10 #include "EvtGenBase/EvtComplex.hh"
58 const double AS1,
const double AR3,
59 const double bottomMass,
const double charmMass,
60 const EvtComplex& CV1,
const EvtComplex& CV2,
const EvtComplex& CS1,
const EvtComplex& CS2,
const EvtComplex& CT,
61 const double parentMass,
const double DMass,
const double DstarMass);
74 EvtComplex
double mtau,
int tauhel,
int Dhel,
double w,
double costau)
91 EvtComplex
const EvtComplex& CV1,
const EvtComplex& CV2,
const EvtComplex& CS1,
const EvtComplex& CS2,
const EvtComplex& CT,
92 double mtau,
int tauhel,
int Dhel,
double w,
double costau)
102 double Lep(
const double mtau,
int tauhel,
int whel,
double q2,
double costau)
111 double Lep(
const double mtau,
int tauhel,
double q2,
double costau)
123 double Lep(
const double mtau,
int tauhel,
int whel1,
int whel2,
double q2,
double costau)
131 double HadV1(
int Dhel,
int whel,
double w)
139 double HadV2(
int Dhel,
int whel,
double w)
146 double HadS1(
int Dhel,
double w)
153 double HadS2(
int Dhel,
double w)
163 double HadT(
int Dhel,
int whel1,
int whel2,
double w)
174 double helampSM(
double mtau,
int tauhel,
int Dhel,
double w,
double costau)
186 double helampV1(
double mtau,
int tauhel,
int Dhel,
double w,
double costau)
198 double helampV2(
double mtau,
int tauhel,
int Dhel,
double w,
double costau)
210 double helampS1(
double mtau,
int tauhel,
int Dhel,
double w,
double costau)
222 double helampS2(
double mtau,
int tauhel,
int Dhel,
double w,
double costau)
234 double helampT(
double mtau,
int tauhel,
int Dhel,
double w,
double costau)
240 double eta(
int whel)
const {
return (whel == 2) ? -1 : 1;}
248 double hp(
double w)
251 double hm(
double w)
254 double hA1(
double w)
257 double hV(
double w)
260 double hA2(
double w)
263 double hA3(
double w)
268 double hS(
double w)
271 double hP(
double w)
276 double hT(
double w)
279 double hT1(
double w)
282 double hT2(
double w)
285 double hT3(
double w)
291 double z(
double w)
297 double ffV1(
double w)
303 double ffS1(
double w)
309 double ffA1(
double w)
315 double ffR1(
double w)
321 double ffR2(
double w)
327 double ffR3(
double w)
345 double dS1(
double w)
351 double dR3(
double w)
367 double mD(
int Dhel)
373 double r(
int Dhel)
const {
return mD(Dhel) /
385 double v(
double mtau,
double q2)
392 double q2(
int Dhel,
double w)
399 double qh2(
int Dhel,
double w)
407 double q2min(
double mtau)
const {
return mtau * mtau;}
425 double wmin()
const {
return 1.;};
The class calculates the helicity amplitude of semi-tauonic B decays including new physics effects ba...
void setCV1(const EvtComplex &v)
Sets the Wilson coeffcient CV1.
double getAS1() const
Returns form factor 1/m_Q correction factor a_S1.
EvtComplex m_CV2
Wilson coefficient CV2.
EvtComplex getCT() const
Returns the Wilson coeffcient CT.
double m_mCharm
c quark mass (running mass at m_b scale), used for scalar form factor term )
EvtComplex getCS1() const
Returns the Wilson coeffcient CS1.
double m_aR3
1/mQ correcion factor a_R3.
double getMB() const
Returns the parent (B) meson mass.
void setMCharm(double m)
Returns the charm quark mass.
double getMDst() const
Returns the daughter vector (D*) meson mass.
void setCT(const EvtComplex &v)
Sets the Wilson coeffcient CT.
double m_mBottom
b quark mass (running mass at m_b scale), used for scalar form factor term
EvtComplex m_CV1
Wilson coefficient CV1.
double m_mD
daughter scalar (D) meson mass.
double aR3() const
HQET correction factor for the uncertainty of 1/m_Q correction.
void setAS1(double v)
Sets the form factor 1/m_Q correction parameter a_S1.
double getR11() const
Returns form factor parameter R_1(1).
double getMCharm() const
Returns the charm quark mass.
double getRho12() const
parameter accessor
double m_ffR11
Form factor parameter R_1(1).
void setMB(double m)
Sets the parent (B) meson mass.
double getR21() const
Returns form factor parameter R_2(1).
void setRhoA12(double v)
Sets the form factor parameter rho_A1^2.
double wmin() const
Minimum value of the velocity transfer variable w.
EvtComplex m_CS1
Wilson coefficient CS1.
EvtComplex m_CT
Wilson coefficient CT.
double m_mB
parent (B) meson mass.
void setCV2(const EvtComplex &v)
Sets the Wilson coeffcient CV2.
void setCS2(const EvtComplex &v)
Sets the Wilson coeffcient CS2.
void setMBottom(double m)
Returns the bottom quark mass.
void setMDst(double m)
Sets the daughter vector (D) meson mass.
double rq() const
Ratio of the charm quark mass to the charm quark mass.
void setR11(double v)
Sets the form factor parameter R_1(1).
double eta(int whel) const
The metric factor.
double ffV11() const
Form factor normalization factor for B->Dlnu.
virtual ~EvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculator()
The destructor.
EvtComplex m_CS2
Wilson coefficient CS2.
double getRhoA12() const
Returns form factor parameter rho_A1^2.
