Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * External Contributor: Wouter Hulsbergen *
5  * *
6  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
7  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
8  **************************************************************************/
10 #include <TMath.h>
12 #include <framework/gearbox/Const.h>
13 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
15 #include <analysis/VertexFitting/TreeFitter/HelixUtils.h>
17 #include <algorithm>
18 #include <initializer_list>
19 #include <vector>
21 namespace TreeFitter {
24  double L, double Bz,
25  ROOT::Math::XYZVector& position,
26  ROOT::Math::XYZVector& momentum, int& charge)
27  {
28  position = helix.getPositionAtArcLength2D(L);
29  momentum = helix.getMomentumAtArcLength2D(L, Bz);
30  charge = helix.getChargeSign();
31  }
33  void HelixUtils::helixFromVertex(const Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 6>& positionAndMomentum,
34  int charge, double Bz,
35  Belle2::Helix& helix,
36  double& L,
37  Eigen::Matrix<double, 5, 6>& jacobian)
38  {
40  helix = Belle2::Helix(ROOT::Math::XYZVector(positionAndMomentum(0), positionAndMomentum(1), positionAndMomentum(2)),
41  ROOT::Math::XYZVector(positionAndMomentum(3), positionAndMomentum(4), positionAndMomentum(5)),
42  charge, Bz);
44  L = helix.getArcLength2DAtXY(positionAndMomentum(0),
45  positionAndMomentum(1));
47  const double alpha = helix.getAlpha(Bz);
49  //Copied from Belle2::UncertainHelix
52  // 1. Rotate to a system where phi0 = 0
53  Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6> jacobianRot = Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6>::Zero(6, 6);
55  const double px = positionAndMomentum(3);
56  const double py = positionAndMomentum(4);
57  const double pt = hypot(px, py);
58  const double cosPhi0 = px / pt;
59  const double sinPhi0 = py / pt;
61  // Passive rotation matrix by phi0:
62  jacobianRot(iX, iX) = cosPhi0;
63  jacobianRot(iX, iY) = sinPhi0;
64  jacobianRot(iY, iX) = -sinPhi0;
65  jacobianRot(iY, iY) = cosPhi0;
66  jacobianRot(iZ, iZ) = 1.0;
68  jacobianRot(iPx, iPx) = cosPhi0;
69  jacobianRot(iPx, iPy) = sinPhi0;
70  jacobianRot(iPy, iPx) = -sinPhi0;
71  jacobianRot(iPy, iPy) = cosPhi0;
72  jacobianRot(iPz, iPz) = 1.0;
74  // 2. Translate to perigee parameters on the position
75  const double pz = positionAndMomentum(5);
76  const double invPt = 1 / pt;
77  const double invPtSquared = invPt * invPt;
78  Eigen::Matrix<double, 5, 6> jacobianToHelixParameters = Eigen::Matrix<double, 5, 6>::Zero(5, 6);
79  jacobianToHelixParameters(iD0, iY) = -1;
80  jacobianToHelixParameters(iPhi0, iX) = charge * invPt / alpha;
81  jacobianToHelixParameters(iPhi0, iPy) = invPt;
82  jacobianToHelixParameters(iOmega, iPx) = -charge * invPtSquared / alpha;
83  jacobianToHelixParameters(iTanLambda, iPx) = - pz * invPtSquared;
84  jacobianToHelixParameters(iTanLambda, iPz) = invPt;
85  jacobianToHelixParameters(iZ0, iX) = - pz * invPt;
