Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 // modified from GEANT4 exoticphysics/monopole/*
11 #include <simulation/monopoles/G4MonopoleTransportation.h>
12 #include <simulation/monopoles/G4Monopole.h>
14 #include <G4ProductionCutsTable.hh>
15 #include <G4ParticleTable.hh>
16 #include <G4ChordFinder.hh>
17 #include <G4SafetyHelper.hh>
18 #include <G4FieldManagerStore.hh>
19 #include <G4TransportationProcessType.hh>
20 #include <CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h>
21 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
23 class G4VSensitiveDetector;
25 using namespace std;
26 using namespace Belle2;
27 using namespace Belle2::Monopoles;
28 using namespace CLHEP;
30 G4MonopoleTransportation::G4MonopoleTransportation(const G4Monopole* mpl,
31  G4int verb)
32  : G4VProcess(G4String("MonopoleTransportation"), fTransportation),
33  fParticleDef(mpl),
34  fMagSetup(0),
35  fLinearNavigator(0),
36  fFieldPropagator(0),
37  fParticleIsLooping(false),
38  fPreviousSftOrigin(0., 0., 0.),
39  fPreviousSafety(0.0),
40  fThreshold_Trap_Energy(10 * MeV),
41  fThreshold_Warning_Energy(100 * MeV),
42  fThreshold_Important_Energy(250 * MeV),
43  fThresholdTrials(10),
44  fNoLooperTrials(0),
45  fSumEnergyKilled(0.0), fMaxEnergyKilled(0.0),
46  fShortStepOptimisation(false), // Old default: true (=fast short steps)
47  fpSafetyHelper(0)
48 {
49  verboseLevel = verb;
51  // set Process Sub Type
52  SetProcessSubType(TRANSPORTATION);
56  G4TransportationManager* transportMgr ;
58  transportMgr = G4TransportationManager::GetTransportationManager() ;
60  fLinearNavigator = transportMgr->GetNavigatorForTracking() ;
62  // fGlobalFieldMgr = transportMgr->GetFieldManager() ;
64  fFieldPropagator = transportMgr->GetPropagatorInField() ;
66  fpSafetyHelper = transportMgr->GetSafetyHelper(); // New
68  // Cannot determine whether a field exists here,
69  // because it would only work if the field manager has informed
70  // about the detector's field before this transportation process
71  // is constructed.
72  // Instead later the method DoesGlobalFieldExist() is called
74  static G4TouchableHandle nullTouchableHandle; // Points to (G4VTouchable*) 0
75  fCurrentTouchableHandle = nullTouchableHandle;
77  fEndGlobalTimeComputed = false;
79 }
82 {
83  if ((verboseLevel > 0) && (fSumEnergyKilled > 0.0)) {
84  B2DEBUG(25, " G4MonopoleTransportation: Statistics for looping particles ");
85  B2DEBUG(25, " Sum of energy of loopers killed: " << fSumEnergyKilled);
86  B2DEBUG(25, " Max energy of loopers killed: " << fMaxEnergyKilled);
87  }
88 }
90 // Responsibilities:
91 // Find whether the geometry limits the Step, and to what length
92 // Calculate the new value of the safety and return it.
93 // Store the final time, position and momentum.
96 AlongStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength(const G4Track& track,
97  G4double, // previousStepSize
98  G4double currentMinimumStep,
99  G4double& currentSafety,
100  G4GPILSelection* selection)
101 {
103  // change to monopole equation
105  G4double geometryStepLength, newSafety ;
106  fParticleIsLooping = false ;
108  // Initial actions moved to StartTrack()
109  // --------------------------------------
110  // Note: in case another process changes touchable handle
111  // it will be necessary to add here (for all steps)
112  // fCurrentTouchableHandle = aTrack->GetTouchableHandle();
114  // GPILSelection is set to defaule value of CandidateForSelection
115  // It is a return value
116  //
117  *selection = CandidateForSelection ;
119  // Get initial Energy/Momentum of the track
120  //
121  const G4DynamicParticle* pParticle = track.GetDynamicParticle() ;
122  G4ThreeVector startMomentumDir = pParticle->GetMomentumDirection() ;
123  G4ThreeVector startPosition = track.GetPosition() ;
125  // G4double theTime = track.GetGlobalTime() ;
127  // The Step Point safety can be limited by other geometries and/or the
128  // assumptions of any process - it's not always the geometrical safety.
