Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 /* Own header. */
10 #include <mdst/calibration/BeamParametersFitter.h>
12 /* Basf2 headers. */
13 #include <framework/database/Database.h>
14 #include <framework/database/DBImportObjPtr.h>
15 #include <framework/database/DBStore.h>
16 #include <framework/gearbox/Const.h>
17 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
19 /* ROOT headers. */
20 #include <TMinuit.h>
21 #include <TVectorD.h>
22 #include <Math/Vector3D.h>
23 #include <Math/Vector4D.h>
24 #include <Math/VectorUtil.h>
25 #include <Math/RotationY.h>
27 using namespace Belle2;
30 static double s_InvariantMass;
33 static double s_InvariantMassError;
36 static TVector3 s_BoostVector;
39 static TMatrixDSym s_BoostVectorInverseCovariance(3);
42 static TVector3 s_DirectionHER;
45 static TVector3 s_DirectionLER;
48 static double s_AngleError;
53 static ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector getMomentum(double energy, double thetaX, double thetaY,
54  bool ler)
55 {
56  const double pz = std::sqrt(energy * energy -
58  const double sx = sin(thetaX);
59  const double cx = cos(thetaX);
60  const double sy = sin(thetaY);
61  const double cy = cos(thetaY);
62  const double px = sy * cx * pz;
63  const double py = -sx * pz;
64  ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector result(px, py, cx * cy * pz, energy);
65  if (ler) {
66  ROOT::Math::RotationY rotationY(M_PI);
67  result = rotationY(result);
68  }
69  return result;
70 }
72 static void fcn(int& npar, double* grad, double& fval, double* par, int iflag)
73 {
74  (void)npar;
75  (void)grad;
76  (void)iflag;
77  ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector pHER, pLER;
78  pHER = getMomentum(par[0], par[1], par[2], false);
79  pLER = getMomentum(par[3], par[4], par[5], true);
80  ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector pBeam = pHER + pLER;
81  ROOT::Math::XYZVector beamBoost = pBeam.BoostToCM();
82  TVectorD boostDifference(3);
83  boostDifference[0] = beamBoost.X() - s_BoostVector.X();
84  boostDifference[1] = beamBoost.Y() - s_BoostVector.Y();
85  boostDifference[2] = beamBoost.Z() - s_BoostVector.Z();
86  double boostChi2 = s_BoostVectorInverseCovariance.Similarity(boostDifference);
87  double invariantMass = pBeam.M();
88  double massChi2 = pow((invariantMass - s_InvariantMass) /
89  s_InvariantMassError, 2);
90  double angleHER = ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::Angle(pHER.Vect(), s_DirectionHER);
91  double angleLER = ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::Angle(pLER.Vect(), s_DirectionLER);
92  double angleChi2 = pow(angleHER / s_AngleError, 2) +
93  pow(angleLER / s_AngleError, 2);
94  fval = boostChi2 + massChi2 + angleChi2;
95 }
98 {
99  /* DataStore. */
101  StoreObjPtr<EventMetaData> eventMetaData;
102  eventMetaData.registerInDataStore();
104  /* Database. */
105  if (eventMetaData.isValid()) {
106  eventMetaData->setExperiment(m_IntervalOfValidity.getExperimentLow());
107  eventMetaData->setRun(m_IntervalOfValidity.getRunLow());
108  } else {
109  eventMetaData.construct(1, m_IntervalOfValidity.getRunLow(),
111  }
112  DBStore& dbStore = DBStore::Instance();
113  dbStore.update();
114  dbStore.updateEvent();
115 }
117 /*
119  In BeamParameters, the momenta are represented as (E, theta_x, theta_y).
120 The cartesian coordinates of the momenta are given by
122  |p_x| |cos(theta_y) 0 sin(theta_y)| | 1 0 0 |
123  |p_y| = |0 1 0 | * | 0 cos(theta_x) -sin(theta_x) |
124  |p_x| |-sin(theta_y) 0 cos(theta_y)| | 0 sin(theta_x) cos(theta_x) |
126  | 0 |
127  * | 0 | ,
128  | p |
130 or, after, matrix multiplication,
132  p_x = p * cos(theta_x) * sin(theta_y) ,
133  p_y = - p * sin(theta_x) ,
134  p_z = p * cos(theta_x) * cos(theta_y) .