86  jacobianToHelixParameters(iZ0, iZ) = 1;
87  //
88  jacobian = jacobianToHelixParameters * jacobianRot;
90  }
92  std::string HelixUtils::helixParName(int i)
93  {
94  std::string rc ;
95  switch (i) {
96  case 1 : rc = "d0 : " ; break ;
97  case 2 : rc = "phi0 : " ; break ;
98  case 3 : rc = "omega : " ; break ;
99  case 4 : rc = "z0 : " ; break ;
100  case 5 : rc = "tandip: " ; break ;
101  case 6 : rc = "L : " ; break ;
102  }
103  return rc ;
104  }
106  std::string HelixUtils::vertexParName(int i)
107  {
108  std::string rc ;
109  switch (i) {
110  case 1 : rc = "x : " ; break ;
111  case 2 : rc = "y : " ; break ;
112  case 3 : rc = "z : " ; break ;
113  case 4 : rc = "px : " ; break ;
114  case 5 : rc = "py : " ; break ;
115  case 6 : rc = "pz : " ; break ;
116  }
117  return rc ;
118  }
120  void HelixUtils::printVertexPar(const Belle2::B2Vector3D& position, const Belle2::B2Vector3D& momentum, int charge)
121  {
122  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
123  B2INFO(vertexParName(i + 1).c_str() << position[i]);
124  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
125  B2INFO(vertexParName(i + 4).c_str() << momentum[i]);
126  B2INFO("charge: " << charge);
128  }
130  void HelixUtils::getHelixAndJacobianFromVertexNumerical(const Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 6>& positionAndMom,
131  int charge, double Bz,
132  Belle2::Helix& helix,
133  Eigen::Matrix<double, 5, 6>& jacobian)
134  {
136  helix = Belle2::Helix(ROOT::Math::XYZVector(positionAndMom(0), positionAndMom(1), positionAndMom(2)),
137  ROOT::Math::XYZVector(positionAndMom(3), positionAndMom(4), positionAndMom(5)),
138  charge, Bz);
140  // numeric calculation of the jacobian
141  Belle2::Helix helixPlusDelta;
143  double delta = 1e-5;// this is arbitrary, only needs to be small
145  ROOT::Math::XYZVector postmp;
146  ROOT::Math::XYZVector momtmp;
148  for (int jin = 0; jin < 6; ++jin) {
149  postmp.SetCoordinates(positionAndMom(0), positionAndMom(1), positionAndMom(2));
150  momtmp.SetCoordinates(positionAndMom(3), positionAndMom(4), positionAndMom(5));
151  if (jin == 0) postmp.SetX(postmp.X() + delta);
152  if (jin == 1) postmp.SetY(postmp.Y() + delta);
153  if (jin == 2) postmp.SetZ(postmp.Z() + delta);
154  if (jin == 3) momtmp.SetX(momtmp.X() + delta);
155  if (jin == 4) momtmp.SetY(momtmp.Y() + delta);
156  if (jin == 5) momtmp.SetZ(momtmp.Z() + delta);
158  helixPlusDelta = Belle2::Helix(postmp, momtmp, charge, Bz);
159  jacobian(iD0, jin) = (helixPlusDelta.getD0() - helix.getD0()) / delta ;
160  jacobian(iPhi0, jin) = (helixPlusDelta.getPhi0() - helix.getPhi0()) / delta ;
161  jacobian(iOmega, jin) = (helixPlusDelta.getOmega() - helix.getOmega()) / delta ;
162  jacobian(iZ0, jin) = (helixPlusDelta.getZ0() - helix.getZ0()) / delta ;
163  jacobian(iTanLambda, jin) = (helixPlusDelta.getTanLambda() - helix.getTanLambda()) / delta ;
165  // jacobian[iArcLength2D][jin] = (LPlusDelta - L) / delta ;
