9 #include <reconstruction/modules/CDCDedxValidation/CDCDedxValidation.h>
11 #include <mdst/dataobjects/Track.h>
12 #include <mdst/dataobjects/ECLCluster.h>
32 setDescription(
"Make data quality monitoring plots for CDC dE/dx");
33 addParam(
"Name for output file", std::string(
34 addParam(
"Switch to hadron (false) vs bhabha files", std::string(
46 printf(
"Wrong input file tpye (%s): choose bhabha or radbhabha or hadron \n",
82 ((TH1D*)
88 ((TH1D*)
96 mTrack = track->getTrackFitResultWithClosestMass(
99 ((TH1D*)
104 if (!IsTrkSelected) {
105 ((TH1D*)
119 ((TH1D*)
124 ((TH1D*)
137 Double_t TrkdEdx = dedxTrack->
141 if (TrkMom >= 8.00)TrkMom = 7.999;
142 Double_t BWMom = 0.250;
143 Int_t iMomBin = Int_t(TrkMom / BWMom);
148 ((TH1D*)
149 ((TH1D*)
150 ((TH1D*)
"hdEdx_Posi_Pbin_AR%d", iMomBin)))->Fill(TrkdEdxnosat);
151 }
else if (TrkCharge < 0) {
152 ((TH1D*)
153 ((TH1D*)
154 ((TH1D*)
"hdEdx_Elec_Pbin_AR%d", iMomBin)))->Fill(TrkdEdxnosat);
157 ((TH1D*)
158 ((TH2D*)
159 ((TH2D*)
"hPvsdEdx_AR")))->Fill(TrkMom * TrkCharge,
160 ((TH2D*)
"hPvsCosth_AR")))->Fill(TrkMom * TrkCharge,
168 double ChiPi = dedxTrack->
169 double ChiK = dedxTrack->
170 double ChiP = dedxTrack->
173 ((TH2D*)
"hPvsdEdx_hadAR")))->Fill(TrkMom, TrkdEdx);
175 if ((TrkMom < 0.40) && (
fTrkEoverP < 0.4) && (TrkdEdx < (0.6 + 0.10 / (TrkMom * TrkMom)))
176 && (TrkdEdx > (0.4 + 0.012 / (TrkMom * TrkMom)))) {
177 ((TH1D*)
178 if (TrkMom < 0.300)((TH1D*)
179 else ((TH1D*)
180 ((TH2D*)
"hPvsdEdxPion_hadAR")))->Fill(TrkMom, TrkdEdx);
183 if ((TrkMom < 0.40) && (TrkdEdx > 1.35) && (TrkdEdx < (0.6 + 0.40 / (TrkMom * TrkMom)))
184 && (TrkdEdx > (0.6 + 0.10 / (TrkMom * TrkMom)))) {
185 ((TH1D*)
186 if (TrkMom < 0.350)((TH1D*)
187 else ((TH1D*)
188 ((TH2D*)
"hPvsdEdxKaon_hadAR")))->Fill(TrkMom, TrkdEdx);
191 if ((TrkMom < 0.80) && (TrkdEdx > 1.35) && (TrkdEdx < (0.6 + 1.20 / (TrkMom * TrkMom)))
192 && (TrkdEdx > (0.6 + 0.40 / (TrkMom * TrkMom)))) {
193 ((TH1D*)
194 if (TrkMom < 0.600)((TH1D*)
195 else ((TH1D*)
196 ((TH2D*)
"hPvsdEdxProton_hadAR")))->Fill(TrkMom, TrkdEdx);
216 TH1D* hTrkPerEvtStats =
new TH1D(
"Track selections", 6, -0.5, 5.5);
217 hTrkPerEvtStats->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,
"no dedxobject");
218 hTrkPerEvtStats->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2,
"no assoc-track");
219 hTrkPerEvtStats->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3,
"no TrackFit");
220 hTrkPerEvtStats->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(4,
"no pass cuts");
221 hTrkPerEvtStats->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(5,
"no eclCluster");
222 hTrkPerEvtStats->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(6,
223 hTrkPerEvtStats->SetFillColor(kRed);
224 hTrkPerEvtStats->SetFillStyle(3015);
225 hTrkPerEvtStats->SetMinimum(0);
226 fBasic->Add(hTrkPerEvtStats);
231 hdEdx_AR->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(Form(
"dE/dx truncMean of %s tracks",
232 hdEdx_AR->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
235 TH1D* hEOverP_AR =
new TH1D(
"E/p distribution", 100, 0.5, 1.5);
236 hEOverP_AR->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"E/p distribution");
237 hEOverP_AR->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
240 TH1D* hRunGainPR =
new TH1D(