129  // We calculate the starting point's isotropic safety here.
130  //
131  G4ThreeVector OriginShift = startPosition - fPreviousSftOrigin ;
132  G4double MagSqShift = OriginShift.mag2() ;
133  if (MagSqShift >= sqr(fPreviousSafety)) {
134  currentSafety = 0.0 ;
135  } else {
136  currentSafety = fPreviousSafety - std::sqrt(MagSqShift) ;
137  }
139  // Is the monopole charged ?
140  //
141  G4double particleMagneticCharge = fParticleDef->MagneticCharge() ;
142  G4double particleElectricCharge = pParticle->GetCharge();
144  fGeometryLimitedStep = false ;
145  // fEndGlobalTimeComputed = false ;
147  // There is no need to locate the current volume. It is Done elsewhere:
148  // On track construction
149  // By the tracking, after all AlongStepDoIts, in "Relocation"
151  // Check whether the particle have an (EM) field force exerting upon it
152  //
153  G4FieldManager* fieldMgr = nullptr;
154  G4bool fieldExertsForce = false ;
156  if ((particleMagneticCharge != 0.0)) {
157  fieldMgr = fFieldPropagator->FindAndSetFieldManager(track.GetVolume());
158  if (fieldMgr != 0) {
159  // Message the field Manager, to configure it for this track
160  fieldMgr->ConfigureForTrack(&track);
161  // Moved here, in order to allow a transition
162  // from a zero-field status (with fieldMgr->(field)0
163  // to a finite field status
165  // If the field manager has no field, there is no field !
166  fieldExertsForce = (fieldMgr->GetDetectorField() != 0);
167  }
168  }
170  // Choose the calculation of the transportation: Field or not
171  //
172  if (!fieldExertsForce) {
173  G4double linearStepLength ;
174  if (fShortStepOptimisation && (currentMinimumStep <= currentSafety)) {
175  // The Step is guaranteed to be taken
176  //
177  geometryStepLength = currentMinimumStep ;
178  fGeometryLimitedStep = false ;
179  } else {
180  // Find whether the straight path intersects a volume
181  //
182  linearStepLength = fLinearNavigator->ComputeStep(startPosition,
183  startMomentumDir,
184  currentMinimumStep,
185  newSafety) ;
186  // Remember last safety origin & value.
187  //
188  fPreviousSftOrigin = startPosition ;
189  fPreviousSafety = newSafety ;
190  // fpSafetyHelper->SetCurrentSafety( newSafety, startPosition);
192  // The safety at the initial point has been re-calculated:
193  //
194  currentSafety = newSafety ;
196  fGeometryLimitedStep = (linearStepLength <= currentMinimumStep);
197  if (fGeometryLimitedStep) {
198  // The geometry limits the Step size (an intersection was found.)
199  geometryStepLength = linearStepLength ;
200  } else {
201  // The full Step is taken.
