11 #include <framework/core/Module.h>
12 #include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
13 #include <tracking/spacePointCreation/SpacePointTrackCand.h>
14 #include <tracking/spacePointCreation/SpacePoint.h>
18 #include <framework/geometry/B2Vector3.h>
57 void event()
66 c_nPlanes = c_nSVDPlanes + c_nPXDPlanes,
193 template<
class TrueHit>
200 const std::vector<Belle2::SpacePointTrackCand>
211 "Without a TrueHit a decision if a TrackCand is curling is not possible");
216 BELLE2_DEFINE_EXCEPTION(TrueHitsNotMatching,
"The TrueHits related to the two SVDClusters of a SpacePoint are not the same!")
287 template <class TrueHit>
Class to collect log likelihoods from Clusters from ECL and KLM aimed for output to mdst includes fun...
Module for checking SpacePointTrackCandidates for curling behaviour and splitting them into Track Can...
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > m_rootMisMatchPosX
Difference of X-positions (global) for mismatched TrueHits (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > m_rootMisMatchPosV
Difference of V-positions (local) for mismatched TrueHits (layerwise)
int m_NoCurlingTCsCtr
Counter for SPTCs that were not curling and hence were added to the StoreArray of first out parts.
StoreArray< SpacePointTrackCand > m_spacePointTCs
SpacePointTrackCand StoreArray.
std::string m_PARAMcurlingOutRestName
collection name of all but the first outgoing parts of a curling TrackCand
TTree * m_treePtr
Pointer to ROOT tree.
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > m_rootPosResidueYGlobal
Y-position (global) difference between TrueHit and SpacePoint (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > m_rootSpacePointZGlobals
Global Z-Positions of SpacePoints (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > m_rootMisMatchPosU
Difference of U-positions (local) for mismatched TrueHits (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > m_rootMisMatchMomX
Difference of Momentum in X-Direction for TrueHits that do not match but are related from one SpacePo...
StoreArray< SpacePointTrackCand > m_curlingAllIns
Curling SpacePointTrackCand StoreArray.
StoreArray< SpacePointTrackCand > m_curlingFirstOuts
Curling SpacePointTrackCand StoreArray.
bool m_saveCompleteCurler
set to true if all parts of a curling TrackCand should be stored in a separate StoreArray (no paramet...
void initialize() override
initialize: initialize counters, register stuff in DataStore, check if all necessary StoreArrays are ...
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > m_rootSpacePointYGlobals
Global Y-Positions of SpacePoints (layerwise)
std::vector< double > m_PARAMsetOrigin
set the origin to a specific point.
void event() override
event: check SpacePointTrackCand for curling behaviour, split if needed (and wanted by user)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > m_rootGlobalPosResiduals
Global Position Residuals between TrueHits and SpacePoints (layerwise)
int m_PARAMnTrackStubs
maximum number of TrackCand Stubs to be stored for a curling TrackCand
bool getDirectionOfFlight(std::pair< const B2Vector3< double >, const B2Vector3< double > > const &hitPosAndMom, const B2Vector3< double > &origin)
determine the direction of flight of a particle for a given hit and the origin (assumed interaction p...
std::string m_PARAMcurlingAllInName
collection name of all ingoing parts of a curling TrackCand
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > m_rootTrueHitXGlobals
Global U-Positions of TrueHits (layerwise)
void terminate() override
terminate: print some summary on the modules work
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > m_rootMisMatchPosDistance
Distance of TrueHits that do not match but are related from one SpacePoint (layerwise)
std::string m_PARAMcompleteCurlerName
collection name of all parts of a curling TrackCand
std::string m_PARAMsptcName
collection name of the SpacePointTrackCands to be analyzed
int m_NoSingleTrueHitCtr
Counter for SpacePoints that relate to more than one TrueHit.
int m_createdTrackStubsCtr
Counter for created TrackCand Stubs by splitting a SpacePointTrackCand.
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > m_rootPosResidueXGlobal
X-position (global) difference between TrueHit and SpacePoint (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > m_rootMisMatchMomZ
Difference of Momentum in Z-Direction for TrueHits that do not match but are related from one SpacePo...
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > m_rootSpacePointXGlobals
Global X-Positions of SpacePoints (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > m_rootSpacePointULocals
Local U-Positions of SpacePoints (layerwise)
std::vector< std::string > m_PARAMrootFileName
two entries accepted.
const std::vector< int > checkTrackCandForCurling(const Belle2::SpacePointTrackCand &, RootVariables &rootVariables)
Check if the track candidate is curling.
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > m_rootMisMatchMomY
Difference of Momentum in Y-Direction for TrueHits that do not match but are related from one SpacePo...
void getValuesForRoot(const SpacePoint *spacePoint, const TrueHit *trueHit, RootVariables &rootVariables)
Get The Values that are later written to a ROOT file.
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > m_rootMisMatchPosZ
Difference of Z-positions (global) for mismatched TrueHits (layerwise)
TaggedUVPos getUV(const SpacePoint *spacePoint)
get U&V for a SpacePoint (via its relation to Clusters) (SpacePoint can only return normalized U&V co...
