12 #include <klm/bklm/geometry/GeometryPar.h>
13 #include <klm/dbobjects/bklm/BKLMGeometryPar.h>
16 #include <framework/database/DBImportObjPtr.h>
17 #include <framework/database/DBObjPtr.h>
18 #include <framework/database/IntervalOfValidity.h>
19 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
20 #include <geometry/CreatorBase.h>
26 class G4LogicalVolume;
27 class G4VSensitiveDetector;
29 class G4VisAttributes;
"No configuration for " << name <<
" found.");
95 bklmGeometryPar.
96 return bklmGeometryPar;
static constexpr int getMaximalLayerNumber()
Get maximal layer number (1-based).
static constexpr int getMaximalSectorNumber()
Get maximal sector number (1-based).
The Class for BKLM geometry.
void read(const GearDir &)
Get geometry parameters from Gearbox.
bool import(const IntervalOfValidity &iov)
Import the object to database.
Class for importing a single object to the database.
void construct(Args &&... params)
Construct an object of type T in this DBImportObjPtr using the provided constructor arguments.
Class for accessing objects in the database.
GearDir is the basic class used for accessing the parameter store.
A class that describes the interval of experiments/runs for which an object in the database is valid.
This class creates the BKLM geometry of the Belle II detector.
void putLayer1SupportInInnerVoid(G4LogicalVolume *, bool)
Put the layer-0 support plate into the inner region's air void (sectors 1..5 only)
void putChimneyInLayer(G4LogicalVolume *, int)
Put the solenoid's cooling chimney into the backward top sector.
G4LogicalVolume * m_LayerGapLogical[12 *BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
Pointers to logical volumes for air gap in each layer [side/bottom/top | isFlipped | hasChimney | lay...
BKLMGeometryPar createConfiguration(const GearDir ¶m)
Create a parameter object from the Gearbox XML parameters.
G4LogicalVolume * m_SupportLogical[2]
Pointer to logical volumes for support structure [hasChimney].
G4Tubs * m_SolenoidTube
Pointer to solid for solenoid.
GeoBKLMCreator & operator=(GeoBKLMCreator &)=delete
Assignment operator is disabled.
G4LogicalVolume * m_ReadoutContainerLogical
Pointer to logical volume for scint preamplifier/carrier container.
void putScintsInInterior(G4LogicalVolume *, int, int, int, bool)
Put the scintillators into each detector module's interior (module is itself in an air gap)
G4LogicalVolume * m_BracketLogical
Pointer to logical volume for bracket.
G4Polyhedra * m_CapSolid
Pointer to solid for cap.
G4LogicalVolume * m_SectorLogical[2][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber()]
Pointers to logical volumes for each sector [fb-1][sector-1].
void createGeometry(const BKLMGeometryPar ¶meters, G4LogicalVolume &topVolume, geometry::GeometryTypes type)
Create the geometry from a parameter object.
double m_SectorDphi
Angular extent of one sector.
G4Tubs * m_SectorTube
Pointer to solid for sector's enclosing tube.
Destructor of the GeoBKLMCreator class.
void putEndsInEnvelope(G4LogicalVolume *)
Put the forward and backward ends into the BKLM envelope.
void createFromDB(const std::string &name, G4LogicalVolume &topVolume, geometry::GeometryTypes type) override
Create the geometry from the Database.
G4Box * m_LayerGapSolid[2 *BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
Pointers to solids for air gap in each layer [hasChimney | layer-1].
double m_RibShift
Radial displacement of polygon to create an azimuthal iron rib.
G4LogicalVolume * getReadoutContainerLogical(void)
Get pointer to readout-container logical volume.
void putLayersInSector(G4LogicalVolume *, int, int, bool)
Put the layers into each sector.
std::vector< G4VisAttributes * > m_VisAttributes
Vector of pointers to G4VisAttributes objects.
G4LogicalVolume * m_MPPCHousingLogical
Pointer to logical volume for MPPC housing.
Constructor of the GeoBKLMCreator class.
G4VSolid * m_InnerIronSolid
Pointer to solid for inner iron [hasInnerSupport | hasChimney].
void putSectorsInEnd(G4LogicalVolume *, int)
Put each sector into the forward or backward end.
void createPayloads(const GearDir &content, const IntervalOfValidity &iov) override
Create the configuration objects and save them in the Database.
G4Tubs * getSolenoidTube(void)
Get shape corresponding to the solenoid (for subtraction)
double m_SectorDz
Half-length of one sector.
G4Polyhedra * m_LayerIronSolid[BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
Pointers to solids for iron in each layer [layer-1].
G4LogicalVolume * m_InnerAirLogical[4]
Pointer to logical volumes for inner air [hasInnerSupport | hasChimney].
G4LogicalVolume * m_CapLogical[2]
Pointer to logical volumes for cap [hasChimney].
void putCapInSector(G4LogicalVolume *, bool)
Put the cap (at maximum |z|) into each sector.
G4LogicalVolume * m_InnerIronLogical[4]
Pointer to logical volumes for inner iron [hasInnerSupport | hasChimney].
void putVoidInInnerRegion(G4LogicalVolume *, bool, bool)
Put the air void into the inner-radius region.
G4String logicalName(G4VSolid *)
convert G4VSolid's name to corresponding G4LogicalVolume name
G4VSensitiveDetector * m_Sensitive
Pointer to the BKLM SensitiveDetector processor.
G4LogicalVolume * getScintLogical(double, double, double, double)
Get pointer to scintillator logical volume.
std::vector< G4LogicalVolume * > m_ScintLogicals
Pointers to logical volumes for scintillator strips.
G4LogicalVolume * m_LayerIronLogical[12 *BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
Pointers to logical volumes for iron in each layer [side/bottom/top | isFlipped | hasChimney | layer-...
GeometryPar * m_GeoPar
Pointer to the BKLM geometry accessor.
G4String physicalName(G4LogicalVolume *)
convert G4LogicalVolume's name to corresponding G4PhysicalVolume name
void putRPCsInInterior(G4LogicalVolume *, int, bool)
Put the RPCs into each detector module's interior (module is itself in an air gap)
void putModuleInLayer(G4LogicalVolume *, int, int, int, bool, bool, int)
Put the module (and enclosing air gap) into each layer.
void putLayer1BracketsInInnerVoid(G4LogicalVolume *, bool)
Put the layer-0 support plate's brackets into the inner region's air void (sectors 1....
void putInnerRegionInSector(G4LogicalVolume *, bool, bool)
Put the inner-radius region into each sector.
void create(const GearDir &content, G4LogicalVolume &topVolume, geometry::GeometryTypes type) override
Creates the objects for the BKLM geometry virtual void create(const GearDir&, G4LogicalVolume&,...
GeoBKLMCreator(GeoBKLMCreator &)=delete
Copy constructor is disabled.
G4VSolid * m_InnerAirSolid
Pointer to solid for inner air.
std::vector< G4String * > m_Names
Vector of pointers to G4String objects (volume names)
G4LogicalVolume * getMPPCHousingLogical(void)
Get pointer to MPPC-container logical volume.
G4LogicalVolume * m_LayerModuleLogical[2 *BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()]
Pointers to logical volumes for detector modules in each layer's air gap [hasChimney | layer-1].
Provides BKLM geometry parameters for simulation, reconstruction etc (from Gearbox or DataBase)
Pure virtual base class for all geometry creators.
Flag indiciating the type of geometry to be used.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.