202  geometryStepLength = currentMinimumStep ;
203  }
204  }
205  endpointDistance = geometryStepLength ;
207  // Calculate final position
208  //
209  fTransportEndPosition = startPosition + geometryStepLength * startMomentumDir ;
211  // Momentum direction, energy and polarisation are unchanged by transport
212  //
213  fTransportEndMomentumDir = startMomentumDir ;
214  fTransportEndKineticEnergy = track.GetKineticEnergy() ;
215  fTransportEndSpin = track.GetPolarization();
216  fParticleIsLooping = false ;
217  fMomentumChanged = false ;
218  fEndGlobalTimeComputed = false ;
219  } else { // A field exerts force
220  G4double momentumMagnitude = pParticle->GetTotalMomentum() ;
221  G4ThreeVector EndUnitMomentum ;
222  G4double restMass = fParticleDef->GetPDGMass() ;
224  G4ChargeState chargeState(particleElectricCharge, // The charge can change (dynamic)
225  fParticleDef->GetPDGSpin(),
226  0, // Magnetic moment: pParticleDef->GetMagneticMoment(),
227  0, // Electric Dipole moment - not in Particle Definition
228  particleMagneticCharge); // in units of the positron charge
230  G4EquationOfMotion* equationOfMotion =
231  (fFieldPropagator->GetChordFinder()->GetIntegrationDriver()->GetStepper())
232  ->GetEquationOfMotion();
234  equationOfMotion
235  ->SetChargeMomentumMass(chargeState,
236  momentumMagnitude,
237  restMass) ;
238  // SetChargeMomentumMass now passes both the electric and magnetic charge - in chargeState
240  G4ThreeVector spin = track.GetPolarization() ;
241  G4FieldTrack aFieldTrack = G4FieldTrack(startPosition,
242  track.GetMomentumDirection(),
243  0.0,
244  track.GetKineticEnergy(),
245  restMass,
246  track.GetVelocity(),
247  track.GetGlobalTime(), // Lab.
248  track.GetProperTime(), // Part.
249  &spin) ;
250  if (currentMinimumStep > 0) {
251  // Do the Transport in the field (non recti-linear)
252  //
253  G4double lengthAlongCurve = fFieldPropagator->ComputeStep(
254  aFieldTrack,
255  currentMinimumStep,
256  currentSafety,
257  track.GetVolume()) ;
258  fGeometryLimitedStep = lengthAlongCurve < currentMinimumStep;
259  if (fGeometryLimitedStep) {
260  geometryStepLength = lengthAlongCurve ;
261  } else {
262  geometryStepLength = currentMinimumStep ;
263  }
264  } else {
265  geometryStepLength = 0.0 ;
266  fGeometryLimitedStep = false ;
267  }
269  // Remember last safety origin & value.
270  //
271  fPreviousSftOrigin = startPosition ;
272  fPreviousSafety = currentSafety ;
273  // fpSafetyHelper->SetCurrentSafety( newSafety, startPosition);
275  // Get the End-Position and End-Momentum (Dir-ection)
276  //
277  fTransportEndPosition = aFieldTrack.GetPosition() ;
279  // Momentum: Magnitude and direction can be changed too now ...
280  //
281  fMomentumChanged = true ;
282  fTransportEndMomentumDir = aFieldTrack.GetMomentumDir() ;
284  fTransportEndKineticEnergy = aFieldTrack.GetKineticEnergy() ;
286  fCandidateEndGlobalTime = aFieldTrack.GetLabTimeOfFlight();
287  fEndGlobalTimeComputed = true;
289  fTransportEndSpin = aFieldTrack.GetSpin();
290  fParticleIsLooping = fFieldPropagator->IsParticleLooping() ;
291  endpointDistance = (fTransportEndPosition - startPosition).mag() ;
292  }
294  // If we are asked to go a step length of 0, and we are on a boundary
295  // then a boundary will also limit the step -> we must flag this.
296  //
297  if (currentMinimumStep == 0.0) {
298  if (currentSafety == 0.0) fGeometryLimitedStep = true ;
299  }
301  // Update the safety starting from the end-point,
302  // if it will become negative at the end-point.
