SetLineWidth(1);
335  concaveHitLegendre->SetLineColor(color);
336  convexHitLegendre->SetLineColor(color);
338  concaveHitLegendre->SetParameters(x, y, l, r2);
339  convexHitLegendre->SetParameters(x, y, l, r2);
340  concaveHitLegendre->Draw("CSAME");
341  convexHitLegendre->Draw("CSAME");
342  }
343 // canv->Print(Form("legendreHits_%i.root", nevent));
344 // canv->Print(Form("legendreHits_%i.eps", nevent));
345  canv->Print(Form("legendreHits_%i.png", nevent));
346  delete canv;
348  nevent++;
349 }
352 {
353  std::vector<const CDCWireHit*> hits;
354  for (Item* item : node->getItems()) {
355  const CDCWireHit* wireHit = item->getPointer();
356  hits.push_back(wireHit);
357  }
358  drawHits(hits);
359 }
XYSpans createChild(QuadTree *node, int i, int j) const final
Return the new ranges.
const double c_curlCurv
The curvature above which the trajectory is considered a curler.
bool checkDerivative(QuadTree *node, const CDCWireHit *wireHit) const
Check derivative of the sinogram.
void drawHits(std::vector< const CDCWireHit * > hits, unsigned int color=46) const
Draw QuadTree node.
bool m_twoSidedPhaseSpace
Indicator whether the two sided phases space insertion check should be used This option should automa...
Vector2D m_localOrigin
Local origin on which the phase space coordinates are centered.
const LookupTable< Vector2D > * m_cosSinLookupTable
Pinned lookup table for precompute cosine and sine values.
bool isLeaf(QuadTree *node) const final
lastLevel depends on curvature of the track candidate
bool checkExtremum(QuadTree *node, const CDCWireHit *wireHit) const
Checks whether extremum point is located whithin QuadTree node's ranges.
AxialHitQuadTreeProcessor(int lastLevel, int seedLevel, const XYSpans &ranges, PrecisionUtil::PrecisionFunction precisionFunction)
PrecisionUtil::PrecisionFunction m_precisionFunction
Lambda which holds resolution function for the quadtree.
bool isInNode(QuadTree *node, const CDCWireHit *wireHit) const final
Check whether hit belongs to the quadtree node:
static const LookupTable< Vector2D > & getCosSinLookupTable()
Get the standard lookup table containing equally spaces unit vectors (cos, sin)
void drawNode(QuadTree *node) const
Draw QuadTree node.
static std::vector< float > createCurvBound(YSpan curvSpan, int lastLevel)
Constructs an array with the curvature bounds as generated by the default bin divisions.
Class representing a hit wire in the central drift chamber.
Definition: CDCWireHit.h:55
Class which holds precomputed values of a function.
Definition: LookupTable.h:50
int getNPoints() const
Return the number of finite sampling points in this lookup table.
Definition: LookupTable.h:108
static constexpr int getLookupGridLevel()
Returns desired deepness of the trigonometrical lookup table. Used as template parameter for the Trig...
Definition: PrecisionUtil.h:29
std::function< double(double)> PrecisionFunction
Function type which is used for resolution calculations (resolution=f(curvature)) Takes a curvature v...
Definition: PrecisionUtil.h:43
This class serves as a wrapper around all things that should go into a QuadTree.
Definition: QuadTreeItem.h:27
Class which holds quadtree structure.
Definition: QuadTreeNode.h:29
AY getYBinWidth(int iBin)
Getter for the width of the iBin bin in "r" direction.
Definition: QuadTreeNode.h:204
AX getXMax() const
Get maximal "Theta" value of the node.
Definition: QuadTreeNode.h:162
AY getYMax() const
Get maximal "r" value of the node.
Definition: QuadTreeNode.h:198
AY getYMin() const
Get minimal "r" value of the node.
Definition: QuadTreeNode.h:192
int getLevel() const
Returns level of the node in tree (i.e., how much ancestors the node has)
Definition: QuadTreeNode.h:126
AX getXLowerBound(int iBin) const
Get lower "Theta" value of given bin.
Definition: QuadTreeNode.h:174
std::vector< AItem * > & getItems()
Get items from node.
Definition: QuadTreeNode.h:91
AY getYUpperBound(int iBin) const
Get upper "r" value of given bin.
Definition: QuadTreeNode.h:215
AY getYLowerBound(int iBin) const
Get lower "r" value of given bin.
Definition: QuadTreeNode.h:209
AX getXMin() const
Get minimal "Theta" value of the node.
Definition: QuadTreeNode.h:156
AX getXUpperBound(int iBin) const
Get upper "Theta" value of given bin.
Definition: QuadTreeNode.h:180
This abstract class serves as a base class for all implementations of track processors.
std::pair< XSpan, YSpan > XYSpans
This pair of spans describes the span of a node.
typename QuadTree::YSpan YSpan
This pair describes the span in Y for a node.
std::unique_ptr< QuadTree > m_quadTree
The quad tree we work with.
A two dimensional vector which is equipped with functions for correct handeling of orientation relat...
Definition: Vector2D.h:35
double dot(const Vector2D &rhs) const
Calculates the two dimensional dot product.
Definition: Vector2D.h:170
double cross(const Vector2D &rhs) const
Calculated the two dimensional cross product.
Definition: Vector2D.h:175
double x() const
Getter for the x coordinate.
Definition: Vector2D.h:607
bool isBetween(const Vector2D &lower, const Vector2D &upper) const
Checks if this vector is between two other vectors Between means here that when rotating the lower ve...
Definition: Vector2D.h:537
double normSquared() const
Calculates .
Definition: Vector2D.h:181
double y() const
Getter for the y coordinate.
Definition: Vector2D.h:617
double norm() const
Calculates the length of the vector.
Definition: Vector2D.h:187
static Vector2D Phi(const double phi)
Constucts a unit vector with azimuth angle equal to phi.
Definition: Vector2D.h:71
bool sameSign(double expected, double actual)
Predicate checking that two values have the same sign.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.