166  }
167  }
170  const Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 6>& positionAndMom,
171  int charge, double Bz,
172  const Belle2::Helix& helix,
173  Eigen::Matrix<double, 5, 6>& jacobian,
174  double delta
175  )
176  {
177  // numeric calculation of the jacobian
178  Belle2::Helix helixPlusDelta;
180  ROOT::Math::XYZVector postmp;
181  ROOT::Math::XYZVector momtmp;
183  for (int jin = 0; jin < 6; ++jin) {
184  postmp.SetCoordinates(positionAndMom(0), positionAndMom(1), positionAndMom(2));
185  momtmp.SetCoordinates(positionAndMom(3), positionAndMom(4), positionAndMom(5));
186  if (jin == 0) postmp.SetX(postmp.X() + delta);
187  if (jin == 1) postmp.SetY(postmp.Y() + delta);
188  if (jin == 2) postmp.SetZ(postmp.Z() + delta);
189  if (jin == 3) momtmp.SetX(momtmp.X() + delta);
190  if (jin == 4) momtmp.SetY(momtmp.Y() + delta);
191  if (jin == 5) momtmp.SetZ(momtmp.Z() + delta);
193  helixPlusDelta = Belle2::Helix(postmp, momtmp, charge, Bz);
194  jacobian(iD0, jin) = (helixPlusDelta.getD0() - helix.getD0()) / delta ;
195  jacobian(iPhi0, jin) = (helixPlusDelta.getPhi0() - helix.getPhi0()) / delta ;
196  jacobian(iOmega, jin) = (helixPlusDelta.getOmega() - helix.getOmega()) / delta ;
197  jacobian(iZ0, jin) = (helixPlusDelta.getZ0() - helix.getZ0()) / delta ;
198  jacobian(iTanLambda, jin) = (helixPlusDelta.getTanLambda() - helix.getTanLambda()) / delta ;
199  }
201  }
203  inline double sqr(double x) { return x * x ; }
205  double HelixUtils::phidomain(const double phi)
206  {
207  double rc = phi ;
208  if (phi < -TMath::Pi()) rc += TMath::TwoPi();
209  else if (phi > TMath::Pi()) rc -= TMath::TwoPi();
210  return rc ;
211  }
213  //POCA between two tracks
214  double HelixUtils::helixPoca(const Belle2::Helix& helix1,
215  const Belle2::Helix& helix2,
216  double& flt1, double& flt2,
217  Belle2::B2Vector3D& vertex, bool parallel)
218  {
220  const double d0_1 = helix1.getD0();
221  const double phi0_1 = helix1.getPhi0();
222  const double omega_1 = helix1.getOmega();
224  const double d0_2 = helix2.getD0();
225  const double phi0_2 = helix2.getPhi0();
226  const double omega_2 = helix2.getOmega();
228  // These radii have a sign, like omega (negative for negative charge)
229  const double r_1 = 1 / omega_1 ;
230  const double r_2 = 1 / omega_2 ;
232  // 1) First look at the transverse plane, where the helix projection is a circle
233  // Coordinates of the centers of the circles
234  const double x0_1 = (r_1 + d0_1) * sin(phi0_1) ;
235  const double y0_1 = -(r_1 + d0_1) * cos(phi0_1) ;
237  const double x0_2 = (r_2 + d0_2) * sin(phi0_2) ;
238  const double y0_2 = -(r_2 + d0_2) * cos(phi0_2) ;
240  // Vector that goes from center1 to center2
241  const double deltax = x0_2 - x0_1 ;
242  const double deltay = y0_2 - y0_1 ;
244  // Intersections of the circles, can be at most two
245  double phi1[2] ;
246  double phi2[2] ;
247  int nsolutions = 1;
249  // The phi of the delta vector.
