12 #include <ecl/dataobjects/ECLElementNumbers.h>
15 #include <framework/core/HistoModule.h>
16 #include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
37 class ARICHGeometryPar;
61 virtual void event()
64 virtual void endRun()
163 int SetPosHistos(TH1F* h, TH2F* hFWD, TH2F* hBAR, TH2F* hBWD);
The Class for ARICH Geometry Parameters.
Class BeamBackHit - Stores hits from beam backgound simulation.
A module to study background campaigns and produce histograms.
const double SiRho
Density (silicium) [kg*cm^{-3}] of Si.
const double DiodeThk
Thickness [cm] of Diodes.
bool m_doARICH
Whether or not the ARICH plots are produced.
TH1F * h_DiodeRadDose
Diode Radiation Dose.
int SetPosHistos(TH1F *h, TH2F *hFWD, TH2F *hBAR, TH2F *hBWD)
Create 2D histograms indicating the position of each crystals.
StoreArray< ECLShower > m_eclShowerArray
Store array: ECLShower.
const double HAPDthickness
ARICH: Thickness (cm) of the HAPD boards.
Radiation Dose Forward Calorimeter.
TH2F * h_ShowerVsTheta
Shower Energy distribution vs theta.
TH2F * hEnergyPerCrystalBAR
Energy per crystal Barrel.
TH1F * hEnergyPerCrystal
Energy per cell.
static const int nECLThetaID
Number of thetaID values.
virtual void initialize() override
Initialize variables.
TH2F * hEnergyPerCrystalECB
Energy per crystal Backward Calorimeter.
TH1F * hEMDoseWideTID
Radiation Dose Wide bins.
const double HAPDmass
ARICH: Mass (kg) of the HAPD boards.
TH1F * hEneu
Log Spectrum of the neutrons hitting the diodes / 1 MeV.
virtual void event() override
Event method
const int nHAPD
ARICH parameter.
ARICH Yearly dose (rad) vs module index.
TH2F * hDiodeFluxECF
Diode Neutron Flux Forward Calorimeter.
const double HAPDarea
ARICH geometry paramaters.
Radiation Dose Barrel.
virtual void endRun() override
Radiation Dose Backward Calorimeter.
TH2F * h_ProdVertvsThetaId
Production Vertex vs thetaID.
int BuildECL()
Builds geometry (fill Crystal look-up arrays)
std::vector< int > m_CryInt
Cell ID of crystal(s) of interest.
virtual void terminate() override
TH1F * h_CrystalRadDoseTheta
Crystal Radiation Dose, actual Theta.
TH1F * h_PhotonE
Photon Energy.
TH1F * h_ProdVert
Production Vertex.
TH1F * hNevtPerRing
Event counter averaged per ring (theta-id)
int ARICHmod2row(int modID)
Get ARICH ring ID from the module index.
const double DiodeArea
Frontal area [cm*cm] of Diodes.
TH2F * h_HitLocations
Hit locations.
const double usInYr
us in a year
int FillARICHBeamBack(BeamBackHit *aBBHit)
Populate ARICH HAPD dose and flux histograms (from the BeamBack hits array)
int m_nEvent
Event counter.
virtual void beginRun() override
TH2F * BuildPosHisto(TH1F *h, const char *sub)
Convert histogram vs crystal index to geometrical positions.
TH1F * h_NeutronFluxThetaID67
Neutron flux in Diodes, ThetaID=67.
TH1F * hHAPDFlux
ARICH Yearly neutron flux vs module index.
TH1F * h_NeutronFluxThetaID2
Neutron flux in Diodes, ThetaID=2.
const int nHAPDperRing[7]
ARICH parameter.
TH1F * h_Shower
Shower Energy distribution.
const double DiodeMass
Mass [kg] of Diodes.
TH2F * hEnergyPerCrystalECF
Energy per crystal Forward Calorimeter.
StoreArray< BeamBackHit > m_BeamBackArray
Store array: BeamBackHit.
TH1F * hEdepPerRing
Energy averaged per ring.
TH1F * BuildARICHringIDHisto(TH1F *h_cell)
Convert histogram vs ARICH channel ID to average per ring ID.
StoreArray< ECLSimHit > m_eclArray
Store array: ECLSimHit.
TH1F * hEnergyPerCrystalWideTID
Energy per crystal Wide bins.
TH1F * hDiodeFluxWideTID
Diode Neutron Flux Wide bins.
StoreArray< MCParticle > m_mcParticles
Store array: MCParticle.
TH1F * h_CrystalThetaID2
Crystal Radiation Dose, ThetaID=2.
TH2F * hDiodeFluxECB
Diode Neutron Flux Backward Calorimeter.
TH1F * BuildThetaIDWideHisto(TH1F *h_cry)
Convert histogram vs crystal index to average per theta-ID (wide binning)
virtual ~ECLBackgroundModule()
TH1F * h_CrystalThetaID67
Crystal Radiation Dose, ThetaID=67.
ECLCrystalData * Crystal[ECLElementNumbers::c_NCrystals]
Store crystal geometry and mass data.
TH1F * h_BarrelDose
Crystal Radiation Dose in Barrel, 12<thetaID<59.
TH1F * hEgamma
Log Spectrum of the photons hitting the crystals / 1 MeV.
TH1F * hEMDose
Radiation Dose per cell.
TH1F * h_NeutronFlux
Neutron Flux in Diodes.
const int nHAPDrings
ARICH parameter.
TH2F * hDiodeFluxBAR
Diode Neutron Flux Barrel.
TH1F * h_NeutronE
Neutron Energy.
const double GeVtoJ
Joules in a GeV.
TH1F * hDiodeFlux
Diode Neutron Flux per cell.
TH1F * h_CrystalRadDose
Crystal Radiation Dose.
TH1F * h_nECLSimHits
ECL Sim Hits.
int m_sampleTime
length of sample in us
virtual void defineHisto() override
Initalize the histograms.
TH1F * h_NeutronEThetaID0
Neutron Energy, First Crystal.
Class for obtaining crystal details for a given crystal cell An evolved look-up table.
HistoModule.h is supposed to be used instead of Module.h for the modules with histogram definitions t...
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
const int c_NCrystals
Number of crystals.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.