17 #include <ecl/modules/eclDisplay/EclData.h>
18 #include <ecl/modules/eclDisplay/EclPainterFactory.h>
20 class TRootEmbeddedCanvas;
21 class TGDoubleHSlider;
33 class MultilineWidget;
34 class ECLChannelMapper;
191 void updateInfo(
int event,
int px,
int py, TObject*);
200 void changeType(
int type,
bool redraw =
This class provides access to ECL channel map that is either a) Loaded from the database (see ecl/dbo...
This class contains data for ECLSimHit's and provides several relevant conversion functions for bette...
Subsystems of ECL: ALL all subsystems BARR barrel only FORW forward endcap only BACKW backward endcap...
Root TGMainFrame that contains multiple widgets that display the ECLSimHit's w.r.t.
ECL::ECLChannelMapper * m_mapper
ECLChannelMapper, class for conversion from CellID to (crate, shaper, chn_id).
TGListTree * m_list_tree
Tree GUI of crates/shapers.
void initData()
Initialize data.
TGVerticalFrame * m_settings
Main frame for settings; its subframes contain settings for different categories.
void doDrawAll()
Draw all events on m_ecanvas.
TGNumberEntry * m_events_max
Max value for range of displayed events.
bool m_open
Default is true, m_open is set to false when EclFrame closes.
void updateInfo(int event, int px, int py, TObject *)
Update information on the cursor position in the histogram.
TRootEmbeddedCanvas * m_ecanvas
Embedded canvas.
int m_last_event
If m_auto_display is set, this is the evtn of last displayed event.
static const char * filetypes[]
Possible export filetypes for histograms.
EclPainterType m_painter_type
Current painter type.
TGNumberEntry * m_max_en_threshold
Max value for energy threshold.
void showNextEvents()
Show next range of events.
EclData::EclSubsystem m_subsys
Current subsystem displayed.
TGGroupFrame * m_frame5
Energy threshold subframe.
TGNumberEntry * m_min_en_threshold
Min value for energy threshold.
EclFrame(int painter_type, EclData *data, bool auto_display, ECL::ECLChannelMapper *mapper)
TGGroupFrame * m_frame3
Optional subframe, crate/shaper select.
void showPrevEvents()
Show previous range of events.
Enum for menu commands.
Use data from backward endcap only.
Display histograms for energy.
Use data from barrel only.
Use data from all ECL subsystems.
Use data from forward endcap only.
Export EclDisplay data into simple TTree.
Display histograms for events.
void handleMenu(int id)
Apply action from menu.
TGGroupFrame * m_frame4
Channel exclusion subframe.
bool m_auto_display
This flag controls whether to display newly loaded events automatically.
virtual ~EclFrame()
ECLFrame destructor.
void changeType(int type, bool redraw=true)
Change EclPainter type when selected in drop-down menu.
void initGUI(int w, int h)
Initialize GUI.
void changeRange(TGListTreeItem *entry, int btn)
Opens shapers of specific crate/channels of specific shaper.
TGDoubleHSlider * m_ev_slider
Slider to set the time range.
void doDraw()
Get view parameters from GUI and call updateCanvas().
TGNumberEntry * m_events_min
Min value for range of displayed events.
void loadNewData()
Update view of the data.
TGCheckButton * m_threshold_switch
Check button to turn energy threshold on/off.
void updateCanvas()
Redraw m_ecanvas.
TGTextButton * m_draw_all
Button that initiates drawing of the data for all events.
TGNumberEntry * m_channel_id
Number field for channel exclusion.
MultilineWidget * m_frame1
Information subframe.
EclData * m_ecl_data
EclData, class containing data to display.
void excludeChannel()
Exclude channel specified in the GUI.
TGGroupFrame * m_frame2
Event range subframe.
void updateEventRange()
Change event range and pass information to m_ecl_data.
TGTextButton * m_draw
Button that initiates drawing of the data for selected events.
EclPainter * m_ecl_painter
Current EclPainter.
Painter for EclData, parent class, created with EclPainterFactory.
Enum for type of EclPainter to create.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.