fnRuns, -0.5,
fnRuns - 0.5);
241 hRunGainPR->SetTitle(
"Run gain variation vs. RunNumber;Run Numbers;dE/dx mean");
242 hRunGainPR->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.85, 1.15);
245 TH1D* hP_Electron_AR =
new TH1D(
"bla-bla", 320, 0.0, 8.0);
246 hP_Electron_AR->SetTitle(
"Momentum distribution of e-; Momentum of (e-); Entries");
247 fBasic->Add(hP_Electron_AR);
249 TH1D* hP_Positron_AR =
new TH1D(
"bla-bla", 320, 0.0, 8.0);
250 hP_Positron_AR->SetTitle(
"Momentum distribution of e+;Momentum of (e+);Entries");
251 fBasic->Add(hP_Positron_AR);
254 hdEdx_Electron_AR->SetTitle(
"dE/dx (nohad sat) of e- ;dE/dx distrbution (e-);Entries");
255 fBasic->Add(hdEdx_Electron_AR);
258 hdEdx_Positron_AR->SetTitle(
"dE/dx (nohad sat) of e+;dE/dx distrbution (e+);Entries");
259 fBasic->Add(hdEdx_Positron_AR);
261 TH2D* hPvsdEdx_AR =
new TH2D(
"bla-bla", 320, -8.0, 8.0, 100, 0.0, 2.0);
262 hPvsdEdx_AR->SetTitle(
"dE/dx band plots for e+ and e-; Momentum of (e+(right)) and e-);dE/dx");
265 TH2D* hdEdxvsPhi_AR =
new TH2D(
"dE/dx (no had sat) vs #phi", 64, -3.14, 3.14, 200, 0., 2.0);
266 hdEdxvsPhi_AR->SetTitle(
"dE/dx (no Had Sat) vs #phi;track #phi;dE/dx");
267 fBasic->Add(hdEdxvsPhi_AR);
269 TH2D* hPvsCosth_AR =
new TH2D(
"cos(#theta) vs. p: all Runs", 2 * 48, -10., 10., 60, -1.2, 1.2);
270 hPvsCosth_AR->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(Form(
"Momentum of %s tracks",
271 hPvsCosth_AR->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
272 fBasic->Add(hPvsCosth_AR);
275 TH1D* hdEdx_Posi_Pbin_AR[32], *hdEdx_Elec_Pbin_AR[32];
276 for (
int ip = 0; ip < 32; ip++) {
278 hdEdx_Posi_Pbin_AR[ip] =
new TH1D(Form(
"hdEdx_Posi_Pbin_AR%d", ip), Form(
"hdEdx_Posi_Pbin_AR%d", ip),
280 hdEdx_Posi_Pbin_AR[ip]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"dE/dx distrbution (e+)");
281 hdEdx_Posi_Pbin_AR[ip]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
282 hdEdx_Posi_Pbin_AR[ip]->SetTitle(Form(
"Momentum range %0.03f to %0.03f", ip * 0.250, (ip + 1) * 0.250));
285 hdEdx_Elec_Pbin_AR[ip] =
new TH1D(Form(
"hdEdx_Elec_Pbin_AR%d", ip), Form(
"hdEdx_Elec_Pbin_AR%d", ip),
287 hdEdx_Elec_Pbin_AR[ip]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"dE/dx distrbution (e-)");
288 hdEdx_Elec_Pbin_AR[ip]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
289 hdEdx_Elec_Pbin_AR[ip]->SetTitle(Form(
"Momentum range %0.03f to %0.03f", ip * 0.250, (ip + 1) * 0.250));
293 for (
int ip = 0; ip < 32; ip++)
300 TH2D* hPvsdEdx_hadAR =
new TH2D(
"bla-bla", 500, 0.10, 15.0, 750, 0.05, 15);
301 hPvsdEdx_hadAR->SetTitle(
"dE/dx band plot; Momentum;dE/dx");
302 fBasic->Add(hPvsdEdx_hadAR);
304 TH2D* hPvsdEdxPion_hadAR =
new TH2D(
"bla-bla", 500, 0.10, 15.0, 750, 0.05, 15);
305 hPvsdEdxPion_hadAR->SetTitle(
"dE/dx band plot (Pion); Momentum;dE/dx");
306 hPvsdEdxPion_hadAR->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
307 fBasic->Add(hPvsdEdxPion_hadAR);
309 TH2D* hPvsdEdxKaon_hadAR =
new TH2D(
"bla-bla", 500, 0.10, 15.0, 750, 0.05, 15);
310 hPvsdEdxKaon_hadAR->SetTitle(
"dE/dx band plot (Kaon); Momentum;dE/dx");
311 hPvsdEdxKaon_hadAR->SetMarkerColor(kGreen);
312 fBasic->Add(hPvsdEdxKaon_hadAR);
314 TH2D* hPvsdEdxProton_hadAR =
new TH2D(
"bla-bla", 500, 0.10, 15.0, 750, 0.05, 15);
315 hPvsdEdxProton_hadAR->SetTitle(