303  //
304  if (currentSafety < endpointDistance) {
305  // if( particleMagneticCharge == 0.0 )
306  // G4cout << " Avoiding call to ComputeSafety : charge = 0.0 " << G4endl;
308  if (particleMagneticCharge != 0.0) {
310  G4double endSafety =
311  fLinearNavigator->ComputeSafety(fTransportEndPosition) ;
312  currentSafety = endSafety ;
314  fPreviousSafety = currentSafety ;
315  fpSafetyHelper->SetCurrentSafety(currentSafety, fTransportEndPosition);
317  // Because the Stepping Manager assumes it is from the start point,
318  // add the StepLength
319  //
320  currentSafety += endpointDistance ;
323  G4cout.precision(12) ;
324  G4cout << "***G4MonopoleTransportation::AlongStepGPIL ** " << G4endl ;
325  G4cout << " Called Navigator->ComputeSafety at " << fTransportEndPosition
326  << " and it returned safety= " << endSafety << G4endl ;
327  G4cout << " Adding endpoint distance " << endpointDistance
328  << " to obtain pseudo-safety= " << currentSafety << G4endl ;
329 #endif
330  }
331  }
333  fParticleChange.ProposeTrueStepLength(geometryStepLength) ;
336  // change back to usual equation
338  return geometryStepLength ;
339 }
341 //
342 // Initialize ParticleChange (by setting all its members equal
343 // to corresponding members in G4Track)
345 G4VParticleChange* G4MonopoleTransportation::AlongStepDoIt(const G4Track& track,
346  const G4Step& stepData)
347 {
348 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
349  static G4int noCalls = 0;
350  noCalls++;
351 #endif
353  static const G4ParticleDefinition* fOpticalPhoton =
354  G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle("opticalphoton");
356  fParticleChange.Initialize(track) ;
358  // Code for specific process
359  //
360  fParticleChange.ProposePosition(fTransportEndPosition) ;
361  fParticleChange.ProposeMomentumDirection(fTransportEndMomentumDir) ;
363  fParticleChange.SetMomentumChanged(fMomentumChanged) ;
365  fParticleChange.ProposePolarization(fTransportEndSpin);
367  G4double deltaTime = 0.0 ;
369  // Calculate Lab Time of Flight (ONLY if field Equations used it!)
370  // G4double endTime = fCandidateEndGlobalTime;
371  // G4double delta_time = endTime - startTime;
373  G4double startTime = track.GetGlobalTime() ;
375  if (!fEndGlobalTimeComputed) {
376  // The time was not integrated .. make the best estimate possible
377  //
378  G4double finalVelocity = track.GetVelocity() ;
379  G4double initialVelocity = stepData.GetPreStepPoint()->GetVelocity() ;
380  G4double stepLength = track.GetStepLength() ;
382  deltaTime = 0.0; // in case initialVelocity = 0
383  const G4DynamicParticle* fpDynamicParticle = track.GetDynamicParticle();
384  if (fpDynamicParticle->GetDefinition() == fOpticalPhoton) {
385  // A photon is in the medium of the final point
386  // during the step, so it has the final velocity.
387  deltaTime = stepLength / finalVelocity ;
388  } else if (finalVelocity > 0.0) {
389  G4double meanInverseVelocity ;
390  // deltaTime = stepLength/finalVelocity ;
391  meanInverseVelocity = 0.5
392  * (1.0 / initialVelocity + 1.0 / finalVelocity) ;
393  deltaTime = stepLength * meanInverseVelocity ;
394  } else if (initialVelocity > 0.0) {
395  deltaTime = stepLength / initialVelocity ;
396  }
397  fCandidateEndGlobalTime = startTime + deltaTime ;
398  } else {
399  deltaTime = fCandidateEndGlobalTime - startTime ;
400  }
402  fParticleChange.ProposeGlobalTime(fCandidateEndGlobalTime) ;
404  // Now Correct by Lorentz factor to get "proper" deltaTime
406  G4double restMass = track.GetDynamicParticle()->GetMass() ;
407  G4double deltaProperTime = deltaTime * (restMass / track.GetTotalEnergy()) ;
409  fParticleChange.ProposeProperTime(track.GetProperTime() + deltaProperTime) ;
410  //fParticleChange. ProposeTrueStepLength( track.GetStepLength() ) ;
412  // If the particle is caught looping or is stuck (in very difficult
413  // boundaries) in a magnetic field (doing many steps)
414  // THEN this kills it ...