250  const double phi = - atan2(deltax, deltay) ;
251  const double phinot = phi > 0 ? phi - TMath::Pi() : phi + TMath::Pi() ;
252  phi1[0] = r_1 < 0 ? phi : phinot ;
253  phi2[0] = r_2 > 0 ? phi : phinot ;
255  // These radii do NOT have a sign instead
256  const double R1 = fabs(r_1) ;
257  const double R2 = fabs(r_2) ;
258  const double Rmin = R1 < R2 ? R1 : R2 ;
259  const double Rmax = R1 > R2 ? R1 : R2 ;
260  const double dX = hypot(deltax, deltay) ;
262  if (!parallel && dX + Rmin > Rmax && dX < R1 + R2) {
263  // Circles intersect in two points
264  nsolutions = 2 ;
266  // This is just the law of cosines
267  const double ddphi1 = acos((dX * dX - R2 * R2 + R1 * R1) / (2.*dX * R1)) ;
268  phi1[1] = phidomain(phi1[0] + ddphi1) ;
269  phi1[0] = phidomain(phi1[0] - ddphi1) ;
271  const double ddphi2 = acos((dX * dX - R1 * R1 + R2 * R2) / (2.*dX * R2)) ;
272  phi2[1] = phidomain(phi2[0] - ddphi2) ;
273  phi2[0] = phidomain(phi2[0] + ddphi2) ;
275  } else if (dX < Rmax) {
276  // Tangent or non-intersecting circles, one inside the other (only one POCA)
277  if (R1 > R2) phi2[0] = r_2 < 0 ? phi : phinot ;
278  else phi1[0] = r_1 < 0 ? phi : phinot ;
279  }
280  // else: tangent or non-intersecting circles, outside of each other (only one POCA)
281  // what we saved in phi1 and phi2 gives already the correct solution
283  // Intersections of the circles (cartesian)
284  double x1[2], y1[2], x2[2], y2[2];
285  for (int i = 0; i < nsolutions; i++) {
286  x1[i] = r_1 * sin(phi1[i]) + x0_1 ;
287  y1[i] = -r_1 * cos(phi1[i]) + y0_1 ;
288  x2[i] = r_2 * sin(phi2[i]) + x0_2 ;
289  y2[i] = -r_2 * cos(phi2[i]) + y0_2 ;
290  }
292  // 2) Find the best solution for z by running multiples of 2pi from the xy intersection(s)
293  double z1(0), z2(0);
294  bool first = true;
295  int ibest = 0;
296  const int nturnsmax = 10; // Max number of turns we try backwards and forwards
298  // Loop on all xy-plane solutions
299  for (int i = 0; i < nsolutions; ++i) {
300  const double l1 = helix1.getArcLength2DAtXY(x1[i], y1[i]);
301  const double l2 = helix2.getArcLength2DAtXY(x2[i], y2[i]);
303  // Loop on helix1 turns, save corresponding z positions
304  std::vector<double> z1s;
305  for (int n1 = 0; n1 <= nturnsmax; ++n1) {
306  bool added = false;
307  // Try forwards and backwards
308  for (int sn1 : {n1, -n1}) {
309  const double tmpz1 = helix1.getPositionAtArcLength2D(l1 + sn1 * TMath::TwoPi() / omega_1).Z();
310  if (sn1 == 0 || (-82 <= tmpz1 && tmpz1 <= 158)) {
311  // Only keep the 0th turn and those inside CDC volume
312  z1s.push_back(tmpz1);
313  added = true;
314  }
315  if (sn1 == 0)
316  break; // Do not store 0th turn twice
317  }
318  // If we did not add any point we are already outside CDC volume both backwards and forwards
319  if (!added)
320  break;
321  }
323  // Loop on helix2 turns, find closest approach to one of helix1 points
324  for (int n2 = 0; n2 <= nturnsmax; ++n2) {
325  bool tried = false;
326  // Try forwards and backwards
327  for (int sn2 : {n2, -n2}) {
328  const double tmpz2 = helix2.getPositionAtArcLength2D(l2 + sn2 * TMath::TwoPi() / omega_2).Z();
329  if (sn2 == 0 || (-82 <= tmpz2 && tmpz2 <= 158)) {
330  // Only keep the 0th turn and those inside CDC volume
331  tried = true;
332  // Find the tmpz1 closest to tmpz2
333  const auto i1best = std::min_element(
334  z1s.cbegin(), z1s.cend(), [&tmpz2](const double & z1a, const double & z1b) {
335  return fabs(z1a - tmpz2) < fabs(z1b - tmpz2);