"dE/dx band plot (Proton); Momentum;dE/dx");
316 hPvsdEdxKaon_hadAR->SetMarkerColor(kBlue);
317 fBasic->Add(hPvsdEdxProton_hadAR);
320 TH1D* hPionChiallP =
new TH1D(
"bla-bla", 240, -6.0, 6.0);
321 hPionChiallP->SetTitle(
"Chi value (Pion);chi value; Entries");
322 fBasic->Add(hPionChiallP);
324 TH1D* hPionChiLowP =
new TH1D(
"bla-bla", 240, -6.0, 6.0);
325 hPionChiLowP->SetTitle(
"Chi value (Pion), Momentum (0-300) MeV; chi value; Entries");
326 fBasic->Add(hPionChiLowP);
328 TH1D* hPionChiHighP =
new TH1D(
"bla-bla", 240, -6.0, 6.0);
329 hPionChiHighP->SetTitle(
"Chi value (Pion), Momentum (300-400) MeV; chi value; Entries");
330 fBasic->Add(hPionChiHighP);
333 TH1D* hKaonChiallP =
new TH1D(
"bla-bla", 240, -6.0, 6.0);
334 hKaonChiallP->SetTitle(
"Chi value (Kaon);chi value; Entries");
335 fBasic->Add(hKaonChiallP);
337 TH1D* hKaonChiLowP =
new TH1D(
"bla-bla", 240, -6.0, 6.0);
338 hKaonChiLowP->SetTitle(
"Chi value (Kaon), Momentum (0-350) MeV; chi value; Entries");
339 fBasic->Add(hKaonChiLowP);
341 TH1D* hKaonChiHighP =
new TH1D(
"bla-bla", 240, -6.0, 6.0);
342 hKaonChiHighP->SetTitle(
"Chi value (Kaon), Momentum (350-800) MeV; chi value; Entries");
343 fBasic->Add(hKaonChiHighP);
346 TH1D* hProtonChiallP =
new TH1D(
"bla-bla", 240, -6.0, 6.0);
347 hProtonChiallP->SetTitle(
"Chi value (Proton);chi value; Entries");
348 fBasic->Add(hProtonChiallP);
350 TH1D* hProtonChiLowP =
new TH1D(
"bla-bla", 240, -6.0, 6.0);
351 hProtonChiLowP->SetTitle(
"Chi value (Proton), Momentum (0-600) MeV; chi value; Entries");
352 fBasic->Add(hProtonChiLowP);
354 TH1D* hProtonChiHighP =
new TH1D(
"bla-bla", 240, -6.0, 6.0);
355 hProtonChiHighP->SetTitle(
"Chi value (Proton), Momentum (600-800) MeV; chi value; Entries");
356 fBasic->Add(hProtonChiHighP);
358 }
else if (level ==
"PR") {
362 hdEdx_PR[iR]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(Form(
"dE/dx trucMean of %s tracks",
363 hdEdx_PR[iR]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
367 B2ERROR(
"Run Gain: Enter AR or PR mode only");
378 Double_t mean = 0., meanError = 0.;
379 Double_t sigma = 0., sigmaError = 0.;
382 Int_t fitStatus = -1;
384 if (fitStatus == 0) {
386 mean = fit->GetParameter(1);
387 meanError = fit->GetParError(1);
388 sigma = fit->GetParameter(2);
389 sigmaError = fit->GetParError(2);
390 hdEdx_PR[
fiRun]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(mean - 7 * sigma, mean + 7 * sigma);
405 }
else if (level ==
"AR") {
407 const Int_t allNRun =
408 ((TH1D*)
"hRunGainPR"))->GetXaxis()->SetRange(1, allNRun);
410 TH1D* hFitdEdxMeanPR =
new TH1D(
"dE/dx(nohad-sat) #mu via fit vs. Runs", allNRun, 0, allNRun);
411 hFitdEdxMeanPR->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.90, 1.10);
412 hFitdEdxMeanPR->SetMarkerStyle(21);
413 hFitdEdxMeanPR->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
414 hFitdEdxMeanPR->SetMarkerSize(1);
415 hFitdEdxMeanPR->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"Run numbers");
416 hFitdEdxMeanPR->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
"dEdx mean (fit)");
417 hFitdEdxMeanPR->GetXaxis()->LabelsOption(
419 TH1D* hFitdEdxSigmaPR =
new TH1D(
"dE/dx(nohad-sat) #sigma via fit vs. Runs", allNRun, 0, allNRun);
420 hFitdEdxSigmaPR->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 0.30);
