Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 #include <generators/modules/babayaganloinput/BabayagaNLOInputModule.h>
11 #include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
12 #include <framework/utilities/FileSystem.h>
13 #include <framework/utilities/IOIntercept.h>
15 #include <Math/Vector3D.h>
17 using namespace std;
18 using namespace Belle2;
20 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
21 // Register the Module
22 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
23 REG_MODULE(BabayagaNLOInput);
25 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
26 // Implementation
27 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
29 extern "C" {
30  double babayaganlo_getrandomcmsenergy_()
31  {
32  return BabayagaNLOInputModule::generateCMSEnergy();
33  }
34 }
36 // BabayagaNLOInputModule::BabayagaNLOInputModule() : Module(), s_initial(BeamParameters::c_smearALL)
37 InitialParticleGeneration BabayagaNLOInputModule::s_initial{BeamParameters::c_smearALL};
39 BabayagaNLOInputModule::BabayagaNLOInputModule() : GeneratorBaseModule()
40 {
41  //Set module properties
42  setDescription("Generates radiative Bhabha scattering and exclusive two-photon events with the high precision QED generator called BabaYaga@NLO.");
44  //Parameter definition
45  addParam("VacuumPolarization", m_vacPol, "Vacuum polarization: off, hadr5 (Jegerlehner) or hlmnt (Teubner, default)",
46  std::string("hlmnt"));
47  addParam("Model", m_model, "Model: ps or matched (default)", std::string("matched"));
48  addParam("Order", m_order, "Order: born, alpha, exp (default)", std::string("exp"));
49  addParam("Mode", m_mode, "Mode: weighted or unweighted (default)", std::string("unweighted"));
50  addParam("FinalState", m_finalState, "Final state: ee (default), mm or gg", std::string("ee"));
51  addParam("MinEnergyFrac", m_eMinFrac,
52  "Fractional minimum energy for leptons (ee or mm mode) or photons (gg mode) in the final state [fraction of ECMS]", -1.0);
53  addParam("MinEnergy", m_eMin, "Minimum energy for leptons (ee or mm mode) or photons (gg mode) in the final state [GeV]", 0.10);
54  addParam("Epsilon", m_epsilon, "Soft/hard photon separator [fraction of ECMS/2], must be <=1e-7 for ee and mumu, <=1e-5 for gg",
55  1.e-7);
56  addParam("MaxAcollinearity", m_maxAcollinearity, "Maximum acollinearity angle between finale state leptons/photons [degree]",
57  180.0);
58  addParam("FMax", m_fMax, "Maximum of differential cross section weight (fmax)", -1.);
59  addParam("NPhotons", m_nPhot, "Fixed number of (hard) photons are generated, -1 for any number", -1);
60  addParam("SearchMax", m_nSearchMax, "Number of events used to search for maximum of differential cross section", 500000);
61  addParam("ScatteringAngleRange", m_ScatteringAngleRange, "Min [0] and Max [1] value for the scattering angle [deg].",
62  make_vector(15.0, 165.0));
63  addParam("ExtraFile", m_fileNameExtraInfo, "ROOT file that contains additional information.", std::string(""));
64  addParam("DebugEnergySpread", m_Spread, "TEMPORARY SOLUTION! Approximate energy spread per beam (CMS)", 5.e-3);
65  addParam("VPUncertainty", m_Uncertainty, "Calculate VP uncertainty by internal reweighting", false);
66  addParam("NSKDataFile", m_NSKDataFile, "File that contain VP data from Novosibirsk (nsk)",
67  FileSystem::findFile("/data/generators/babayaganlo/vpol_novosibirsk.dat"));
69  // user cuts
70  addParam("UserMode", m_userMode, "User mode similar to TEEGG: ETRON, EGAMMA, GAMMA or PRESCALE or NONE (default)",
71  std::string("NONE"));
72  addParam("EEMIN", m_eemin, "Minimum CMS energy of the tagged e-/e+ (GeV)", -1.0);
73  addParam("TEMIN", m_temin, "Minimum CMS angle between the tagged e-/e+ and -z axis (deg)", -1.0);
