10 #include "EvtGenBase/EvtDecayAmp.hh"
55 EvtDecayBase*
69 void decay(EvtParticle* p);
Class for the simulation of the eta -> 3pi0 and eta'->3pi0 decays.
Default constructor.
void init()
Checks that the number of input parameters are correct:
virtual ~EvtEtaPi0Dalitz()
Default destructor.
EvtDecayBase * clone()
Makes a copy of the class object.
void initProbMax()
Sets the Maximum probability for the PHSP reweight.
std::string getName()
Returns the name of the model: ETA_PI0DALITZ.
void decay(EvtParticle *p)
Function that implements the energy-dependent Dalitz.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.