415  //
416  if (fParticleIsLooping) {
417  G4double endEnergy = fTransportEndKineticEnergy;
419  if ((endEnergy < fThreshold_Important_Energy)
421  // Kill the looping particle
422  //
423  fParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fStopAndKill) ;
425  // 'Bare' statistics
426  fSumEnergyKilled += endEnergy;
427  if (endEnergy > fMaxEnergyKilled) { fMaxEnergyKilled = endEnergy; }
429 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
430  if ((verboseLevel > 1) ||
431  (endEnergy > fThreshold_Warning_Energy)) {
432  B2DEBUG(25, " G4MonopoleTransportation is killing track that is looping or stuck ");
433  B2DEBUG(25, " This track has " << track.GetKineticEnergy() / MeV << " MeV energy.");
434  B2DEBUG(25, " Number of trials = " << fNoLooperTrials
435  << " No of calls to AlongStepDoIt = " << noCalls);
436  }
437 #endif
438  fNoLooperTrials = 0;
439  } else {
440  fNoLooperTrials ++;
441 #ifdef G4VERBOSE
442  if ((verboseLevel > 2)) {
443  B2DEBUG(25, " G4MonopoleTransportation::AlongStepDoIt(): Particle looping - "
444  << " Number of trials = " << fNoLooperTrials
445  << " No of calls to = " << noCalls);
446  }
447 #endif
448  }
449  } else {
450  fNoLooperTrials = 0;
451  }
453  // Another (sometimes better way) is to use a user-limit maximum Step size
454  // to alleviate this problem ..
456  // Introduce smooth curved trajectories to particle-change
457  //
458  fParticleChange.SetPointerToVectorOfAuxiliaryPoints
459  (fFieldPropagator->GimmeTrajectoryVectorAndForgetIt());
461  //Monopole bounding
463  fParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fStopAndKill);
464  B2DEBUG(150, "Monopole bound in " << fCurrentTouchableHandle->GetVolume()->GetName());
465  B2DEBUG(150, "with energy " << fTransportEndKineticEnergy << " MeV");
466  }
468  return &fParticleChange ;
469 }
471 // This ensures that the PostStep action is always called,
472 // so that it can do the relocation if it is needed.
473 //
477  G4double, // previousStepSize
478  G4ForceCondition* pForceCond)
479 {
480  *pForceCond = Forced ;
481  return DBL_MAX ; // was kInfinity ; but convention now is DBL_MAX
482 }
484 G4VParticleChange* G4MonopoleTransportation::PostStepDoIt(const G4Track& track,
485  const G4Step&)
486 {
487  G4TouchableHandle retCurrentTouchable ; // The one to return
489  // Initialize ParticleChange (by setting all its members equal
490  // to corresponding members in G4Track)
491  // fParticleChange.Initialize(track) ; // To initialise TouchableChange
493  fParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(track.GetTrackStatus()) ;
495  // If the Step was determined by the volume boundary,
496  // logically relocate the particle
498  if (fGeometryLimitedStep) {
499  // fCurrentTouchable will now become the previous touchable,
500  // and what was the previous will be freed.
501  // (Needed because the preStepPoint can point to the previous touchable)
503  fLinearNavigator->SetGeometricallyLimitedStep() ;
505  LocateGlobalPointAndUpdateTouchableHandle(track.GetPosition(),
506  track.GetMomentumDirection(),
508  true) ;
509  // Check whether the particle is out of the world volume
510  // If so it has exited and must be killed.