EvtComplex getCV2() const
Returns the Wilson coeffcient CV2.
double m_aS1
1/mQ correcion factor a_S1.
double m_rho12
Form factor slope parameters rho_1^2.
double wmax(double mtau, int Dhel) const
Maximum value of the velocity transfer variable w.
double getMBottom() const
Returns the bottom quark mass.
double ffA11() const
Form factor normalization factor for B->D*lnu.
void setR21(double v)
Sets the form factor parameter R_2(1).
double m_ffR21
Form factor parameter R_2(1).
double wfunc(int Dhel, double q2) const
Calculate the velocity transfer variable w.
void setCS1(const EvtComplex &v)
Sets the Wilson coeffcient CS1.
void setAR3(double v)
Sets the form factor 1/m_Q correction parameter a_R3.
void setMD(double m)
Sets the daughter scalar (D) meson mass.
double q2max(int Dhel) const
Maximum value of the q^2.
double aS1() const
HQET correction factor for the uncertainty of 1/m_Q correction.
double r(int Dhel) const
Ratio of the daughter meson mass to the parent meson.
double getAR3() const
Returns form factor 1/m_Q correction factor a_R3.
double m_mDst
daughter vector (D*) meson mass.
double q2min(double mtau) const
Minimum value of the q^2.
EvtComplex getCV1() const
Returns the Wilson coeffcient CV1.
EvtComplex getCS2() const
Returns the Wilson coeffcient CS2.
double m_rhoA12
Form factor slope parameters rho_A1^2.
void setRho12(double v)
Sets the form factor parameter rho_1^2.
double getMD() const
Returns the daughter scalar (D) meson mass.
double ffR2(double w) const
CLN form factor R2.
double hV(double w) const
HQET D* axial vector form factor h_V(w).
double HadV2(int Dhel, int whel, double w) const
The function to calculate the Hadronic Amplitudes of right handed (V+A) type contribution.
double qh2(int Dhel, double w) const
Function to calculate the q^2 divided by the square of parent mass (m_B^2).
double hT1(double w) const
D* tensor form factor h_{T1}(w) in terms of axial vector form factors.
double hm(double w) const
HQET D vector form factor h_-(w).
bool chkwhel(int whel) const
Function to check if whel is in the valid range.
EvtComplex helAmp(double mtau, int tauhel, int Dhel, double w, double costau) const
The function calculates the helicity amplitude.
double dR3(double w) const
HQET correction factor for the scalar form factor for B->D*taunu.
double v(double mtau, double q2) const
Function to calculate the tau velocity.
double helampT(double mtau, int tauhel, int Dhel, double w, double costau) const
Helicity Amplitudes of tensor type contribution.
double helampV1(double mtau, int tauhel, int Dhel, double w, double costau) const
Helicity Amplitudes of left handed (V-A) contribution.
double ffS1(double w) const
CLN form factor S1.
The default constructor.
double Lep(const double mtau, int tauhel, int whel, double q2, double costau) const
The function to calculate the Leptonic Amplitudes for B->D*taunu decay of the vector type contributio...
double hA1(double w) const
HQET D* axial vector form factor h_{A1}(w).
double hS(double w) const
D scalar form factor h_S(w) in terms of vector form factors.
bool chktauhel(int tauhel) const
Function to check if tauhel is in the valid range.
double HadT(int Dhel, int whel1, int whel2, double w) const
The function to calculate the Hadronic Amplitudes of tensor type contribution.
double ffA1(double w) const
CLN form factor A1.
double hT3(double w) const
D* tensor form factor h_{T3}(w).
double HadS1(int Dhel, double w) const
The function to calculate the Hadronic Amplitudes of scalar (S+P) type contribution.
double hT(double w) const
D tensor form factor h_T(w) in terms of vector form factors.
double helampS1(double mtau, int tauhel, int Dhel, double w, double costau) const
Helicity Amplitudes of scalar (S+P) type contribution.
double hA2(double w) const
HQET D* axial vector form factor h_{A2}(w).
double ffV1(double w) const
CLN form factor V1.
double helampSM(double mtau, int tauhel, int Dhel, double w, double costau) const
Helicity Amplitudes of SM (left handed) contribution.
bool chkDhel(int Dhel) const
sanity checkers
double z(double w) const
CLN form factor z.
double hp(double w) const
HQET D vector form factor h_+(w).
double hP(double w) const
D* pseudo scalar form factor h_P(w) in terms of axial vector form factors.
double HadS2(int Dhel, double w) const
The function to calculate the Hadronic Amplitudes of scalar (S-P) type contribution.
double helampV2(double mtau, int tauhel, int Dhel, double w, double costau) const
Helicity Amplitudes of right handed (V+A) contribution.
double hA3(double w) const
HQET D* axial vector form factor h_{A3}(w).
double helampS2(double mtau, int tauhel, int Dhel, double w, double costau) const
Helicity Amplitudes of scalar (S-P) type contribution.
double ffR1(double w) const
CLN form factor R1.
double HadV1(int Dhel, int whel, double w) const
The function to calculate the Hadronic Amplitudes of left handed (V-A) type contribution.
double q2(int Dhel, double w) const
Function to calculate the q^2 of the decay (square of l+nu invariant mass).
double mD(int Dhel) const
Daughter D(*) meson mass.
double hT2(double w) const
D* tensor form factor h_{T2}(w).
double dS1(double w) const
HQET correction factor for the scalar form factor for B->Dtaunu.
double ffR3(double w) const
CLN form factor R3.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.