136  The block form of the full covariance matrix is
138  | V_HER | 0 |
139 V = |-------|-------| ,
140  | 0 | V_LER |
142 where V_HER and V_LER are the covariance matrices of high-energy and
143 low-energy beam momenta. The directions are assumed to be known exactly,
144 thus, the covariance matrix has only two non-zero elements:
145 V_11 = sigma_{E_HER}^2 and V_44 = sigma_{E_LER}^2.
147  It is necessary to reproduce the measured variance (note that error represents
148 energy spread rather than the uncertainty of the mean energy) of collision
149 invariant mass. The corresponding 1x1 error matrix is given by
151  | \partial \sqrt{s} | | \partial \sqrt{s} | ^ T
152 V_{\sqrt{s}} = | ----------------- | * V * | ----------------- | .
153  | \partial p_i | | \partial p_i |
155 Since there are only two non-zero elements, this formula reduces to
157  | \partial \sqrt{s} | ^ 2
158 \sigma^2_{\sqrt{s}} = | ----------------- | * sigma_{E_HER}^2
159  | \partial E_HER |
161  | \partial \sqrt{s} | ^ 2
162  + | ----------------- | * sigma_{E_LER}^2 .
163  | \partial E_LER |
165  The derivatives are given by
167 \partial \sqrt{s}
168 ----------------- =
169  \partial E_HER
171  1 E_HER
172 = -------- [ E_beam - (p_beam)_x * cos(theta_x) * sin(theta_y) * -----
173  \sqrt{s} p_HER
175  E_HER
176  + (p_beam)_y * sin(theta_x) * -----
177  p_HER
179  E_HER
180  - (p_beam)_z * cos(theta_x) * cos(theta_y) * ----- ],
181  p_HER
183 and by similar formula for E_LER.
185  Now it is necessary to make some assumption about the relation between
186 sigma_{E_HER} and sigma_{E_LER}. It is assumed that sigma_{E_HER} = k E_HER
187 and sigma_{E_LER} = k E_LER.
189 */
191 {
192  int minuitResult;
193  setupDatabase();
194  /* Get p_HER and p_LER from a fit. */
195  double herMomentum, herThetaX, herThetaY;
196  double lerMomentum, lerThetaX, lerThetaY;
197  s_BoostVector = m_CollisionBoostVector->getBoost();
198  s_BoostVectorInverseCovariance = m_CollisionBoostVector->getBoostCovariance();
199  if (s_BoostVectorInverseCovariance.Determinant() == 0) {
200  B2WARNING("Determinant of boost covariance matrix is 0, "
201  "using generic inverse covariance matrix for fit.");
202  s_BoostVectorInverseCovariance[0][0] = 1.0 / (m_BoostError * m_BoostError);
203  s_BoostVectorInverseCovariance[0][1] = 0;
204  s_BoostVectorInverseCovariance[0][2] = 0;
205  s_BoostVectorInverseCovariance[1][0] = 0;
206  s_BoostVectorInverseCovariance[1][1] = 1.0 / (m_BoostError * m_BoostError);
207  s_BoostVectorInverseCovariance[1][2] = 0;
208  s_BoostVectorInverseCovariance[2][0] = 0;
209  s_BoostVectorInverseCovariance[2][1] = 0;
210  s_BoostVectorInverseCovariance[2][2] = 1.0 / (m_BoostError * m_BoostError);
211  } else {
212  s_BoostVectorInverseCovariance.Invert();
213  }
214  s_InvariantMass = m_CollisionInvariantMass->getMass();
215  s_InvariantMassError = m_CollisionInvariantMass->getMassError();
216  if (s_InvariantMassError == 0) {
217  B2WARNING("Invariant-mass errror is 0, using generic error for fit.");
218  s_InvariantMassError = m_InvariantMassError;
219  }
220  s_DirectionHER.SetX(0);
221  s_DirectionHER.SetY(0);
222  s_DirectionHER.SetZ(1);
223  s_DirectionHER.RotateY(m_AngleHER);
224  s_DirectionLER.SetX(0);
225  s_DirectionLER.SetY(0);
226  s_DirectionLER.SetZ(1);
227  s_DirectionLER.RotateY(m_AngleLER + M_PI);
228  s_AngleError = m_AngleError;
229  TMinuit minuit(6);
230  if (!m_Verbose)
231  minuit.SetPrintLevel(-1);