511  //
512  if (fCurrentTouchableHandle->GetVolume() == 0) {
513  fParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fStopAndKill) ;
514  }
515  retCurrentTouchable = fCurrentTouchableHandle ;
516  fParticleChange.SetTouchableHandle(fCurrentTouchableHandle) ;
517  } else { // fGeometryLimitedStep is false
518  // This serves only to move the Navigator's location
519  //
520  fLinearNavigator->LocateGlobalPointWithinVolume(track.GetPosition()) ;
522  // The value of the track's current Touchable is retained.
523  // (and it must be correct because we must use it below to
524  // overwrite the (unset) one in particle change)
525  // It must be fCurrentTouchable too ??
526  //
527  fParticleChange.SetTouchableHandle(track.GetTouchableHandle()) ;
528  retCurrentTouchable = track.GetTouchableHandle() ;
529  } // endif ( fGeometryLimitedStep )
531  const G4VPhysicalVolume* pNewVol = retCurrentTouchable->GetVolume() ;
532  G4Material* pNewMaterial = nullptr ;
533  G4VSensitiveDetector* pNewSensitiveDetector = nullptr ;
535  if (pNewVol != 0) {
536  pNewMaterial = pNewVol->GetLogicalVolume()->GetMaterial();
537  pNewSensitiveDetector = pNewVol->GetLogicalVolume()->GetSensitiveDetector();
538  }
540  fParticleChange.SetMaterialInTouchable(
541  pNewMaterial) ;
542  fParticleChange.SetSensitiveDetectorInTouchable(
543  pNewSensitiveDetector) ;
545  const G4MaterialCutsCouple* pNewMaterialCutsCouple = 0;
546  if (pNewVol != 0) {
547  pNewMaterialCutsCouple = pNewVol->GetLogicalVolume()->GetMaterialCutsCouple();
548  }
550  if (pNewVol != 0 && pNewMaterialCutsCouple != 0 &&
551  pNewMaterialCutsCouple->GetMaterial() != pNewMaterial) {
552  // for parametrized volume
553  //
554  pNewMaterialCutsCouple =
555  G4ProductionCutsTable::GetProductionCutsTable()
556  ->GetMaterialCutsCouple(pNewMaterial,
557  pNewMaterialCutsCouple->GetProductionCuts());
558  }
559  fParticleChange.SetMaterialCutsCoupleInTouchable(pNewMaterialCutsCouple);
561  // temporarily until Get/Set Material of ParticleChange,
562  // and StepPoint can be made const.
563  // Set the touchable in ParticleChange
564  // this must always be done because the particle change always
565  // uses this value to overwrite the current touchable pointer.
566  //
567  fParticleChange.SetTouchableHandle(retCurrentTouchable) ;
569  return &fParticleChange ;
570 }
572 // New method takes over the responsibility to reset the state
573 // of G4MonopoleTransportation object at the start of a new track
574 // or the resumption of a suspended track.
576 void
578 {
579  G4VProcess::StartTracking(aTrack);
581 // The actions here are those that were taken in AlongStepGPIL
582 // when track.GetCurrentStepNumber()==1
584  // reset safety value and center
585  //
586  fPreviousSafety = 0.0 ;
587  fPreviousSftOrigin = G4ThreeVector(0., 0., 0.) ;
589  // reset looping counter -- for motion in field
590  fNoLooperTrials = 0;
591  // Must clear this state .. else it depends on last track's value
592  // --> a better solution would set this from state of suspended track TODO ?
593  // Was if( aTrack->GetCurrentStepNumber()==1 ) { .. }
595  // ChordFinder reset internal state
596  //
597  if (DoesGlobalFieldExist()) {
598  fFieldPropagator->ClearPropagatorState();
599  // Resets all state of field propagator class (ONLY)
600  // including safety values (in case of overlaps and to wipe for first track).