421 hFitdEdxSigmaPR->SetMarkerStyle(21);
422 hFitdEdxSigmaPR->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
423 hFitdEdxSigmaPR->SetMarkerSize(1);
424 hFitdEdxSigmaPR->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"Run numbers");
425 hFitdEdxSigmaPR->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
"dEdx sigma (fit)");
426 hFitdEdxSigmaPR->GetXaxis()->LabelsOption(
428 for (Int_t i = 0; i < allNRun; i++) {
430 if (i % 10 == 0)hFitdEdxMeanPR->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + 1, Form(
431 hFitdEdxMeanPR->SetBinContent(i + 1,
432 hFitdEdxMeanPR->SetBinError(i + 1,
434 if (i % 10 == 0)hFitdEdxSigmaPR->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i + 1, Form(
435 hFitdEdxSigmaPR->SetBinContent(i + 1,
436 hFitdEdxSigmaPR->SetBinError(i + 1,
439 fBasic->Add(hFitdEdxMeanPR);
440 fBasic->Add(hFitdEdxSigmaPR);
442 TH1D* hdEdxFit_allRun = (TH1D*)(
443 if (hdEdxFit_allRun->GetEntries() > 100) {
444 hdEdxFit_allRun->Fit(
445 TF1* hGfit = (TF1*)hdEdxFit_allRun->GetFunction(
446 Double_t meanGFit = hGfit->GetParameter(1);
447 Double_t sigmaGFit = hGfit->GetParameter(2);
448 hdEdxFit_allRun->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(meanGFit - 7 * sigmaGFit, meanGFit + 7 * sigmaGFit);
449 hdEdxFit_allRun->SetFillColor(kYellow);
450 hdEdxFit_allRun->SetStats(kTRUE);
451 fBasic->Add(hdEdxFit_allRun);
454 TH1D* hdEdxMeanVsMomentum =
new TH1D(
"dEdx-mean vs P bins (BW = 250MeV)", 64, -8.0, 8.0);
455 hdEdxMeanVsMomentum->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"Track Momentum");
456 hdEdxMeanVsMomentum->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
"dEdx Mean");
458 TH1D* hdEdxSigmaVsMomentum =
new TH1D(
"dEdx-sigma vs P bins (BW = 250MeV)", 64, -8.0, 8.0);
459 hdEdxSigmaVsMomentum->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"Track Momentum");
460 hdEdxSigmaVsMomentum->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
"dEdx Sigma");
462 for (
int ip = 0; ip < 32; ip++) {
463 Int_t nTrack = ((TH1D*)
"hdEdx_Posi_Pbin_AR%d", ip)))->GetEntries();
464 ((TH1D*)
"hdEdx_Posi_Pbin_AR%d", ip)))->SetFillColor(kYellow);
465 Double_t iPMean = 1.0, iPSigma = 0.0;
467 ((TH1D*)
"hdEdx_Posi_Pbin_AR%d", ip)))->Fit(
468 iPMean = ((TH1D*)
"hdEdx_Posi_Pbin_AR%d", ip)))->GetFunction(
469 iPSigma = ((TH1D*)
"hdEdx_Posi_Pbin_AR%d", ip)))->GetFunction(
471 hdEdxMeanVsMomentum->SetBinContent(32 + ip + 1, iPMean);
472 hdEdxSigmaVsMomentum->SetBinContent(32 + ip + 1, iPSigma);
475 for (
int ip = 0; ip < 32; ip++) {
476 Int_t nTrack = ((TH1D*)
"hdEdx_Posi_Pbin_AR%d", ip)))->GetEntries();
477 ((TH1D*)
"hdEdx_Elec_Pbin_AR%d", ip)))->SetFillColor(kYellow);
478 Double_t iPMean = 1.0, iPSigma = 0.0;
481 ((TH1D*)
"hdEdx_Elec_Pbin_AR%d", ip)))->Fit(
482 iPMean = ((TH1D*)
"hdEdx_Elec_Pbin_AR%d", ip)))->GetFunction(
483 iPSigma = ((TH1D*)
"hdEdx_Elec_Pbin_AR%d", ip)))->GetFunction(
485 hdEdxMeanVsMomentum->SetBinContent(32 - ip, iPMean);
486 hdEdxSigmaVsMomentum->SetBinContent(32 - ip, iPSigma);
489 fBasic->Add(hdEdxSigmaVsMomentum);
490 fBasic->Add(hdEdxMeanVsMomentum);
492 B2ERROR(
"RunGain >> NO-REQUEST-FOUND for PR or AR level plots, exiting..");
500 B2INFO(
"Terminating plots for all runs ");
504 fBasic->Write(
"ARBasics", 1);
Debug output for CDCDedxPID module.