232  minuit.SetFCN(fcn);
233  minuit.mnparm(0, "PHER_E", 7, 0.01, 0, 0, minuitResult);
234  minuit.mnparm(1, "PHER_TX", 0, 0.01, 0, 0, minuitResult);
235  minuit.mnparm(2, "PHER_TY", 0, 0.01, 0, 0, minuitResult);
236  minuit.mnparm(3, "PLER_E", 4, 0.01, 0, 0, minuitResult);
237  minuit.mnparm(4, "PLER_TX", 0, 0.01, 0, 0, minuitResult);
238  minuit.mnparm(5, "PLER_TY", 0, 0.01, 0, 0, minuitResult);
239  minuit.mncomd("FIX 2 3 5 6", minuitResult);
240  minuit.mncomd("MIGRAD 10000", minuitResult);
241  minuit.mncomd("RELEASE 2 3 5 6", minuitResult);
242  minuit.mncomd("MIGRAD 10000", minuitResult);
243  double error;
244  minuit.GetParameter(0, herMomentum, error);
245  minuit.GetParameter(1, herThetaX, error);
246  minuit.GetParameter(2, herThetaY, error);
247  minuit.GetParameter(3, lerMomentum, error);
248  minuit.GetParameter(4, lerThetaX, error);
249  minuit.GetParameter(5, lerThetaY, error);
250  /* Calculate error. */
251  ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector pHER = getMomentum(herMomentum, herThetaX, herThetaY, false);
252  ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector pLER = getMomentum(lerMomentum, lerThetaX, lerThetaY, true);
253  ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector pBeam = pHER + pLER;
254  double fittedInvariantMass = pBeam.M();
255  B2RESULT("Initial invariant mass: " << s_InvariantMass <<
256  "; fitted invariant mass: " << fittedInvariantMass);
257  double cosThetaX = cos(herThetaX);
258  double sinThetaX = sin(herThetaX);
259  double cosThetaY = cos(herThetaY);
260  double sinThetaY = sin(herThetaY);
261  double herPartial =
262  (pBeam.E() - pHER.E() / pHER.P() *
263  (pBeam.Px() * cosThetaX * sinThetaY - pBeam.Py() * sinThetaX +
264  pBeam.Pz() * cosThetaX * cosThetaY)) / fittedInvariantMass;
265  cosThetaX = cos(lerThetaX);
266  sinThetaX = sin(lerThetaX);
267  cosThetaY = cos(lerThetaY + M_PI);
268  sinThetaY = sin(lerThetaY + M_PI);
269  double lerPartial =
270  (pBeam.E() - pLER.E() / pLER.P() *
271  (pBeam.Px() * cosThetaX * sinThetaY - pBeam.Py() * sinThetaX +
272  pBeam.Pz() * cosThetaX * cosThetaY)) / fittedInvariantMass;
273  double sigmaInvariantMass = m_CollisionInvariantMass->getMassSpread();
274  double k = sqrt(sigmaInvariantMass * sigmaInvariantMass /
275  (pow(herPartial * pHER.E(), 2) +
276  pow(lerPartial * pLER.E(), 2)));
277  double herSpread = k * pHER.E();
278  double lerSpread = k * pLER.E();
279  B2INFO("Invariant mass spread: " << sigmaInvariantMass);
280  B2RESULT("HER energy spread: " << herSpread <<
281  "; LER energy spread: " << lerSpread);
282  /* Fill beam parameters. */
283  m_BeamParameters.setHER(pHER);
284  m_BeamParameters.setLER(pLER);
285  TMatrixDSym covariance(3);
286  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
287  for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
288  covariance[i][j] = 0;
289  }
290  covariance[0][0] = herSpread * herSpread;
291  m_BeamParameters.setCovHER(covariance);
292  covariance[0][0] = lerSpread * lerSpread;
293  m_BeamParameters.setCovLER(covariance);
294 }
297  double covarianceXX, double covarianceYY)
298 {
299  setupDatabase();
300  m_BeamParameters.setVertex(ROOT::Math::XYZVector(m_BeamSpot->getIPPosition()));
301  TMatrixDSym beamSize = m_BeamSpot->getSizeCovMatrix();
302  double xScale, yScale;
303  if (covarianceXX < 0)
304  xScale = 1;
305  else
306  xScale = sqrt(covarianceXX / beamSize[0][0]);
307  if (covarianceYY < 0)
308  yScale = 1;
