Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
8 #pragma once
10 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/geometry/Line2D.h>
11 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/geometry/Vector2D.h>
13 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/numerics/EForwardBackward.h>
14 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/numerics/ERightLeft.h>
15 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/numerics/ERotation.h>
16 #include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/numerics/ESign.h>
18 #include <utility>
19 #include <iosfwd>
20 #include <cmath>
22 namespace Belle2 {
28  namespace TrackFindingCDC {
29  class Circle2D;
53  public:
58  GeneralizedCircle(double n0, double n1, double n2, double n3 = 0);
61  GeneralizedCircle(double n0, const Vector2D& n12, double n3 = 0);
64  explicit GeneralizedCircle(const Line2D& n012);
67  explicit GeneralizedCircle(const Circle2D& circle);
77  static GeneralizedCircle
79  double absRadius,
80  ERotation orientation = ERotation::c_CounterClockwise);
86  static GeneralizedCircle
93  static GeneralizedCircle
94  fromPerigeeParameters(double curvature, double tangentialPhi, double impact);
96  protected:
102  void setN0(const double n0)
103  {
104  m_n0 = n0;
105  }
112  void setN1(const double n1)
113  {
114  m_n12.setX(n1);
115  }
122  void setN2(const double n2)
123  {
124  m_n12.setY(n2);
125  }
132  void setN12(const double n1, const double n2)
133  {
134  m_n12.setXY(n1, n2);
135  }
142  void setN12(const Vector2D& n12)
143  {
144  m_n12.setXY(n12);
145  }
152  void setN3(const double n3)
153  {
154  m_n3 = n3;
155  }
157  public:
159  void setCenterAndRadius(const Vector2D& center,
160  double absRadius,
161  ERotation orientation = ERotation::c_CounterClockwise);
164  void setPerigeeParameters(double curvature, const Vector2D& tangential, double impact);
167  void
168  setPerigeeParameters(const double curvature, const double tangentialPhi, const double impact)
169  {
171  }
178  void setN(const double n0, const double n1, const double n2, const double n3 = 0.0)
179  {
180  setN0(n0);
181  setN12(n1, n2);
182  setN3(n3);
183  normalize();
184  }
191  void setN(const double n0, const Vector2D& n12, const double n3 = 0.0)
192  {
193  setN0(n0);
194  setN12(n12);
195  setN3(n3);
196  normalize();
197  }
200  void setN(const Line2D& n012)
201  {
202  setN(n012.n0(), n012.n12());
203  }
206  void setN(const GeneralizedCircle& n0123)
207  {
208  setN(n0123.n0(), n0123.n12(), n0123.n3());
209  }
212  void invalidate()
213  {
214  setN(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
215  }
218  void reverse()
219  {
220  scaleN(-1);
221  }
230  {
231  std::swap(m_n0, m_n3);
232  reverse(); // Correct orientation
233  }
239  void passiveMoveBy(const Vector2D& by)
240  {
241  setN(fastDistance(by), gradient(by), n3());
242  }
244  protected:
252  void normalize()
253  {
254  double normalization_squared = normalizationSquared();
255  if (normalization_squared > 0) scaleN(1.0 / std::sqrt(normalization_squared));
256  }
258  private:
260  void scaleN(const double factor)
261  {
262  m_n0 *= factor;
263  m_n12 *= factor;
264  m_n3 *= factor;
265  }
267  public:
269  double n0() const
270  {
271  return m_n0;
272  }
275  double n1() const
276  {
277  return m_n12.x();
278  }
281  double n2() const
282  {
283  return m_n12.y();
284  }
287  const Vector2D& n12() const
288  {
289  return m_n12;
290  }
293  double n3() const
294  {
295  return m_n3;
296  }
298  public:
300  bool isInvalid() const
301  {
302  return n0() == 0 and n12().isNull() and n3() == 0;
303  }
306  bool isValid() const
307  {
308  return not isInvalid();
309  }
315  double normalizationSquared() const
316  {
317  return n12().normSquared() - 4 * n0() * n3();
318  }
320  public:
323  {
324  return GeneralizedCircle(-n0(), -n12(), -n3());
325  }
327  public:
336  {
337  return GeneralizedCircle(-n3(), -n12(), -n0());
338  }
340  public:
347  Vector2D gradient(const Vector2D& point) const
348  {
349  return point * (2.0 * n3()) + n12();
350  }
361  Vector2D normal(const Vector2D& point) const
362  {
363  return gradient(point).unit();
364  }