double getDedx() const
Get dE/dx truncated mean for this track.
int getNLayerHits() const
Return the number of layer hits for this track.
double getCosTheta() const
Return cos(theta) for this track.
double getRunGain() const
Return the run gain for this track.
double getChi(int i) const
Return the PID (chi) value.
double getDedxNoSat() const
Get dE/dx truncated mean without the saturation correction for this track.
double getMomentum() const
Return the track momentum valid in the CDC.
std::vector< Double_t > TotMean
Mean of dedx by Fit.
Double_t fnBinsdedxUE
up edge of dedx
void FillHistograms(CDCDedxTrack *dedxTrack, const TrackFitResult *mTrack)
Filling histograms This will fill histogram defined histograms in above function.
TFile * fFileOutput
Write final objects to file for RG.
std::string fOutFileName
name of output ROOT file
Double_t fcRunGain
existing run gain
Int_t fCurrentRunNum
current run number
Int_t fnRunCounter
Total runs used counter.
TList * fBasic
List of basic histos.
virtual void initialize() override
Initialize This is inherited from base class.
std::vector< TH1D * > hdEdx_PR
histogram array per run
virtual void event() override
fuction to execute event (event by event) This is inherited from base class
std::vector< Double_t > TotSigma
Sigma of dedx by Fit.
Default constructor contain list of members with initial values.
TList * fPRdEdxinP
list per run dedx in P histos
Double_t fTrkEoverP
E/p ratio for cut.
virtual void endRun() override
fuction is called after each event This is inherited from base class
std::vector< Int_t > TotRunN
veector array of runs processed
virtual void terminate() override
Terminate after all data processed This is inherited from base class.
std::vector< Double_t > TotSigmaE
Sigma Error of dedx by Fit.
Double_t fZ0Window
z0 window cut
std::vector< Double_t > TotMeanE
Mean Error of dedx by Fit.
virtual void beginRun() override
Fuction to execute each run This is inherited from base class.
StoreArray< CDCDedxTrack > m_cdcDedxTracks
Data members for objects, cuts and others.
Double_t fnBinsdedxLE
low edge of dedx
TList * fPRdEdx
List of per run dedx histos.
void ExtractHistograms(TString level)
Extrating histogram and some calucation Higher level histograms are filled after each run or full pro...
void DefineHistograms(TString level, Int_t iR)
Defination of histograms This contain a list of histogram for validation.
Int_t fnRuns
Number of runs ref.
Int_t fiRun
Current run number.
Int_t fnBinsdedx
nbin of dedx range
Double_t fD0Window
d0 window cut
std::string fCollType
collision type
Bool_t IsSelectedTrack(const TrackFitResult *mTrack)
Track selection A clean way to impliment selections on tracks (so far few only)
static const ChargedStable pion
charged pion particle
static const ChargedStable electron
electron particle
bool hasHypothesis(EHypothesisBit bitmask) const
Return if specific hypothesis bit is set.
double getEnergy(EHypothesisBit hypothesis) const
Return Energy (GeV).
@ c_nPhotons
CR is split into n photons (N1)
HistoModule.h is supposed to be used instead of Module.h for the modules with histogram definitions t...
void setDescription(const std::string &description)
Sets the description of the module.
FROM * getRelatedFrom(const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Get the object from which this object has a relation.
Type-safe access to single objects in the data store.
Values of the result of a track fit with a given particle hypothesis.
double getPhi() const
Getter for phi0 with CDF naming convention.
short getChargeSign() const
Return track charge (1 or -1).
double getD0() const
Getter for d0.
double getZ0() const
Getter for z0.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector getMomentum() const
Getter for vector of momentum at closest approach of track in r/phi projection.
Class that bundles various TrackFitResults.
Register the Module.
void addParam(const std::string &name, T ¶mVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.