StoreArray< SpacePointTrackCand > m_curlingCompletes
Curling SpacePointTrackCand StoreArray.
void writeToRoot(const RootVariables &rootVariables)
Write previously collected values to ROOT file.
std::pair< const B2Vector3< double >, const B2Vector3< double > > getGlobalPositionAndMomentum(TrueHit *aTrueHit)
Get the global position and momentum for a given TrueHit (PXD or SVD at the moment).
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > m_rootSpacePointVLocals
Local V-Positions of SpacePoints (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > m_rootPosResidueZGlobal
Z-position (global) difference between TrueHit and SpacePoint (layerwise)
B2Vector3< double > m_origin
origin used internally (set from user set value)
int m_noDecisionPossibleCtr
Counter for TrackCands where a decision if curling or not is not possible.
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > m_rootLocalPosResiduals
Local Position Residuals between TrueHits and SpacePoints (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > m_rootTrueHitYGlobals
Global V-Positions of TrueHits (layerwise)
bool m_PARAMuseNonSingleTHinPA
Switch for using SpacePoints in position Analysis that are related to more than one TrueHit.
std::string m_PARAMcurlingOutFirstName
collection name of the first outgoing (i.e.
const std::vector< Belle2::SpacePointTrackCand > splitCurlingTrackCand(const Belle2::SpacePointTrackCand &SPTrackCand, int NTracklets, const std::vector< int > &splitIndices)
Split a culring track candidate into (up to NTracklets) tracklets.
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > m_rootTrueHitVLocals
Local Y-Positions of TrueHits (layerwise)
int m_curlingTCCtr
Counter for TrackCands that show curling behaviour.
int m_spacePointTCCtr
Counter for presented SpacePointTrackCands.
void initializeCounters()
initialize all counters to 0 for avoiding undeterministic behaviour.
TFile * m_rootFilePtr
Pointer to ROOT file.
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > m_rootMisMatchPosY
Difference of Y-positions (global) for mismatched TrueHits (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > m_rootTrueHitULocals
Local X-Positions of TrueHits (layerwise)
BELLE2_DEFINE_EXCEPTION(FoundNoTrueHit, "Found no TrueHit for one (or more) Cluster(s). " "Without a TrueHit a decision if a TrackCand is curling is not possible")
Exception for case when no TrueHit can be found for a Cluster.
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > m_rootTrueHitZGlobals
Global Z-Positions of TrueHits (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > m_rootPosResidueVLocal
V-position (local) difference between TrueHit and SpacePoint (layerwise)
bool m_PARAMpositionAnalysis
Set to true if output to ROOT file is desired with the positions and position differences of SpacePoi...
StoreArray< SpacePointTrackCand > m_curlingRestOuts
Curling SpacePointTrackCand StoreArray.
bool m_PARAMsplitCurlers
indicating if the SpacePointTrackCands should only be analyzed for curling behaviour,...
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > m_rootPosResidueULocal
U-position (local) differnece between TrueHit and SpacePoint (layerwise)
Storage for (VXD) SpacePoint-based track candidates.
SpacePoint typically is build from 1 PXDCluster or 1-2 SVDClusters.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
Internal DataStore for ROOT output variables.
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > PosResidueVLocal
V-position (local) difference between TrueHit and SpacePoint (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > MisMatchMomZ
Difference of Momentum in Z-Direction for TrueHits that do not match but are related from one SpacePo...
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > MisMatchPosZ
Difference of Z-positions (global) for mismatched TrueHits (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > MisMatchPosU
Difference of U-positions (local) for mismatched TrueHits (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > PosResidueZGlobal
Z-position (global) difference between TrueHit and SpacePoint (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > MisMatchMomX
Difference of Momentum in X-Direction for TrueHits that do not match but are related from one SpacePo...
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > MisMatchPosV
Difference of V-positions (local) for mismatched TrueHits (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > MisMatchPosResiduals
Distance between TrueHits that do not match but are related from one SpacePoint (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > MisMatchPosY
Difference of Y-positions (global) for mismatched TrueHits (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > SpacePointYGlobal
global y-positions of SpacePoints (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > MisMatchPosX
Difference of X-positions (global) for mismatched TrueHits (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > SpacePointVLocal
local v-positions of SpacePoints (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > TrueHitULocal
local u-positions of TrueHits (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > SpacePointZGlobal
global z-positions of SpacePoints (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > PosResidueULocal
U-position (local) differnece between TrueHit and SpacePoint (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > TrueHitXGlobal
global x-positions of TrueHits (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > PosResiduesGlobal
position differences in global coordinates (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > SpacePointULocal
local u-positions of SpacePoints (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > TrueHitVLocal
local v-positions of TrueHits (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > MisMatchMomY
Difference of Momentum in Y-Direction for TrueHits that do not match but are related from one SpacePo...
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > PosResidueYGlobal
Y-position (global) difference between TrueHit and SpacePoint (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > SpacePointXGlobal
global x-positions of SpacePoints (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > PosResiduesLocal
position differences in local coordinates (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > PosResidueXGlobal
X-position (global) difference between TrueHit and SpacePoint (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > TrueHitZGlobal
global z-positions of TrueHits (layerwise)
std::array< std::vector< double >, c_nPlanes > TrueHitYGlobal
global y-positions of TrueHits (layerwise)
struct for easier handling of getting U- & V-position of SpacePoints and some difficulties that arise...
bool m_setV
indicator if V is set
bool m_setU
indicator if U is set
default constructor initializes both bools to false and both doubles to 0.