336  });
337  const double tmpz1 = *i1best;
338  // Keep the solution where the z distance of closest approach is minimum
339  if (first || fabs(tmpz1 - tmpz2) < fabs(z1 - z2)) {
340  ibest = i;
341  first = false;
342  z1 = tmpz1;
343  z2 = tmpz2;
344  flt1 = l1;
345  flt2 = l2;
346  }
347  }
348  if (n2 == 0)
349  break; // Do not try 0th turn twice
350  }
351  // If we did not try any point we are already outside CDC volume both backwards and forwards
352  if (!tried)
353  break;
354  }
355  }
357  vertex.SetX(0.5 * (x1[ibest] + x2[ibest]));
358  vertex.SetY(0.5 * (y1[ibest] + y2[ibest]));
359  vertex.SetZ(0.5 * (z1 + z2));
361  return hypot(x2[ibest] - x1[ibest], y2[ibest] - y1[ibest], z2 - z1);
362  }
364  //POCA between a track and a point
366  const Belle2::B2Vector3D& point,
367  double& flt)
368  {
369  const double d0 = helix.getD0();
370  const double phi0 = helix.getPhi0();
371  const double omega = helix.getOmega();
372  const double z0 = helix.getZ0();
373  const double tandip = helix.getTanLambda();
374  const double cosdip = cos(atan(tandip)) ; // can do that faster
376  const double r = 1 / omega ;
378  const double x0 = - (r + d0) * sin(phi0) ;
379  const double y0 = (r + d0) * cos(phi0) ;
381  const double deltax = x0 - point.X() ;
382  const double deltay = y0 - point.Y() ;
384  const double pi = TMath::Pi();
385  double phi = - atan2(deltax, deltay) ;
386  if (r < 0) phi = phi > 0 ? phi - pi : phi + pi ;
388  // find the best solution for z by running multiples of 2_pi
389  const double x = r * sin(phi) + x0 ;
390  const double y = -r * cos(phi) + y0 ;
391  double z(0) ;
392  bool first(true) ;
393  const int ncirc(2) ;
394  const double dphi = phidomain(phi - phi0) ;
395  for (int n = 1 - ncirc; n <= 1 + ncirc ; ++n) {
396  const double l = (dphi + n * TMath::TwoPi()) / omega ;
397  const double tmpz = (z0 + l * tandip) ;
398  if (first || fabs(tmpz - point.Z()) < fabs(z - point.Z())) {
399  first = false ;
400  z = tmpz ;
401  flt = l / cosdip ;
402  }
403  }
404  return sqrt(sqr(x - point.X()) + sqr(y - point.Y()) + sqr(z - point.Z())) ;
405  }
407  void HelixUtils::getJacobianToCartesianFrameworkHelix(Eigen::Matrix<double, 5, 6>& jacobian,
408  const double x,
409  const double y,
410  const double z __attribute__((unused)),
411  const double px,
412  const double py,
413  const double pz,
414  const double bfield,
415  const double charge
416  )
418  {
419  const double alpha = 1.0 / (bfield * Belle2::Const::speedOfLight) * 1E4;
420  const double aq = charge / alpha;
422  const double pt = std::hypot(px, py);
423  const double pt2 = pt * pt;
424  const double pt3 = pt2 * pt;
425  const double aq2 = aq * aq;
427  const double x2 = x * x;
428  const double y2 = y * y;
429  const double r = x2 + y2;
431  const double px2 = px * px;
432  const double py2 = py * py;
434  const double px0 = px - aq * y;
435  const double py0 = py + aq * x;
437  const double pt02 = px0 * px0 + py0 * py0;
438  const double pt0 = std::sqrt(pt02);
439  double sqrt13 = pt0 / pt;
441  // D d0 / Dx_i
442  jacobian(0, 0) = py0 / pt0;
443  jacobian(0, 1) = -px0 / pt0;
444  jacobian(0, 2) = 0;
445  jacobian(0, 3) = (-(y * (aq2 * r + 2 * aq * py * x + 2 * py2 * (1 + sqrt13))) - px * (2 * py * x * (1 + sqrt13) + aq * (y2 *
446  (-1 + sqrt13) + x2 * (1 + sqrt13)))) /
447  (pt2 * pt0 * (1 + sqrt13) * (1 + sqrt13));
449  jacobian(0, 4) = (2 * px2 * x * (1 + sqrt13) + 2 * px * y * (py - aq * x + py * sqrt13) + aq * (aq * r * x - py * (x2 *
