17 class TEveElementList;
20 class TGPictureButton;
31 template <
class T>
class ModuleParam;
48 explicit DisplayUI(
bool automatic =
bool advance =
71 void goToEvent(Long_t event, Long_t run, Long_t experiment);
103 void setTitle(
const std::string& fileName =
Add custom information to the display.
Control TEve browser user interface.
void clearEvent()
remove all event data in current event.
void next()
Go to next event.
TGLabel * m_eventLabel
show event/run/exp number for current event.
void hideObjects(const std::vector< std::string > &names)
hide objects with the given names.
void handleEvent(Event_t *event)
Handles keyboard shortcuts.
long m_currentEntry
Current entry id.
std::vector< Parameter > m_paramList
List of run time configurable module parameters.
void startAutomaticRun()
switch to automatic mode, where visualisations are saved for each event, with no interactive control.
void autoAdvanceDelayChanged()
m_autoAdvanceDelay was changed, update m_timer if enabled.
void togglePlayPause()
Handle Play/Pause button clicks.
TGButton * m_prevButton
Button to switch to previous event.
void closeAndExit()
Close window and exit immediately.
bool m_automatic
If true, disable interactive control and call automaticEvent() instead.
bool getReturnValue() const
Return value for current event, only makes sense if allowFlaggingEvents(true) was called.
void setTitle(const std::string &fileName="")
Set title of Eve window.
DisplayUI(bool automatic=false, bool advance=false)
TEveElementList * m_eventData
List of event data, including projections.
void automaticEvent()
The actual per-event functionality for automatic saving.
void selectionHandler(TEveElement *eveObj)
Handle special actions when objects are selected.
void makeGui()
Build the buttons for event navigation.
bool cumulativeIsOn() const
If true, DisplayModule shouldn't clear previous data (i.e.
void pollNewEvents()
Check if new events are available, and go to next event.
TGButton * m_nextButton
Button to switch to next event.
void toggleCumulative()
toggle cumulative mode.
TGPictureButton * m_playPauseButton
Play / Pause button.
TTimer * m_timer
Polling/auto-advance timer.
void handleParameterChange(int id)
Called when one of the module parameters is changed via UI.
bool m_guiInitialized
Was GUI already built?
SplitGLView * getViewPane()
return right-side pane with viewers.
void toggleUndock()
dock/undock active viewer.
void updateUI()
Update UI after a new event was loaded, as well as m_currentEntry.
TGNumberEntry * m_autoAdvanceDelay
Delay for automatic advance, in seconds.
void goToEvent(Long_t id)
Go to event with index id.
TGNumberEntry * m_eventNumberWidget
Event switcher with numeric entry.
void addParameter(const std::string &label, ModuleParam< bool > ¶m, int level)
Generate UI elements so the given module parameter can be changed at run time.
void savePicture(bool highres=false)
Save the current view to a user-defined filename.
TGCheckButton * m_flagEvent
Show control for flagging events (to set module return value).
void toggleColorScheme()
Toggle between light and dark color scheme for viewers.
bool startDisplay()
Start interactive display for current event.
void showUserData(const DisplayData &displayData)
Add user-defined data (histograms, etc.).
void prev()
Go to previous event.
TGNumberEntry * m_autoPictureWidth
width of saved PNGs.
void goToEventWidget()
go to the event given by m_eventNumberWidget.
bool m_reshowCurrentEvent
Show current event again after startDisplay() returns?
bool m_advance
If true, start advancing through the events on startup.
TGTextEntry * m_autoFileNamePrefix
File name prefix (prefix + event number + "_" + projection + ".png").
void showJumpToEventDialog()
Show a dialog to to enter exp, run, event numbers.
void saveHiResPicture()
alias for savePicture(true).
SplitGLView * m_viewPane
pointer to right-side pane with viewers.
std::vector< std::string > m_hideObjects
objects which are to be hidden (can be manually re-enabled in tree view).
void allowFlaggingEvents(const std::string &description="")
Show control for flagging events (to set module return value).
bool m_cumulative
If true, DisplayModule shouldn't clear previous data (i.e.
Responsible for arranging the GL viewers and providing related functionality.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
Wraps a module parameter that can be toggled from the UI.
int m_level
Level this parameter is shown at (0 is highest).
std::string m_label
Label shown in UI.
ModuleParam< bool > * m_param
wrapped parameter.