374  Vector2D tangential(const Vector2D& point) const
375  {
376  return normal(point).orthogonal();
377  }
385  Vector2D closest(const Vector2D& point) const;
390  Vector2D perigee() const;
396  Vector2D apogee() const;
409  {
410  Vector2D difference = to - from;
411  Vector2D tangentialAtFrom = tangential(from);
412  return tangentialAtFrom.isForwardOrBackwardOf(difference);
413  }
429  Vector2D
430  chooseNextForwardOf(const Vector2D& start, const Vector2D& end1, const Vector2D& end2) const;
433  std::pair<Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::Vector2D, Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::Vector2D>
434  atCylindricalR(double cylindricalR) const;
449  Vector2D atCylindricalRForwardOf(const Vector2D& startPoint, double cylindricalR) const;
459  double fastDistance(const Vector2D& point) const
460  {
461  return n0() + + point.normSquared() * n3();
462  }
465  double fastImpact() const
466  {
467  return n0();
468  }
474  double distance(const Vector2D& point) const;
481  double distance(double fastDistance) const;
487  double fastDistance(const double distance) const
488  {
489  return (distance * n3() + 1.0) * distance;
490  }
493  double impact() const
494  {
495  return distance(fastImpact());
496  }
499  double d0() const
500  {
501  return -impact();
502  }
506  {
507  return tangential(Vector2D(0.0, 0.0)).unit();
508  }
511  double tangentialPhi() const
512  {
513  return tangential().phi();
514  }
517  double minimalCylindricalR() const
518  {
519  return std::fabs(impact());
520  }
523  double maximalCylindricalR() const
524  {
525  return std::fabs(impact() + 2 * radius());
526  }
529  double absDistance(const Vector2D& point) const
530  {
531  return fabs(distance(point));
532  }
538  ERightLeft isRightOrLeft(const Vector2D& point) const
539  {
540  return static_cast<ERightLeft>(sign(fastDistance(point)));
541  }
544  bool isLeft(const Vector2D& rhs) const
545  {
546  return isRightOrLeft(rhs) == ERightLeft::c_Left;
547  }
550  bool isRight(const Vector2D& rhs) const
551  {
552  return isRightOrLeft(rhs) == ERightLeft::c_Right;
553  }
556  bool isLine() const
557  {
558  return n3() == 0.0;
559  }
562  bool isCircle() const
563  {
564  return n3() != 0.0;
565  }
568  double radius() const
569  {
570  return 1 / curvature();
571  }
574  double absRadius() const
575  {
576  return fabs(radius());
577  }
580  double curvature() const
581  {
582  return 2 * n3();
583  }
589  double omega() const
590  {
591  return -curvature();
592  }
595  Vector2D center() const
596  {
597  return n12().divided(-2 * n3());
598  }
601  double perimeter() const
602  {
603  return 2 * M_PI * radius();
604  }
613  {
614  return static_cast<ERotation>(sign(n3()));
615  }
618  double arcLengthPeriod() const
619  {
620  return std::fabs(perimeter());
621  }
632  double arcLengthBetween(const Vector2D& from, const Vector2D& to) const;
635  double arcLengthTo(const Vector2D& to) const;
643  double arcLengthToCylindricalR(double cylindricalR) const;
653  double arcLengthFactor(const double directDistance) const
654  {
655  return arcLengthFactor(directDistance, curvature());
656  }
666  static double arcLengthFactor(double directDistance, double curvature);
673  std::pair<Vector2D, Vector2D> intersections(const GeneralizedCircle& generalizedCircle) const;
679  Vector2D atArcLength(double arcLength) const;
681  private:
682  // Order of this parameters make them easier to initialize
685  double m_n3;
691  double m_n0;
692  };
695  std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, const GeneralizedCircle& circle);
696  }
698 }
A two dimensional circle in its natural representation using center and radius as parameters.
Definition: Circle2D.h:26
Vector2D atArcLength(double arcLength) const
Calculates the point, which lies at the give perpendicular travel distance (counted from the perigee)
const Vector2D & n12() const
Getter for the second and third circle parameter which natuarally from a vector.
void setCenterAndRadius(const Vector2D &center, double absRadius, ERotation orientation=ERotation::c_CounterClockwise)
Setter for the circle center and radius.
double fastImpact() const
Approximate distance to the origin.