309  else
310  yScale = sqrt(covarianceYY / beamSize[1][1]);
311  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
312  beamSize[0][i] *= xScale;
313  beamSize[i][0] *= xScale;
314  beamSize[1][i] *= yScale;
315  beamSize[i][1] *= yScale;
316  }
317  m_BeamParameters.setCovVertex(beamSize);
318 }
321 {
322  DBImportObjPtr<BeamParameters> beamParametersImport;
323  beamParametersImport.construct(m_BeamParameters);
324  beamParametersImport.import(m_IntervalOfValidity);
325 }
BeamParameters m_BeamParameters
Beam parameters.
void setupDatabase()
Setup database.
double m_InvariantMassError
Invariant-mass error (use only if error is 0).
DBObjPtr< CollisionBoostVector > m_CollisionBoostVector
Collision boost vector.
bool m_Verbose
Whether to be verbose (print Minuit output).
void importBeamParameters()
Import beam parameters.
DBObjPtr< CollisionInvariantMass > m_CollisionInvariantMass
Collision invariant mass.
IntervalOfValidity m_IntervalOfValidity
Interval of validity.
DBObjPtr< BeamSpot > m_BeamSpot
Beam spot.
double m_BoostError
Boost error (use only if inverse error matrix is not available).
void fillVertexData(double covarianceXX, double covarianceYY)
Fill beam spot (vertex) data.
void setHER(double energy, double angleX, double angleY, const std::vector< double > &cov)
Set the HER FourVector and error matrix from beam energy, angle and covariance entries.
void setLER(double energy, double angleX, double angleY, const std::vector< double > &cov)
Set the LER FourVector and error matrix from beam energy, angle and covariance entries.
void setCovLER(const TMatrixDSym &cov)
Set the covariance matrix for LER (E, theta_x, theta_y) where E is the energy, theta_x is the horizon...
void setCovHER(const TMatrixDSym &cov)
Set the covariance matrix for HER (E, theta_x, theta_y) where E is the energy, theta_x is the horizon...
void setVertex(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &vertex, const std::vector< double > &cov)
Set the vertex position and error matrix.
void setCovVertex(const TMatrixDSym &cov)
Set the covariance matrix of the vertex position.
static const double electronMass
electron mass
Definition: Const.h:676
bool import(const IntervalOfValidity &iov)
Import the object to database.
Class for importing a single object to the database.
void construct(Args &&... params)
Construct an object of type T in this DBImportObjPtr using the provided constructor arguments.
Singleton class to cache database objects.
Definition: DBStore.h:31
static DataStore & Instance()
Instance of singleton Store.
void setInitializeActive(bool active)
Setter for m_initializeActive.
int getRunLow() const
Getter for lowest run number.
int getExperimentLow() const
Getter for lowest experiment number.
bool registerInDataStore(DataStore::EStoreFlags storeFlags=DataStore::c_WriteOut)
Register the object/array in the DataStore.
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
Definition: StoreObjPtr.h:96
bool isValid() const
Check whether the object was created.
Definition: StoreObjPtr.h:111
bool construct(Args &&... params)
Construct an object of type T in this StoreObjPtr, using the provided constructor arguments.
Definition: StoreObjPtr.h:119
static DBStore & Instance()
Instance of a singleton DBStore.
void updateEvent()
Updates all intra-run dependent objects.
void update()
Updates all objects that are outside their interval of validity.
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.