9 #include "tracking/vxdCaTracking/FourHitFilters.h"
DataType Perp() const
The transverse component (R in cylindrical coordinate system).
double calcDeltaDistCircleCenter()
calculates ddist2IP-value directly (ddist2IP= difference in magnitude of the points of closest approa...
double m_radiusABC
estimation of the radius of the circle using hits A, B & C
B2Vector3D m_centerABC
estimation of a circleCenterPosition using hits A, B & C
double m_radiusBCD
estimation of a radius of the circle using hitsBA, C & D
bool m_circleCalculated
initially set to false, will be set true if calcCircle() is used at least once
double calcDeltapT()
calculates dpt-value (dpt= difference in transverse momentum of 2 subsets of the hits),...
void calcCircle()
calculates an estimation of circleCenter position including an estimation for the circle radius
ThreeHitFilters m_threeHitFilter
instance of ThreeHitFilters-class used for some internal calculations
B2Vector3D m_centerBCD
estimation of a circleCenterPosition using hitsBA, C & D
double calcPt()
calculates the estimation of the transverse momentum of the 3-hit-tracklet, returning unit: GeV/c
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.