74  addParam("EGMIN", m_egmin, "Minimum CMS energy of the gamma (GeV)", -1.0);
75  addParam("TGMIN", m_tgmin, "Minimum CMS angle between the gamma and -z axis (deg)", -1.0);
76  addParam("EEVETO", m_eeveto, "Minimum CMS energy to veto e-/e+ (GeV)", -1.0);
77  addParam("TEVETO", m_teveto, "Maximum CMS theta of e-/e+ in final state (deg)", -1.0);
78  addParam("EGVETO", m_egveto, "Minimum CMS energy to veto gamma (GeV)", -1.0);
79  addParam("TGVETO", m_tgveto, "Maximum CMS angle between the gamma and -z axis (deg)", -1.0);
80  addParam("MaxPrescale", m_maxprescale, "Maximum prescale factor (used for maximum differential cross section)", 1.0);
82  //initialize member variables
83  m_fileExtraInfo = 0;
84  m_th1dSDif = 0;
86 }
89 {
90 }
93 {
94  //Initialize MCParticle collection
95  StoreArray<MCParticle> mcparticle;
96  mcparticle.registerInDataStore();
98  //open extrafile
99  if (m_fileNameExtraInfo != "") {
100  m_fileExtraInfo = new TFile(m_fileNameExtraInfo.c_str(), "RECREATE") ;
101  m_fileExtraInfo->cd();
102  m_th1dSDif = new TH1D("sdif", "sdif", 1000, 0., 100000.);
103  }
105  //Initialize initial particle for beam parameters.
108  // Initialize ExtraInfo (hold prescale values)
110 }
113 {
114  // Check if the BeamParameters have changed (if they do, abort the job! otherwise cross section calculation will be a nightmare.)
115  if (m_beamParams.hasChanged()) {
116  if (!m_initialized) {
118  } else {
119  B2FATAL("BabayagaNLOInputModule::event(): BeamParameters have changed within a job, this is not supported for BABAYAGA!");
120  }
121  }
123  // initial particle from beam parameters
124  const MCInitialParticles& initial = s_initial.generate();
126  // CM energy
127  double ecm = initial.getMass();
129  // true boost (per event!)
130  ROOT::Math::LorentzRotation boost = initial.getCMSToLab();
132  // vertex
133  ROOT::Math::XYZVector vertex = initial.getVertex();
135  m_mcGraph.clear();
136  m_generator.generateEvent(m_mcGraph, ecm, vertex, boost); // actual generator call
139 }
142 {
143  m_generator.term();
144 }
147 {
148  // generator parameters
172  // set a nominal value for some intialization inside the generator
173  const BeamParameters& nominal = s_initial.getBeamParameters();
174  double ecmnominal = nominal.getMass();
175  m_generator.setCmsEnergyNominal(ecmnominal);
177  // check which of the emin values are used:
178  // its either a fixed value or a fractional one
179  // if both are provided, the fractional has priority
180  if (m_eMinFrac >= 0.) {
181  B2INFO("Setting EMIN using fraction " << m_eMinFrac << " of CMS energy: cut=" << m_eMinFrac * ecmnominal << " GeV");
182  m_generator.setMinEnergy(m_eMinFrac * ecmnominal);
185  // check if a maximum weight is provided
186  if (m_fMax > 0. && (m_mode == "unweighted" || m_mode == "uw")) {
187  B2INFO("Setting FMax manually (no maximum search is performed)." <<
188  LogVar("FMax", m_fMax));
191  } else if (m_mode == "weighted" || m_mode == "w") {
193  } else {
195  }
197  IOIntercept::OutputToLogMessages initLogCapture("BabaYaga@NLO", LogConfig::c_Info, LogConfig::c_Info, 100, 100);
198  initLogCapture.start();
199  m_generator.init();
200  initLogCapture.finish();
202  m_initialized = true;
203 }
double m_eeveto
Minimum CMS energy to veto e-/e+ (GeV).
std::string m_NSKDataFile
data file for the NSK VP data.
double m_tgveto
Maximum CMS angle between the gamma and -z axis (deg).
static InitialParticleGeneration s_initial
Initial particle for beam parameters, static because we need to call it from FORTRAN here.
double m_maxAcollinearity
maximum acollinearity angle between finale state leptons in degrees.
double m_maxprescale
Maximum prescale value.