602  // G4ChordFinder* chordF= fFieldPropagator->GetChordFinder();
603  // if( chordF ) chordF->ResetStepEstimate();
604  }
606  // Make sure to clear the chord finders of all fields (ie managers)
607  static G4FieldManagerStore* fieldMgrStore = G4FieldManagerStore::GetInstance();
608  fieldMgrStore->ClearAllChordFindersState();
610  // Update the current touchable handle (from the track's)
611  //
612  fCurrentTouchableHandle = aTrack->GetTouchableHandle();
613 }
void SwitchChordFinder(G4int val)
Switches chord finder between 1 - basf2 FullSim chord finder 2 - monopole chord finder Since monopole...
static G4MonopoleFieldSetup * GetMonopoleFieldSetup()
Returns G4MonopoleFieldSetup instance.
G4TouchableHandle fCurrentTouchableHandle
Current touchable handle.
virtual G4VParticleChange * PostStepDoIt(const G4Track &track, const G4Step &stepData)
G4VProcess::PostStepDoIt() implementation.
G4double fCandidateEndGlobalTime
The particle's state after this Step, Store for DoIt.
virtual G4double AlongStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength(const G4Track &track, G4double previousStepSize, G4double currentMinimumStep, G4double &currentSafety, G4GPILSelection *selection)
G4VProcess::AlongStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength() implementation.
G4int fThresholdTrials
Nubmer of trials for looping particles.
G4double fMaxEnergyKilled
Max of abandoned looping tracks energies.
G4bool fGeometryLimitedStep
Flag to determine whether a boundary was reached.
G4ThreeVector fTransportEndMomentumDir
The particle's state after this Step, Store for DoIt.
G4double fPreviousSafety
Remember last safety value.
virtual G4VParticleChange * AlongStepDoIt(const G4Track &track, const G4Step &stepData)
G4VProcess::AlongStepDoIt() implementation, Proposes changes during step to fParticleChange of this c...
G4SafetyHelper * fpSafetyHelper
To pass it the safety value obtained.
G4double fSumEnergyKilled
Sum of abandoned looping tracks energies.
G4ThreeVector fPreviousSftOrigin
Remember last safety origin.
virtual G4double PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength(const G4Track &track, G4double previousStepSize, G4ForceCondition *pForceCond)
G4VProcess::PostStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength() implementation.
G4ThreeVector fTransportEndSpin
The particle's state after this Step, Store for DoIt.
G4Navigator * fLinearNavigator
Propagator used to transport the particle.
G4double fThreshold_Important_Energy
Hesitate above this about looping particle for a certain no of trials.
G4ThreeVector fTransportEndPosition
The particle's state after this Step, Store for DoIt.
G4bool fEndGlobalTimeComputed
The particle's state after this Step, Store for DoIt.
G4bool fShortStepOptimisation
Whether to avoid calling G4Navigator for short step ( < safety) If using it, the safety estimate for ...
G4int fNoLooperTrials
Counter for steps in which particle reports 'looping', if it is above 'Important' Energy.
G4bool fMomentumChanged
The particle's state after this Step, Store for DoIt.
virtual void StartTracking(G4Track *aTrack)
Reset state for new (potentially resumed) track.
G4ParticleChangeForTransport fParticleChange
New ParticleChange.
G4double fThreshold_Warning_Energy
Warn above this energy about looping particle.
G4bool DoesGlobalFieldExist()
Checks whether a field exists for the "global" field manager.
const G4Monopole * fParticleDef
Monopole definition for charge and mass reference.
G4bool fParticleIsLooping
Is the monopole stuck in looping.
G4double fThreshold_Trap_Energy
Assume monopoles below this can bound to material.
G4PropagatorInField * fFieldPropagator
Propagator used to transport the particle.
G4double fTransportEndKineticEnergy
The particle's state after this Step, Store for DoIt.
G4MonopoleFieldSetup * fMagSetup
Monpole field setup.
A class to hold monopole description as a particle.
Definition: G4Monopole.h:33
G4double MagneticCharge() const
Returns magnetic charge of the monopole.
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.