12 #include <framework/gearbox/GearDir.h>
Provides BKLM simulation parameters.
double m_PhiMultiplicityCDF[c_NDIV+1][c_MAX_NHIT]
RPC phiStrip multiplicity cumulative probability distribution table.
Default destructor.
double getZWeight(int division, int nmutiplicity) const
Get weight table for z.
static const int c_MAX_NHIT
Maximum number of hits.
static const int c_NDIV
Number of divisions.
double m_ZWeight[c_NDIV+1][c_MAX_NHIT]
RPC zStrip weight table.
double m_ZMultiplicityCDF[c_NDIV+1][c_MAX_NHIT]
RPC zStrip multiplicity cumulative probability distribution table.
int getNZMultiplicity(int division) const
Get number of kind of mutiplicity for zstrips.
double getHitTimeMax(void) const
Get the maximum global time for a recorded sim hit.
double getPhiWeight(int division, int nmutiplicity) const
Get weight table for phi.
int m_NZDiv
Number of division for zstrips.
double getZMultiplicityCDF(double stripDiv, int mult) const
Get the RPC z-strip cumulative prob density function.
double getPhiMultiplicityCDF(double stripDiv, int mult) const
Get the RPC phi-strip cumulative prob density function.
int getMaxMultiplicity(void) const
Get the maximum multiplicity in the RPC strip cumulative prob density functions.
Default constructor.
double m_PhiWeight[c_NDIV+1][c_MAX_NHIT]
RPC phiStrip weight table.
int getNPhiMultiplicity(int division) const
Get number of kind of mutiplicity for phistrips.
double m_HitTimeMax
Maximum global time for a recorded sim hit.
int m_NPhiDiv
Number of division for phistrips.
int getNPhiDivision(void) const
Get number of divisions for phi strips.
ClassDef(BKLMSimulationPar, 3)
Class version.
int m_NPhiMultiplicity[c_NDIV+1]
Number of kind of mutiplicity of phistrips in each divison.
int getNZDivision(void) const
Get number of divisions for z strips.
void read(const GearDir &)
Get simulation parameters from Gearbox.
int m_NZMultiplicity[c_NDIV+1]
Number of weigths of zstrips in each divison.
GearDir is the basic class used for accessing the parameter store.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.