DBObjPtr< BeamParameters > m_beamParams
bool m_initialized
True if generator has been initialized.
double m_Spread
TEMPORARY SOLUTION! Approximate energy spread per beam (CMS).
std::string m_order
Module parameters.
double m_tgmin
Minimum CMS angle between the gamma and -z axis (deg).
double m_epsilon
Soft/hard photon separator in units of CMS/2.
double m_teveto
Maximum CMS theta of e-/e+ in final state (deg).
virtual void terminate() override
Method is called at the end of the event processing.
double m_temin
Minimum CMS angle between the tagged e-/e+ and -z axis (deg).
std::string m_fileNameExtraInfo
Extra ROOT file that contains the weight distribution to check overweight bias.
std::string m_userMode
User mode similar to TEEGG: ETRON, EGAMMA, GAMMA or PRESCALE or NONE.
int m_nSearchMax
Events used to search maximum of differential cross section.
virtual ~BabayagaNLOInputModule()
int m_nPhot
fixed number of nphot (hard) photons are generated.
virtual void generatorInitialize() override
Initializes the module.
bool m_Uncertainty
vary all VP related parameters and extracted total uncertainty.
std::string m_vacPol
Vacuum polarization: off, hadr5 or hmnt.
double m_egmin
Minimum CMS energy of the gamma (GeV).
double m_eMinFrac
Fractional energy (of cms energy) for leptons in the final state.
double m_eemin
Minimum CMS energy of the tagged e-/e+ (GeV).
std::string m_finalState
Final state: ee, mm or gg.
MCParticleGraph m_mcGraph
The MCParticle graph object.
double m_egveto
Minimum CMS energy to veto gamma (GeV).
double m_eMin
Minimum energy for leptons in the final state, in GeV.
std::vector< double > m_ScatteringAngleRange
Min [0] and Max [1] value for the scat.
void initializeGenerator()
Method is called to initialize the generator.
std::string m_model
model: matched or ps.
std::string m_mode
mode: weighted or unweighted.
virtual void generatorEvent() override
Method is called for each event.
TH1D * m_th1dSDif
Histograms with the event weights.
double m_fMax
Maximum differential cross section weight.
void setVPUncertainty(bool vpuncertainty)
Calculate VP uncertainty by internal reweighting (on/off)
Definition: BabayagaNLO.h:109
void init()
Initializes the generator.
void setEGMIN(double egmin)
Sets the minimum CMS energy of the gamma.
Definition: BabayagaNLO.h:139
void generateEvent(MCParticleGraph &mcGraph, double ecm, ROOT::Math::XYZVector vertex, ROOT::Math::LorentzRotation boost)
Generates one single event.
void setModel(const std::string &model)
Sets model: matched or ps.
Definition: BabayagaNLO.h:84
void setMaxPrescale(double maxprescale)
Sets the maximum prescale value.
Definition: BabayagaNLO.h:169
void setFinalState(const std::string &finalState)
Sets final state minimum energy.
Definition: BabayagaNLO.h:99
void setMinEnergy(double minEnergy)
Sets minimum energy for leptons/photons in the final state, in GeV.
Definition: BabayagaNLO.h:69
void setScatAngle(std::pair< double, double > angleRange)
Sets the theta scattering angle range for the scattered particles.
Definition: BabayagaNLO.h:44
void setCmsEnergyNominal(double cmsEnergyNominal)
Sets nominal ECM.
Definition: BabayagaNLO.h:64
void setTEMIN(double temin)
Sets the minimum CMS angle between the tagged e-/e+ and -z axis.
Definition: BabayagaNLO.h:134
void setNPhotons(int nPhot)
Sets the fixed number of nphot (hard) photons.
Definition: BabayagaNLO.h:114
void setEEVETO(double eeveto)
Sets the minimum CMS energy to veto e-/e+.