450  (-1 + sqrt13) + y2 * (1 + sqrt13)))) /
451  (pt2 * pt0 * (1 + sqrt13) * (1 + sqrt13));
452  jacobian(0, 5) = 0;
454  // D phi0 / Dx_i0;
455  jacobian(1, 0) = aq * px0 / pt02;
456  jacobian(1, 1) = aq * py0 / pt02;
457  jacobian(1, 2) = 0;
458  jacobian(1, 3) = -py0 / pt02;
459  jacobian(1, 4) = px0 / pt02;
460  jacobian(1, 5) = 0;
462  // D omega / Dx_i
463  jacobian(2, 0) = 0;
464  jacobian(2, 1) = 0;
465  jacobian(2, 2) = 0;
466  jacobian(2, 3) = - aq * px / pt3;
467  jacobian(2, 4) = - aq * py / pt3;
468  jacobian(2, 5) = 0;
470  // D z0 / Dx_i
471  jacobian(3, 0) = -pz * px0 / pt02;
472  jacobian(3, 1) = -pz * py0 / pt02;
473  jacobian(3, 2) = 1;
474  jacobian(3, 3) = (pz * (px2 * x - py * (aq * r + py * x) + 2 * px * py * y)) / (pt2 * pt02);
475  jacobian(3, 4) = (pz * (px * (aq * r + 2 * py * x) - px2 * y + py2 * y)) / (pt2 * pt02);
476  jacobian(3, 5) = std::atan2(-(aq * (px * x + py * y)), (px2 + py * py0 - aq * px * y)) / aq; //pt on num. and denom cancels.
478  // D tan lambda / Dx_i
479  jacobian(4, 0) = 0;
480  jacobian(4, 1) = 0;
481  jacobian(4, 2) = 0;
482  jacobian(4, 3) = -pz * px / pt3;
483  jacobian(4, 4) = -pz * py / pt3;
484  jacobian(4, 5) = 1. / pt;
485  }
487 }
DataType Z() const
access variable Z (= .at(2) without boundary check)
Definition: B2Vector3.h:435
DataType X() const
access variable X (= .at(0) without boundary check)
Definition: B2Vector3.h:431
DataType Y() const
access variable Y (= .at(1) without boundary check)
Definition: B2Vector3.h:433
Helix parameter class.
Definition: Helix.h:48
static const double speedOfLight
Definition: Const.h:686
static std::string vertexParName(int i)
map of the vertex parameters by list index
static void helixFromVertex(const Eigen::Matrix< double, 1, 6 > &positionAndMomentum, int charge, double Bz, Belle2::Helix &helix, double &L, Eigen::Matrix< double, 5, 6 > &jacobian)
vertex --> helix
static void getHelixAndJacobianFromVertexNumerical(const Eigen::Matrix< double, 1, 6 > &positionAndMom, int charge, double Bz, Belle2::Helix &helix, Eigen::Matrix< double, 5, 6 > &jacobian)
get helix and jacobian from a vertex
static void vertexFromHelix(const Belle2::Helix &helix, double L, double Bz, ROOT::Math::XYZVector &position, ROOT::Math::XYZVector &momentum, int &charge)
helix --> vertex
static void printVertexPar(const Belle2::B2Vector3D &position, const Belle2::B2Vector3D &momentum, int charge)
Print the vertex parameters.
static double helixPoca(const Belle2::Helix &helix1, const Belle2::Helix &helix2, double &flt1, double &flt2, Belle2::B2Vector3D &vertex, bool parallel=false)
POCA between two tracks.
static void getJacobianFromVertexNumerical(const Eigen::Matrix< double, 1, 6 > &positionAndMom, int charge, double Bz, const Belle2::Helix &helix, Eigen::Matrix< double, 5, 6 > &jacobian, double delta=1e-5)
get jacobian from a vertex
static std::string helixParName(int i)
map of the helix parameters by list index
static double phidomain(const double phi)
the domain of phi
static void getJacobianToCartesianFrameworkHelix(Eigen::Matrix< double, 5, 6 > &jacobian, const double x, const double y, const double z, const double px, const double py, const double pz, const double bfield, const double charge)
get the jacobian dh={helix pars}/dx={x,y,z,px,py,pz} for the implementation of the framework helix.
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
double atan(double a)
atan for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:34