Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
8 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/filters/facet/FitFacetVarSet.h>
10 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/fitting/FacetFitter.h>
12 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/eventdata/hits/CDCFacet.h>
13 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/eventdata/hits/CDCWireHit.h>
15 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/numerics/Quadratic.h>
17 using namespace Belle2;
18 using namespace TrackFindingCDC;
20 bool FitFacetVarSet::extract(const CDCFacet* ptrFacet)
21 {
22  if (not ptrFacet) return false;
23  const CDCFacet& facet = *ptrFacet;
25  const Vector2D startWirePos2D = facet.getStartWireHit().getRefPos2D();
26  const Vector2D middleWirePos2D = facet.getMiddleWireHit().getRefPos2D();
27  const Vector2D endWirePos2D = facet.getEndWireHit().getRefPos2D();
29  // 0 step fit
30  {
31  constexpr const int nSteps = 0;
32  const double chi2_0 = FacetFitter::fit(facet, nSteps);
33  const UncertainParameterLine2D& fitLine = facet.getFitLine();
34  const double s = fitLine->lengthOnCurve(startWirePos2D, endWirePos2D);
36  var<named("chi2_0")>() = chi2_0;
37  var<named("chi2_0_per_s")>() = chi2_0 / s;
38  var<named("fit_0_phi0")>() = fitLine->tangential().phi();
39  var<named("fit_0_phi0_sigma")>() = std::sqrt(fitLine.variance(ELineParameter::c_Phi0));
40  }
42  // 1 step fit
43  {
44  constexpr const int nSteps = 1;
45  const double chi2_1 = FacetFitter::fit(facet, nSteps);
46  const UncertainParameterLine2D& fitLine = facet.getFitLine();
47  const double s = fitLine->lengthOnCurve(startWirePos2D, endWirePos2D);
49  var<named("chi2_1")>() = chi2_1;
50  var<named("chi2_1_per_s")>() = chi2_1 / s;
51  var<named("fit_1_phi0")>() = fitLine->tangential().phi();
52  var<named("fit_1_phi0_sigma")>() = std::sqrt(fitLine.variance(ELineParameter::c_Phi0));
53  }
55  // N step fit
56  {
57  const double chi2 = FacetFitter::fit(facet);
58  const UncertainParameterLine2D& fitLine = facet.getFitLine();
59  const double s = fitLine->lengthOnCurve(startWirePos2D, endWirePos2D);
61  var<named("chi2")>() = chi2;
62  var<named("chi2_per_s")>() = chi2 / s;
64  // Heuristic flattening functions. Factor is chosen by hand for some experimentation here.
65  constexpr const double erfWidth = 120.0;
66  constexpr const double tanhWidth = 1.64 * erfWidth;
68  var<named("erf")>() = std::erf(chi2 / erfWidth);
69  var<named("tanh")>() = std::tanh(chi2 / tanhWidth);
70  var<named("fit_phi0")>() = fitLine->tangential().phi();
71  var<named("fit_phi0_sigma")>() = std::sqrt(fitLine.variance(ELineParameter::c_Phi0));
73  const CDCRLWireHit& startRLWireHit = facet.getStartRLWireHit();
74  const CDCRLWireHit& middleRLWireHit = facet.getMiddleRLWireHit();
75  const CDCRLWireHit& endRLWireHit = facet.getEndRLWireHit();
77  const double startL = startRLWireHit.getSignedRefDriftLength();
78  const double middleL = middleRLWireHit.getSignedRefDriftLength();
79  const double endL = endRLWireHit.getSignedRefDriftLength();
81  const double startDistance = fitLine->distance(startWirePos2D) - startL;
82  const double middleDistance = fitLine->distance(middleWirePos2D) - middleL;
83  const double endDistance = fitLine->distance(endWirePos2D) - endL;
85  var<named("start_distance")>() = startDistance;
86  var<named("middle_distance")>() = middleDistance;
87  var<named("end_distance")>() = endDistance;
88  var<named("d2")>() = square(startDistance) + square(middleDistance) + square(endDistance);
89  }
90  return true;
91 }
Class representing a triple of neighboring oriented wire with additional trajectory information.
Definition: CDCFacet.h:32
const UncertainParameterLine2D & getFitLine() const
Getter for the contained line fit information.
Definition: CDCFacet.h:61
const CDCWireHit & getStartWireHit() const
Getter for the hit wire of the first oriented wire hit.
CDCRLWireHit & getEndRLWireHit()
Getter for the third oriented wire hit.
const CDCWireHit & getEndWireHit() const
Getter for the hit wire of the third oriented wire hit.
CDCRLWireHit & getMiddleRLWireHit()
Getter for the second oriented wire hit.
CDCRLWireHit & getStartRLWireHit()
Getter for the first oriented wire hit.
const CDCWireHit & getMiddleWireHit() const
Getter for the hit wire of the second oriented wire hit.
Class representing an oriented hit wire including a hypotheses whether the causing track passes left ...
Definition: CDCRLWireHit.h:41
double getSignedRefDriftLength() const
Getter for the drift length at the reference position of the wire.
Definition: CDCRLWireHit.h:216
const Vector2D & getRefPos2D() const
The two dimensional reference position (z=0) of the underlying wire.
static double fit(const CDCFacet &facet, int nSteps=100)
Fits a proper line to facet and returns the chi2.
bool extract(const CDCFacet *ptrFacet) final
Generate and assign the contained variables.
double distance(const Vector2D &point) const
Gives the signed distance of a point to the line.
const Vector2D & tangential() const
Gives the tangential vector of the line.
double lengthOnCurve(const Vector2D &from, const Vector2D &to) const
Denotes the length on the line between the two points.
A parameter line including including an line covariance matrix which is interpreted as located in the...
double variance(const ELineParameter &i) const
Getter for individual diagonal elements of the covariance matrix.
constexpr static int named(const char *name)
Getter for the index from the name.
Definition: VarSet.h:78
Float_t & var()
Reference getter for the value of the ith variable. Static version.
Definition: VarSet.h:93
A two dimensional vector which is equipped with functions for correct handeling of orientation relat...
Definition: Vector2D.h:35
double phi() const
Gives the azimuth angle being the angle to the x axes ( range -M_PI to M_PI )
Definition: Vector2D.h:581
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.