Vector2D tangential() const
Gives the tangential vector at the closest approach to the origin / at the perigee.
double fastDistance(const Vector2D &point) const
Approximate distance.
double absDistance(const Vector2D &point) const
Gives the proper absolute distance of the point to the circle line.
double m_n3
Memory for the fourth parameter.
double n1() const
Getter for the second circle parameter.
bool isLine() const
Indicates if the generalized circle is actually a line.
Vector2D perigee() const
Calculates the closest approach to the two dimensional origin.
Vector2D gradient(const Vector2D &point) const
Gradient of the distance field Gives the gradient of the approximated distance field for the given po...
GeneralizedCircle reversed() const
Returns a copy of the circle with opposite orientation.
Vector2D atCylindricalRForwardOf(const Vector2D &startPoint, double cylindricalR) const
Approach on the circle with the given cylindrical radius that lies in the forward direction of a star...
Vector2D tangential(const Vector2D &point) const
Tangential vector to the circle near the given position.
double arcLengthBetween(const Vector2D &from, const Vector2D &to) const
Calculates the arc length between two points of closest approach on the circle.
bool isInvalid() const
Indicates if all circle parameters are zero.
void setPerigeeParameters(double curvature, const Vector2D &tangential, double impact)
Setter for the perigee parameters.
double minimalCylindricalR() const
Gives the minimal cylindrical radius the circle reaches (unsigned)
void reverse()
Flips the orientation of the circle in place.
void setN0(const double n0)
Setter for first circle parameter.
double radius() const
Gives the signed radius of the circle. If it was a line this will be infinity.
Vector2D normal(const Vector2D &point) const
Normal vector to the circle near the given position.
Vector2D chooseNextForwardOf(const Vector2D &start, const Vector2D &end1, const Vector2D &end2) const
Returns the end point which is first reached if one follows the forward direction of the circle start...
void setN(const Line2D &n012)
Setter for all four circle parameters from another circle.
double distance(const Vector2D &point) const
Gives the proper distance of the point to the circle line retaining the sign of the fast distance.
void setN2(const double n2)
Setter for third circle parameter.
Vector2D apogee() const
Calculates the point on the circle that is furthest away from the origin.
double omega() const
Gives the omega parameter as used by the framework helix.
void setN3(const double n3)
Setter for fourth circle parameter.
void setN1(const double n1)
Setter for second circle parameter.
double m_n0
Memory for the first parameter.
void passiveMoveBy(const Vector2D &by)
Moves the coordinate system by the given vector.
bool isValid() const
Indicates if the combination of the circle parameters makes up a valid circle.
bool isLeft(const Vector2D &rhs) const
Return if the point given is left of the line.
void setN(const GeneralizedCircle &n0123)
Setter for all four circle parameters from another circle.
bool isRight(const Vector2D &rhs) const
Return if the point given is right of the line.
EForwardBackward isForwardOrBackwardOf(const Vector2D &from, const Vector2D &to) const
Calculates if the to vector is closer to the from vector following the along orientation of the circl...
double impact() const
Gives the signed distance of the origin to the circle.
Vector2D center() const
Gives the center of the circle. If it was a line both components will be infinity.
void setN12(const double n1, const double n2)
Setter for second and third circle parameter.
double normalizationSquared() const
Calculates the generalized circle specific squared norm.
double maximalCylindricalR() const
Gives the maximal cylindrical radius the circle reaches.
static GeneralizedCircle fromPerigeeParameters(double curvature, const Vector2D &tangential, double impact)
Constructor of a generalized circle from perigee parameters.
Default constructor for ROOT compatibility.
double n3() const
Getter for the fourth circle parameter.
void invalidate()
Sets all circle parameters to zero.
void conformalTransform()
Transforms the generalized circle to conformal space inplace Applies the conformal map in the self-in...
static GeneralizedCircle fromCenterAndRadius(const Vector2D &center, double absRadius, ERotation orientation=ERotation::c_CounterClockwise)
Constructor from center, radius and a optional orientation.
void scaleN(const double factor)
Scales the circle parameters by a common factor.
double perimeter() const
Gives the perimeter of the circle.
double n2() const
Getter for the third circle parameter.
bool isCircle() const
Indicates if the generalized circle is actually a circle.
double arcLengthTo(const Vector2D &to) const
Calculates the arc length between the perigee and the given point.
