11 #include <framework/core/Module.h>
12 #include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
13 #include <beast/csi/dataobjects/CsiDigiHit.h>
14 #include <beast/csi/dataobjects/CsiSimHit.h>
63 virtual void event()
66 virtual void endRun()
143 std::vector<uint16_t>* _Waveform, std::vector<uint8_t>* _DPPCIBits,
144 int _Treshold,
double _TriggerHoldoff = 0.0,
double _GateWidth = 320.0,
145 double _GateOffset = 40.0,
bool _recordTraces =
177 double f(
double fi,
double u_i,
double u_j,
double y,
double invtau);
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
Digitizer for the BEAST CsI system.
uint16_t m_Baseline
Baseline (pedestal) frozen during charge integration.
int addNoise(Signal *y, double _rms, double _offset)
Adds noise to the signal.
Signal m_SimHitEdeps[16]
Array of signals (each corresponding to one channel)
double m_Resolution
Parameter: Resolution (in mV) of the ACD.
DigitalSignal doDigitization(Signal _v, double _LSB)
Digitizes the signal the signal.
Signal m_CsITlSignalTemplate
Template Signal of a CsITl trace.
double m_TrueEdep
Sum of the MC (true) deposited energies in the event-channel.
std::vector< double > m_noiseLevels
Noise level for each channel (in V)
std::vector< uint16_t > m_Waveform
Saved waveform.
virtual void initialize() override
Register input and output data.
double f(double fi, double u_i, double u_j, double y, double invtau)
This returns the RHS of first order differential equation.
const double m_Zl
Line impedance of the analog chain (to get voltage from anode current)
int m_hitNum
index of csiHit
virtual void event() override
Each event This is where the actual digitization is done, and the hits are written to the DataStore.
Signal firstOrderResponse(double _gain, Signal _u, double _y0, double _dt, double _tSlow, double _delay)
Calculates the time response of a first order system (such as crystal, PMT, etc)
virtual void endRun() override
Clean up.
Signal genTimeSignal(double _energy, double _timeAvg, double _timeRMS, int iChannel, bool _save=0)
Generates a time signal for a mean energy deposit The energy deposit is modelled at a Gaussian whose ...
StoreArray< CsiSimHit > m_aSimHit
Each simulated particle in the crystal.
int m_nWFcounter
Counter for the number of waveforms to save.
int getnSamples() const
Gets the number of points in the waveforms arrays.
virtual void terminate() override
Final clean up.
double m_dt
Time interval (in ns) (calculated from m_SampleRate.
std::vector< double > m_LCE
Light collection efficiency for each channel.
void setnSamples(int nsamples)
Sets the number of points in the waveforms arrays.
const double m_tTransitPMT
48Mean transit time of the PMT signal (in ns)
std::vector< double > m_LY
Light yield for each channel (gamma per GeV)
uint32_t m_Time
Trigger Time.
int m_nSamples
Number of points requested in the waveform arrays.
virtual ~CsIDigitizerModule()
Default destructor.
virtual void beginRun() override
To do before each runs.
std::vector< double > m_PmtGain
PMT gain for each channel.
std::vector< double > m_PmtQE
PMT quantum efficiency for each channel.
std::vector< uint8_t > m_DPPCIBits
status of the DPP-CI
const double m_tRisePMT
2.6 Rise time of the PMT signal (in ns)
std::vector< double > m_tSlow
Slow time constant for each channel (ns)
std::vector< double > m_calibConstants
Calibration constants for each channel (in V/keV)
std::vector< double > m_tRatio
Ratio fast light / slow light for each channel.
StoreArray< CsiDigiHit > m_aDigiHit
Output: a digitized hit.
uint16_t doChargeIntegration(Signal _u, int _NsamBL, uint16_t *BSL, uint32_t *Q, uint32_t *t, std::vector< uint16_t > *_Waveform, std::vector< uint8_t > *_DPPCIBits, int _Treshold, double _TriggerHoldoff=0.0, double _GateWidth=320.0, double _GateOffset=40.0, bool _recordTraces=false)
Realizes the charge integration of the input signal.
double m_SampleRate
Parameter: Sample rate (in samples/sec) of the ADC.
int m_nWaveforms
Number of waveforms to save.
Signal m_SimHitTimes[16]
Array of signals (each corresponding to one channel)
uint16_t m_MaxADC
Max ACD of the hit (to check saturations)
Constructor: Sets the description, the properties and the parameters of the module.
Signal genSignalTemplate(int _n, int _i0, double _t1, double _t2=0.0, double _rFastTot=1.0)
Generates the template for a signal (obsolete)
uint32_t m_Charge
Integrated Charge.
std::vector< double > m_tFast
Fast time constant for each channel (ns)
std::vector< int > DigitalSignal
Designed to hold a "digital" (limited by the DAQ board rate and resolution) signal
std::vector< double > Signal
Designed to hold a "continuous" (in time and amplitude) signal
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.