Definition: BabayagaNLO.h:149
void setEpsilon(double epsilon)
Sets soft/hard photon energy separator.
Definition: BabayagaNLO.h:74
void term()
Terminates the generator.
void setTEVETO(double teveto)
Sets the maximum CMS theta of e-/e+ in final state.
Definition: BabayagaNLO.h:154
void setFMax(double fMax)
Maximum differential cross section.
Definition: BabayagaNLO.h:54
void setMode(const std::string &mode)
Sets mode: weighted or unweighted.
Definition: BabayagaNLO.h:89
void setEnergySpread(double spread)
TEMPORARY SOLUTION! Approximate energy spread per beam (CMS)
Definition: BabayagaNLO.h:104
void setEGVETO(double egveto)
Sets the minimum CMS energy to veto gamma.
Definition: BabayagaNLO.h:159
void setTGMIN(double tgmin)
Sets the minimum CMS angle between the gamma and -z axis.
Definition: BabayagaNLO.h:144
void setVacPol(const std::string &vacPol)
Sets vacuum polarization.
Definition: BabayagaNLO.h:79
void setOrder(const std::string &order)
Sets Order: born, alpha or exp.
Definition: BabayagaNLO.h:94
void setNSearchMax(int nSearchMax)
Sets the number of events used to search maximum.
Definition: BabayagaNLO.h:49
void setNSKDataFile(const std::string &NSKDataFile)
Sets NSK VP data file.
Definition: BabayagaNLO.h:124
void setEEMIN(double eemin)
Sets the minimum CMS energy of the tagged e-/e+.
Definition: BabayagaNLO.h:129
void initExtraInfo()
Initializes the extra info.
void setTGVETO(double tgveto)
Sets the maximum CMS angle between the gamma and -z axis.
Definition: BabayagaNLO.h:164
void setUserMode(const std::string &usermode)
Sets User mode similar to TEEGG: ETRON, EGAMMA, GAMMA or PRESCALE or NONE (default)
Definition: BabayagaNLO.h:119
void setMaxAcollinearity(double maxAcollinearity)
Sets maximum acollinearity angle between finale state leptons/photons in degrees.
Definition: BabayagaNLO.h:59
This class contains the nominal beam parameters and the parameters used for smearing of the primary v...
static std::string findFile(const std::string &path, bool silent=false)
Search for given file or directory in local or central release directory, and return absolute path if...
The base module for generator modules, which sets the generator information as EventExtraInfo.
bool start()
Start intercepting the output.
Definition: IOIntercept.h:155
Capture stdout and stderr and convert into log messages.
Definition: IOIntercept.h:226
bool finish()
Finish the capture and emit the message if output has appeard on stdout or stderr.
const BeamParameters & getBeamParameters() const
Return reference to nominal beam parameters.
@ c_Info
Info: for informational messages, e.g.
Definition: LogConfig.h:27
This class contains the initial state for the given event.
const ROOT::Math::XYZVector & getVertex() const
Get the position of the collision.
const ROOT::Math::LorentzRotation & getCMSToLab() const
Return the LorentzRotation to convert from CMS to lab frame.
double getMass() const
Get the invariant mass of the collision (= energy in CMS)
@ c_checkCyclic
Check for cyclic dependencies.
@ c_setDecayInfo
Set decay time and vertex.
void generateList(const std::string &name="", int options=c_setNothing)
Generates the MCParticle list and stores it in the StoreArray with the given name.
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
bool registerInDataStore(DataStore::EStoreFlags storeFlags=DataStore::c_WriteOut)
Register the object/array in the DataStore.
Class to store variables with their name which were sent to the logging service.
void addParam(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Definition: Module.h:560
#define REG_MODULE(moduleName)
Register the given module (without 'Module' suffix) with the framework.
Definition: Module.h:650
std::pair< T, T > vectorToPair(std::vector< T > &vec, const std::string &name="")
std::vector< T > make_vector(T const &t1, T const &t2)
void initialize()
function to be executed on initialize()
MCInitialParticles & generate()
Generate a new event.
void clear()
Reset particles and decay information to make the class reusable.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.