ERightLeft isRightOrLeft(const Vector2D &point) const
Indicates if the point is on the right or left side of the circle.
void setPerigeeParameters(const double curvature, const double tangentialPhi, const double impact)
Setter for the perigee parameters.
void setN12(const Vector2D &n12)
Setter for second and third circle parameter.
double curvature() const
Gives the signed curvature of the generalized circle.
double d0() const
Getter for the absolute distance to the z axes at the support point.
double absRadius() const
Gives the signed radius of the circle. If it was a line this will be infinity.
Vector2D closest(const Vector2D &point) const
Closest approach on the circle to the point.
double arcLengthFactor(const double directDistance) const
Helper function the calculate the factor between the length of a secant line and the length on the ar...
std::pair< Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::Vector2D, Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::Vector2D > atCylindricalR(double cylindricalR) const
Calculates the two points with the given cylindrical radius on the generalised circle.
void normalize()
Normalizes the circle parameters.
double tangentialPhi() const
Gives to azimuth angle phi of the direction of flight at the perigee.
Vector2D m_n12
Memory for the second and third parameter.
double fastDistance(const double distance) const
Helper function to translate the proper distance to the linearized distance measure of the generalize...
void setN(const double n0, const Vector2D &n12, const double n3=0.0)
Setter for all four circle parameters.
double n0() const
Getter for the first circle parameter.
void setN(const double n0, const double n1, const double n2, const double n3=0.0)
Setter for all four circle parameters.
ERotation orientation() const
Gives the orientation of the circle.
double arcLengthPeriod() const
Getter for the arc length for a full round of the circle.
double arcLengthToCylindricalR(double cylindricalR) const
Calculates the two dimensional arc length till the cylindrical radius is reached If the radius can no...
std::pair< Vector2D, Vector2D > intersections(const GeneralizedCircle &generalizedCircle) const
Calculates the two points common to both circles.
GeneralizedCircle conformalTransformed() const
Returns a copy of the circle in conformal space.
A two dimensional normal line.
Definition: Line2D.h:37
const Vector2D & n12() const
Getter for the unit normal vector to the line.
Definition: Line2D.h:117
double n0() const
Getter for the first line parameter.
Definition: Line2D.h:99
A two dimensional vector which is equipped with functions for correct handeling of orientation relat...
Definition: Vector2D.h:35
double dot(const Vector2D &rhs) const
Calculates the two dimensional dot product.
Definition: Vector2D.h:170
void setXY(const double x, const double y)
Setter for both coordinate.
Definition: Vector2D.h:628
EForwardBackward isForwardOrBackwardOf(const Vector2D &rhs) const
Indicates if the given vector is more coaligned or reverse if you looked in the direction of this vec...
Definition: Vector2D.h:505
double x() const
Getter for the x coordinate.
Definition: Vector2D.h:607
double phi() const
Gives the azimuth angle being the angle to the x axes ( range -M_PI to M_PI )
Definition: Vector2D.h:581
double normSquared() const
Calculates .
Definition: Vector2D.h:181
bool isNull() const
Checks if the vector is the null vector.
Definition: Vector2D.h:155
Vector2D orthogonal() const
Orthogonal vector to the counterclockwise direction.
Definition: Vector2D.h:301
Vector2D divided(const double denominator) const
Returns a copy where all coordinates got divided by a common denominator.
Definition: Vector2D.h:263
void setY(const double y)
Setter for the y coordinate.
Definition: Vector2D.h:622
double y() const
Getter for the y coordinate.
Definition: Vector2D.h:617
Vector2D unit() const
Returns a unit vector colaligned with this.
Definition: Vector2D.h:333
void setX(const double x)
Setter for the x coordinate.
Definition: Vector2D.h:612
static Vector2D Phi(const double phi)
Constucts a unit vector with azimuth angle equal to phi.
Definition: Vector2D.h:71
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &output, const IntervalOfValidity &iov)
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
Enumeration to represent the distinct possibilities of the right left passage information.
Enumeration to represent the distinct possibilities of the right left passage.
Definition: ERightLeft.h:25
Enumeration to represent the distinct possibilities of the right left passage information.
Definition: ERotation.h:25
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.